
My Husband is a Vampire
Jiseung loves his new baby sister and loves to help her out. He even has changed her diaper a couple of times. He doesn't mind helping but sometimes he feels left out. Don't do this because of the baby. Look at the baby. Oh how cute. 
The little one is not getting the attention that he use to because he was the only child for ten years. Now that there are now two babies in the mix the little one really feels that they will totally forget him one day. Jiyong has noticed his son's behavior the past couple of days and it's been getting bad now that he is getting notes from his teachers. 
Once again the little one has started a fight at school and Jiyong had to pack the car to bring the baby and his pregnant self. Jiyong is shocked by his son's behavior and it's marking a new chapter in parenting. JIyong goes through the school doors with his stroller with Jihyun wiggling in the seat. "Let's see what big brother did today. I hope that he is not too sad." 
Jiseung is not one to pick fights but he just finds release when he bullies. This is something that Seunghyun did when he was a kid too, so Jiyong has a little understanding. Jiyong finally makes it to the principals office and the secretary stands to open the door for the man. The door opens and there is Jiseung in tears. Jiyong is heartbroken because his son has never been in the principal's office like this before. "Hello Mr. Kwon." says Principal Lee 
Jiyong bows. "I'm sorry for my son's behavior." The principal smiles as Jiyong takes a seat. Jiyong looks over at his son and Jiseung immediately puts his head down with a sniffle. "I'm sorry appa...." 
The principal then looks at the younger one. "Jiseung please wait outside. Me and your daddy are going to have a talk." The little one stands and bows. To then leave the room. Jiyong looks at the principal again. "I'm sorry about this." 
"Well I called you up here mainly to ask if everything is okay at home. Your son is showing signs of depression and it concerns me." Jiyong had no idea that it was this bad. "Is he really depressed?" 
"Ne. The school counselor has talked to him earlier." 
"Oh...well he has  a new sister...and I just recently found out that I'm expecting another child. We didn't expect to conceive this early after adopting a child...but you know nature...it's unpredictable..." says Jiyong trying to lighten the mood. Principal Lee chuckles to herself.  "Well I can a test to that. My middle child was a surprise to us too...what I think that your son is thinking is that he is left out." 
Jiyong then starts to tear up. "I know....and my husband and I have been trying to make him feel better." 
"Don't worry. It's very common. My children did it too, but they soon realized that we love them all the same." 
Jiyong nods. "I hope that he will see that soon...I can't stand my baby acting like this...and not talking to me." 
"It's okay Jiyong Shi. You just need to do more family things together and have him feel really apart of it." 
Jiyong nods. "We will do that" He then stands with a mini bow. "Thank you." 
Jiyong then opens the door to the office. Jiseung then stands and bows to his father ."I'm sorry appa." Jiyong smiles and hugs his little one. "I love you. You know that?" 
The little one stares into his appa's eyes. "You are not mad?" 
"I'm a little sad that you bullied people. You remember what I told you about bullies right?" says Jiyong pulling his son into a hug. "We want to be nice to every one because nice gets you far in life." Jiseung nods. "Ne appa....I won't do it again....do we have to tell daddy?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne. We do, but we will get through this okay my baby?" 
"Ne..." says Jiseng putting his head down again. Jiyong places a kiss on his son's head. "Don't put your head down. I will miss your smiling face" 
The younger lifts his head and follows his appa out the door. 
//////////////////////////The bedroom////////////////////////////
Jiyong rubs his belly as his husband paces the room. "He has never acted like this before." 
"Well. The principal told me because he feels left out." 
Seunghyun stops pacing with a sad face. "Left out....really?" 
Jiyong sighs. "Come to think of it baby we have been really focused on the new baby...and there has been a lot of don't do this to our son." 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne...and now I feel terrible. What should we do about it?" 
"Well the weather will be cool tomorrow....maybe a picnic?" 
Seunghyun grins. "Well that's something new. Where should we go?" 
"Well we could stay close. The neighborhood park is nice. Jiseung could play on the play ground with you and also we could fly kites?" 
The two are happy that they came up with something. Being parents they didn't want to let Jiseung off the hook so the little one is currently writing a essay on how to treat people nicely. Even though Jiyong and Seunghyun know that the little one feels left out they want their son to not resort to bulling again. It's not a good habit to have. Plus it's something that runs in the family. Seunghyun was a bit of a bully when his abilities started developing. His brain works faster than humans so he could out think a punch in seconds and get what he wants before you can think of anything else. 
Jiyong is not the type to allow such behavior so he wants his sweet boy back. He doesn't want to see his little one depressed...it hurts his heart. "I will go to the market and grab some food for tomorrow. What would you all want?" 
"Just simple dishes baby. Don't go too crazy." 
Jiyong then stands. "But we have to baby. This is for our son" Jiyong then starts to cry. "I feel so bad with him so sad. I just want him to smile again. To look up at me with those eyes that are the same color as mine and that nose that is the same as yours. He is our creation our first born....I want this to be the best picnic ever." Seunghyun then walks over to hold his lover. He rubs Jiyong's belly gently helping to calm his lover down a bit. "Sorry baby. I wish for the same too. Why don't we all go get the food. Ne?" 
Jiyong then smiles wiping a tear. "Sorry baby...my pregoness is getting me emotional today." 
"I'm use to it" says the older with a chuckle. 
////////////////////////////The Market////////////////////////
"Hyunnie....put those melons down....aish...don't do that....baby...." Jiyong whines making Jiseung giggle in the back ground. Jiyong sometimes has two children to watch at the market because he knows food shopping drives them crazy. 
Jiyong would just go on his own but what ever he buys ends up not what they wanted so Jiyong makes everyone go. "Okay so what kind of veggies do you want baby boy?" 
Jiseung points to a couple of veggies. "I want those those and those..." He smiles making Jiyong chuckle. "Okay baby. Hyunnie....aish hyunnie....stop trying to juggle everything." Seunghyun puts the apples down. "I want what my baby boy wants" Jiseung grins and starts to pick out more and more food. "What would you like appas?" says Jiseung look up at his daddy. 
Jiyong then grins. "Hmmm. I could use some candy." 
"Neeeee we must have candy." says Seunghyun with a grin. Jiyong then looks at the older. "Candy that humans eat....not my blood baby...." 
"Darn" says the older jokingly. 
The food is now piling out of the cart and almost hitting the baby carrier on top of the cart. Jiyong has more than enough food and some of the food will just end up in the fridge for other meals. Jiyong goes to the checkout line where Jiseng and Seunghyun put the food on the ramp to be scanned. 
50,000 won later and the family heads out to the car. Jiyong puts the baby in the car while the other two put the food in the truck of the car. Jiyong wants to get a bigger car so Seunghyun is currently looking. Two car seats in a car will be too crowded for Jiseung. 
Seunghyun starts the car. "We need a bigger car." 
Jiyong nods. "Ne. The mini vans have been looking nice." 
"I can't do mini vans. It just makes me lose my cool points." 
"I'm sure plenty of vampires drive mini vans." 
Jiseung giggles in the background while his dad's have a debate over mini vans. Jiyong looks back with a smile. "What's so funny mister." 
"Nothing...appa's are funny" 
//////////////////////////////////////The park////////////////////////////////
Jiyong has plenty of food spread out on the blanket. They are at their neighborhood park and there are plenty of trees surrounding a big field of grass and a mini play ground. Jiyong  and the family have been eating and enjoying the weather so far. The weather is perfect for just sitting around under a tree. Jihyun is doing well just cooing and drooling as she lays on the blanket. 
Seunghyun stares up at the sun and blinks a couple of times. "I wonder who thought of vampires being allergic to the sun." The older always thinks of random things. Jiyong puts more Kimchi on his chop sticks. "Open wide my strong boy" Jiseung eats more food and chews. "Daddy I have had lots today. Can we slow down a bit." Jiyong chuckles. "Sorry...we just enjoy feeding you." 
"Wanna fly the kite now?" says Jiyong pulling it out of the plastic. Jiseung is of course excited to fly one. Jiyong pulls the string out and smiles as the wind blows a bit. "Looks like we have good wind today Yongie" says Seunghyun taking the baby into his arms. Jiyong then stands holding out his hand. "Come my sweet boy. Let's go fly a kite" says Jiyong singing the Mary Poppins tune. 
Jiseung follows his daddy to the middle of the field to watch the kite go from the ground to slowly floating in the sky. Jiyong smiles a bit as he adjust the string. "You wanna try now?" 
The little one smiles. "Ne" Jiyong walks over and bends down a bit. "You have to hold it like this. Okay?" says Jiyong kissing his son's hair. Jiseung grins as he takes the string. The kite soars in the sky as the wind continues to carry it high. "Can I make it higher." 
"Sure. Just a little bit. Ne?" says Jiyong watching the kite string. Jiseung smiles a bit but then suddenly starts to cry. Jiyong and Seunghyun of course run to their son's side. "What's wrong baby?" says Jiyong holding  his son. Jiseung who still has grip of the kite smiles. "Thank you...." 
Jiyong then looks his son in the eyes wiping a tear. "Thank you? For what baby?" says Jiyong combing through his son's hair. "Thank you for today. Thank you for making me feel special." 
Seunghyun smiles at his smart son. "You are always special to us baby. We want you to know that we love you so much. We want you to always feel apart of this family. You are our first born and the one that brought your daddy and I together." 
Jiseung wipes another tear. "I know." smiles the little one. "I will be a good boy for now on. I'm sorry about the bullying....I will be careful with sister" 
Jiyong kisses the little one's cheek "We know you will baby boy." Jiyong kisses his son. "I love you" Seunghyun kisses the little one too. "We love you" 
"I love you too" 

**Thank you for reading! I"m happy that you all like domestic vampire tabi. Please leave feedback and  a UPVOTE. Love^^

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great fic authornim its so cute and funny in ways and vamp seung is what i need hahaha and all those cute pics you put up melted my heart especially that cute baby @.@ adorable kekek
Chapter 14: I miss this story... read it again and well, i wonder since you marked it completed.
ros_ie #3
I miss this awesome story.. hope u can update it soon.. :)
GentleLockedHearts #4
Chapter 14: I read this before I made an account, this is awesome.
wani_oneni #5
Chapter 14: Please update soon!
mikadosm #6
Chapter 14: Really sweet and so much fluff! I like Seunghun's and Jiyong parenting. Continue writing!
YtotheB #7
Chapter 14: I'm so happy you updated! I love this stody so much, please don't abandon it. Kkk. :')
Ahh, I love this~!
Chapter 14: kyaaaa~~~ you're finally update tjis story. thank you. i really missed thi family♥♥ kkkkkkk