Chapter 8 : Ready Set Go

SS3 Trilogy: Curiosity

Before they reached the door by the pool their hands separated so that it won’t cause any issues if anyone would see them. When they were back at the gym.

Clare :                   Finally, so how was it?

LeeYan :               It went well. I’ll tell you about it over breakfast.

They were about to bid farewell when Sungmin called on Yiuhan.

Sungmin :            Yiuhan! I know who your real Sungmin is…


LeeYan’s POV


LeeYan and his friends were waiting for the elevator when he received a message from Sungmin.



When LeeYan and his friends were back at the hotel, he then noticed that Clare wasn’t around, he immediately took his phone and dialed her number.

Clare :                   Hello?


LeeYan :               Yah, are you having breakfast with me later?


Clare :                  What? Yep. Of course.


LeeYan :               What time will you be back? 


Clare :                   Probably in a few minutes. Maybe half an hour to forty-five minutes?


LeeYan :               Okay. I'll ask the others about their plans. See yah!


After hanging up the phone LeeYan looked for the others to find out what they were doing. He then saw Yiuhan searching her bag for something.


LeeYan :               Yah! Searching for your granny hat? Ahahaha!  Do you want to have breakfast at Circles?


Yiuhan :                Sure. How about Jaja and Janine?


LeeYan :               Janine can have my breakfast tomorrow. She said she’ll have the left over pizza from last night. Uhm Jaja… Look at her… (LeeYan and Clare stared at Jaja who was brushing her hair in front of the mirror) I think she has gone mental.


Yiuhan :               Ahahahaha… I don’t think so, she probably is still shocked from early this morning. 


LeeYan :               Alright then let’s go.


LeeYan and Yiuhan went down to Circles to have breakfast before they were joined by Clare a few minutes after.



LeeYan :               (Snaps fingers at Yiuhan's face)  Yah, speak up! I've been talking to you for fifteen minutes already, turns out you haven't been paying attention! And please wipe that look off your face. You're creeping me out.


Yiuhan :               S-sorry. It's just... aish! I'm so confused.


LeeYan :              Lemme guess. ImJustABoy?


Yiuhan  just answered LeeYan with a nod.


LeeYan :              (Gives out a knowing smile) You're going mental now too, huh?


Yiuhan :               Who wouldn't? I just received another text from him...


Yiuhan was absent minded for a few minutes.


LeeYan:               So what did he say?


Yiuhan just had a confirmation that ImJustABoy is actually a member of Super Junior.


LeeYan :               And what did you answer him?


Yiuhan :               I don't know! It's just... I find this all so weird. Is it really possible?


LeeYan :              Believe me girl, you'll go even crazier when you find out who your stalker really is. Haha.


Yiuhan :               Please tell me already! I'm about to explode here!


LeeYan :              Well, let's just put it this way - he said "Sungmin HYUNG", which means he's younger than Sungmin.


Yiuhan :               Oh.......


Yiuhan was once again had a blank expression on her face.


LeeYan :               (Slaps Yiuhan in the head)  Yah, behave, will you? Try to act decent for once; we're eating at a five-star hotel for kimchi's sake!


Yiuhan :               Sorry.  (Whispers excitedly) ! What if he's Eunhyuk???!!!


LeeYan :               I'm not telling, girl. You'd have to find out for yourself. That is, if your stalker would be lucky too, haha!


LeeYan is watching a video on his phone while Yiuhan is in outerspace thinking about something unknown, Clare came in to Circles rushing.


LeeYan :               Finally…Noona where have you been.


Clare :                  (Turns to LeeYan immediately while grabbing a chair to sit, she gave him a “shut up” look) So spill it? How did you and Sungmin meet?


Yiuahan :              Unnie, you knew about him and Sungmin all along?


Clare :                  Not until our dinner last night.


LeeYan :               Tell me your story and I’ll tell you mine. (Turns to Yiuhan) And you… How did you meet Henry?


Clare :                   That is so you LeeYan. Ahahaha!


Clare then shared to LeeYan and Yiuhan her story from the switched planner to their taho adventure that morning.


LeeYan :               Woooaaahhh! So Siwon is the ajhussi you were talking about? That’s quite a story. And then what?


Clare :                   What do you mean what?


Yiuhan :                 Did you guys kiss?


Clare :                   No. I have no plans of dying anytime soon. 


LeeYan :               I don't get it, why would you dying have anything to do with it?


Yiuhan  :               Well, a kiss from a guy like that...I'd probably die, too.


Clare :                  Yiuhan! I thought you didn't like Siwon.


Yiuhan :               Liking him and having him kiss me are two different things and you know it. So tell us what you mean.


Clare :                  If all those fangirls stuck like barnacles to the floor and the couches on the lobby find out that we actually MET the guys, they'd go ballistic on us. And I will be mobbed, trampled and torn to bits if they find out that we kissed. IF we will kiss, which we won't. It's not that kind of friendship, thank you.


LeeYan :               (Rolling his eyes) Whatever you say.


Clare :                   Now it’s your turn to spill your story.


LeeYan then told Clare and Yiuhan his story from how he met Sungmin from the lobby up until their talk that morning.


Clare :                   Dude, you know what this means don’t you.


LeeYan :               I know. I like him Noona. For some odd reason this one is beyond being star struck.


Clare :                   Well, It’s obvious that he like you too.


LeeYan :               That’s what he said. Their still idols though. So I am still being careful.


Yiuhan :                ImJustABoy???


LeeYan :               Huh?


Yiuhan :                Oppa. Sungmin oppa said you know who he is. Did he tell you?


LeeYan :               He did. But both of you don’t know that we know. Did that make sense? Hey! You haven’t told us your side of the story.


Yiuhan rekindled her story about her conversation with ImJustABoy until his little chat with Henry that morning.


The three of them finished their breakfast. LeeYan was busy texting on his phone the whole time they were eating.


Sungmin’s POV


Sungmin and Leeteuk ordered room service for breakfast. They reached their room first and he immediately send LeeYan an SMS.


Leeteuk :             So Sungmin-ah how was your talk with LeeYan?


Sungmin :            It went well, It turns out we were both feeling the same way.


Leeteuk :             I told you so. But don’t break that person’s heart. You are still an idol and you have an image to protect.


Sungmin :            LeeYan is a smart guy, he knows all about it. And with regard to breaking someone’s heart? You know I can’t do that. I won’t.


Leeteuk :             I’m just saying.


Sungmin :            I don’t know hyung, whenever I am with LeeYan, I feel comfortable. I can be myself.


Leeteuk :             Well that is how it is when you like somebody.


Sungmin :            I guess. But this is the first time. And…


Leeteuk :             Aish! Sungmin-ah instead of having this conversation with me I think you better talk it over with LeeYan. I know where this is coming from.


Sungmin :            What do you mean.


Leeteuk :             I know you well Sungmin. Well enough to know that it would also be hard for you after the concert and you are also afraid how it would be like for LeeYan.


Sungmin :            I hate it when you’re right.


Leeteuk :             Ahahaha!


Sungmin then approached the member in front of his computer.


Sungmin :            Uhm… Well, I kind of told somebody that you are ImJustABoy.


ImJustABoy :       It’s that LeeYan guy right?


Sungmin :            How did you know?


ImJustABoy :        I overheard your conversation with Leeteuk hyung last night.


Sungmin :            Oh you did? He promised me he wouldn’t tell a soul.


ImJustABoy :       Can you vouch for him on that.


Sungmin :           Honestly? Yes!


ImJustABoy :       I trust your judgment hyung. Wait a minute. That means he knows who the other writer right?


Sungmin :            The one that you’ve been stalking? Ahahaha! Yes!


ImJustABoy :       Who is it?


Sungmin :            Sorry. Just like LeeYan, I promised I wouldn’t tell a soul.


ImJustABoy :       Aish! I’ll find out who she is and when I do…


Sungmin :            What will you do?


ImJustABoy :      It’s for me to know and you to find out.


Sungmin :            Ahahahah! Good one.


Their breakfast came and everyone became busy.


3rd Person’s POV


LeeYan getting a bowl of cereals when he received another message.



Each group finished their breakfast, LeeYan, Yiuhan, and Clare went back t their room. The morning went smoothly, Yiuhan was still in deep thought who ImJustABoy is, LeeYan was listening to Sungmin’s Baby Baby rendition SS2, Clare was busy texting and preparing her outfit for the concert, Janine and Jaja went to find a custom printer for Jaja's shirt and we spent the morning preparing our stuff for the concert.


Clare :                  What do you think?


LeeYan :              (Looking up from his laptop) What?


Clare :                  (Holding up two pairs of shoes) Plaid or red?


LeeYan :              Either.


Clare :                 Now come on! A little help here? I can't decide!


LeeYan :              Why not wear the blue wedges you were wearing yesterday?


Clare :                  LeeYan, I'm wearing mini skirt. I need to wear a big top and flats with it. If I wear my 4-inch wedges, I'm gonna look like a , which is Yiuhan's role...not to mention I'll be towering above all of you!


Yiuhan :               I heard that! I object!


Clare :                  Oh, yeah? To what?


LeeYan :              To being the ?


Yiuhan :               No. To her towering over us. I'm not that short!


She ducked just in time to avoid shoes and pillows flying in her direction. LeeYan was laughed so hard, he loves it when the three of them bash each other. He was having so much fun until a text message came in.

LeeYan :               Guys, I think I need to go down for a bit. Just need to smoke.


Clare :                  You want me to come with?


LeeYan :               No. It’s ok.


Yiuhan :                Are you going to meet Sungmin again?


LeeYan :               No! They're busy preparing for the concert. Duh!


Clare :                  Alright. I’ll just have a quick shower.


LeeYan grabbed his room key and went down to Starbucks 6750. He immediately dialed Sungmin’s number while waiting for his Peach Tazo Iced Tea.


LeeYan :               Hi! Are you ok? Are you guys leaving for the venue soon?


Sungmin :            Calm down. I’m ok. And yes we are leaving in a few hours. Just want to hear your voice.


LeeYan :               That is so sweet. Have a quick bite before your performance. Ok?


Sungmin :            I am quite excited for the concert I don’t think I can eat.


LeeYan :               Well, you should. At least take small bites, you would need all the strength you can get.


Sungmin :            Thank you.


LeeYan :               For what?


Sungmin :            For caring so much about me.


LeeYan :               Of course, I am your biggest fan.


Sungmin :            Just a fan.


LeeYan :               Lee Sungmin! Let’s talk about it some more later. For now you need to rest and we also need to prepare.


Sungmin :            Don’t you want to talk to me anymore?


LeeYan :               Of course I do. Thing is, you are to perform later. And I want to look good later incase you are able to find me later. Ahahaha!


Sungmin :            Oh! I’ll be looking forward to it then . What will you be wearing by the way?


LeeYan :               I’ll be wearing a black v neck shirt with a sketch of SS3 in front and with you and Teukie’s picture on my right arm.


Sungmin :            Su hyung? Why?


LeeYan :              He’s my age plus he is funny. Why?


Sungmin :            Nothing! You don’t think I am funny?


LeeYan :               Yes you are. Uhm… Are you mad?


Sungmin :            No ! Just surprised.


LeeYan :              Don’t worry Pumpkin, I’ll be cheering for all of you from the crowd. But, I’ll be cheering for you the loudest.


Sungmin :            Really?


LeeYan :              Really. Be safe sweet pumpkin. And by the way, I also wanted to hear your voice.


Sungmin :            Thanks Leeyan.


LeeYan :               See you later Sweet Pumpkin. (Hangs up the phone)


Super Junior prepared for their departure they needed to do sound check, wardrobe check and the works for the concert. At the same time the five Filipino friends also prepared for the concert.


LeeYan was fixing his hair when he received a txt message.

The text seemed rushed so LeeYan didn’t reply to it anymore.


Around 4PM they left the hotel. LeeYan, Clare, Shinyiuhan, Jaja and Janine arrived at the concert around 4:30 in the afternoon. Araneta coliseum was packed with ELFs who had been waiting for the boys to start the show. Different banners and gifts were prepared for the boys of Super Junior. The five of them needed to split, Shinyiuhan and Jaja were at the SVIP section while, LeeYan, Clare and Janine got their seats at the VVIP section.


LeeYan was excited; he kept on wondering if Sungmin would remember what they have talked about a few hours ago. He can’t do anything but hope, until his phone rang an hour before the concert.


LeeYan :               Hi! I’m here already. Are you ok?


Sungmin :            Yes! I am just wondering why you didn’t reply to my message earlier.


LeeYan  :              Oh that? I know how busy you may be for the concert and didn’t want to bother you.


Sungmin :            Ok. I thought you’re mad at me or something.


LeeYan :               Why would I be mad at you?


Sungmin :            The whole Jung Su hyung thing.


LeeYan :               Oh that. No worries. Remember what I have said earlier?


Sungmin :            Yes!


Leeteuk shouted from the background (“It’s almost time. Places everyone.”)


LeeYan :               Your Umma needs you now. Ahahaha!


Sungmin :            Right! I’ll see you later?


LeeYan :               After the concert?


Sungmin :            That and during the concert. I promised to look for you from the crowd.


LeeYan :               Ahahaha! Alright then. I’ll be around. See you then. (Hangs up)


Finally it was 7 PM, the lights went off and it was time for the show to start.

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On a serious note, thank you so much for all the prayers! I couldn't thank you enough for all the support you've given me and my family. I love you guys so much!
Hey, I missed this...sorry oppa! And I know I'm a borderline diabetic so please minimize the sweetness a bit! <br />
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@kyunine23: kyumin? Ewww?
ants are now all over where i am because of that sweetness. . .<br />
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love it!<br />
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Cho-SiHae #4
Tsk tsk! Sungmin caught Siwon cheating at the hunt! Love the EunHae pics. Ü
Kyunine23 #5
WOW!! Love the pics!! Especially Eunhyuk's pic hehehe!!<br />
SO COOL!!! <br />
GOOSSHHH Sungmin why so sweet?? <br />
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LeeYan #6
Woaahhh... I have a new reader... Now I am pressured to update this fic... I am so sorry... My co authors are still busy... We'll update soon
LeeYan #7
So sorry for the very long wait... It's almost a month now... I know I know... The girls and I have been busy with work... We promise to update soon.
LeeYan #8
@dolce : Ahahaha... You want to bring Sungmin home? What for??? Ahahahah
@dolce: I'm with LeeYan right now and he says NO. Haha!
-dolce- #10
Sungmin is soooooo cute! Can I bring him home?