Chapter Fourteen: Déjà vu

Small Bump










This place earns every dark soul and hurt I release. My favorite place turns sad.

I sit at the very end of the vintage cement like my early college days.

Was he joking? Or is it, he really forgot me? Kris forgot me... He never knew me.

Look at what you did small bump, everything is on mess. But I don't want to put you on this. I caress my belly.

Woww! She got so big easily. Yes, I am three month pregnant and yes, it was obvious. Now everyone knows. I haven't talk to Dad and Mom properly yet.

Does this means he forgot you too? Please, oh please no! Ani, he was just joking. I mean, he kept on doing silly stupid jokes.

Gosh, stop with tears Sooyoung!

And the time is still late nine in the evening and the city lights in view down there is shimmering. I try to adjust to the bench and eventually lay myself keeping and trying my eyes close.

Kris doesn't remember me at all? It isn't baby's fault. Look what I have done. I bought everyone and everything to distruction. What will I do now?

Supposedly I'm on his arms right now, weeping from happiness but in the reality, it's just the opposite. It's been hard these past weeks and I don't know where to go to, to run to.

Supposedly I'm on his arms right now, telling me that everything's alright but in the reality, it's just the opposite. How can this be alright when he isn't even at my side - or even had remembered me. Oh, please help me!

The witches had gone out of our sight - to the jailed bars they are but yet, I have to face another hard and more agonizing challenge.

I'll never let those witches harm you my child neither whatever happens between your Dad and Me. But as always, I'll love you both to the very end. I will get through this... I will.

I've had last view of the blinking city lights there as sleepliness floods me... all I think about is you, Kris.

And I make myself surrender to the heavy eyes I carry...











The guys went weird and I felt distant to them. They were so the unlike friends before.

I mean, it makes feel I'm outcast these past days.

After awhile sitting on this hospital bed with great boredom, the doctor finally releases me. From the start of this, I really don't know why'd the hell I fled on a hospitsal. I don't remember any single blink or idea of what happened.

The guys helped my parents with the checks, papers and bags out.

And another thing, I don't know what condition I'm in right now.

But somehow, I felt this feeling that needs me to remember everything, a big thing to be exact. I just can't. I get my head dizzy after trying and trying hard for whatever that might be.

I am greedy now to know.

"Hey hyung, the elders wanted to say something before we go." Chen eyed Xiumin with a message. So probably, they're not talking to me, they are talking ABOUT me.

Xiumin dragged Suho with him outside leaving me. Well, I gues I'll make sure everything's packed up.

I wonder how I didn't get major injuries inspite the fact I am in a hospital, you know... those needle thingy I hate. It doesn't make sense at all! Or at least without those, needy needle thingy. How about... mental outrage? You're kidding Kris.

So, I think all is done and what's taking them so long! I sit on a chair just behind the door trying to listen their conversation.

No matter what privacy I could give them, I could still hear their voices just outside the hallway.

"Aunt, we can't do that!" it's Yuri, why is she here? Bet their practically talking to Mom. Well, I can't hear her though.

Oh, this is taking to nowhere. I opened the doorknob to find all the youngsters gathered around my dearly mother. Since when did those girls get close to Mom?

"Guys, Sooyoung has been found." Taeyeon came after a distance from them.

"What about Mr. and Mrs. Choi?" Sunny adds in.

"Maybe, I'll handle those." Mom sighs and lifts her head up. A problem. Mother does that when she's in deep though of something that will make the best and good things to happen.

"Crap that pregnant girl! Where have she been?!" Jessica hovers to them and it's enough for me to hear over here, meters away from the group.


Young people get so pregnant early these days. Tsk, Oh wait. Who? Sooyoung? Err... It's so familiar and my heads having a headache again. Whenever her names mentioned in my mind, I spin again and again.

"What did I say again?" Mom has her arms crossed with the left arm free in motion.

"Don't tell him until the time needed it." all ten guys and four girls recited like uninterested desperate children from school.

"He needs a term for rest and please, have trust"

"Aunt, I don't know where this is gonna go." Taeyeon chokes.

"Okay, I'm gonna be the father while Kris is away." Jessica says lifeless.

About me again! I don't know anything!

"Uhm, excuse me?" I ask suspiciously. Maybe they should tell me this time.

"Oh nothing hyung! Let's go!" Kyungsoo invites... Maybe not.

All of them freezes from my unexpected show up. Jessica doesn't join and Suho's there beside her poking her hard. Seems like he's whispering something.

I just need to find this out. 










This is my chance. I arrive at Wu's residence with Yoona and Seohyun accompanying me. This better be good, and this better be final or else, it's finish.

"Kris, someone is here for you" Chanyeol teases and tries. What an Old Hag.

He is there all unvomfy of my presence. Atleast he tries to smile - a weak one uninterested. But wait... his smiles turns to something I can't understand what it is.

"Look guys, I've had enough of visitors. It's not like they're sending me condolences" he replies irritated. Who won't be irritated of you Sooyoung? You're all 'visit Kris' here and there.

"Uhmm, guys I need to go to the restroom." Suho excuses himself, and goes outside instead. What a lame excuse.

"Who in this world goes outside when the comfort room is indoors?" Kris flips his newspaper coldly, not even taking a look elsewhere but his newspaper.

"Uhh yeah, noona did you forgot your treat to us?" Sehun the maknae uses his greatest weapon - aegyo... How scripted it is.

Oh no, not for Luhan and Yoona who walks hand in hand following them from behind. How I wish we were like that right now, forgetting all problems.

"Hey, since when did we-" and before both of them knows it, they're out to the doors.

"Ice cream!" Baekhyun announces. All rejoices along with Kyungsoo, Tao, Kai and Chen who doesn't stop pushing themselves.

Kris speculates them with the blank cold eyes just as what I remembered.

My cousin Chanyeol, Xiumin and Lay are left.

Ofcourse, with Kris heading the house and sitting on the couch like an ignorant boss.

"Hey where are the others?" Chen plugs out his earphones obviously making himself disregardful of the world.

"You're not planning on leaving are you" Kris replies directedly.

"We are not leaving her" Lay sings and stands up. He bends down a little bit and sings again pointing back and forth at me. So cute!

I laugh at Lay's unexpected personality. Oh gosh, please help me to stop laughing. He is so cute!

I get remindful of the reality again and turn to look at Kris who's considerating me unreadable. He still doesn't recognize me but there goes again - those eyes that has something to it.










What is this girl to them really?! My head is itching to know many times already! Ever since that day at the hospital... it's just,

and who is she to those seniors what we call 'respected' ones? Jeez, what's so great about them anyways?

"We are not leaving. We're on earphones as you can see so go ahead with your stuff" Chanyeol shoos her to something and she nods momentarily and exhales loudly.

"Kris... hey!" she tries to gauge my mood.

"Who are you?" that's the dumbest and hurtful question and I always asked, ever.

"I'm Sooyoung, remember? I'm Chanyeol's cousin? Uhm, I'm one of your closest friends actually, along with those eight girls... or used to be" she whispered not feeling contented with her words - maybe.

Oh, the last phrase catches my attention.

"Excuse me, what? I've never had a friend named Soyoung. But accept my apology if I don't remember." Kris! Try to limit your words!

"Oh-okay, You really don't remember anything. You bought me a dress three days ago." and I can see her difficulty.

I sense all eyes on me, the three ones also, I knew they were listening.

"In fact, I've never bought anything to anyone Uhm sorry, You're really making me uncomfortable so please..." I stand up and gestures her to the door.

"This is the first time you've let me out to the door." she mutters weaily.

"Okay, enough! Don't make stories! Get out!" I shout and this shocked me.

"Don't you dare shout at me! After what you did to those other nights... three nights in all specifically and you're treating me like this?!" she shouts too.

What nights? Hell no I didn't.

"F.Y.I you're in my house miss so please do shut your mouth!" I step forward closer to her.

She is so breathtaking - why do I feel these words we say are Déjà vu?

"Try me. After putting your flesh onto mine. After making me pregnant." she points to herself and surpress a sob.

, I made her pregnant? I close my eyes and my head hurts for the nth time this day, this morning I mean.

"What, if your weak to do this with me, well better then I;ll do this on my own than making useless arguemtns with you!" and that was the loudest voice within the household.

Did we argue before?

I open my eyes trying to fill the unspoken. She's about to slap me- when Chanyeol stopped her.

"Stop now, both of you" Lay says

"You were listening?" Sooyoung whispers.

"You can't understand each other if you are shouting" Xiumin tries to calm us down.

"I though I had trusted you guys." she slips away her arm from her own dearly cousin, now with a pale face.

Is she sick?

Suddenly, she covers her face and ears.

"Oh god, hey Soo- No... everything's fine" Chanyeol was all panicky calm and held sooyoung in his arms.

What's this? 

"I should've never trusted anyone... even from the start." she rejects them out from their hold and goes straight out slowly.

Her cousin doesn't stop on his duty as a family. She opens the door to find the welcoming-now-curious faces of the guys. She pushes them away in the way leaving them shocked.

"What happened?" Seohyun asked with eyes burning. She's pretty known as she is said to be the caring maknae they all had. So probably, it's barely to see her in a state like this.

Maybe, Sooyoung was one of my friends. Was or is?

Chanyeol doesn't stop chasing her. Yoona and Seohyun follows too.

The sight of following Sooyoung in the morning skies feels familiar. That laugh. When- I just can't get it!







Two chapters in a day for you guys!

Sorry once again for a 1 month break and

very very thank you for the new subscribers out there <3

Oh wait the original title of this chap was Old, Lame, Scripted but Oh So Cute

HAHHAHAHHAHAHAH but it isn't anymore so I accept it. @___@






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Make a way because Kris is up to his 'second joke' :-(


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soobeautifulchoi #1
Update please :(
I really like your story :D
Trappedbee #2
Chapter 17: update soon please hehehe
Chapter 17: Author-nim this is very beautiful :')
Please, update soon, pleeeaaaaseeeeeee
Chapter 17: KYAAAAAH! Kris Oppa proposed! But without his future wife.. Sooyoungie pls comeback..
exowuyifans #5
Chapter 16: hello! new reader here! this is so interesting!
KamiliaBBC #6
Chapter 16: aigoo...Kris,i dnt knw if u notice it or not but i think she just pass you by...i dnt think she notice you dumb can both of u be??aigoo...Kris,get SooYoung before her labour day...although she have to wait for 6 mnths but's ur child...fighting..

n Soo y?y??y did u go to tokyo??huh..things r getting more complicated now...
Chapter 16: So SooYoungie is in tokyo now? :)
Chapter 14: OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!! this chapter seriously had me teary eyed and I had to force myself not to cry poor Sooyoung T_T love your fic author-nim, the plot the writing technique EVERYTHING wahhhh please keep updating and all the best with your fic :D
Chapter 15: come on kris you're a man!!! go, just go for soo unnie!! author-nim I'm waiting for the next chapter xD
KamiliaBBC #10
Chapter 15: seriously??by the time Kris remembers EVERYTHING,SooYoung 'disappear'..Kris,get SooYoung FASTER!!Move,NOW!!