Phonecalls and Curiosity

Can I Stay At Your Place?

A few days passed, and the two 'cousins' started to get along rather well. But with that, also a lot of teasing and bickering started. Kyuhyun simply couldn't keep himself from teasing the older as he wanted to see his amusing reactions. He liked the adorable pouts the most. Unfortunatly Sungmin also had started to hit him when he was getting too annoyed, and that was less fun.

Kyuhyun was currently sitting on a chair on the balcony, enjoying some sunlight, when his phone suddenly started to ring. He fished the phone up form his pocket and checked the display which said 'hidden number'. He immediately started to feel uneasy. Hanging out with a criminal hunter and getting strange phone calls form guys without a number could be dangerous. So he choosed to not answer.
However, the caller was stubborn and called again only a minute later.  And so it went on, Kyuhyun ignored the call, the caller called again.

Finally Kyuhyun decided that a phone call couldn't harm him and pressed the answer button. Immediately he heard a voice that was starting to feel familiar to him.
"Yah! Why the hell didn't you answer earlier you brat!?" Oh, it wasn't a criminal who wanted him dead for helping Sungmin. It seemed to be someone who wanted him dead for not answering his phone.
"Heechul? How did you find my number?" He asked in disbelief.
"I have my ways to find stuff. And its hyung for you!" Kyuhyun held the phone away form his ear as the older shouted. Really, what was it with everyone wanting him to call them hyung lately?

He pressed the phone back to his ear as the other stopped shouting. "Can you blame me? The displays says that you calls from a hidden number, of course I gets suspicious."
"Of course I uses a hidden number! I'm a hacker, just like you!"
"I don't have a hidden number though." Kyuhyun commented, a bit amused.
"Aish, just stop it, will you?" The older groaned. "I didn't call for this. Has your new roommate tried to kill you yet?"
"Well, no. I don't think he will. He's nice, and cooks me food."

"What if its poisoned?"
"If it was, I would be dead already. Will you stop being so negative? By the way, I know that he tells me the truth about his job." Kyuhyun got to his feet and walked inside to make sure that Sungmin still was out.
"What do you mean? How can you know for sure?" Really, the older's concern was a bit touching, and Kyuhyun smiled to himself.
"I hacked his laptop a few days ago. He has all his files about the case there, and I can read any updates he do on my own laptop. It's very clear that he works as a criminal hunter."
"That's interesting. Make sure that he doesn't find out."
Kyuhyun huffed. "I'm very careful. But of course I wasn't about to let a stranger stay here without knowing anything about him. This way I can follow his work, and if needed I can use all the information I got against him."

"I like the way you work Kyuhyun. We should meet in real life sometime, I think it would be an interesting meeting." He smiled to himself and agreed. He had wanted to meet the older for quite some time now, especially since they probably had lots to talk about when it came to computers and such.
"I would like that."


At the same time, in the booth in a bar in a dark part of the city.
"I'm telling you Hyukkie, everything is going just fine. I don't tell him much, just a little, enough to still his curiosity."
"If you says so hyung. But still, you're putting an innocent person at risk by living there. What if something happens to him, simply because he's helping you?"
Sungmin heard his brother's voice fill with concern. He had of course thought about the possibility himself, and it made him uneasy. But at the same time, Kyuhyun didn't really know anything, he was just a clueless roommate. He should be fine.
"Don't worry Hyuk, I don't think anyone, except you guys, knows that I live there. I'm very discreet."

"I still don't like it, even if its a very good place to stay at. Is he trustworthy?"
"I think so, kid doesn't seem to have many friends. I have actually only heard about one. I've met him too, he thinks we're cousins. And Kyuhyun is mostly sitting by his computers playing games."
A heavy sigh was heard. "Okey, I trust you with this hyung. Anyway, back to business. We still haven't found a hacker to help us. Jungsu hyung is going nuts here. He's scary."
Sungmin felt sorry for his brother. He knew very well how Jungsu could get when stressed and annoyed. "Don't let him get to you Hyuk."

"I'm trying, but its not so easy when he's breathing down my neck all the time, desperate for any progress. Have you found anything new?"
"No, I'm sorry. I haven't. I followed a false lead and got beaten up, almost got shot when fleeing." He heard the younger gasp, and so he hurried to say: "I'm fine though, I escaped before anything really bad could happen. And Kyuhyun took care of me afterwards."
"Oh, careful hyung."
"I will Hyukkie."


Kyuhyun was sitting on his bed, wrapped up in a thick blanket with his laptop before him. On the screen he could see Sungmin's desktop. Two new folders had appeared, named "Dragon's nest" and "Dragon's crew". The first folder was pretty much empty, except for a map with lots of dots in different colors. He didn't know what the different dots meant, but it was probably showing Sungmin's attempts to find The Dragon's hideout.
The other folder was more interesting though, containing lots of files, describing different persons. Probably men working for The Dragon. Another file had a document with what seemed to the be the hierachy in The Dragon's organisation. It was filled with "?" after some names, so it was probably Sungmin's own guesses.

The Dragon was standing at the top of the document. Under him the name T.O.P was typed, together with "vice president". Kyuhyun checked the other files, but the one named T.O.P was empty. In other words, Sungmin hadn't found anything about the person.
Who called himself T.O.P anyway? Did it mean anything?
His curiosity was growing, and he couldn't help himself.

He clicked Sungmin's desktop away, opened a window and started to type a lots of commands and, in other's eyes, random letters and numbers. He set his laptop on finding him anything related to the name T.O.P and The Dragon, as well as "criminal" and "underworld".
It didn't take long for his laptop to show him some links to websites mentioning The Dragon and his vice president and right hand man, T.O.P. But he dind't find anything else from that. After some hesitation, he easily hacked his way into the police register, something he did just for fun months ago, and still had access to.

The register soon showed him that the police was aware of a man called T.O.P, and he was mentioned together with drug dealings, kidnappings, assaults, extortions, murder...Kyuhyun gulped. The guy was dangerous. He looked closer and soon saw that the guys record was clean, everything was just suspicions. They didn't have any proof towards the guy, and so he had never been charged for anything.

Kyuhyun scratched his head. If the suspicions were right, then the guy that called himself T.O.P was very dangerous. He frowned, and wondered if Sungmin had access to the police register. If he did, why hadn't he written anything about this in the file?
Maybe Sungmin actually didn't know a , more than the name.

He looked up as he heard the front door unlock as the older returned home. He listened while Sungmin tiptooed around and made himself ready for going to sleep.
He made a decision and made a copy of the police register, along with the suspicions and such and wrote it in a mail. He had figured Sungmin's mail address out earlier from checking his laptop, and now he wrote the address as the receiver of the mail.
He signed the mail with "Unexpected Ally" and sent it.

He shut the laptop off and put it down on the bedside table, knowing that there was no way Sungmin could track the mail back to him. Not even an computer expert would manage, it would only lead to a guy named Marcus, who doesn't even exist.

With a yawn he laid down and wrapped the blanket securely around himself, wondering what Sungmin's reaction to getting a mail with information from an unknown person would be. Well, he would probably find out tomorrow.


Hi guys, I know it was a long time ago, again. But I think I rewrote part of this chapter maybe seven times! For some reason Asianfanfics deleted the part over and over and I was going nuts (The reason why the chapter is so short and maybe a bit badly written...), I needed a break and take my frustation out on something. On top of that, I had a few important tests to focus on, but that's taken cared of now (I passed~)

Hopefully the next chapter won't take this long, I promise to try harder (and hopes that the technology won't betray me again). But really, I'll start with the next chapter as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading, please subscribe and comment for more updates~


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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 16: Hello authornim.. the new reader is here~~^^
Sorry for the late comment.. i just found this story and read it until the last chap before write a comment...
I really like how you write kyu n ming character here..
Shy kyu and gentle ming... i love it and hope it will be a minkyu story coz a kyumin story with gentle kyu and feminim min just too many and i need something new about kyumin like this fanfic...
Hope you will update soon and fighting for you authoenim...^^
shivasina #2
Chapter 16: I love this story so much!~ I really want to see what happens next but I don't mind waiting a little. :)
auwchris2775 #3
Chapter 16: I like your story ^^ i'm waiting for the next chap
Chapter 16: I'm loving thissss! everything is perfect :3
keobukbi #5
Chapter 16: Thank you for this story. Your humor is very nice and makes me laugh. Study hard and we shall patiently wait for your next chapter. I wish I knew how to post stories like you do. Happy Chuseok.
katiemae01 #6
Chapter 16: Omg I honestly forgot about this story but something told me to hang on to it. I am beyond happy. It's been so hard finding good stories so I'm happy that one of the best will be returning. Can't wait!
Chapter 16: how come I never saw this fic in the kyumin tag before o.o anyway I just read everything and can't wait for update and more kyumin x3
Chapter 16: Omo it's been so long since this updated! I forgot what the story was about GAH >_<