Unexpected Ally >:P

Can I Stay At Your Place?

With a heavy sigh Sungmin threw himself on his stomach on his couch. Yeah, he liked to think that it was his couch anyway, seeing as he always slept on it and pretty much lived on it, even if it technically belonged to Kyuhyun.
He picked his laptop up and placed it in front of himself and turned it on, entering his password. While waiting for it to load he grabbed his tea cup form the coffee table and took a sip.

It was almost 9 in the morning and Kyuhyun was working, and Sungmin had decided to try and once again sort through the little information he had. He didn't dare to work much when Kyuhyun was home, afraid that the boy would find out too much about the case.
In all honesty, he was almost about to just give up, pack his things and return to the headquarters. But he couldn't do that to his team, who put just as much effort in this.

A pling alerted Sungmin that his laptop was done loading, and that he had an email waiting for him. He dismissed the mail for now, figuring that it was probably Hyukjae. Instead he opened the folder named 'Dragon's Crew' and stared at the files hopelessely. He needed more information, he couldn't work with this little. He wasn't even close to figure out where they was. He didn't have any faces for the Dragon or his right hand man, or anything.
A loud groan escaped his throat out of frustration. It was at times like this, he hated his work.

He turned his attention away form the files and checked his mailbox instead. Sure enough, he had a mail from his brother waiting, as well as one from Jungsu. The one that caught his attention though was the one at the top, signed as 'Unexpected Ally'. Suspiciously, he clicked on the mail, opening it. The mail address were unknown to him, only looking like random numbers and letters, which confused him and made him even more suspicious. Then he started to read the text of the mail.

The guy called T.O.P is as you already suspects probably the Dragons right hand man. All information I can find points to that. However, not even I could find much more than that. The police register showed something more interesting though, even if its just the cops' own suspicions, as the guy has never been charged as there haven't been any proof.


Sungmin's eyed widened as he read the text, and what appeared to be a copy right out of the police register! Who was this guy that sent him this, and how did he know? No one knew anything about this except the team he worked with, and they would never send him such a cryptical mail withoiut their name..
He shuddered. Was his laptop hacked? Impossible! It held such high security standards. He would know if someone had tried to hack it. But still, it must have been the only way for the person to know.

He seemed friendly at last, actually helping him, if that was what he was really trying to do. With a shake of his head he read the last part of the mail.

I'll return with another mail when I finds something more. I'll try to run a search on the other guys on your list.
//Unexpected Ally >:P


The guy would mail him again? Help him more?
At least now it was confirmed that the person had read it straight from his own laptop, as he had mentioned his list. He hadn't sent any copies of them to his team yet, since they didn't contain much.

Sungmin sat up, feeling very confused and suspicious. This was obviously a hacker's job. He didn't know many hackers, and those he knew would have told him their names.
But somewhere in his mind, he also felt that this guy, whoever he was, was exactly what he needed. A hacker with the skills to sneak by strong security programs.
Could this person really be an ally?

He stared at the mail before clicking on 'reply' and started to write out an answer.



Kyuhyun slowly dragged himself down the street towards his shared apartment. The day had been very stressy, he had hardly been able to catch a break at all. On top of that he had been working an extra long shift today as he had to cover up for another guy not showing up. Now he looked forward to get home and die some on the floor.
To add to his slowly sinking mood, it started to rain. It poured down mercilessly, soaking through his jacket making him icy cold. Maybe it was time to buy a new jacket after all...

He pulled the wet clothing closer to his shivering body, trying to look through his wet hair hanging down in his eyes. It was a good thing that he knew the way home so well, or he would have gotten lost in the heavy rain.
Finally he reached the apartment building and made his way inside, taking a moment to just stand in the lobby, creating a small pool of water around his feet.


With a groan a forced himself up the stairs to the third floor and over to the door to his sanctuary. He pulled his key out and started to wrestle with the lock. His tired muscles didn't seem to want to do the fight for him, and he gave up. To his luck he heard the the click of the door unlocking from inside, and the door opened reavealing his roommate.
Sungmin was dressed in a pair of bright hot pink sweat pants and a grey hoodie, and had obviously not left the apartment today.


He watched as the older's eyes widened at the sight of him, taking in his soaked state. "It's raining." Kyuhyun offered before stepping inside and closing the door. There he stood, shivering and dripping wet. And man, he was so tired!
"You know what?" He looked back at the older as he spoke. "Take your jacket and shoes off, and I'll bring you a towel." With that, Sungmin turned around, giving Kyuhyun a full view of the text print "y " in black bold letters over his .
Kyuhyun couldn't help noting that the statement was very true.

He peeled his jacket off and left it on the floor together with his shoes, and accepted the towel that Sungmin brought him. When his dried his hair the older left again, only to come back with a pair of dry sweat pants and a warm hoddie. He was left alone as he stripped, dried his body and then redressed.
With a sigh he gathered his clothes and brought them to the bathroom where he hung them up on a thin rope that he had arranged along the roof. When done with that he walked into the living room and simply crashed down on the part of the couch that wasn't occupied by Sungmin's stuff.

Said male turned up from the kitchen with two cups with steaming hot tea and together they drank in comfortable silence. "This was just what I needed." Kyuhyun commented after a moment, happy that the tea was warming his cold body.
"Bad day at work?" Sungmin asked with a knowing look, and Kyuhyun simply nodded. He emptied his teacup and placed it on the coffee table before pulling his feet up on the couch. "How about you?"


Sungmin leaned back in the couch with a thoughtful look. "Something interesting happened today. I think I've gotten a new friend."
"Really?" The younger asked with a straight face, not showing any sign of knowing what the older was talking about. But it meant that Sungmin had read his mail, and on top of that had no idea about who sent it. He decided that he had to check his laptop as soon as..

All of a sudden the whole apartment turned black, all lights went out and Sungmin's laptop gave a last sigh before dying.
Oh .
The electricity went out. Okey, so maybe he wouldn't be able to check his laptop anytime soon.

"Great.." He heard the older mumble as he shuffled around in the darkness. "Just great.. What about dinner?"
Kyuhyun sighed. "Oh, it'll get even better. The heat went out with the electricity. In just a matter of minutes the apartment will turn icy cold."
There was a moment of silence from the other end of the couch, and then the other cursed loudly. "I hate the cold!"
"Are you whining?" Kyuhyun asked, amusement in his voice and he felt something, probably a foot, stab his ribs.
"I'm not!"


Kyuhyun chuckled as he slipped off the couch, carefully moving around the coffee table, banging his toe on one of Sungmin's bags, and then managed to get to his room. Once inside he searched blindly for his drawer with his hands and managed to open it and found two flashlights. To his delight the batteires seemed to be charged enough and he lit them both up before walking back to the living room. He found Sungmin sulking on the couch, a cute pout plastered over his face.

"You're doing it again." The younger commented as he handed the other one of the flashlights.
The older gave him a confused look as he accpted the flashlight. "Doing what?"
"Making cute faces. What are you, five years old?" Kyuhyun grinned and wisely backed away. It didn't help though, Sungmin still managed to hit him with the pillow.

Together they moved into the kitchen and looked around. Without any electricity there wasn't much food they could make, and they both sighed as they directed their flashlights inside the refrigerator.
"You said something about dinner?" Kyuhyun asked as Sungmin poked around the continents of the refrigerator.
The older nodded his head. "I haven't eaten either, I decided to wait for you. Hey, I think we can make a chicken salad. There's a pack here of already barbequed chicken, we can use it."
"I can cut the vegetables." Kyuhyun offered and together they started to make the salad, adding anything Sungmin decided could go in a salad.

The preparation of their dinner was slow as they had to try to lit up the counter with the flashlights, but somehow they managed and soon they were enjoying their unique salad by the kitchen table with a glass of milk each. Even though Kyuhyun clearly lacked in cooking skills, they still made a good team in the kitchen.

They decided that the dishes could wait til they got the electricity back as the water wouldn't heat up anyway, and by now the apartment was getting really cold.
Since there wasn't much they could do in the dark they decided to just head for bed early, and so Kyuhyun went to his room after a quick trip to the bathroom to brush his teeth.


He decided to just sleep in his sweat pants and hoodie as the air in the room was really cold by now. He quickly slipped under the covers and shivered, waiting for the bed to heat up, but his own body heat didn't seem to do much wonders.

After a few minutes of shivering he went up and grabbed an extra blanket and spread it over his bed before lying to agian, content that it seemed at least a little bit warmer. He yawned softly, only now realizing just how tired and exhausted he was from the stressy day. It didn't take long before his eyes shut closed and sleep overtook him.




He had only slept for a about an hour when he awoke again. At first he had no idea what had waken him up. But then he felt a weight beside him on the mattress. The covers was lifted up for a brief moment and a cold body joined him, invading on his warmth. The body moved around to get comfortable and the made a content sigh.

"Sungmin..what are you doing in my bed?" Kyuhyun asked softly, just barely making out the olders form in the darkness.
The body moved to lay on its side, facing him. "I'm sorry Kyuhyun-ah, I didn't mean to wake you. But I was frezzing my off on that couch, you gave me a thin blanket."
"I'm sorry.." Kyuhyun mumbled tiredly, finding that he didn't really mind sharing his bed with the older. He moved a bit closer to the other's cold body and closed his eyes again, ready to drop off to sleep again.




That's it for now, I'm looking for inspiration for this fic. That's why I made a new poster and charcter's intro in the foreword. I have bigger plans for the next chap, this was just to bring KyuMin a bit closer.

Peace out fellas :)


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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 16: Hello authornim.. the new reader is here~~^^
Sorry for the late comment.. i just found this story and read it until the last chap before write a comment...
I really like how you write kyu n ming character here..
Shy kyu and gentle ming... i love it and hope it will be a minkyu story coz a kyumin story with gentle kyu and feminim min just too many and i need something new about kyumin like this fanfic...
Hope you will update soon and fighting for you authoenim...^^
shivasina #2
Chapter 16: I love this story so much!~ I really want to see what happens next but I don't mind waiting a little. :)
auwchris2775 #3
Chapter 16: I like your story ^^ i'm waiting for the next chap
Chapter 16: I'm loving thissss! everything is perfect :3
keobukbi #5
Chapter 16: Thank you for this story. Your humor is very nice and makes me laugh. Study hard and we shall patiently wait for your next chapter. I wish I knew how to post stories like you do. Happy Chuseok.
katiemae01 #6
Chapter 16: Omg I honestly forgot about this story but something told me to hang on to it. I am beyond happy. It's been so hard finding good stories so I'm happy that one of the best will be returning. Can't wait!
Chapter 16: how come I never saw this fic in the kyumin tag before o.o anyway I just read everything and can't wait for update and more kyumin x3
Chapter 16: Omo it's been so long since this updated! I forgot what the story was about GAH >_<