Pretty WOman Chapter 2

Pretty Woman

The train was getting close, I ran toward the railways immediately, I knew what I was doing and I was sure to do it. I stood on the railways, I closed my eyes, I could feel the train coming……….it was closer and closer…..

“YAH STUPID!”, some one pulled me out of there, then I heard the sound of the train passed next to me as I saw………..a beauty Goddess appeared in front of me. I was amazed by her beauty, she’s the perfect creature that I’ve ever seen in my life.

“Are you trying to kill your self?”

I couldn’t do anything but hypnotized by her beauty.

“Aish… look at your self. You’re a rich man, I know that. Rich and handsome, and want to do suicide. How on earth a lucky man like you think about suicide?! Ssshhh…. Stupid! Listen, if you wanna die, don’t need to do it by your self, sooner or latter people would die, just wait, okay!”, she tapped my shoulder, “aish, you waste my time”, she walked away, the Goddess of beauty left me alone and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.


I laid my body on my mattress. I just arrived home and you know…….I still couldn’t forget that Goddess. Somehow, I forgot about my plan to do suicide, all I remembered was a super pretty girl that called me ‘stupid’, I didn’t remember what she said perfectly, but I clearly remembered she called me ‘stupid’.

Suddenly I heard my cell phone rang, it was my Grandpa.

“Yes, Grandpa?”

“Are you home?”

“I am”

“Come to my room. We need to discuss something”

Again and again, I just arrived home and I need to discuss about ‘something’ again.

I exhaled, “can I take shower first?”

“Okay. I’ll be waiting for you here”




“Amber. You need to sign this……..and this”, Victoria gave me some documents. Victoria is my assistant. Well, she’s not an ordinary assistant. I met her since I was nine. She is a daughter of my Father’s personal assistant. She’s more like a sister to me, I think. She knows me so well. That’s why I call her ‘unnie’.

“Vic unnie, I need ‘Liu Grand Hotel’ report”


“Vic unnie…”

“Yes Amber??”

“How’s everything today?”

“Everything’s fine. Our company is getting better and better. Hufh…… little Amber is now an amazing leader of this big company…. I can’t believe that”, she smiled.

“Thank you unnie”



“Don’t let your uncle snatch our company, promise me?”

“…………………………………..I promise”


It was late as I still enjoyed the beautiful night sky with so many things in my mind. I was sitting inside my car, thinking. My grandpa said that my uncle gives us a month to make our decision for Liu Enterprise’s future. I won’t let him snatch Liu Enterprise, I won’t. I should make my move, but I don’t know what should I better do. It was so confusing.

Suddenly, my eyes paid attention on something really beautiful. It wasn’t a night sky, it was something else, and it was so beautiful.

I got out of my car and walked toward that ‘something’. God, she’s so beautiful, she’s a Goddess and I’m sure about that.

“Excuse me”, I greeted her.

Her beautiful cat eyes glanced at me, “y….you? The stupid that……”, her eyes became wider, “are you trying to kill your self again?! Aishh……”

“No no, Miss! I…… I want to thank you about yesterday”

“Thank me? for what?”

“you…. You saved my life”

“Hw…..What?”, she chuckled, “Stupid, listen, that was not an accident or something. No one saved your life, you decided it by your self”

“But still, for me you saved my life”


“Are you free now? I wan to treat you for a dinner as my…………”

“I have no time, I need to work, and don’t need to treat me or something, okay?”, she walked away then.


I spent the whole night full of ‘the Goddess’ in my mind, again, I even forgot about my own problems. You know, that goddess has very flawless skin, her eyes are so beautiful, she has beautiful long hair, her chin and her lips are so tiny. She’s a perfect thing to say. I wanna see her more and more.

On the next day, after I finished my work, I decided to go to that place again, a place near the railways where I tried to do suicide. I thought I would meet her again, and I was right.

“Hey…”, I came toward her.

“You again?”

“Are you free now?”, I asked directly.

“No. every night, I need to go for work, understand?”, she stared me coldly.

I actually wondered what’s her job? Why does she work on the night?

“I see”, I bowed my head, sighed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you, I just…”

“Hhhh…… you looked pathetic”

“W…what? I looked what?”


She’s so rude I think, but still, she’s so damn beautiful.

“I’m afraid you’ll try to kill your self again. Want me to accompany you for a moment?”

I didn’t believe what just she said, “Wh….what? of….of course I’d love to!”

“But you need to pay”


“I’m a poor you know, I need money”

I was thinking for a while, “okay”, I finally agreed.

She smiled. I can’t describe how beautiful she was, “let’s go inside your car”, she walked toward my car playfully.

 “Now, want me to do something for you?”, she asked.

“No… no need. I just want to tell you that you……”

“Please don’t talk about me saving your life again”

I giggled, “okay”

“Good. Are you a rich guy?”

“Me? well… I…”

“What’s your job?”

“I…. I am ……… a leader of a company”

“Wooow………… You look so young for that job position. Do you have a wife?”

“What? no…”

“a girlfriend?”

I chuckled, “no..”

“Really?! How come…”

“I’m sorry?”

“You’re so handsome, how come you don’t have a lover. Ugh! Don’t tell me…… you don’t like man do you?”

I couldn’t help but laugh when I heard that question, “no… may I know your name?”, my turn to give her a question.

“Krystal”, she said that with a very beautiful smile.




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1149 streak #1
Chapter 24: Awesome story!
Chapter 24: I miss this story ?
Chapter 24: (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) I can't (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) i lost i cried again i read first Hard but Easy and i cried af and i cried again and this time it's morning i read Hard But Easy yesterday and i finished it 12 in the evening and i cried and cried and this morning my eyes is swollen and i FREAKING CRIED AGAIN (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) (╥﹏╥) NICE STORY I HOPE YOU COME BACK!!!! AUTHOR-NIM JJANG!!!
Chapter 24: Why I only read it now? Im out of date ╥﹏╥
Great story Uwaaaa ╥﹏╥ I cried in this story. Mygosh thumbs up! :)
babySavie #5
Chapter 24: Its really good jjang!!
Chapter 24: love your story... it's awesome ^_^
TwinTurtles #7
Chapter 24: Awwww yes I love this story! Im really glad that Amber saved Soojung from the depths of hell! Thank you for make the reconciliation between Mr. Liu and Jeremy, thank you so much for writing this story!!
Out of all the fanfics I have read, this one was the one who was always stuck in my head, this is a truly great story!
bep510 #9
Chapter 24: Aww cute happy ending. I really liked your fic.