
Behind a Beautiful Smile ヅ

"Agent Donghae , where are you?" A diva-like teenager whispered into a walkie talkie. "I'm behind our target.. Where are you agent Heechul?" He replied. "I'm right behind you looking at the fishes.. Seriously uncle? Stop ogling at Nemo and find Hyukjae!" He scolded his childish uncle and smacked his head when he turned around.

"Ow! That hurts!" Heechul glared at him. "Now what? We lost them!" He turned around to search the grocery shop and found Hyukjae at a cereal section. "Okay.. I found him.." He whispered to the walkie talkie. "Where?" "Cereal section.. But don't go to close.. We might be discovered.." He said and continued to watch his friend and his father.

"Appa.. Which cereal do you want to buy?" The man looked at the different kind of cereals on the shelf. "I don't know.. What do you like?" He asked his son. "I love sugary cereals but I don't want your blood pressure to increase.." The son answered and pouted. "It's okay.. I'll buy a box of your cereal and mine.. You can share with me too if you want.." He said and smiled , taking a sugary flakes box.

Hyukjae smiled. "Thanks appa!" And he hugged his father in appreciation. His father smiled back and ruffled his head. He chose a healthy cereal for his father and move on to the baking section. "Why are we in this section?" Seunghyun asked as he look curiously at the baking things around him. His son smiled.

"Just wanted to try baking a cake.." He said and looked at the list in his hands. "Where are you agent Donghae?" Heechul said and waited for a reply. "Nyum? Huh? Oh yeah.. I'm eating a cake.. It's dewicios!" His uncle mumbled while munching on the cake but his nephew managed to understand it and he facepalm himself.

"Are you at the baking section?" He asked. "Huh? Baking section? Where is that? ...Oh yeah.. It's beside me.." His uncle said and Heechul panicked. Hyukjae and Seunghyun is at that section and is about to go to Donghae's direction! "You remembered your teacher that punched me?" His father suddenly asked and he just nodded in reply , looking confusedly at his father. 

"Why?" His father chuckled. "Nothing.. I just wanted to thank him for punching me.." The son laughed lightly. "You want to thank a person for punching you? That's weird.." He said while walking towards another isle with his father. "Yah! Donghae! Hyukjae is coming to your-" "Oh? Mr. Donghae?" Seunghyun said as he saw the said man in front of him.

'.' "What a coincidence! Thank you for punching me.." The teacher looked at the father dumbfounded. "Whaa?" "Well , I mean , for stopping me doing such things to my son.. Ah.. Well , thank you again.." He said and bowed. "Ah.. But your cheek is still swollen though so I'm sorry.." He said as he noticed the big swell on the man's cheek.

Donghae glanced at Hyukjae who was clutching his father's coat and he quickly hid behind the man when he flashed a quick smile. 'Probably shy..' He thought and laughed mentally to himself. "No , it's okay.. The swell will somehow disappear.." Seunghyun said and he turned to look at his shy son who was hiding behind him when the teacher smiled.

'Could it be...?' He thought and it was confirmed when he saw a faint blush on his son's cheeks. He smiled to himself and decided to leave them alone. "Oh yeah.. I think I didn't lock the car so I'm going to check it now.. You and Donghae shop together and call me when you're done.." He said and walked towards what-supposed-to-be-his-car-location and hid behind a shelf.

Heechul who was right behind Seunghyun decided to join him. "You're stalking on your son and Donghae? Let me join too.." He said and the both of them high-five before stalking the couple. "So.. Uh.. Let's continue shopping?" The teacher said while awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Y-Yeah.." Hyukjae stuttered and continued walking to another isle. They were currently at the bread section and when he was about to pick a bread , Donghae stopped him. "Not that brand.." He looked confusedly at the other. "Why?" "It has a lot of cholesterol than normal bread .." He said and took the bread from the boy's hand to show him the label.

Indeed , the cholesterol was high and so , Donghae picked a low-cholesterol bread and put it into the basket Hyukjae was holding but soon frowned. "The basket is heavy right? So let me hold it.." He said. "Ah no thanks.. It's not that heavy.." The younger said and he lowered his head as he can feel himself blushing.

The older still didn't want to give up and so , he snatched the basket from the younger. "S-Sir!" "No need to be so formal.. We're not in school.. Just call me Donghae.." He said and walked ahead of the younger who just followed him. "Hey , how 'bout some spaghetti?" He asked Hyukjae who just nodded his head and put the spaghetti packet into the basket.

He was spacing out when he bumped into the older who stopped. He whined in pain and looked up to the older. "Why did you stop suddenly?" "Are you sick?" The older suddenly asked and put the back of his hand on the younger's forehead. The younger blushed at the skin contact but decided not to push the hand away because it was comforting.

"Look.. You were spacing out , your face is red but your forehead isn't hot at all.. Are you sure you're okay?" He said and looked worriedly at the younger. The younger smile and shook his head. "I'm not sick and I'm sure of it.." He reassured the other and walked towards another shelf. Suddenly , the older pulled his wrist.

"Hmm?" He said in confusion as he look at the older. The older then intertwined their hands , making the younger blush furiously and lowered his head. "If you feel sick , tell me.. I'll call your father.." He said and they continued walking with a comfortable silence - Heechul is currently squealing like a fangirl and Seunghyun is trying his best to shut him up.

When Hyukjae spotted strawberries , he quickly ran towards it while squealing and smiling. He was about to take one when he bumped into a muscular chest and fell but was quickly caught by the person before he could hit the floor. "I'm sorry! And thank you.." He said before he looked up to the person who saved him and was taken by surprise.

"Mr. Siwon?!" "Hyukjae?!" For a while , they stared at each other before a cough snap them - which was from Donghae. "Umm.. I'd like it if you don't touch someone else's property.." He said as he slapped the other man's hands around the boy's waist. The man frowned. "Who's property are you referring to?" He said as pushed the boy to stand behind him.

Donghae glared at Siwon. "Mine." He said before pulling Hyukjae to him. Hyukjae being innocent , didn't know what they were arguing about and chose to stay silent. Siwon scoffed. "Since when?" He questioned , looking at Donghae with an intimidating glare as if he wanted to kill the other on the spot.

"Yesterday." "Really? I don't think so though.. Where's that cold Donghae that doesn't give a about anyone hmm?" He asked as they continued their glaring session. "I don't know.." The said man shrugged before continuing. "I guess that he decided to be kind towards this one special person?" 'Why is Donghae saying he doesn't know himself?' The innocent Hyukjae thought.

"Oho! This is fun! A love triangle!" Heechul said in amusement as he watched the scene in front of him with Seunghyun. The father sighed. "Does my son has a lot of people that has a crush on him?" "Yeah.. He has about hundreds by now.." The father jaw dropped. "What? He's innocent! He might even accept those erted guys!"

The younger nodded his head in agreement. "That's why I have to keep my eyes on him so that nobody would take advantage of his innocent mind.." He said and continued to look at the two arguing men and the confused boy. "Mr. Siwon! Mr. Donghae! Please stop fighting! It won't solve anything!" He said as he try to calm the two men down.

They continued ignoring him and arguing. Hyukjae panicked when they started punching each other. People around them wasn't helping and instead , they just look at the scene. Deciding it's a final , he stepped in front of Donghae and was accidentally punched by Siwon on the back.



Finally! Yay!! I'll go make schedules for me and my family to Korea! Leave comments!! ^^ I will not be able to update for 10 days cause I'm at Korea by this Friday! Hope you are patient enough to wait for me! Oh God my nose is bleeding bye!!                

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Ended! ^^


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Chapter 11: I kinda have a problem with the ending but the story is still beautiful (you cannot expect everything to go as your own taste)
ecargebeohp_10 #2
Chapter 4: such a meanie father!
Chapter 11: such a lovely fic ^^ i loved it !!
Chapter 11: Ok.. The starting of this story was amazing, I don't know how you did it. The other parts were like heaven.
However, I have this problem with the ending.
First, why would a man in his late twenties move into his student's house?
Second, where did they find the time to even fall in love?
Chapter 11: mhh.. well i dunno. I kind of liked it somehow. I like the way you write, how you set scenes.
The one big problem I have: I don't like the mind changing of Eunhyuks father. First, for many years, he beats him up and was about to ____ his own son, but then all of sudden, he's the most caring person in world.
And which grown person at the late twenties would move into a house with his boyfriends parents?
This was kind of unrealistic. I didn't like it. But everything else is very good, i liked reading it!
Chapter 11: Noo problem you have a nice story here :D
Chapter 11: awww the ending was so cute and sweet :')
doyce228 #8
Chapter 11: aww I really love this! >///<
skyblaster357 #9
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I love your story sososososooo muucchhh (>̯͡.̮<̯͡) such a cute ending in the end~ :"D