
Behind a Beautiful Smile ヅ

The next day , Hyukjae woke up with new bruises and pain. He sighed before sitting up but groaned when he felt the sharp pain on his wrists. 'Plaster again I guess...' He thought to himself before walking slowly towards the bathroom to get ready for school.

"Ah! Hyukjae hyung.." Henry called when he saw the teenager walking down the street. The said person quickly turned his head towards him and smiled before walking to the boy. "What is it Henry? Did you left something at your house?" The obedient boy shook his head. "Nope.. I just wanted you to walk me to school.. Can you  hyung?" The teenager nodded before holding the little hands. 

"So.. How's school?" Hyukjae asked as they walked. "It is super fun! There's a lot to learn! A lot of friends! And a lot of toys! My type of school~!" Henry beamed happily , making the teenager chuckle as the boy was just too cute. "Hyung.." "Hmm?" "How did you got this new bruises?" The teenager thought for a while before saying "Nothing really.. My wrist got stuck in between the gate earlier."

"Ah.. I see.. There's my friend over there! I'll go now hyung.. Bye!" Hyukjae just waved his hand as he watched the boy ran into his kindergarten. He then turned to the side to walk towards his school.

"Hyukjae! How did you get this new bruises?!" Heechul asked worriedly as he hold the hand. "Nothing hyung.. No need to worry about it.." The boy answered with a smile. The next few minutes was spent with Heechul questioning the same question and the other would just smile and said it was nothing.

Donghae then came into the class. Heechul cursed under his breath. He hate this science teacher because he seems to take his rage out on his kind friend , Hyukjae. But Hyukjae being Hyukjae would just obey what he said and never fought back even when the teacher was saying wrong things about him.

And as usual , the teacher would critic the boy from time to time but the boy just kept quiet. After the lesson end , Hyukjae went to his next class but was stopped by Sungmin. He look confusedly at him. "Hyukjae.. You know what day is tomorrow right?" "14 March? Why?" And his friend slapped his own head. 

"Tomorrow is White Day!" "..So..?" "Urgh.. You're such an idiot in social but smart in your studies.." His friend sighed before continuing. "That means.. You'll get sweets from people who has a crush on you.." Hyukjae tilted his head to the side. "Do I even have one?" He asked and Sungmin sigh.

"Actually.. You have lots of them.. So be prepared.." He advised before walking into the class. It was now Hyukjae favorite class , mathematics and the teacher is Mr. Choi Siwon. The teacher is the opposite of Mr. Donghae. He is kind , always helping students with problem and would buy snacks for his students that got great marks - who happen to be him.

"Are you okay Hyukjae?" The teacher suddenly asked when he saw one of his student staring blankly at anything. The boy took a while to answer as he didn't know who the teacher was referring but it was obvious that it was him since the sentence ended with 'Hyukjae'.

"I-I'm okay.." "Please pay attention.. Exams will be held two weeks from now on.." Mr. Siwon informed and he nodded while other students just groaned as they were lazy to take exams. When the lesson ended , Hyukjae was called to stay behind and so he did. 

"What is it that you want to talk to me?" He asked politely as he took a seat beside the teacher. "What kind of food do you like?" The question took Hyukjae by surprised as he was expecting to talk about mathematics with Mr. Siwon. "Umm.. Strawberries?" He answered with his eyes sparkling because , well , he hasn't been eating properly for this past months.

Mr. Siwon nodded. Suddenly , he held his student's wrist. "Where did you got this bruise? I didn't see it before.." He said , inspecting the wrist. "Nothing teacher.. I'm just clumsy.." Hyukjae answered with a smile. The teacher furrowed his eyebrows. "But.. I don't think you're clumsy.. And even if you are , you'll not get this much bruise around your body.."

Hyukjae was silent for a while before smiling. "It's really nothing teacher.. I'm going to my next class now.. Bye.." He excused himself. The teacher hesitant for a while to let him go but eventually gave up. When school ended , Hyukjae rushed towards his locker to put his books and when he was done , he ran towards the cafe where he was working.

"Hyung.. Are you sure you can handle that on your own? You don't seem too healthy.." Ryeowook asked worriedly as he look at the pale Hyukjae but the other just gave him a reassuring smile before continuing his work. The younger sighed before proceeding on his work.

Hyukjae made sure he returned home late since he didn't want to be beat up by his father again. And as usual , he tip-toed inside his house and headed towards the stairs but was taken by surprised when he saw his father holding a bucket full of water in his hands.

He was expecting him to spill water the on him , not throwing the bucket with the water still in it. Hyukjae fell on the cold floor and the bucket fell on top of him , spilling water. His father walked to his side and yanked him forward by the hair. "It hurts.." The boy exclaimed , tears falling down his cheeks.

His father just ignored him and beat him up , just like any other day. But this time , he stopped halfway through. Seeing that his son wasn't responding - not even a groan. And that's when he realized that his son was already unconscious. He pitied his son but showed no sign of stopping it either. He just couldn't control himself anymore.

He turned his son's head to the side , seeing the beauty of it. He gulped. Since when was his son was this beautiful? He quickly got up and went upstairs , to his room. His name is Choi Seunghyun , Hyukjae's father. He's in trauma because of his wife sudden death that caused him to beat up his own son in rage.

The next morning , Hyukjae woke up on the cold floor. Clothes still drenched. It was still early in the morning so he could make it to his room without getting beat up. That is if he was fast enough. And so , on the count of three , the boy rushed towards his room and quickly closed the door. Not forgetting to lock it. 

He sigh in relief when he didn't hear anything and turned to walk towards the bathroom. 'Ah.. I got a fever..' He sighed again as he touch his forehead before soaking his body in the bathtub full of warm water. He took his time bathing and when he was done , he dressed himself in thick clothes and lay on his bed.

His phone suddenly rang , taking him by surprise and he quickly answered it. "Where are you Hyukjae? You're late!" His friend , Heechul said on the other line. "Hyung.. I'm not going to school today.." He informed. "Hmm? What's wrong? Are you sick?"  Heechul is the closest friend and it was no surprise that he knew Hyukjae better than anyone else.

"Nothing serious.. Just a fever.. I think I can go to school tomorrow.." He said , unsure. "Hmm... I'll be visiting you after school! Sleep for now! Bye!" Before Hyukjae could protest , Heechul ended the call. He actually like it when a person visit because his father will act like he's the most kindest father in the world. He's just afraid that Heechul might be fooled by it. 

'Please don't...'


Annyeong~!!! Sorry late! I have been sick lately.. I was about to update yesterday but then my nose bled and I couldn't continue writing so I continued it this morning! What do you think about this chapter? I know it's crappy.. No need to tell me.. Cause my brain is being an idiot lately! *pouts* I'll go to school now~ Bye~!  (>‿♥)        

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Ended! ^^


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Chapter 11: I kinda have a problem with the ending but the story is still beautiful (you cannot expect everything to go as your own taste)
ecargebeohp_10 #2
Chapter 4: such a meanie father!
Chapter 11: such a lovely fic ^^ i loved it !!
Chapter 11: Ok.. The starting of this story was amazing, I don't know how you did it. The other parts were like heaven.
However, I have this problem with the ending.
First, why would a man in his late twenties move into his student's house?
Second, where did they find the time to even fall in love?
Chapter 11: mhh.. well i dunno. I kind of liked it somehow. I like the way you write, how you set scenes.
The one big problem I have: I don't like the mind changing of Eunhyuks father. First, for many years, he beats him up and was about to ____ his own son, but then all of sudden, he's the most caring person in world.
And which grown person at the late twenties would move into a house with his boyfriends parents?
This was kind of unrealistic. I didn't like it. But everything else is very good, i liked reading it!
Chapter 11: Noo problem you have a nice story here :D
Chapter 11: awww the ending was so cute and sweet :')
doyce228 #8
Chapter 11: aww I really love this! >///<
skyblaster357 #9
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I love your story sososososooo muucchhh (>̯͡.̮<̯͡) such a cute ending in the end~ :"D