
Behind a Beautiful Smile ヅ

"Uncle.. You really need to stop hating Hyukjae.." The man furrowed his eyes. "What did you just said?" He said sternly , hoping to scare his nephew , even for just a little but it always failed. His nephew is a fearless person. "I said , you really have to stop hating my friend.." The younger repeated. 

The uncle scoffed. "And why should I listen to you?" "Because I'm not scared of you.." The nephew said , glaring. "He's innocent and pure than anything else you can ever think about.." "Huh? Since when did you take his side?" The other said as he smirked. "Since I met him.." The younger replied calmly.

"He's not pure you know.. What about those bruises on his body? Or should I say.. Hickeys?" Heechul glared at Donghae. "You don't know where he got those bruises from.." "Yeah.. Probably from his -deprived lover.." Donghae said calmly. "He has no other family member except from his father.. So where do you think he got it from?" He asked.

"His lover? Duh.." The other answered lazily. "But he doesn't even have a phone.. How could he contact his boyfriend?" "Maybe he's in the same school?" "But why no one has walked him to his house then?" Donghae was speechless now. "I don't know! Maybe his boyfriend is working?" "How did he even met him in the first place?"

The uncle groaned. "You're asking too much.. Shut up.." The nephew scoffed. "Who are you to silent me?" Donghae groaned before going into the kitchen to get water to clear his head. If Hyukjae doesn't have a boyfriend , who was the person who always leaves bruises on the boy's body?

He knew he was mean to his students. Well , he was like this since his ex - who happened to be a - left him. He hated everything and refused to think that someone is innocent since his ex also act like so. 

Hyukjae was different though. How his eyes sparkled innocently when he watched the caterpillar on a branch. How he would smile when he saw butterflies. How he would help animals if they were abused or trapped. How he would help his friends who were in trouble. How he would smile despite the fact his body is bruised. Yet , he still doubt the fact he's innocent.

He went into his study to arrange his students files and stopped doing so when he saw Hyukjae's document. 'Hmm? His father never signed on any of these papers..' He thought as he looked through all of the papers. 'Hmm.. I'll just call him to come to school tomorrow..' He thought and then searched for his phone.

'Choi Seunghyun.. He's quite handsome.. I guess Hyukjae's beauty came from his mother then..' He thought and began to dial the number of the said man. It took a while before it was answered , it was 10 PM anyway. "Sorry if I have disturbed you , but are you Choi Seunghyun?" Donghae said politely. 

He thought he heard a cry in the background but then he heard a door slammed. "Oh yeah.. That's me.. Why are you calling me for though?" The man replied. "Oh I just need you to come to school tomorrow.. It looks like you haven't signed any of your son's papers and I need to hand them over to the government by tomorrow evening.." He explained.

"I got it.. I'll go there at 12 PM.. Is that okay for you?" "Yes.." Then he heard a cry yet again. "May I ask you something sir?" "Yes?" Donghae thought for a while whether to voice out the question or not but decided to just do so. "Is there someone crying over there?" There were silence for a while.

"W-What crying are you referring to teacher? My s-son is already asleep.." The other said , stammering. Did he just got caught? Donghae furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion. The boy's father is indeed weird! Though , he decided to ignore it. "Well.. I'll see you tomorrow then.. Good night.." He said and ended the call. 

"You still don't want to believe Hyukjae is innocent?" His fearless nephew asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "For now , nope. But I'm going to question his father later on.." "What?! You're going to talk to Mr. Seunghyun?!" Yelled the younger , clearly surprised. 

"Is it that weird to talk with his father? I'm just going to talk to him while he sign Hyukjae's papers.." The younger nodded. "What are you going to question him though?" "Whether he has a boyfriend or not.." Heechul then turned his head towards the older. "Tell me his reaction then.. I'll be counting on you.." He said with a serious expression.

'Counting on me for what?' Donghae thought but decided to ask his nephew later on. "Bye uncle.. If you torture Hyukjae today , I'll hit your head using a metal pole so be prepared.." His nephew threaten with a serious face before opening the door to the car and walk into the school leaving a scared uncle.

'Y-You diva-like evil nephew!' He had to admit that he's kind of scared because if his nephew said with a serious face , he mean it. 'You're just lucky today Hyukjae that I will not torture you as usual..' he thought before starting to drive towards the teacher's parking lot. His nephew live with him so it was normal to send him before parking.

"How is your son at home?" He asked as Seunghyun signed the papers. He took a while before answering. "H-He's caring.. He would make me meals even though he himself is sick.." The teacher nodded. "I see.. Well.. Does your son have a boyfriend?" The man look at him unbelievably.

"I-I don't think so.. He doesn't even has a cell phone and he is also busy working at a cafe to support us.." "Why aren't you working then? It's not good to let a 16 year old kid to work that hard." The teacher asked as he eyed the man. "I-I'm not in a good condition to work.." "What a lame excuse.. You seem healthy though.. Is is because of your wife death?" He guessed. 

The man nodded. "You know what? Get over her death and be a man.." He said before leaving the speechless man with the signed papers. He then decided to stalk the man until he's out of school though he accidentally walked in a boy who was confessing his feelings to Hyukjae. 

He hid behind the wall and saw Seunghyun walked into the scene. He saw how Hyukjae widen his eyes when he saw his father and the man just grab him from the wrists and drag him away. Though , the said boy flinched before the man touched him. 'Why did he flinched? It's his own father..'

He followed them after ordering to the other boy to go for class. "That boy from earlier was confessing to you right?" The father asked sternly and his son nodded timidly while looking down. "Look at me!" The father ordered but the son didn't make a single move. The man lifted up the boy's chin and Donghae saw how tears was flowing down his beautiful face.

The man groaned. "Don't cry! You're making a scene here!" He yelled while yanking him and the boy quickly tried to contain his sobs. 'Such a strict father..' The teacher thought. The man then slapped his son's cheek , making the corner of his lips bleed but the boy showed no sign of struggling. It was useless to do so. 

Is that where he got those bruises from? The father was about to make another slap to the other side of the boy's cheek when the teacher walked in. "Oh? You're still here Mr. Seunghyun?" Donghae said , purposely acting like he just arrived. The man quickly pulled back his hand and smile towards the teacher. 

"Yeah.. I was just greeting my son on the way there.." He said with a smile. The teacher glance at the teary-eyed Hyukjae and look back at the cause of it. "You can leave now.. I'll guide your son to his class.." Donghae said with a smile and the other man hesitate to leave but did so after glaring at his son. 

'Heechul was right.. Hyukjae is innocent..'


Yay! Updated! The next chapter will have HaeHyuk moments.. ^^ Oh! And did you guys got an alert saying I updated? Well.. I'm sorry to people who got that alarm.. I was suppose to un-tick the 'Rated M' cause it tick automatically and instead , I un-tick the 'Hide Chapter' xDD When I realize it , I quickly tick the hide chapter back! xDD 

[ATTENTION TO E.L.F.]  Vote here for Super Junior!! I'll make 3 accounts.. Mehehe! xD

What do you think of this chapter? Going to bath now~ I have school for today.. Bye! ヾ(●⌒∇⌒●)ノ 

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Ended! ^^


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Chapter 11: I kinda have a problem with the ending but the story is still beautiful (you cannot expect everything to go as your own taste)
ecargebeohp_10 #2
Chapter 4: such a meanie father!
Chapter 11: such a lovely fic ^^ i loved it !!
Chapter 11: Ok.. The starting of this story was amazing, I don't know how you did it. The other parts were like heaven.
However, I have this problem with the ending.
First, why would a man in his late twenties move into his student's house?
Second, where did they find the time to even fall in love?
Chapter 11: mhh.. well i dunno. I kind of liked it somehow. I like the way you write, how you set scenes.
The one big problem I have: I don't like the mind changing of Eunhyuks father. First, for many years, he beats him up and was about to ____ his own son, but then all of sudden, he's the most caring person in world.
And which grown person at the late twenties would move into a house with his boyfriends parents?
This was kind of unrealistic. I didn't like it. But everything else is very good, i liked reading it!
Chapter 11: Noo problem you have a nice story here :D
Chapter 11: awww the ending was so cute and sweet :')
doyce228 #8
Chapter 11: aww I really love this! >///<
skyblaster357 #9
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I love your story sososososooo muucchhh (>̯͡.̮<̯͡) such a cute ending in the end~ :"D