Protecting him..

Behind a Beautiful Smile ヅ

"The water's ready.." Heechul informed as he walked out of the bathroom.  "You'll be sleeping here tonight.. Don't worry about clothing , just wear mine.." He said again and helped his friend to walk. He wiped his best friend's tears when they entered the bathroom. "Don't think about that bastard.. Just relax yourself for now.." He advised as he undress the other because he showed no sign of taking it off.

"D-Don't close the door.." Hyukjae said when his friend was just about to do so. Heechul looked at him confusedly but complied to it anyway. He entered the bathtub that is filled with warm water and sighed in relief and began to think about what had happened before. Who would have thought his father would do something like that to him?

He looked around the bathroom and his eyes sparkled when he saw a bottle of strawberry shampoo. He quickly stood up - not too fast afraid that he'll slip - and walked towards the bottle. Forgetting the fact that he was and the door was slightly open. He grabbed the bottle and was about to walk back towards the bathtub when suddenly the door was pushed open.

"Hyukjae , I brought you som- Oh God! I'm so sorry! Here's your towel! Enjoy your bath!" His teacher yelled out panicky and threw the towel on the counter. Hyukjae blushed deep red when he realize what had just happened. His teacher just saw him !! But why didn't he mind when Heechul saw it? 

That's a tough question.. He decided to think about it later and enjoy the bath and so he continued making his way towards the bathtub. After done with it , he picked up the towel and tied it around his waist and peeked his head out of the bathroom door. "Heechul hyung?" He called out and after seconds , the said name appeared.

"Oh you're done? Follow me to my room.." Heechul said and the younger did as he was told. "You'll wear my pajama and underwear.." "Is it okay to do so?" Hyukjae asked , unsure. "Relax.. I'm too big to wear that pajama anymore - yeah , a diva can get fat too so what? - and the underwear is new.. I bought it without bothering to look at it's size and it's too small for me.. I'm sure you'll fit in it perfectly.. Look at your arm!" He held the younger's arm. "It only have bones!" 

And the younger quickly pulled back his arm and glared at the older lightly. "What? I'm only stating a fact.. You're really skinny.." And the younger pouted. "I'll make sure you eat a lot while you're staying here so don't worry.." The older smile. "I'll go help Donghae prepare dinner.. Join us after you're done dressing.." He informed and the younger nodded. 

After he made sure the door is locked - afraid someone would barged in again - he held the clothing and proceeded on wearing it. He unlocked the door once he was done and looked at the mirror. He pulled pajama top over his shoulder though it remained stubborn and fell from his shoulder again. He sighed and decided to just let it be.

A thought hit him , he was in Heechul's room! The y-but-kind-diva's room! He looked around and wasn't that surprised when he saw a mini cupboard filled with accessories. He then saw a picture of a guy on his hyung's dressing table. He eyed it for seconds and finally recognized it. 

It was Han Geng! He saw this guy several times hanging out with his friend. He tried to figure out why was this guy's picture is here , on his friend's table. When he figured out , he made a sheepish smile. Who thought his y-but-kind-diva-friend could have a crush on a Chinese man? 

Though , he decided not to tease his hyung and go have dinner with them. It would look impolite if he didn't do so. He walked out of the room and entered the dining room , seeing that Heechul was already setting their dinner on the table. He wanted to help but his friend told him to sit down and so , he complied to it.

They have spaghetti for dinner. He smiled looking at it. It's been a while since he properly eaten anything and he has been craving spaghetti for awhile. Though , he lowered his head when he saw his teacher - remembering the bathroom incident made him unable to look at Donghae properly.

He wanted to serve the spaghetti on his own but Heechul being kind served it to him - 3 scoops - and was about to make the 4 but he whined and so , the older stopped. He watched as his friend and teacher dug into it while he just ate is slowly. It didn't take them a while to make the second round and he just watched in amusement as they fought for who'll get it first. 

He giggled when the spaghetti sauce got stuck on Donghae's face and for a minute , they stopped fighting. He stopped giggling at look at them confusedly. "What is it?" He asked. Heechul was the first one to answer. "Y-You just giggled.." "Y-Yeah.." Donghae said too before turning to look at his nephew's face. 

"HE JUST GIGGLED!" The shouted together before jumping around , making Hyukjae feel as if he just entered a bunch of psycho people's house. After minutes , they calmed down. Heechul walked towards the fridge and his friend's eyes sparkled when he saw what was in the older's hand. Strawberry milk. 

"Here is reward for giggling!" Heechul announced. Hyukjae ignored it and proceeded on drinking the strawberry milk. He was the last one to finish dinner but his friend was always beside him , babbling about what he should wear tomorrow and other matters. He wanted to wash his own dishes but Heechul beat him to it.

He pouted as he sat on a chair , waiting for Heechul to finish washing it. "Why are you treating me like a baby? I'm 16 already!" He whined while he sulked. The older just smile , ruffling his hair with a towel. "You're just a 5-year-old-kid that is trapped in this body.. Look! You didn't even dry your hair.. You could catch a fever you know?" He said.

Hyukjae pouted while letting his hyung dry his hair. "Where am I sleeping tonight?" Heechul thought for a while. "Just sleep with me.. My bed is enough to fit you too.. You only take like.. 1/5 of the bed.." The younger pouted. "Stop describing me like I'm some paper!" The older chuckled. "Okay okay.."

Unknown to them , a certain man was looking at the scene with jealousy. Though , the man himself didn't know why. He decided to interfere them as the feeling was too overwhelming. "What about school tomorrow? Your books are at home right?" The two of them look at the source of voice.

Hyukjae smile , deciding to break the ice between him and Mr. Donghae. "It's okay.. I put my books in the locker.. I only need my stationeries.." Before he could ask about it , Heechul continued. "Which I will lend him some of mine.." Donghae nodded before glancing at the clock.

"It's 10 PM already.. You guys should sleep.." He ordered and Hyukjae nodded. Heechul wanted to argue with his uncle but the younger tugged his sleeves as he dragged him. "Why did you drag me? Are you sleepy?" "Kinda? Let's just sleep.." The younger said and the older just complied to it.

"Hyung.. I feel cold.." Hyukjae whispered , they were in bed together. "Come closer.." He did as he was told and was taken by surprise when the older hugged him from behind. "Warmer now?" The younger smiled , nodding his head before falling into sleep. 

Donghae was shocked , surprised and.. Speechless when he saw the scene on his nephew's bed. Hugging each other while sleeping. Is it normal? He tiptoed towards the alarm clock and quicken it by 30 minutes. He quickly ran out of the room and when he closed the door , the alarm quickly rang. He heard some rustlings from inside and then...


And he giggled hearing his nephew curse before skipping happily towards the living room.


An update! Haha! Lol.. The internet has ended actually.. but when I typed AFF's link , it went to it.. I bet the internet pitied me.. xD But I dunno when the internet will end FULLY... so.. If I didn't update 'The Special Lovely Boy ' for next week.. It means the internet here is dead..

And can you guys vote for Super Junior at MAMA? I'm having problem to access it.. *pouts* Don't vote for me but vote for Super Junior.. They deserve those awards.. ^^What do you think about childish Hae at the end? xD                  

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Ended! ^^


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Chapter 11: I kinda have a problem with the ending but the story is still beautiful (you cannot expect everything to go as your own taste)
ecargebeohp_10 #2
Chapter 4: such a meanie father!
Chapter 11: such a lovely fic ^^ i loved it !!
Chapter 11: Ok.. The starting of this story was amazing, I don't know how you did it. The other parts were like heaven.
However, I have this problem with the ending.
First, why would a man in his late twenties move into his student's house?
Second, where did they find the time to even fall in love?
Chapter 11: mhh.. well i dunno. I kind of liked it somehow. I like the way you write, how you set scenes.
The one big problem I have: I don't like the mind changing of Eunhyuks father. First, for many years, he beats him up and was about to ____ his own son, but then all of sudden, he's the most caring person in world.
And which grown person at the late twenties would move into a house with his boyfriends parents?
This was kind of unrealistic. I didn't like it. But everything else is very good, i liked reading it!
Chapter 11: Noo problem you have a nice story here :D
Chapter 11: awww the ending was so cute and sweet :')
doyce228 #8
Chapter 11: aww I really love this! >///<
skyblaster357 #9
Chapter 11: Ahhhhh I love your story sososososooo muucchhh (>̯͡.̮<̯͡) such a cute ending in the end~ :"D