Nu'est Baekho- When He Saves You

Your K-Pop Love Life

It started off like any other night....
    You and Baekho had gone on one of your usual late night dates. Baekho knew you hated going out so late, but it was the only way to see him without your relationship being revealed. You were walking back to your apartment holding hands and laughing about a stupid joke he had told, trying to make you feel better after your long day at school. A pair of lights appeared on the road behind you, but thinking nothing of it you both kept walking. The next thing you felt is Baekho's hands push you on the ground. Sitting up, you saw a car reverse off of the sidewalk and speed away. A body lay on the ground, and you hear a disgruntled moan. When you run over to him, Baekho looks up at you and smiles his famous eye smile. "You're okay," He sighed quietly. "Shh..We're both gonna be okay," you cried, tears pouring from your eyes like rivers. Wiping away the tears in your eyes, you grabbed your cell phone to call 119 and tried to calm your voice. The ambulance finally arrived and the paramedics began loading Baekho onto the stretcher. "Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to go home and find another way to the hospital," another paramedic said while trying to hold your shoulders back. "Sir, I mean no disrespect, but you are not going to keep me from riding with him," you replied, pushing your way passed the man and climbing into the ambulance. Sighing, he climbed in after you and closed the doors.

After making it to the hospital, some nurses patched up your scraped elbows and sent you to the waiting room while Baekho was still in surgery. Urgently, you called Aron on your cell phone. "_____-ah, where are you guys? You were supposed to be home hours ago!" He said into the receiver, sounding as worried as ever. "Aron-oppa, Baekho got hit by a car, we're at the hospital now, but no one has come out to say anything yet," you replied, trying to hold in your tears. You heard some yelling on the other end and Ren's voice come over the phone. "____-ah! Don't worry, we're on our way now, just try to stay calm okay?" You stifled an answer and hung up the phone, sobbing into your hands. The boys arrived quickly, Ren and JR joining you in the waiting room while Aron and Minhyun talked to the receptionist. You hadn't stopped crying since the phone call. Ren held you close as he noticed a man in scrubs walk up to Aron. Aron nodded quickly and practically ran into the waiting room. "The doctor said that he's going to be fine, just a broken leg and some minor scraps,"we can go in now if we want." he said, breathing a sigh of relief. The boys collectively decided to send you in alone first. You nodded and stood up following the doctor back into the hallways. He led you to a door that was cracked open and you entered in slowly. You walked over to the bed and breathed a sigh of relief, bringing your hand up to his cheek lightly. The sides of his mouth twitched lightly as he reached up to grab your hand with his, intertwining your fingers with his as you sat down. "Your eyes are red," he whispered, reaching up to wipe your tear with the back of his hand. You swallowed the lump in your throat and smiled. "Of course they are," you sighed, your voice rough from sobbing, "I could've lost you." He grinned at you and said, "Well, I was more worried about you, I can't imagine losing you," You scoffed and stood up quickly. "Don't worry about me so much," you said, tears forming in your eyes. "As long as you're okay, I'm okay. I'm your boyfriend, I have to protect you" he grinned again. "Well, don't try anything like that again," you smiled, turning to look at him. "YAH! KANG DONGHO! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" You hear a voice yell while opening the door. Aron shoves through the door and the rest of the guys follow. You both start laughing as Aron shook his head, disapprovingly.

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Chapter 10: Haha this was adorable~!
Can I request for VIXX' N..? When he finally wakes up from the coma he slipped into about 3 months ago?
Chapter 10: XD I LOVED IT!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!! ooh yes~ even better than I imagined~ so lovely~ and the ending was cute, with the other members spying. lol <3 thank you for writing it :)
Hiya~ I hope you are still taking requests~
if you are, can you please write one with Block B's Taeil?
when he feels shy with you having skinship with him in front of s. :3
midnightangelxo #5
midnightangelxo #6
Beast Gikwang : when he brings you to a res carpet event
Can you do one for B1A4's Gongchan?
Maybe like.......
When he takes you to a haunted house?