Out Eating

How the Day Met the Night

It would have surprised him if it didn't happen. Seriously, it was becoming an habit for Kyuhyun to show up every wednesday afternoon, right after Zhou Mi's class, to the dorm to fool around, in the dorm or in town. Whatever they wanted to do, since Kyuhyun had given himself the mission to make sure Zhou Mi was not over working himself. Henry was rarely there, so it was the two of them, enough to make Zhou Mi's head spin everytime he would leave Kyuhyun, wondering how he was going to survive the next week without jumping on that wonderful, and hot, guy. Somehow he was doing it, since it didn't happen...yet.



-Did you wait long, asked Zhou Mi, a few steps away from his friend.

-Not really. What do you want to do?

-I have a ton of homework, so how about I lend you my computer and you entertain me with stuff while I do some?


-Yeah. You show up on your own, at least be useful.


He was already going toward the dorm, dodging the maknae's fist, laughing. Kyuhyun did follow, so in a way, he accepted the proposition, though Zhou Mi wasn't sure if he would be really able to work at all. He just wanted to finish what was for the day after, then he would be okay to complete everything later on. He already had a big part of it completed, it was only to be double sure it would be done and in his bag in time, without him having to stay up all night to make sure it was. They entered in his appartment, Kyuhyun already reaching for the computer, hugging it.


-Hi there, did you miss me?

-I know my computer is a little better than yours, but don't squeaze it to death, please.

-What do you have to do? Homeworks, I mean.


Zhou Mi threw his bag on his table, opened it and took out a little pile of paper.


-A few things. I just want to be done with what is due to tomorrow. After that, we'll see.


Doing homework would change his mind, also, because it was actually hard to not stare at Kyuhyun sometimes, especially when he had no reason to. There was, at that point, no way that he wasn't in love, his head filled with sparkles when Kyuhyun was around, his heart automatically lighter when he was smiling and his eyes filled with lust when he had a glace to see his perfectly shaped . He was almost impressed how Kyuhyun didn't realise it yet, he was having a hard time to keep it secret. Maybe because he wasn't talking much about his own love dramas...Kyuhyun had no way to know he was even interessed in guys. That was stupid from him, he should have told him, but now, he just... couldn't.


His books and papers where all over the table, ready to be used or written on for the sake of his studies. He rubbed his hands together, mentally preparing himself to do those homeworks when he caught Kyuhyun's stare.


-What, Zhou Mi asked.

-Oh nothing, just looking at you...getting ready for a fight, I guess.


Kyuhyun spinned on the chair, smiling. He was looking at the floor, his legs against his chest, spinning slowly, a big, childish smile on his face. Smiling like that only because of a chair...


-You're having fun?

-Tons of. You're having fun yet?

-About to. I'm ready to face the dragon, and I'm going to beat the crap out of it.


Kyuhyun started to laugh, Zhou Mi answering with a smile. The maknae almost fell down the chair, still spinning. Why didn't he have a camera that took videos, that would have been awesome to keep, and to laugh at. It was cute, and he had to be violent not to get up and hug him. Squeaze him to death because of a cuteness overload, that if he doesn't jump on him first. He grabbed his pen and started to work, a smirk on his face, still hearing Kyuhyun laugh and spin. He could feel the stare of Kyuhyun as he was eating the tip of his pen, already stuck on a question, the answer on the tip of his tongue. He lift his eyes, smiling.


-My computer doesn't have a password, remember?

-Yeah, I know, I'm having fun with the chair still.

-You are acting like a child...


He couldn't help himself smiling more than he already was.


-It's cute.


He lower his eyes, the answer popping in his mind. That and because he could almost feel his face becoming red by the second. Did he just...said that Kyuhyun was cute? He didn't do that...that was so stupid of him! If he could, he would smack his head against the table. He wasn't supposed to say anything like that, this is not the time for his feelings to come out, not that soon! He looked like he was working really hard on his things, but the thruth was he wasn't even able to read at that point.


Kyuhyun was still spinning, not saying a word. He looked like his brain had decided to reboot on it's own, totally blown away by those two little words. He thought Zhou Mi didn't have any particular reason to say this, of course he wasn't giving himself false hope...not much, anyway. Those two words almost made him smile, but he was so surprised he froze, stopping him from doing so.


Kyuhyun finally went on the computer, sometimes distracting Zhou Mi with music and funny videos. It took maybe an hour and an half before Zhou Mi sighed and threw his pencil away.


-I think I have done enough for now. Wanna go somewhere?

-Yeah sure, what do you have in mind?

-A place to eat. I'm starving.


Kyuhyun stood up and grabbed his coat, smiling.


-Let's go then!


Zhou Mi grabbed his coat and his bag, putting in his wallet, keys and a few others things, just in case, and walked out of the appartment with Kyuhyun. There was a restaurant Zhou Mi wanted to try out that was really close to the gay village, as it was called. That place was known for the high number of gay bar around, and most of homouals were spending time there. Zhou went there mroe than once, that was were he had found his last one-night stand. Kyuhyun didn't care going there, though he looked a little surprised it didn't bother Zhou Mi at all to go there, maybe also because it was him who proposed. They took a table for two, in the middle of the place. There was other male couple in there, and by the way they were all nice and sweet with each other, it was obvious it was a popular place for dates. Kyuhyun was avoiding Zhou Mi's eyes, looking around or at his menu.


He probably hoped it could have been a date. He had a clear image in his mind of him eating with Zhou Mi, head to head, so close to each other they could kiss, his hand touching Mi's...


-Are you ready to take your command, asked the waiter.

-I am. Kui Xian?

-Yeah...Yeah, I'm ready.


That scared Kyuhyun, he was caught up in his fantasies for a moment. Zhou Mi didn't see anything, but the amused look of the waiter made Kyuhyun wonder if he didn't get the wrong idea. He took their orders and smiled.


-That'll be all, sirs?

-For now, yeah, thank you, answered Zhou Mi, smiling.


He walked away, smiling a little too much for Kyuhyun's taste. Zhou Mi didn't even realise, he was trying his hardest not to stare to much at Kyuhyun, looking away a little too much to be natural. He was eating face to face with the guy he had a crush on, it was hard not to let it show. He could already guess the waiter knew, and that as why he was smiling, but as long he didn't say anything, he didn't care. It was already a lot for him too keep it quiet, no need to have it blew off by some random stranger on a random night. The conversation really started there, though, going back into a more casual mood, laughing discretely, to not bother the others around.


They received their food with a smile, the waiter going back in the kitchen. Zhou Mi looked at him a little longer, smiling when he saw another waiter grab the first one by his collar and dragged him behind.


-I think our waiter have a boyfriend.

-Think they are going to be in trouble if they are found out, asked Kyuhyun, starting to eat.

-Maybe. I don't plan on getting them in trouble, though. They are kind of cute together.

-It doesn't bother you?

-No, why?

-...I don't know, not every guy is comfortable with that kind of...situation.


Oh right, he forgot to tell him...


-I'm okay with it. It's not like they were making out in the middle of the restaurant.

-Well, that would be...interesting.


Kyuhyun started to laugh, hardly keeping it low when the waiter came back with salt and pepper, a little confused.


-Salt? Pepper?

-No thank, said Zhou Mi. May I give you an advice?

-...Yes, sir?

-Ask you boyfriend to be more subtle, mister...Donghae, said Kyuhyun before Zhou Mi could say anything.


The waiter became red and bow.


-Yea...yeah, thank you sir.


He walked away, scratching the back of his head. The two friends started to laugh, hiding themselves behind their glasses of water. The conversation shifted on things less important, like butterflies and what Zhou Mi needed to buy for food, eating slowly, talking a little too much. They both felt so comfortable around the other, and so awkward in the same time, both too blinded by their own crush to realise they were looking a lot like the couples in the room, talking, head to head, in a soft voice like if they were sharing secrets when they were, at that moment, talking about one of the quests they did online.


After a few hours, after the sweet dessert they took, both looking at the other eating when one was distracted, they asked for the receit.


-Okay, one or two receits, dear lovely couple?

-We're not a couple, say the two friends at the same time.

-...Seriously? Sorry, then...


There was a small awkward silence before Zhou Mi said to the waiter they would seperate the bill. They were just friends, afterall...It wasn't a date. It was actually hard not to be sad, though he had say it at the same at as Kyuhyun. Of course they were just friend, Kyuhyun was still getting over his break up, building enough trust in someone again could take a while, and even then, nothing told him it could be him his next lover, it wasn't like Kyuhyun wasn't the hottest piece of man he had seen in years...It hurt a little, but he still smiled when they stood up and almost forgot about it when they crossed the door and walked back to the subway.


-I talked to Sungmin again, said Kyuhyun, at some point in the conversation.


-Yah. We're okay, I think I can get over the pain now...He told me something, though.


-He told me...he had a crush on someone.


Zhou Mi looked surprised. He didn't add anything, though.


-He told me he would confess soon, Kyuhyun continued.

-Kui Xian...

-I'm okay. I should have guessed, we both will continue our life our way...I'm really okay, Zhou Mi, no need to look so sad.

-...I'm happy to hear that you're okay.

-It was about time for me to forget. Things are better now, I have the future in front of me.


He smiled. Zhou Mi was happy to hear that his broken heart was almost healed, though he still think it was a bit much coming from Sungmin's part. He was curious to know who it was, still.


-Do you know who the guy is, asked Zhou Mi.

-No, he didn't say. Maybe I don't know him, so he didn't think it was necessary to say a name. Why?

-Curious. I didn't hear anything about a crush, I'm just a little surprised.

-He didn't tell you anything? Henry told me he was telling you everything.

-Henry told you that? Why?


It was Kyuhyun's turn to be surprised, but not for the same reasons.



-That big-mouthed guy...I should have known, that guy is way too curious.



Well, at least he didn't have to tell in which circumstances Henry told him...Zhou Mi shrughed.


-He'll probably tell me soon enough.

-You two are close, asked Kyuhyun, regretting quickly that he asked.


Zhou Mi stayed silent a moment. Close? Not really, not from his own point of view. Sungmin was talking to him, yeah, but he never went to him for anything. He didn't care much, though.


-I think I am a good enough listener for him, I guess, he finally answered. I have to go, I have tons of homework left.

-I'll go too. Good night.

-Good night.


Zhou Mi waited for Kyuhyun to be out of his sight before taking the subway and heading home. He almost ran back to Kyuhyun to kiss his life out, but didn't. That was a little to extreme, but he could keep it for his own fantasies.




Say thanks to Jubee epicness for the bonus chpater today :33

I'm a freaking Eunhae lover XDD


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gami-pami #1
Chapter 24: It was a great story !
It could have been great if you had developped the "in game relationship" between them a little more
I thought the fix was going to be a bit more about that :')
I enjoyed it nonetheless !
Chapter 24: I finished it! I loved how they met through the game, and I really thought you did a great job developing their relationship until they got together. It might have been just me, but there wasn't enough drama when Heechul came back for Zhou Mi. But I'm a er for angst soooo....overall I enjoyed this story :) good job!
Chapter 4: I've read through chapter 3! I really like your plot idea, so I'm going to keep reading. Your writing is pretty good, though you have a lot of spelling errors and some minor grammar mistakes, but it's not so bad that I can't read it (if you got a native-speaker beta this would be solved). So all-in-all, I am looking forward to more of this story!
narasama #4
Chapter 24: It was beautiful and i gotta say, you have some skill in writing dirty stuff!
Chapter 24: tewj gdfs;jfhkdlj tgeudfoufjldlriofuiworefdsjlshkefj;dhpt'ewiotaeouers

YOU PUT BEE IN YOUR FIC VAL!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flidjfos;d'

Perfect ending. I love you. You're so talented. Please share.. s
fsodfjweao xD <3
Chapter 23: * needs to be plural! xD hehehe
hjf slkdjfioutiewojslfjslkjfk !!!!!!! Writing a philosphy paper and reading QMi = no bueno xD hehehe BUT I REGRET NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT???!!! END???!! END????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TT___TT Umma doesn't want all this fluffiness to end TT__TT
Chapter 22: *correction: stick his tongue out at Heechul Val! xD

f sdlkfjlsdkjkfdsj xD <3
Chapter 21: Shisus Val ~~~~~~~~. Why Heechul though?
Chapter 19: s dklfjskldfjklsjrfl! Y U HAVE SUCH GOOD IDEAS VAL???!!! TT__TT You make me so jealous... TT__TT