Final Statement

I Promised I'll Never Love Again


Siwon felt like he was suffocating. There was a long pause between the conversations.

“Tell me, what your answer is.” He said, not wanting to look at Miyoung’s face, in case she might reject his confession.

The chances are 50-50. If Miyoung ends up rejecting Siwon, he knows it’ll take a while to move onto another love life. His record won’t be broken, but will be striving to reach to the top. His love life will become a complete lie; a lie that can’t be resolved with the other half of the apple.

If Miyoung ends up accepting Siwon, he’ll be another contented man on Earth. Not only is he another pleased man on Earth, but he’ll be the most blissful man in the universe. To have the love of your life accept your confession, that is the sweetest thing to ever occur between lovers.

According to Siwon’s instincts, he is positive that this confession will make a breakthrough.

Siwon gulped again. Then again, his instincts were never accurate. His hopes are raised to the top of a hill, and then it dramatically drops to the centre of the Earth. It’s like a cupid’s arrow that struck through the heart.

“I…” Siwon swallowed down his saliva once again. His anxiety began to increase, feeling nervous as to what the outcome may be.

“Here is your order, sir, Madame. Please enjoy your meal!” HyukJae, the waiter, gently placed the plate of Italian cuisine on the table. One plate was placed in front of Miyoung, and the other, in front of Siwon.

Lee HyukJae, I will report a complaint to your manager for ruining the most critical moment in my life. Siwon thought, glaring at HyukJae, who apparently did not notice the cold glare from one of his customers.

“Thank you.” Miyoung smiled at HyukJae. He smiled back at his cheerful and pretty customer.

“So back to what we were discussing earlier… Your response is…” Siwon’s glare darted at HyukJae as he left the surrounding table. Siwon glanced back at Miyoung, who apparently was focusing on her plate of pasta.

“This looks delicious.” Miyoung said, changing the topic. Siwon was eager to know the result to his confession.

“Miyoung-ah, can you please tell me what your reply is.”

Miyoung looked up from her plate of delicious Italian pasta, and stared into Siwon’s mesmerizing eyes.

“Do you really want to know?” A tint of pink/red appeared on both of Miyoung’s cheeks. Siwon nodded.

“I… think I like you.” Siwon could not believe his ears.

Am I hallucinating? Is this a cruel nightmare, haunting and mocking me? Did Miyoung really agree? Does she like me back? Oh God, pinch me. Pinch me and let me know this is reality.

“Did I-” Miyoung nodded her head.

“So you agree to be my girlfriend?” Miyoung thought for a split millisecond. Once again, she nodded her head in response.

“YES I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND NOW!” Siwon jumped up and shouted, taking Miyoung in his arms. The customers within the restaurant were staring at them, yet applauding for Siwon and Miyoung’s success.

“WHOOO! THAT A MAN!” One of the male customers that sat four tables away from Siwon and Miyoung’s table, cheered for Siwon.

“Congratulations!” The rest of the customers cheered.

“Thank you! THANK YOU!” Siwon was tearing, but it was tears full of joy and blissfulness. He swung Miyoung around, his grip on her slim waist.


“Hm?” He smiled gleefully at her.

“Put me down.”

“Waeyo? I want the entire world to know that you, Choi Miyoung, are my girlfriend.”

“Since when was my surname Choi?” She scrunched up her nose, pinching Siwon by the cheeks.

“Ever since you accepted my confession and my proposal.”

“Put me down first.” Miyoung commanded. Siwon did as he was told. He gently placed Miyoung back on her feet. The restaurant became how it was earlier. Crowded with customers awaiting the restaurant’s delicious Italian cuisine.

“I’m glad I met you.” Miyoung said as she sat back down.

“I’m glad I met you too. You’re my perfectionist.” Miyoung blushed at his comment.

“You know, now that I think about it, that waiter over there, Lee HyukJae, can’t be compared to Choi Siwon.” Siwon eye smiled at Miyoung. He took her by the hand, and caressed it.

“I know.” He said and they continued eating their meal.

“This is the best date ever.” Miyoung mumbled under her breath, loud enough for Siwon to hear. A smile plastered onto his face, seeing how his girlfriend has learned to accept a fresh new start.

“I know.” <3

:# I'm very sorry to break it to you, my fellow readers. This story is coming to an end. )':

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blue_oiseau #1
I love this story <3
poor kyunie why u died early.TTTTTTTTT__________TTTTTTT<br />
yuukarijkpop #3
TT_TT a very beautiful story :D
yuukarijkpop #4
chapter 7 made me cry.... i wish i can find a man like him :')
I feel so sad for KyuKyu! I kinda wonder... How did her die?
Aw! So sad, but great, too! Nice writing! :D
Aww so cute! Want kyunkyun for me! *.* bt healthy. I just think th story was short, all about his confession and all.. I thought their love would have a better development so we could see + abt siwon and become divided between siwon & kyunkyun. Bt it was cool and i almost cried on th 1st chapter ;.;
aww.. i can't imagine how hard to live in this world without kyuhyun.. i really can't.but it's really an unexplainable ending. i almost cried.<br />
"Goodbye, my love."<br />
i got teary eyed when kyu said "Goodbye, my love."
kathrinaaa13 #10
T^T i cried at the last part ... T^T