They are.. GORGEOUS.

In LUST we T R U S T


Seoul, Korea 


It is indeed a perfect day.. with warm sunshine and fluffy cumulus clouds dappling the sky. Seoul, is indeed a great place..


Haneul cocked her head a little and looked at her friend and asked; hesitation is oblivious in her voice..    


“Do.. you -- know.. them?” as she looked at the three young ladies who were dressed casually, blending in with the summer tourists strolling along the airport. They have this long, wavy, lustrous dark hair and aristocratic looks that simply can’t be ignored by someone. It is just too hard not to look at them, she thought.


Miyoung smiled and said softly: “They are my friends Haneul ah~”


Friends? Friends. Gorgeous, friends indeed. 


Haneul lowered her head a little and murmured at Miyoung’s left ear: “ Are.. they idols? Models? Artist?” Her friend chuckled softly upon seeing her furrowed face. She never changed at all, she thought. Not a single bit.


“ HAHAHA! Hell, no Haneul ah~ let’s meet them, shall we?”  Miyoung said as she hooked her left hand into Haneul’s arm. “So this is..”


Park Haewon.. she was not the conventional drop-dead beauty that was the hallmark of  most girls, but she had something more, a graceful elegance. She was appealing and cute; like a human-doll, with her cute rosy-cheeks and beautiful eyes with her long lashes..


Jang Soomin— she had classical good looks, was charming and sociable, and a target of a lot of gentlemen. She had deep luminous brown eyes, and a gently curved figure that everyone admires.. She is indeed a cold woman to those she doesn't know. But when she smiled, people forgot everything else.. but that smile.


Choi Sunhee-- her beauty is stunning, everything about  her—the curve of  her arm, the shade of her nail polish, the timbre of her smile.. She loves to date, and play with boys; her philosophy in life was simple: A day without flirting was a day wasted.


Han Miyoung-- she grew into a very beautiful, young lady. She had a laughing, generous  mouth. People were impressed by her beauty, suggesting that she can be a  famous actress. She just dismissed the idea and thought, Who wants to get up that early every morning?


These girls were in constant trouble at their university. They love teasing the students, and making them as their servants. They might have been expelled except for these things: the founder of Seoul National University is Jang Soomin's grandfather AND  the fact that they're Queenkas. Hundreds of Universities throughout Korea wanted them as their students, because they were famous among the teens; therefore having them as their students will acquire the Universities popularity...


There were polite exchanges of hellos. They stood there, quite uncomfortable as they study one another..


“Wow, you’ve got wonderful and incredible friends, Miyoung ah~" Haneul chirped at her friend. 


“Yes, they are indeed incredible Haneul ah~.. To women...and men.” Miyoung said, chuckling softly..emphasizing the word m e n


"YAHH~ ahjumma!" Haewon whined, lifting her hands up in the air.. as she pouted her lips cutely and giggled a little. 


"That's a fact." Sunhee interrupted, crossing her arms at her chest with a smirk. 


" Butler Myung Jin sent a message, and he said he's already outside.. so, should we head outside now?"  Soomin said bluntly, as she gazed at her friends with a bored look on her face.  


A few minutes later.. they were infront of the Modena Ferrari limousine, Myung Jin, the butler, stood there as he opened the door for them. He was in his forties, a dignified capable servant who had worked for the Jang family for almost 17 years. 


"Where are we heading now, Maa'm?" the Butler asked politely.


" COEX Mall." Soomin replied, at the same time looking outside; looking at the streets of Seoul. 


The man just nodded and focused his attention at the road. Soomin then looked at Haneul and said:


" We'll buy you good stuffs.. You're clothes are quite dowdy, you know.." Then she smiled.. and it was a breathtaking, devastating sweet smile..


Haneul smiled back. They are incredibly gorgeous, she thought. 



WEEEEH~~~ I updated.. at LAST! HAHAHA. =)) So, what do you think about the Queenkas?? Do you like them? :O Anyway, DO COMMENT, OK? I'm so terribly missing those comments of yours! Do send a lot of comments! :) Tell me what you think ok? <33


Take care~ and thanks FOR READING! :))) HOPE YOU LIKED IT! <3


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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
onehelllove #2
it sounds tis story is for those 18 and above lol!
Plmokn #3
update soon
misty_1330 #4
:D<br />
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hanggang smiley nlng ako..HAHAHa XD<br />
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update sOOn!!~~~ <3
hahha the pic thingies in the end cracked me upp lol haha so she met 2 of them already lols update soon
Yay another chapter So far so good can't wait for the next update ^^<br />
Updat when you can :) AMD
Azumi23 #8
TO EVERYONE: I really am thankful that you are reading my fic. :') I really am. :D So please keep supporting me until the end and show me your deep love. ;> we can be friends, I don't bite. :)
OMG lmao~ Sungyeol! LOL Aigoo MORE!! Update more<3<br />
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LoL and Sunhee is so evil~ DAEBAK! JJANG!!! <3 saranghae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pjfdmx DONGWOON! *spazz*<br />
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LOL Oh Taecyeon~~~ <3 hehehe DAEBAK! SUPER NICE UPDATE!!!!! <3 SARANGHAE!!!!!!! MORE MORE MORE!!! *cling* <3