Don't Fall For Looks

My Date's The Beginning~ [APPLY CLOSED!]


Song: Infinite - Amazing (

Name: Heo Jaeyoung (18 years old)

Bias/Partner: Myungsoo (19 years old)

Type Of Story/Genre: Cute

Setting: Woolim Arts Academy School

Plot/ Summary: Jaeyoung always gets bullied in her school because she was over weight or what people would like to say, FAT. A Kingka, Myungsoo who apparently is famous made many posters of her with inappropriate writings and drawings because of her weight. Jaeyoung, being emotional, she changed her looks to stop the horror she has been going through. When Myungsoo looks at her, he's been flirting on her.
Jaeyoung didn't want her identity to be out yet, she wants Myungsoo to suffer the way she suffered those days. Myungsoo has found her found and found out that she was really the 'Hippo' (That's her nickname from him). When Myungsoo finds out the secret, he feels regretful for just falling for her looks. But at the end, they became as a happy couple.

Title: Don't Fall for Looks

Extra: Hehe second time to request. >:D! Take your time! Do what ever you want and surprise me. Oh when you are writing, I want you to make Myungsoo ask what her name was. And so she blurts out 'Toast'. LOL :D! He isn't my bias in Infinite, but I love him. (Even though he is aroud my 5th or 4th favorite LOL)  


Song for story:

Jaeyoung’s POV~

“Hey Hippo where are you going? Are you gonna go in your pig pen and eat? Here’s some trash to eat!” Why do they all mock me? I haven’t done anything to them yet they bully me as if it’s in their nature.

“I-I’m not hungry.” I mumble which only seems to fuel Myungsoo’s energy.

“What’s that? You’re even MORE hungry?” Him and his friends continue to laugh at me as they throw pieces of their bread at me. I hate this. You’re probably wondering, why are they bullying me when like I said, I haven’t done anything to them? It’s a childish answer but it’s true; I’m overweight. Otherwise to them known as FAT.

“Hey look what I found! It’s your modeling portfolio.” Myungsoo teased and threw a crumpled piece of paper at me. I can already imagine the picture, me with a pig’s tail wearing a too small bikini; exposing my chunky roundness. I just couldn’t take this anymore, this week was our spring break and I was determined to change. I was determined to transform from a squishy caterpillar to a blossoming butterfly.

The bell rang, signaling that school was over. I grabbed my things and ran out as fast as my stubby legs could carry me.

“Just you wait Myungsoo, I’ll make you pay.”

Myungsoo’s POV~

Man, spring break flew by so quickly. I caught up on my sleep, ate some great food, hung out with my friends, everything was great. But do you know what I miss most?

“Where’s my Hippo, Jaeyoung?” I asked around the classroom. Everyone laughed yet they also realized that she wasn’t here today. Strange, that nerdy Hippo never misses school. She’s the first one to sit at the front of the classroom.

“Aw, I won’t get to tease my Hippo today.” I muttered. I was looking forward to bullying her. Now that I think about it, I didn’t see her AT ALL during Spring break. It was as if she disappeared from the face of the Earth.

Jaeyoung’s POV~

I woke up as calmly as ever, stretching my limps until a heard the relaxing sound of my bone’s popping (come on we all do that XD). I got up and took a quick shower and headed to my closet. I gently picked up a tape measurement lying around and wrapped it around my waist. 23 inches exactly. I was about to put on my regular sweat pants when my eyes widened in horror as I stared at the calendar.

“I HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!” I looked at the clock and it was already 1: 36 PM!!! TT^TT I quickly slipped on my uniform that I had to shrink last night, and ran off, grabbing a piece of toast sitting on a plate.

Myungsoo’s POV~

School’s over already? The bell rang and it signaled that school was over.

“Tch, I didn’t get to tease the Hippo today.”

“Aigoo! I missed all of my classes?!” I heard an all too familiar voice. I smirked and swiftly turned around,

“Well has the Hi-” I was caught off guard. It wasn’t even JaeYoung standing there. It was a girl around my age pouting cutely at the school. She was gorgeous, clear complexion, big brown eyes, thick black hair, and an ant waist.

“Can I help you?” She asked in a confused tone. I quickly looked away, realizing I was staring at her for too long.

Jaeyoung’s POV~

“Well? Are you going to say something?” I asked not sure where all this bold courage was coming from. I knew that I would have to face the kingka Myungsoo sometime; I was just hoping to push it off. He was simply staring at me and I felt uncomfortable, so I decided to walk (no I am not running thank you very much -.-) back home when a hand suddenly stopped me.

“Wh-what’s your name?” He asked me, staring dead into my eyes. I felt my cheeks warm up and I couldn’t help but think of nothing but,

“Toast!” He raised an eyebrow before chuckling,

“Your name is Toast?”

“Y-yah that’s not funny! So what if my name is Toast?” I began arguing. He gave me a smile I’ve seen him give all the other girls and replied,

“Ok, if your name is Toast then I’m Butter, nice to meet you.” (LMAOOO I’m sorry but I was cracking up at my own corniness LOL ok back to the story :P) Ugh what a jerk, where’d he get that corny joke from? Yet, I don’t want him finding out my own identity. No, I want him to suffer like I suffered all those days he called me Hippo.

“You go to our school?” He asks pointing to my uniform.

“Yeh. I skipped today by accident but I’ll be here tomorrow.” He winked at me and replied,

“Good, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I have a feeling I need to go into hiding tomorrow -.-

Myungsoo’s POV~

Like she said, that same girl came back when I saw her walking through the halls. How did I find her? I simply followed all of the whispers and gossip flying around.

“Did you see the new girl?”

“She’s gorgeous! I envy her waist!”

“She looks kinda familiar though doesn’t she?”

Then I came to a realization, I still didn’t see Hippo anywhere.

“E-excuse me.” I looked down and I saw her.

“Hey Toast.”

Jaeyoung’s POV~

I couldn’t’ help but glow with pride when the people around me snickered at Myungsoo’s stupidity. He seriously called me toast.

“Sorry Myungsoo, I’m kind of in a hurry.” I said trying to play cool and walk off. Yet he gently tugs at my wrist, earning a gasp at the crowd we’re slowly drawing.

“You know my name?” -.-; Is this guy the school’s idiot?


“Then why don’t I know your name?” He asks coming closer. I could smell his cologne wafting from him and before I knew it, he was less than a foot away from me.

“I-I-” I could only stutter out before the teacher came up,

“What’s going on here? Ah you two. I know Myungsoo is a trouble-maker, but what are you doing here Miss Heo Jaeyoung?” -.- I hate teachers, that’s it I just hate them with all my heart.

Myungsoo’s POV~

I don’t think I heard that right, but judging by the murmurs and whispers surrounding us; I heard right. She bowed to Mr. Cho and then turned around with a worried expression on her face.

I should be making fun of her right? I should be insulting her and calling her Hippo like I usually do. But something held me back. Instead, I was ridden with so much regret. It was because I actually fell for the girl who was named Toast. And to find out she was Hippo, the one who I’ve been teasing for god knows how long; really hit me. I seriously went so low as to just fall for her because of her looks?

“G-go ahead, make fun of me like you usually do. I know you’re waiting to call me Hippo right? Or maybe call me a pabo if you like.” Jaeyoung said with her head bowed down in defeat.

Jaeyoung’s POV~

I was expecting to be pelted with food like I was before, I thought I would wake up and find myself back to my old self where I had to in my breath to zipper up my skirt. But instead I felt a pair of arms surround me and Myungsoo whispered,

“I’m so sorry about before. You should be the one calling me a pabo.”I honestly didn’t know how to react, I was simply standing there dumbfounded. And to add to this mind boggling event, Myungsoo gently pecked me on the forehead and whispered for the first time,

“Nice to meet you Jaeyoung, I’m Myungsoo.”


Ignore my immaturity but ... Woot woot I finally have 69 completed chapters! LOL *gets smacked upside the head by my friends*

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radiant #1
LoveLikeChocolate #2
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ^//-//^ That was so adorable!!!!! x33333 It had me smiling since the beginning! :DD THANK YOU, AUTHOR-NIM! *bows 1930107638281 times*
oh i enjoyed my time here...all 3 of my requested were done greatly n i adored it...XDD...thanx..
Waaaa...seunghyun ah...u r really crazy in love with the fic...huhuhu
OMg...that was GREAT! you really are an amazing writer!!!!!!
Yea!!u did well..hehehe...i loved it...hehehe..thanx so much..da rest of da fics for da othersmrmcute as well..hehehehe
i. LOVED. that. so. much <3<br />
i have tears in my eyes!!!!!<br />
this was amazing~<br />
i can stop smiling <3<br />
your writing is amazing and that was just perfect <3<br />
i loved it! <3333333<br />
good luck to the rest of your fics! <3<br />
and thank you SO MUCH <3
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so cute ♥♥♥<br />
I LOVE IT !! I read it several times, I can't help smiling like an idiot at the end x) Thanks a looot *-* <br />
Love it, love it, love it ♥<br />
Fighting for your other one-shots !
sujujasmine13 #9
OMG! its already finished! :D<br />
Gosh! I love it soooo much!<br />
its so cute! it turns out great! :))<br />
More Oneshots to come! ^_^<br />
wow you work rele fast! mine is the next up!<br />
yay so excited <3