Personal Message

Anneyong! *bows but bows too fast and ends up hitting a nearby table >//<* How are ya guys?

Good? Bad? If you’re in a bad mood I hope my stories can change that. My stories are in order

based on when they were completed:

  1. Heart Ache” (My very first fanfic)
  2. Saranghae~I Love You” (My second fanfic)
  3. The After School Cafe
  4. Sacrifices and Lies That Turn Into Happiness
  5. "Love You Forever More"
  6. We Got Married On Strong Heart And Hello Baby?!

Here are the fanfic’s I’m currently working on:

  1. "Forgive Or Forget (The Band Geeks)"
  2. "Prodigy's Music"

I also have two apply one-shot shops ^^

  1. SHINEErice's Request One-Shot Shop [APPLY CLOSED!]
  2. My Date's The Beginning~ [APPLY CLOSED!]

About Me

My motto would be:


"I’m the type of person who goes in order. I can’t start something new unless I finish something first."


Hey guys, add me as a friend and I'll definitely add you back <3