You'll Always Be My Music

My Date's The Beginning~ [APPLY CLOSED!]



Song: So Goodbye(Jonghyun) Link:

Name: Lee Yeji (21)

Bias/Partner: Ok Taecyeon (23)

 Type Of Story/Genre: Romance, hurt, but a happy ending

Setting: Airport, A beautiful cafe next to a lake, College for Arts

Plot/ Summary: Lee Yeji is a new transfer student. She came from America and is good at piano, Flute, singing, and dancing. She was every girls role model and evry boys dream. But she was silent and kind of cold because of her past with her EX. She always practices in the dance room in the morning and evening in school. Taecyeon is apart of the group 2PM. He and his group has decided to goto college! This is the time before they became famous. Taecyeon and his friends also practice in the mornings and evenings in school. He was heartbroken by his Ex-girlfriend, and Yeji was heartbroken by her EX-boyfriend.
Okay. So they did know each as friends. But He wasn't able to confess to her before she left for America. Then she comes back after studying abroad. And then goes back to the same school she and Taecyeon went to. That's how she is the transfer student. Do you get it now? Or are you still confused with something?? 

Title: (You can name the story!)

Extra: Please be creative and surprise me with a happy ending!!  


Song for story:

Yeji’s POV~

“And 5, 6, 7, 8!” I muttered to myself and repeated the same dance step for the nth time today. I work my hardest every day, just so I can improve even the slightest bit.

“Tch. Again.” I scolded myself, realizing I paused for a beat too late. I wanted to finish this song, yet my eyes widened in horror as I looked at the nearby digital clock.

“I’m late!” I yelled to no one in particular and picked up my things, running to my piano lesson.

Taecyeon’s POV~

“Excuse me, MOVE!” Before any of us could object, we saw a girl whizz past us at lightning speed. Yet, something about her seemed so familiar, her tone of voice too.

“Wow, talk about being cold.” Chansung commented and we all headed to our usual dance room.

“Hey, is this any of ours?” We all looked up and saw Nichkhun holding up some headphones.

“No I got mine.” I replied and everyone else nodded. How odd, it’s still early in the morning and we’re the ones who usually practice during this time. Even last night the dance room was empty.

Yeji’s POV~

“Aigoo, where are my headphones?” I muttered as I searched through my bag for the third time. They were nowhere inside and they were my best pair too.

“Aish, I’ll have to buy new ones.” I was so lost in my train of thought that I didn’t even realize I bumped into someone,

“Watch where you’re going.” I mumbled coldly, being to silent yet cold hearted one.

“Yeji?” That voice. I recognized it. I instantly looked up to see a guy smiling down at me.

“I thought I saw you earlier.” Taecyeon exclaimed.

Taecyeon’s POV~

“When’d you get back to Seoul?” I asked Yeji when we sat down at the nearby café across the campus. She stared off at the nearby lake and gave me a small smile.

“I actually just transferred about a week ago. I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again.” I blushed at her statement and remembered how we were friends before.

“I’m gonna miss you guys!” Yeji exclaimed and hugged each of her friends one by one. She came up to me and gave me a brief hug as I tried to savor the moment.

“Yeji? Are you really heading off to America?” I asked her in a feeble attempt to keep her back. She rolled her eyes at me and replied,

“No I just thought I’d go stare at an airport and have my luggage trail behind me.” I gave her a sad smile and gently took her hand,

“Yeji?” I saw her fluster a little before replying,


“I, to be honest..I li-” My confession was interrupted by an announcement from the speakers above,

“Attention passengers flight A789 is now boarding.”

“Oh god I have to go! That’s my flight!” Yeji exclaimed and ran off in a hurry, not giving me a chance to finish telling her my true feelings.

“Taecyeon?” I shook my head from the memory and saw Yeji look at me with a concerned expression on her face.

“Sorry, I was just lost in a thought. You were saying?” She giggled and replied,

“Actually, I was asking you what you’ve been up to lately.”

Yeji’s POV~

“Good actually, a group of my friends are putting our all in dancing. Our schedules are hectic.” He adds adding an exhausted sigh at the end for emphasis. I nod, understanding how he feels.

“I know what you mean, I dance in the morning and evening and in between I have piano and flute lessons. It’s crazy.” He gave me a knowing smile and replied,

“Sounds like you’ve been a busy student. Where do you practice? I’d love to see some of your moves.”

“The campus dance room, where else?” I saw him furrowing his eye brows and shake his head.

“Stop messing with me.”

“No seriously! I practice every morning and evening.”

“Then how come I never saw you?”


“My group practices in the morning and evening too…wait are these yours?” He takes out my headphones and I accept them with a smile.

“Where’d you find these! I thought I lost them, thank god you found them. Thanks!”

“Huh, so you really do practice there. Nichkhun found them there this morning when we got to the dance room a little later than usual.” We were engulfed by a comforting silence, simply staring at the lake and scenery around us when I piped in,

“So, you still interested in seeing some of my dance moves? I might put you to shame.”

Taecyeon’s POV~

“Hey Taecyeon, who’s she?” Everyone gathers around Yeji and although she’s giving them soft glares, I can tell she’s staying silent at the attention she’s getting.

“It’s my old friend Yeji.” I comment patting her head, earning a growl from her.

“Ah nice to meet you, I’m Junsu.” Junsu greets holding out his hand. Yeji hesitates but accept it and then Wooyong wraps an arm around her.

“I’m Wooyoung.” If looks could kill, Wooyoung would’ve been a dead man after seeing Yeji’s death glare.

“Don’t touch me so casually.” She hissed and Wooyoung hid behind Jay, even though Jay was on the short side (JK <3)

“What’s got you so peeved off?” Chasung asked, being the only brave one. It’s as if Yeji shrunk her presence and replied calmly,

“I didn’t have such a great breakup with an EX of mine.”

Yeji’s POV~

I felt Taecyeon stand in front of me in a protective way.

“Guys just let her be, stop sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.” I felt my heart skip a beat. He’s standing up for me, even though I’m usually the one people glare at me for my cold personality.

“Wow, you guys should already be a couple. Did you Taecyeon had trouble with his EX too? ” Nichkhun piped in before Junsu clamped his mouth shut. I looked up at Taecyeon and I saw, just for a split second, hurt in his eyes. He had his heart broken too? Taeceyon gently took my arm and led me outside.

Taecyeon’s POV~

“I’m really sorry about that.” I apologized to Yeji once the cool air hit my face. She gave me a nod before asking,

“What happened with you and your ex? I know I probably don’t have anything to do with it but-”

“Things just didn’t work out, she dumped me and that was that.” I stuttered out a little too quickly. Again, silence filled us before Yeji said,

“I was cheated on. The worst part, he was cheating on me for over a month.” I don’t know what came over me, yet I felt my hand reach for Yeji and I told her,

“That was his loss.” My heart was pounding at my chest after seeing Yeji looking at me with her crescent moon eyes.

Yeji’s POV~

I felt my own heart rate going out of control and I quickly look away. I quickly pecked Taecyeon on the cheek and took him back inside mumbling,

“I-I still have to show you some of my d-dance moves.” Why am I stuttering? Yet Taecyeon suddenly stopped in his tracks and pulled me into a hug.

“Neh, did you know that I liked you before you moved to America? And do you wanna know something else?” My heart was probably gonna explode at any minute now.

“Wh-what?” Taecyeon leaned in to the point where our noses touched and whispered,

“I think I still like you a lot now.” And I leaned in myself, meeting his lips with my own.



From tomorrow onwards this oneshot shop will be closed, so today is your last chance to apply before I permanently close this oneshot shop's applications (don't worry I'll finish the oneshot's that have already applied) So apply now! (unless you already applied 3 times, then you guys already had your turn ;D)

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radiant #1
LoveLikeChocolate #2
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ^//-//^ That was so adorable!!!!! x33333 It had me smiling since the beginning! :DD THANK YOU, AUTHOR-NIM! *bows 1930107638281 times*
oh i enjoyed my time here...all 3 of my requested were done greatly n i adored it...XDD...thanx..
Waaaa...seunghyun ah...u r really crazy in love with the fic...huhuhu
OMg...that was GREAT! you really are an amazing writer!!!!!!
Yea!!u did well..hehehe...i loved it...hehehe..thanx so much..da rest of da fics for da othersmrmcute as well..hehehehe
i. LOVED. that. so. much <3<br />
i have tears in my eyes!!!!!<br />
this was amazing~<br />
i can stop smiling <3<br />
your writing is amazing and that was just perfect <3<br />
i loved it! <3333333<br />
good luck to the rest of your fics! <3<br />
and thank you SO MUCH <3
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so cute ♥♥♥<br />
I LOVE IT !! I read it several times, I can't help smiling like an idiot at the end x) Thanks a looot *-* <br />
Love it, love it, love it ♥<br />
Fighting for your other one-shots !
sujujasmine13 #9
OMG! its already finished! :D<br />
Gosh! I love it soooo much!<br />
its so cute! it turns out great! :))<br />
More Oneshots to come! ^_^<br />
wow you work rele fast! mine is the next up!<br />
yay so excited <3