You're Love Hurts Me More

My Date's The Beginning~ [APPLY CLOSED!]


Song :
Characters: Lee Yeon Hyo(18)& Yong Jun Hyung(20)[A bit of Jang Hyun Seung(20)]
Tittle: You decide ^^
Type of story: Sad and a very sad ending. (tsk tsk T__T)
Setting: Junhyung's apartment

Plot: Yeon hyo have always been in love with Junhyung but she never had any courage to tell him. While Junhyung felt the same, he's afraid to get rejected by her if he ever confess. One day, he found out that he's suffering cancer at critical stage. That's when Yeon hyo finally have the strength to tell him. Although Junhyung was happy but he was afraid that he will never meet her again, that he's going to die and have to leave her alone. Junhyung decided to spend time with her, only for a day. the next day, he told her to come to his apartment. she did, and Junhyung was with Hara (Goo hara). Junhyung said hara is his girlfriend and he even tell Yeon hyo they can never be together (Jun said harsh words to Yeon hyo etc) Junhyung wanted to hug her as she cry but he couldnt because of the thought "going to die"

extra: Read the lyrics. maybe you can get ideas from there X'D hehe.Goo hara is Junhyung's friend. "I need to live better, I need to fight this off" The doctor helped him to recover and when he did, he tried to find Yeon Hyo. Asking for her forgiveness and trying to explain the whole thing. He was too late, Yeon hyo already meet someone new named Hyunseung, who happens to be his bestfriend.

 Since you're good at writing, I'm requesting for the 2nd time! XDD  


Song for story:

Yeon Hyo’s POV~

“Stop that Junhyung!” I say trying to push his hands away with no avail. He’s been tickling me for the past five minutes and I could barely even breathe.

“If you apologize right now!” He says tickling me more.

“Ok ok, I’m sorry Junhyung! I’m sorry I pushed you off of your couch!” I say in defeat and relax once his hands move away. After I calm down I can’t help but smile at him. He gives me such a warm smile back and I can’t help but blush.

Tell him you like him Yeon Hyo. Why won’t you say it?

I’ve tried countless times to confess, yet no words ever come out of my mouth.

“You ok Yeon Hyo?” Junhyung asks with so much concern in his voice. I simply close my mouth shut and put on a brave smile.

“Never better.”

Junghyun’s POV~

The movie ended and I felt Yeon Hyo’s head gently resting on my shoulder. I couldn’t help but be swept away by her angelic face. Her porcelain skin eliminated by the TV’s glare, her hair cascading down her shoulders, and her long lashes grazing her cheek bones. It was a habit of mine to gently sweep away her bangs from her forehead.

Yeon Hyo, do you know how much I love you? I’ve been meaning to tell you my feelings for so long. Yet, what if you reject me?

My train of thoughts was corrupted when my phone rang in my side pocket.

“Yobseyo?” I answer in a hushed tone.

“Yong Junhyung?” A deep and serious voice said on the other end. I gulp down and respond,

“Y-yes. May I ask who is calling?”

“This is Dr. Cho, we have the results from the previous tests and analysis.”

Yeon Hye’s POV~

I was slowly waking up after hearing Junghyun’s voice.

“When should I come to the office?......Am I going to have to start chemotherapy?” Wait, why is he talking about this? I hear him shut his phone and I sit up straight.

“Junghyun?” I ask in a timid voice. He gives me a smile, yet his eyes show such grief.

“What is it Yeon Hyo?” I couldn’t help but gently caress his cheek and ask,

“Why were you talking about chemotherapy? What’s going on?” I saw his Adam’s apple move as he took a gulp.

“That was my doctor calling me.” I nodded for him to go on.

Junghyun’s POV~

I swallowed the bitter tasting saliva and prepared myself.

“Turns out I’m diagnosed with cancer, and it seems that it’s at a critical point.“ Yeon Hyo covered his mouth and gasped in horror. I saw her looking at my face for any joke. Waiting for me to say something like,

Just kidding! You should’ve seen the look on your face! Gotcha!

Yet I simply looked away and felt my chest tighten.

“Y-you should go Yeon Hyo, it’s getting late.” I say getting up from the couch and heading for the door when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist.

Yeon Hyo’s POV~

It’s now or never Yeon Hyo. I felt this mix of strength and emotions build up inside of me.

“Y-you should go Yeon Hyo, it’s getting late.” Junghyun mentions and heads for the door. I ran for his broad back and wrapped my arms around him.

“Sarnaghae Junghyung.” I said into his back. I felt him tense up at first but then he turned around and hugged me back. It felt so right, he was so warm.

Junghyung’s POV~

I couldn’t help but hug her back, I felt like the happiest person in the world. Yet as soon as the happiness came, reality crashed down.

How can you be so selfish Junghyung? You’re on the borderline of life and death here. What happens when you leave her and never see her again? I rested my chin on the top of her head and felt the tears streaming down my face.

Please don’t break this hug Yeon Hyo, I don’t want you to see my shame filled face full of tears.

Yeon Hyo’s POV~

I couldn’t help but feel so happy. No words could even describe how I felt. I woke up the next morning wondering how this all even happened, was it all a dream?

No, if it was a true dream, Junghyung wouldn’t have cancer in the first place.

That thought still haunted me, I stayed up all night thinking about that. I was startled when I felt my phone vibrate on the nightstand next to my bed. It was a text message from Junhyung.

Wanna hang out the whole day today? It’s such a nice day out~


I couldn’t help but feel a smile creep onto my face that spread from ear to ear.

I’d love to :)

~Yeon Hyo

Junhyung’s POV~

The sun was beginning to set on this perfect day and I was simply wrapping an arm around Yeon Hyo’s shoulder as her head gently rested on my own shoulder. I felt her eyes burning a hole into the side of my head and I turned to see her staring at me. She had so much affection in her eyes I was mesmerized.

I saw her slowly close her eyes and lean in, slightly puckering her lips. I leaned in myself and I felt her breath teasing my own lips when I stopped myself.

I clenched my fists tightly and stopped myself.

I saw her slowly opening her eyes with a hint of disappointment.

“You don’t want to kiss me?” She asked sounding hurt. I wanted to embrace her with my two arms so badly. Yet I knew I couldn’t.  I moved her bangs from her face and lightly kissed her forehead.

“Come on, I’ll take you home.” I said and held out a hand for her to take.

After I dropped her off, I was surrounded by thoughts. I didn’t know it was this hard to walk the way home.

Why does my heart feel so stuffed up? It’s so hard when thoughts of you roam in my mind. I need to end this, I can’t continue to let her drag me, and I can’t drag her down.

Yeon Hyo’s POV~

I was happily running to Junghyung apartment. He called and told me to come over and I got up and prepared myself as fast as I could.

Once I reached his door step, I happily knocked on the door an even three times and waited for the door to swing open and for his smiling face to greet me.

“Come in!” I heard from the other side. He didn’t even want to open the door? I let myself in and called out,

“Where are you Junhyung?”

“In the living room!” He shouted back. I heard a small high pitched laugh from that direction as well. I instantly tensed up at the sight of Junhyung with his hand wrapped around another girl.

“H-hey.” I stuttered out. Junhyung gave me a nod and simply held the other girl’s hand. Not bothering to even say hi to me.

“Hi, I’m Yeon Hyo. Who are you?” I ask trying to keep up my composure. She gives me a radiant smile and begins saying,

“I’m Goo Hara, I’m Junghyung’s gi-”

“She’s my girlfriend.” Junghyun butts in kissing Goo Hara on the cheek, earning another giggle from her.

Junhyung’s POV~

“Wh-what?” I looked at Yeon Hyo and saw her eyes slowly filling with tears. I could feel her pain and hurt just through her honey eyes, glazed with water.

Keep going Junghyung, finish this. It’s for the best.

I gave her a fake laugh and smirked.

“You honestly thought that we can be together? Face it Yeon Hyo, it will and can never happen.” I said biting my lip at my cold icy words. I couldn’t believe I was the one speaking all these words I didn’t even mean, words that I continue to send your way.

“Just do yourself a favor, don’t bother me anymore.” I spat one final sentence. I saw the look on her face. I saw her tears finally spill and I wanted to simply run to her and hug her. Yet a thought stopped me,

You’re going to die.

I could only catch a final glimps of her as she was crumbling before me, before she ran off.

I’m sending you away, so hurry up and go. Be happy.

Yeon Hyo’s POV~

The tears just wouldn’t stop. I tried to smile slightly to prevent them from falling, yet that only seemed to increase their rate. I don’t want to even look back; I don’t want to EVER look back. My own tears blurred my vision and I found myself tripping over the sidewalk, falling in front of a car that would’ve run me over. Yet it didn’t. It swerved and stopped on the side of me. A handsome man got out shocked at my state and leaned down,

“Are you ok? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. Can I get you a ride home? Do you need to be take to a doctor? It looks like you scraped your knee.” I figured I was too broken to even walk and felt myself nod.

“I’m Hyunseung by the way.” He commented gently placing me in the passenger seat of the car.

“I’m Yeon Hyo.” I said with no emotion in my tone what so ever.

I need to live better, I need to fight this off.

Junhyung’s POV~

I was simply sitting in the waiting room like I’ve been doing for the past couple of years or so. I’ve been going to the doctor every day since the phone call and he continues to tell me that I’m recovering, yet I don’t believe it. If I was recovering, I wouldn’t feel so broken. I would have Yeon Hyo by my side.

“Yong Junhyung?” A nurse calls me and I step into the doctor’s office. He has a smile on his face, a simple smile that he probably uses to greet all his patients.

“Junhyung, I have great news for you.” I show him a little bit of attention but my mind is elsewhere.

“You’re healthy now, you fully recovered.” He says.

I couldn’t believe his words.

“E-excuse me?” I asked in pure shock. He chuckled and showed me my chart.

“You’re fully recovered as far as I know.” I couldn’t believe it. He simply asked me to fill in some more paper work, we said our good byes and Ieft. I went home and soon, slumber took over me.

Where am I? I was simply sitting at a nearby park and I saw a simple figure standing beside me.

“Excuse me?” I call out and see Yeon Hyo.

“Y-yeon Hyo! I’m so glad to see you! How have you been? ”I ask with a smile, relief sweeping over at the sight of her. She looks me over and simply walks away. I gently grab her wrist, asking for forgiveness when she slaps my own hand away and says,

“We broke up, remember?”

I woke up gasping for air; my whole body was drenched in a cold layer of sweat. I keep telling myself that I will forget a girl like her, yet I know I’ll never forget. I know we really loved each other. I looked at the clock showing me it’s already noon. I take a quick shower and head out.

Yeon Hyo’s POV~

I was lost in my own thoughts, this was the same park where Junhyung and I went to. I quickly shook the memory away when I felt his hand gently tighten around my own. I looked into the warm, kind, and understanding eyes of my current boyfriend.

“Are you ok? You seemed a little dizzy for a second.” Hyunseung said giving me his usual smiles that bring me little comfort. I give him a small smile in return and reply

“This park just has a lot of memories.” He nods in agreement and points to the road across the park,

“That’s where we met, remember?” I wrap both of my arms around his hand and nod. He helped me so much, he healed almost all of my scars and wounds. I was so broken back then, and now he’s slowly putting me back together, piece by piece.

“Yeon Hyo?” I know that voice. I was too scared to look so I pretended I didn’t hear it. Yet I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him standing in front of me and Hyunseung.

“Yeon Hyo.” He says in a relieved tone of voice. I quickly let go of Hyunseung’s arm and slowly felt my old scars and wounds opening up, as every second passed by with Junhyung standing before me.

Junhyung’s POV~

I looked in between Yeon Hyo and Hyunseung. I held out a hand remembering my old best friend,

“How are you Hyunseung?” I asked trying hard to prevent my voice from cracking.

“Great actually, oh let me introduce my girlfriend, Yeon Hyo.” She held out a hand and avoided my gaze.

“Nice to see you Junghyung.” Hyunseung noticed something going on between me and Yeon Hyo so he excused himself when he got a phone call.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” I asked her after a moment of awkward silence. She tensed up and replied casually,

“I’m on a date with Hyunseung.” I heard Hyunseung, but hearing those words coming out of Yeon Hyo felt like a punch to the gut.

“I see.” I said, not thinking of what to say or ask next.

“Why are you here?” She asks me with a distant look in her eyes. She’s changed so much. If it’s possible, she became even more beautiful.

“I’m here to ask for your forgiveness. Please understand Yeon Hyo. I was such a jerk before because I thought I’d die. I really loved you Yeon Hyo, yet I knew that if I died I would simply leave you behind.” I gently took her hand and kissed the top of it gently.

“I still even love you now.”

Yeon Hyo’s POV~

Loved. Love.

Those two words showing me his feeling from the past and present. I saw the truth behind his eyes. I was about to break down like last time, but Hyunseung’s back was in my view point. I gently took Junhyung’s hand off of my own and I said,

“I’m sorry Junhyung.” He had such a pained look in his eye that I wanted to hug him. Then Hyunseung came back and I was brought back to reality.

“I’m sorry Junhyung but we have to go. It was very nice seeing you again.” Hyunseung said and I simply nodded. Hyunseung saved me once again. After several paces, we were dead center in the park near the fountain.

“What’s wrong?” I asked noticing his blushing face. He simply knelt down on one knee and held out a velvet box before me.

“Will you marry me Lee Yeon Hyo?” He asked. His eyes were so welcoming; I knew we could have such a great relationship. He was perfect. Yet I felt my eyes look behind me and see Junhyung’s broad back walking away. I quickly looked back at Hyunseung and gave him a small smile.

“Of course.”

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radiant #1
LoveLikeChocolate #2
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ^//-//^ That was so adorable!!!!! x33333 It had me smiling since the beginning! :DD THANK YOU, AUTHOR-NIM! *bows 1930107638281 times*
oh i enjoyed my time here...all 3 of my requested were done greatly n i adored it...XDD...thanx..
Waaaa...seunghyun ah...u r really crazy in love with the fic...huhuhu
OMg...that was GREAT! you really are an amazing writer!!!!!!
Yea!!u did well..hehehe...i loved it...hehehe..thanx so much..da rest of da fics for da othersmrmcute as well..hehehehe
i. LOVED. that. so. much <3<br />
i have tears in my eyes!!!!!<br />
this was amazing~<br />
i can stop smiling <3<br />
your writing is amazing and that was just perfect <3<br />
i loved it! <3333333<br />
good luck to the rest of your fics! <3<br />
and thank you SO MUCH <3
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so cute ♥♥♥<br />
I LOVE IT !! I read it several times, I can't help smiling like an idiot at the end x) Thanks a looot *-* <br />
Love it, love it, love it ♥<br />
Fighting for your other one-shots !
sujujasmine13 #9
OMG! its already finished! :D<br />
Gosh! I love it soooo much!<br />
its so cute! it turns out great! :))<br />
More Oneshots to come! ^_^<br />
wow you work rele fast! mine is the next up!<br />
yay so excited <3