
You're mine

It is finally the first day of something that no one would ever look forward to, SCHOOL. School starts earlier this year, so that means we won't have much time to celebrate the new year with out family. Are they out of their minds? Why do the other schools haven't started school yet when we already did? And its only for the seniors! Argh I hate the treatment for the seniors here in Serin Arts. My parents should send in a complain or a suggestion letter to the school principal. 

I woke up with all the water and gunk on my face that Changjo threw at me to wake up. "Yah Choi Changjo. Do you wanna die?!" , I screamed so loud that the whole neighbourhood could hear. "Ppali! We're already late! We're supposed to reach school earlier than 9 for today! Look at the time now.", Changjo shoved a huge digital clock on my face. What the hell? It's 8:59 a.m.! Ahhhhh! What should I do first? I quickly snatched away my school uniform from Changjo and wore it infront of him without hesitation. "Y-ah. You can't just change infront of me anytime you want! I'm not  our mother! ", he covered his face shyly with his shivering hands. "Ah, I don't care. You're my brother anyway. I bet you even tried to take a good peek at my body when I was showering yesterday. I'm not that blind you pevert!" , I took a random perfume and sprayed it on my neck and wrists. 

After I was fully prepared with everything, Changjo then did my tie like always. Till today, I still don't know how to tie that stupid thing. Changjo placed the tie around my neck and then pulling me closer that our foreheads got in contact. He took his own sweet time tying the tie as if he was trying to show off his long, slender fingers like any idol would. "Stop showing off your fingers would you?" , I . Suddenly, Changjo grabbed my collar and kissed me on the lips to make me quiet. I had a mental shock that my body felt very weak. I could only stare into Changjo's eyes. He then hugged me because I looked like I was going to fall. This is what I get for not eating breakfast, maybe? 

I checked my wristwatch. It was 9:27 a.m. and Changjo was still hugging me tightly. I tried to to let go by wiggling my body a little but it didn't worked. "Eunwoon, why? Why don't you see me as a love material? I love you , more than as just step siblings. I'll wait for you, even if your heart doesn't beat for me.", he then placed my hand on where his heart is located. He let me feel his heart beat for a moment but all that was in my mind was "Changjo get yourself straight" . He the really got himself straight. Straight away leaving for school without me. Is this another prank? But in a way, I feel that his affection for me was real. I could tell from his eyes. 

Now I am the one not getting myself straight. I checked my wristwatch again. It is 9:30 a.m. for goodness sake! I quickly grabbed my dusty and dirty but lovely bagpack and left the house in a rush. Then, there was a car honking nearby. I turned back, and It was Luhan Oppa, Wow, I didn't expect him to come at this time! What a good guy. "Hurry up and get in! You're late aren't you?" , Luhan opened the car door from the inside and I quickly went in. I remained silent, staring at my bagpack, thinking about what had happened a while ago back at that house. This is me. I get too emotional over such affections from the other party. "Why? Do you have problems with your brother again? I can talk to him if you want. " , Luhan asked. "It's okay. He's just giving me a slight problem that can be solved easily. >Well, not really<"  . Luhan then grabbed hold of my right hand and locked fingers with his soft and warm left hand. "You have me. Believe in me. I'm an adult, I've faced all the teenage problems that you're facing now. ", he smirked. That made my cheeks glow with a tinge of pink. He's right. But I still do not trust him in anyway. 

Finally, after a short ride in Luhan's car, I've finally arrived in this damn school of hell. I unlocked my side of the car door and opened it. But, Luhan was still holding onto my hand tightly. He quickly pulled me in before I could have the chance to go out and quickly kissed my forehead. "I'll pick you up after my workshift. Do well on your first day!" , Luhan winked. >What a flirt< . I quickly closed the car door and ran to my school gate without saying goodbye. 

Right before I could quickly ran to my homeroom class sneakily, I felt a smack on my . It was Mrs. Kim with her precious wood cane again. "Student Choi Eunwoon! Don't you know what time is it right now?!" , Mrs. Kim shouted at my face with all of her saliva partially covering my face. >Ahhh Why is it her on duty today< I tried not to laugh and quickly gave her my student pass and walked away quickly to my assigned class for that morning. 

Right after I walked to somewhere further than the school gate, I bursted out laughing to myself and wiping all of her disgusting saliva off my face with a tissue. Mrs. Kim really needs to be sent to the mental hospital sometime soon . Luckily, every student were in their classes so I felt free laughing out loud. But when I stood infront of the classroom door of my new class, my face turned sour. I came in shyly without a knock, and quickly went to the only empty seat in the classroom which was next to Changjo and infront of Nami. I stood up and greeted the teacher quickly and sat down staring at the new teacher. "Student no. 25, Choi Eunwoon. Don't you have something dued for me ?" , Mr. Michael said in his husky voice. I blinked twice and the dued item came into my mind. It was my maths holiday assignment! I quickly searched through my bag and found it incomplete. " Uh... Mr. Michael. I only completed half of the questions given because I don't seem to understand a few of them." , I said in a shy voice.  "Well it is okay though. I'll accept that. But you will get a C for your holiday assignment then." , Mr Michael walked to my direction and snatched my assignment from me. My mind was blank by then and throughout the whole period of homeroom and Mathematics, nothing went into my brain but I didn't sleep in class though. 

After Mathematics was Lunch break. I didn't feel like going to the canteen so I felt like ordering Changjo to buy my food. "Changjo ah~ Buy for me my favourite sandwich will you?" , I poked his shoulder cutely with my puppy eyes. I thought it would work as usual, but he stared at me blankly and walked away without taking the money for my sandwich. Changhyun followed him behind and stared at me pitifully and sighed. I was wondering, what did I do wrong? I turned behind, and found Nami sleeping. She was sleeping on a big English dictionary like she normally would. I tried to wake her up by poking her cheeks but she didn't budge. Wow, what a friend. No text messages, no calls and no communication. I'll deal with her after school. But oh wait, I have detention after that! Not the underworld! Ah, I'll try contacting her tonight. 

Right after Lunch break was Biology , History and English. Biology class today was interesting for once. We get to play around with some fake human body parts. But the most disgusting one was the part when each of us students got a sample of a and we're suppose to study that weird object. I've heard about condoms on fanfictions of my favourite idol bands,but I didn't expect the real to look like a weird , red tube. Some girls and guys were giggling and having fun with it, but I could only stare at it in disgust. Nami was sleeping, so I had practically no one to talk to. 

English was the only time that I can get a power nap from learning all this crap, so I did. I woke up from the horrific screaming of Changhyun. Thankfully, he was not with Changjo so it was safe. Ah, what a brat to wake me up from my beauty sleep. "You are my sunshine~ My little sunshine~" , there goes Changhyun singing old children songs again. I quickly packed everything and stood up giving Changhyun a death glare that gave him the creeps. "Yah don't do that to me!" , Changhyun teasingly scolded me and we left the classroom together. Nami wasn't around when I woke up which is weird. But it has been a while since I had went out with this cute little guy. Not exactly going out together, but just walking around the school together. " Changhyun, by any chance, are you going for today's detention?" "No. I'm a punctual guy! Why would I get that crap." , Changhyun said proudly. "What a show-off. " , I and giggled. "Then you? Don't you get detention often? Isn't that attention seeking enough huh? Badass girl." . "Hey! You know I have a weird body clock! Don't you dare say another word about my punctuality!" , I gave him a death glare to again. " Hey don't do that again! I was just teasing!" , Changhyun fakely sobs and looked down. "Cheer up my man! I ain't no ghost! Ah, here's the detention room. See you in class tomorrow!" , I wrapped my arms around his shivering body and left for the detention room. Ah, what a good friend. 


~Changhyun's P.O.V.~

ASSA! Finally, I managed to talk to her after a while! I missed her teasing and laugh so much. Ah, if only she didn't had detention, I could've walked home with her. But I'll be fine walking in the cold without her maybe? If only she was with me, I wouldn't have to shiver in the cold like a loner. It is okay. The process to my goal will take quite long anyway. 

~End of P.O.V.~


It was 5:30 p.m. and detention finally ended! What a chaotic day. For now , I need plenty of rest for my precious body. I walked out of the school gate with a bright smile on my face but the end of my lips curled downwards as soon after I saw Luhan waiting for me beside his car in the cold. It was snowing so badly today and I could tell from the small pile of snow on top of Luhan's hair. I quickly ran to his direction and hugged him tightly. I felt guilty for not telling him that I had detention. I swept away the pile of snow that was on top of Luhan's hair with my freezing cold hands and quickly hugged him tightly again to give him some of my body warmth. "I'm really sorry for making you wait like this. You must've suffered alot waiting for me in the cold for three hours." , I looked down in agony. "I didn't waited that long actually." , Luhan said while opening the car door for me. I quickly went in and so did he. And then we drove away from Serin Arts. 

"What do you mean, you didn't wait that long? You look like you really did waited for 3 hours!" "I had some sort of a 'practice' after my work shift and thankfully it was 2 and a half hours long. I grabbed some coffee with my friends and managed to reach your school on time!" , Luhan explained. "So that pile of snow on your head.... your 'practice' was held outdoors? Oh, what a pity." I sighed. "It's okay! No pain, No gain right?" , he giggled. I could only gave him a bright smile. What a thoughtful guy. He thinks about me, but also cares about his friends too. I really envy these type of people who can balance friendship, work and love. My day ended pretty much well with him beside me. 





[A/N]: Finally another chapter! How was it? I tried out some new words this time because I've been trying my best to improve my english lately. Tell me if its getting interesting or boring maybe? I might come up with a one shot fanfic soon so do look out for it! Till then, have a great day! 



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Gurl, im helping you to subscribe uh.
ohhh please update again soon^^
kekeke its getting more interesting >_________<
OMO.... SON NAMI?!!!! uh-oh... I think I know his plan....don't Ricky..don't
please update soon~!
update soon ~ ;)