Better than I

You're mine

"Umma Appa! We're home!" , Changjo and I chimed while we were locking up our bicycle. "Oh kids! How have you been? Ah Changhyun you came again! Come in come in!" 

"Umma, Changhyun and I are partners for this years music project so he will be coming here often. Is it ok?" , I asked my umma politely. "Of course he can come in anytime! Not like the other kid from last year.. What's his name again? Ah, Chunji! I don't really like that guy."

"Why umma? He's kind to me though! But I don't like that part..." , memories of me and Chunji being partners came back to my mind. "Why? What happened with you and Chunji?" , Changhyun asked.

"Nah, its private. All I can say is that he's just a ert." "Ah mianhae. By the way, I was thinking about writing a love song using R&B?" 

"....Brilliant! Changhyun you're a genius!" , Changhyun came up with the first 4 chords for our song using the living room piano.

"I'll leave it to you guys, I'm scared you guys accuse me of cheating.", Changjo left for his room and Umma went to her room to work on her laptop. There was an awkward silence in the living room. 

"..Changhyun ah. Hurry up and teach me the chords." , I broke the silence. "Ah yes! Dont you have your guitar that I gave you during your 16th birthday party?" "I forgot where I last placed it. I'll go get it!", I quickly rushed into my room. Oh i'm dead. 

Why do I always put things everywhere! As I open the door to my room, my place was all messed up. It looks like I haven't cleaned it for ages! Suddenl, I heard a piercing sound of a guitar string. I looked behind my door and there it was, with one string broken. Aish I'm really dead. I quickly took my guitar and there Changhyun was, with his back figure facing me while practicing for our music project.

" ...Even if I'm not good with words,please understand me...

I'll tell you all the truths that I've kept inside...

Do you remember the day we first met~?" 

My head started to swing in the rhythm of the song until Changhyun stopped to find that I was behind him all along. ".. Y-you heard the lyrics?" , Changhyun timidly questioned.

"Of course I did you dumb! We're doing this together anyway of course I have to remember the lyrics babo!" , I shouted. I slowly handed him the guitar that I got from him on my 16th birthday.

"I'm sorry that I didn't took care of it well Changhyun ah.." , I scratched the back of my neck, feeling really guilty. "It's okay! I can fix the broken string! Try playing the song! I wrote down the notes already~", Changhyun grabbed the guitar and tried to fix the broken string. 

"Although  it's not enough to just say I love you~

I'm still going to confess today~ 

I wanna be with you" 

"Don't ever forget that there's always a person one step behind you.. " , Changhyun suddenly joined in to sing while playing the guitar that he had fixed. "that will always protect you~" , we were in one harmony. 

~Changjo's POV~

They're good. Especially Changhyun. There's no way I'll ever going to beat them. I should have faith in Nami. She's pretty good too. I should start practicing with her sometime soon. I should just move on.

To: Son Nami

From: Choi Changjo

Nami yah! Are you free today? I was thinking of starting on for our music project.

I'll come over to your house maybe? 


A few minutes later...

To: Choi Changjo

From: Son Nami

Sure! I already prepared an Idea heuheu see you soon! <3


I quickly got changed and sprayed some of my favourite cologne and headed out.

"Changjo yah! Where you're going all so nicely dressed ? A date?" , Eunwoon and Changhyun chimed. "Ani. Just gonna practice with Nami for the music project. See you guys later!." , I cheekily smiled at them and left. 

"As I walk down the street~ As I walk by~ I realised too late that we broke up..", suddenly a song came into my thought. I must've been love sick. 

"Oh! Changjo baby~ It's been a while! I missed you" , a girl suddenly embraced me out of nowhere.

~End of POV~




A/N: Sorry for the boring chapter ;; Hoildays are ending soon sigh. And the weather here has been super terrible thanks to the haze. Rain comeback~ 


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Gurl, im helping you to subscribe uh.
ohhh please update again soon^^
kekeke its getting more interesting >_________<
OMO.... SON NAMI?!!!! uh-oh... I think I know his plan....don't Ricky..don't
please update soon~!
update soon ~ ;)