A Song For You

You're mine

-Fast forward to next day- 

It was Music lesson and it is the period before lunch break! Our music teacher was explaining about our upcoming music project .

"Now! For this project you will be performing in duets and the best one will get a chance to perform in the school's year end music festival! Any type of genre is allowed but your song must be self-composed and written in your own duets! No copy and paste is allowed! If not, a straight F will be given to you for your year-end exam results!" , our music teacher explained in a strict tone.

"Your partners will be going like this. Student no. 1 will be with no. 12 , student no. 3 will be with student no. 26 ....... Student no. 7 will be with student no. 30! I expect a good performance from each of you on the exam day! Class dismissed!" , my classmates quickly rushed out to the cafeteria for lunch. 

"Eunwoon ah!!! I'm paired with you! Yaayayyayay~" , Changhyun screamed out loudly and jumping around like a kid. "Ah really? Nami! Who's your partner?", I shook Nami to wake up. She was sleeping on her dictionary again. "ughh... What.. Partner who?!" , she immediately woke up. She must've had phobia for being partnered with Yongsuk, the class nerd back in year 1.

"I am.", Changjo came up to us."You're not kidding right?" , Nami blushed but tried to put on her pissed-off face. "If you don't believe, check out the list Ms Lee placed at the back board!", Changjo crossed his arms. "It will be easy for you guys then! Good luck~" , I softly nudged Nami. Nami's dream came true! 

The other day Nami have been telling me all sorts of dreams that she had and most of them were on Changjo. Its like dejavu for her.

"Eunwoon ah! Wanna go to the cafeteria to eat?", Changhyun asked. " Its okay. I packed myself lunch today. I'll just eat it here in class." , I quickly took out my lunch box because I was starving. "I'll  go with you! I'm so hungry I want to eat a full meal!", Changjo said. "Ah me too! Kaja!", and there they go.


~Changjo's POV~

Before they even start on the music project , I better find out about Changhyun's heart first. I don't want Eunwoon to get hurt. 

It's been a while since Changhyun and I actually went down to the cafeteria together. Actually one of the main reasons why we barely went down to the cafeteria since year 1 was because the noona's in our school were always trying to get close with us and wear all the heavy makeup and perfume which is something I don't like at all. Since those noona's have graduated, the school environment seems peaceful now. heh

"Changjo ah what you're gonna eat? " "Just a bowl of bimbimbap with some kimbap rolls. you?" "Ditching the diet much? What a pig! " "Yah! I do what I want!", I teased Changhyun with an air punch. Aish this kid.

"Imo! Kimchi Ramen and 2 rolls of kimbap juseyo! Oh, and that bag of potato chips too!" , Changhyun told his orders in his cute face. "Now who's the real pig huh?" , I pointed at his orders that were placed on his tray. "Ah, fine. I'm the real pig~" , Changhyun took his tray to a nearby empty table. 

After I ordered my meal, Changhyun was done with his bowl of ramen. Wah, he eats alot but does not get a puffy face like I do? This is unfair. "I was thinking of trying a little of your ramen though." "Well you can have it!" , Ricky shoved me his empty bowl of ramen. "Go return the bowl yourself you pig!" , I slapped Changhyun's back. 

Changhyun was waiting for me to finish up my food. "You eat too slowly! C'mon! Bell's going to ring soon!" "Wait, about the music project... What genre are you going to perform?" , I asked curiously. "Ah, me and Eunwoon haven't planned about it yet but I was thinking of singing an R&B love song? I might compose a new one or just use the old ones that I did in the past."

"Changhyun ah. Where you get inspirations from? I'm really bad at composing though." , I asked with my mouth stuffed with kimbap. " Couples that I see in the public and your..... sister." , Changhyun looked down shyly. "But Nami is quite pretty too. Why not her?" , I gave out a fake smile. "I have a better feeling when I write about Eunwoon in my songs..." "I know how you feel Changhyun ah. You will do great." , I pat his back hard. 

That kid is in love. But I'm not done. I'll test his love for her. 

~End of POV~

-School ended- 

I promised with Changhyun that we will discuss about our music project at my house for today and then take turns to practice at each other's house. until the next 2 weeks which is our music exam day. 

I was walking to the school back gate to pick up my bicycles with Changjo. Changjo and I take our bicycle to school quite often because we hate being late and getting punished from Mrs Kim. 

Suprisingly, Changhyun was already on his bicycle waiting for us. Usually he's the late bug when we go out though. "Omo! Changhyun the early bird!" , I gave him a light punch on his back. "Eunwoon ah! Where's our bicycle keys?" , Changjo searched all over his bag. "Isn't it with you? Or me?", I searched through my uniform pockets.

" It's here!", I took out from my shorts pocket which was under my uniform skirt. "Yah you're a girl! Watch out!" , Changhyun shouted. "Ah who cares. The other guys are probably satisfied from looking whats under my skirt." , I threw the keys to Changjo to let him unlock the lock for for our bicycle.

Once Changjo was done unlocking, Changjo quickly sat down on the bicycle seat and I hugged to Changjo's waist tightly on the back. "Eunwoon ah, how about riding on my back for today?" " Why not!" , I sat down on the back seat of Changhyun's bicycles and hugged his waist. "It TICKLES!" , Changhyun squirmed. "You'll get used to it!" , Changjo patted his back.

The fact that Changhyun has a soft belly makes it so comfortable to hug. "I'll try... Eunwoon hold on tight!" , Changhyun's cheeks gave off a  natural pinkish tint.

A/N: Next chapter coming up later! Really sorry for not updating for almost 2 weeks ;; guess im enjoying my hols too much
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Gurl, im helping you to subscribe uh.
ohhh please update again soon^^
kekeke its getting more interesting >_________<
OMO.... SON NAMI?!!!! uh-oh... I think I know his plan....don't Ricky..don't
please update soon~!
update soon ~ ;)