
The Moonstar

Donghae and Hyukjae were on their way to Donghae’s house. Hyukjae had threatened Donghae if he missed the bus stop again, Hyukjae would not be hesitated to make Donghae’s head bald. This time, Donghae really stayed up all hours and make sure the bus stopped at the right stop. Hyukjae was relieved to see that he had passed his house back at their childhood. And stunned a little bit when he realized actually Donghae didn’t get into the house next to Hyukjae’s ex-house. Donghae walked without looking at the house, and stopped after 10 minutes in front of a small house.

“I thought that was your house?” Hyukjae asked.

“Don’t you remember my parents are divorced?” Donghae raised his eyebrow and picked up a key inside his pocket.

“Oh. I did, but I heard your parents married again? No I meant your mom and your dad,”

“They are not. But my mom is,” Donghae replied and opened the door. “Make yourself comfort,”

“Then? Aren’t you supposed to live with your mother and your step dad?”

“I would not want to do that. Ever,” Donghae sighed before stepped into his room.

“Why?” Hyukjae asked as he sat at the living room.

“Would you stop asking about my personal life? We are nothing beside enemy,” Donghae replied from his room.

Hyukjae shook his head in disbelief before his beautiful eyes wandering around Donghae’s small yet pretty house. He has those black leather sofa with a chandelier up there, a flat screen TV hanging prettily on the wall, healthy snacks such as vegetable crackers, carrot biscuits and a jar full of fruit candies were managed neatly on the TV table, and a light cream wall with a curl line pattern illuminating the house and it made Hyukjae’s mouth gape opened. To his surprise he turned his head to the left and met a table and there are few photo frames on it. First frame was Donghae’s mom and dad’s wedding photo. Hyukjae could still remember how their parents had a fight with Donghae’s. He flashed a bitter smile and his eyes went to the other frame. The second frame was his photo with Jessica. It was a four panel photos and to be honest, Donghae and Jessica are good together, Hyukjae thought. Somehow, thinking that Donghae ever had a relationship with Jessica made Hyukjae’s heart clenched. He immediately shook his head and let the thought out from his mind. Third photo frame was a photo frame of Donghae’s with his gang during Donghae’s birthday party. He looked at the photo carefully and took it from its place. He scanned every details of the photo but then he frowned when his eyes met Leeteuk’s.

“You know what? You’re my type,”

“But I’m straight,” Hyukjae mumbled.

“Huh? Of course you are straight,” Leeteuk replied and raised his eyebrow.

“I-, I meant, uhh,” Hyukjae was stammered.

“That’s okay. I was just saying that you’re my type. Not even wanting you to be my girlfriend,” Leeteuk replied.

Hyukjae shrugged and about to leave him. Leeteuk grabbed Hyukjae’s wrist and turned him back.

“May I know your name?” Leeteuk asked.

“It’s Sungjae. Ta Sungjae,”

“Oh. Your name sounds like a guy name though,”

“I know. Stupid person made that name for me,”

“Were you badmouthing your mom?” Leeteuk asked.

“I did? When?” Hyukjae replied. Feeling confused.

“Just now,” Leeteuk chuckled.

“I did not!” Hyukjae grumbled.

“Yeah yeah whatever. So, people call me Leeteuk, but you can call me tonight,” Leeteuk replied and shook Hyukjae’s hand and left a piece of paper with a number on it.

Park Jungsoo, 82-6475-891-22^^


“Hyukjae do you want to—“ Donghae who had changed his clothes walked out from his room, and about to ask Hyukjae whether he want to eat or not. He stopped his sentence because he saw Hyukjae was holding the photo frame but his gaze was on somewhere else. It looked like Hyukjae was staring at the ceiling, looking for an answer to fell on his mind.

“Hey,” Donghae walked and sat next to Hyukjae.

“What?” Hyukjae replied and put the photo frame back to its place.

“Were you looking at me in that photo?” Donghae teased.

“Why would I,” Hyukjae chuckled.

“Are you hungry?”




Donghae sighed and stood up to the kitchen. He was looking for something to eat and he smiled when he found the frozen waffles on the freezer. He immediately put them into toaster and waited them to cook. While waiting, Donghae was thinking what will Hyukjae do when he is not has the Hyukjae appearance. He must have to start his new life as Ta Sungjae, Donghae thought. But what is Ta Seunghae’s personality? Is it the same with Hyukjae? Or maybe Sungjae is a kind and sweet person, lovely, and…

“ DONGHAE WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHAT ARE YOU COOKING THERE IS ING FLAME ON THE TOAST YOU !!!” Hyukjae screamed and Donghae snapped out from his thought. He looked at the toaster and he yelped because flames were burning the toaster plus the waffles inside it.

“WATER WE NEED WATER,” Hyukjae panicked.


“WHAT WILL YOU USE THEN?! SALIVA?!” Hyukjae pulled his hair in desperate and started walking in a circle without doing anything to extinguish the fire.

“NO. THIS!” Donghae said and pulled out a fire extinguisher from the cabinet and tried to use it but he stunned when he realized that he had no idea how does it work.


“I DON’T KNOW HOW TO USE THEM!” Donghae yelled too.

“READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!” Hyukjae pointed at the fire extinguisher

“OKAY WAIT,” He replied and stared at the thing on his hand. “OH MY GOD ITS IN ENGLISH!!”


“MY WHOLE HOUSE WOULD HAVE BEEN BURNED DOWN THEN!” Donghae yelled and his eyes widened when half of the table has been burned.

“LET ME LOOK AT IT! YOU’RE SO IDIOT!” Hyukjae said and pulled the fire extinguisher from Donghae’s hand and looked at Donghae in the eyes.

“DONGHAE THERE IS KOREAN INSTRUCTION THERE OKAY!” Hyukjae said and he did what the instructions said. Soon enough, the fire has been extinguished and both of them calmed down.

Donghae walked to the fridge and took two bottles of apple juice and gave one to Hyukjae. Hyukjae immediately drank it like a mad guy before looking at Donghae intensely.

“Care to tell me what were you thinking until you did not realize that your ing toaster has burned down?”

“It was nothing,” Donghae said and sat at the dining table.

“No I’m sure it was not an ordinary nothing. It must be something hiding behind that nothing and that something must be not a nothing,” Hyukjae said.

“…….What the are you talking about i'm confused,” Donghae startled.

“Just spill what were you thinking then,”

“I was thinking what will you do. I meant, you’re living as Ta Sungjae. Not Hyukjae,”

“Going to school, duh?”

“Are you serious? But… Where?” Donghae asked.

“Param High School, you douche. Where else?” Hyukjae replied.

“But they don’t accept any new student because its near our graduation day,” Donghae said.

“You better just watch, and see,”



“So class, this is Ta Sungjae. She exchanged school with Hyukjae. Lee Hyukjae,” Mrs. Hwang said.

“WHAT?!” Whole class screamed in unison, except for Donghae, who was only face palming his face.

ing stupid Hyukjae and ing stupid School with ing stupid teacher.

“You better introduce yourself, and tell them how you ended up here,” Mrs. Hwang said and Hyukjae smiled at her.

“Hello guys. I’m Ta Sungjae and I moved from Mokpo. Not really moved. Hyukjae and I are exchanging school. So he is at Mokpo right now and you guys have me here. Hyukjae is actually my relative so no need to worry about,” Hyukjae smiled. Whole class was nodding at the same time and gave Hyukjae a wide smile.

“So, Sungjae, because there is only one seat left, you could sit at your relative's seat which is behind there. You would not mind, right?” Mrs. Hwang asked.

“I would not mind. Beside, I’m pretty close with them,” Hyukjae smiled and pointed at the boys behind.

“You do??” Mrs. Hwang sort of shocked.

“Actually, Hyukjae told me anything about them,”

“Oh. Okay now take your seat we will start the lesson now,” Mrs. Hwang commanded and Hyukjae walked to his own seat. He passed Donghae’s seat and looked at him in the eyes (which Donghae realized it) and mouthed ‘I told you’

Donghae smirked and shook his head meanwhile Leeteuk behind him pulled Donghae’s uniform.

“What?” Donghae turned around.

“You know her?!” Leeteuk asked.

“No I don’t,”

“Then why did she mouthing something to you?”

“She did not. Maybe she was talking to you,” Donghae shrugged and back to his book.

“Really? Do you think she likes me?” Leeteuk replied.

“Your wish,” Donghae said.

“Don’t be that cruel! I met her first,” Leeteuk whispered.


“Are you chasing her too? Come on you have Jessica,”

“I. did. Not,” Donghae said. Emphasized every word

“Then what will you react if I tell you that I like her?”

“I would not be surprised,”

Leeteuk about to say more but Mrs. Hwang caught them because talking during the lesson which is banned for students. So he shut his mouth and whispered to Donghae’s ear.

“I. Like. Ta. Sung. Jae,”  

And to Leeteuk’s surprise, Donghae turned his back and smacked Leeteuk’s head with his fist.

“Donghae-ssi? Detention after school, please,” Mrs. Hwang said.

Leeteuk was laughing without sounds upon hearing Mrs. Hwang words. But stopped when Donghae send him death glare.

During recess, Hyukjae went to cafeteria to look for some foods because his stomach was growling like crazy during Biology class. He avoided every stare he got from the girls and the boys at the corridor. If only they know who am I, they will ran or not dare to look at me like that, he thought. He turned to left and yelped because of Lee ing Teuk was standing there.

“Want to eat with me?” Leeteuk asked.

“No,” Hyukjae replied and tried to walk but Leeteuk stopped him.

“Don’t be so rude. We didn’t talk a lot that time,”

“Yeah we did not talk a lot that time because you were saying that you don’t want me to be your girlfriend right,”

“So you’re slightly hoping that I would be your boyfriend? I’d glad to,” Leeteuk chirped.

“ off,” Hyukjae sighed and pushed Leeteuk from his way. Leeteuk chuckled and went to the hall instead of going to the cafeteria.

“Ahjumma I would like to order fried rice, salad, potato fries, chicken legs, pudding and strawberry milk,” Hyukjae said upon he arrives at the front line.

“Are you sure you’re going to eat all of that?”

“Yep,” Hyukjae replied and handed her the money.

“What a pig,” A girl behind him laughed.

“Excuse you. If I’m a pig, then you’re a ,” Hyukjae smiled at the girl before he took the foods and looking for a seat. He found one single seat not far from his position, so he decided to eat there. While eating, his eyes caught something that not so strange on his eyes.

Jina. His girlfriend.

Jina took a seat at the table next to Hyukjae’s table. Jina looked at Hyukjae curiously before bowed her head. Hyukjae did the same and was curious why would Jina eat at the cafeteria because she usually bring her own healthy food.

Until something hit him hard.

“Hey baby, I’m sorry I’m late,” A guy said to Jina.

“It’s okay. Have you order your food?” Jina asked.

“Not yet. What do you want?” The guy asked.

“Strawberry juice will be good,” Jina smiled.

The guy nodded before pecked Jina’s lips and headed to the counter, ordered some foods.

Hyukjae’s heart clenched. He was hurts.

His one and only girlfriend kissed someone else.

I have to ask her something, he thought.

“E-excuse me,” Hyukjae opened his mouth and started to talk to Jina.

“May I help you?” Jina replied softly.

“I’m Sungjae, and I’m new student here. Is that your boyfriend?” Hyukjae asked and trying hard to be friendly.

“Yes he is,” Jina smiled.

Stab. Hyukjae’s heart broke into pieces.

“W-what about your previous boyfriend?” Hyukjae stammered.

“Oh? Were you talking about Hyukjae? N-ah. We ended long time ago. Well, he still thinking that I’m his girl but, well,” Jina shrugged.

Hyukjae was about to burst into tears, that’s why he left the cafeteria, leaving the half finished food, and Jina who shocked a little

He ran to the rooftop, and banged the door loudly.


Hyukjae was startled to hear sudden voice out from nowhere. But then after he could recognize the voice, he wiped his tears and pretended that nothing happened.

“Hyukjae?” Donghae said as he could see Hyukjae was standing near the old bench.

“What?” Hyukjae snorted.

“Were you crying?” Donghae asked. “Did something happen?”

Hyukjae could not handle the tears anymore. He cried again and started sobbing endlessly.

“Yah! Why are you crying? Tell me!” Donghae said and make Hyukjae faced him.

“Jina… She has boyfriend…,” Hyukjae replied.

“Of course she has. It is you right?” Donghae chuckled.

“No. It’s someone else,” Hyukjae sobbed. “He broke up with me, one side only. I’m here thinking that I still have relationship with her, but actually she has boyfriend and never think that I’m her boyfriend!”

Donghae stares at the crying Hyukjae for a while before pulled him into a hug.

“It hurts, doesn’t it?” Donghae said.

“You think?” Hyukjae mumbled.

"You... such a cry baby,” Donghae replied.

“If you were me you’d feel the same too,”

“I would,” Donghae said and shooed Hyukjae, make him calm.


“HI! I’m Luhan! Please get off from Sungjae because she is mine! Thanks!” A tiny guy said after he splashed a bucket full of water onto Donghae. 


Because i love Luhaaan 8DDD


ANYWAY this chapter is dedicated to my friend who was upset about her results huhu dont be baby everything is over now ^^ CHEER UP DEA I UPDATED THIS CHAPTER BECAUSE OF MY SARANG TO YOU <3


anyway comments are always make me happy so... please? ; w ; 

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IchigoELF #1
Chapter 18: Seriously, A very long time has passed and I'm still waiting for the last two chapters!! I love this fanfic TToTT
257471 #2
Chapter 18: “Listen to me. I think I’m in love with you,”
wondering what will happen next...please update soon
RingoJuice #3
Chapter 18: What happen with the hide and clap?! Oo god :( am reading at 1am in the morning. Don't scare me like this!!!! :( update soon!! I can't wait to know what donghae mean!
but anyway, did Hae confess his feelings or is saying his lines from Romeo?
sujuxexo #5
Chapter 18: i don't why i found the last sentences were funny...
oh donghae, if u would knew that it was heechul as the mastermind~
Chapter 18: is it a dream?!
because if i'm not wrong, i read donghae think that he is in love with sungjae,,
don't let me hanging,,,
update soon pleaseee,,,
Chapter 18: NO NO NOOO!! PLZ UPDATE!!! T^T
HyunSoulAhra #8
Chapter 18: i've just read through the story & it's super adorable & fun..can't help to know what sungjae's reaction.love luhan & his failed attempt too..thanks for update.
Ttalgi-Hyukjae #9
Chapter 18: what ?!?!?! XD heheheheheh confession XD