
The Moonstar


No answer.

"Lee Hyukjae," 

Still no answer.

"HYUKKIE!" Donghae screamed and it made the long hair turned his head to Donghae. Hyukjae snapped out from his thought. He was remembering about how their childhood like. When Hyukjae told Donghae that his mother was sick, how Donghae told Hyukjae that he has a bracelet which still he use until now, how Donghae gave omelette to Hyukjae when that Jinki stole Hyukjae's last piece of chicken, and of course, its still vividly inside his mind how Donghae punched Hyukjae's face. Actually, Hyukjae did not feel mad or upset to Donghae that time. He was still acting normal until their parents decided to moved away from that district. Hyukjae did not want to leave Donghae. Hyukjae was still treasuring Donghae a lot, even though Donghae did not feel that way towards Hyukjae. Hyukjae could not help but crying when his car left his childhood house and moved to new one. And again, Hyukjae could not stop thinking about Donghae when it was his first day staying at his new house. After a few months, Hyukjae started to get used to with his new environment. He started his day like usual and kept studying, until one day his mom told him to go to the grocery store to buy something. His mother did not has any strength to do such a thing, she was still sick. Hyukjae complied and went to the grocery store before went back home with swollen eye, bleeding nose and bruise all over his face and yes, its Donghae again. He met Donghae at the grocery store. Hyukjae about to say hi to Donghae but instead, Donghae dragged Hyukjae out from the grocery store and beat him with no mercy. And thats when Hyukjae started to hate Donghae. Who would not? He had not do anything wrong to Donghae and suddenly he got beaten up like that? Besides, when it has been the time the for demon to pulled out Hyukjae's mom soul from her body, Donghae did not even come to Hyukjae's mom funeral or say a deep condolences. He has to pay for this! Hyukjae thought. With that, whenever Donghae meets Hyukjae, a fight will always happen.

"What?" Hyukjae replied.

"You did not have any plan to stay at here right? I bet if you do, you can not even survive even for a second," Donghae said and cleaned up his jeans from the sands.

"I did not," Hyukjae replied. Stood up and followed what Donghae did. 

"Good then. You still have your sense," 

"What do you mean?" Hyukjae asked.

"I thought, because you're transforming to a girl, you had lost your sense either. But thanks god, it does not," Donghae said. 

Both of them started walking and wait for the last bus. They were lucky enough, and if they were not, they have to stay at the beach, just like Donghae did.

"When will the bus come?" Hyukjae asked and looked at the bus schedule.

"It will arrive arond 10 minutes," Donghae said.

"Whatever. I'm thirsty. I'm going to buy some water," Donghae said and walked away from the bus stop. 

"Where are you going to buy the drink?" Donghae asked.

"There must be a convenient store near here, right?" 

"I think so," Donghae shrugged.

Hyukjae nodded and he started to walk towards the convenient store, before Donghae gripped his wrist.

"You, stay here. Let me buy the drinks for you," Donghae said. He started running and left Hyukjae alone at the bus stop. 

It was so silent because it has been 23.30 and Hyukjae barely see people walked and do their activities at this late. Though, he was surprised enough when he found a young and handsome guy stand next to him at the bus station.

"Are you waiting for the bus?" The man asked.

"Why am i here if i did not waiting for the bus?" Hyukjae replied coldly. He started feel uncomfortable with the presence of the guy all of sudden.

"Well, may i ask you something? Why would a girl like you still outside home at this late? Girls supposed to sleep early if they want to have a great skin and do not have panda eyes," The guy replied as he stares at Hyukjae's slim body.

"Like i care," Hyukjae replied and shook his hand. Before he could mutter Where is Donghae, he could feel the hand of the guy started to ram around Hyukjae's back.

What. The. .

"You know, maybe we could have... Some fun?" The guy whispered seductively on Hyukjae's ear. 

Donghae, if i ended got by this guy. i'm seriously not going to face you anymore

"Shall we?" The guy asked again and his hand was on Hyukjae's waist.

"What are you--," Hyukjae opened his mouth but as fast as a flash, Donghae appeared and punched the guy right on his nose.




"YAH!" Hyukjae said as they sat on the bus.

"WHAT?!" Donghae snapped.

"WHY DID YOU CALL ME YOUR GIRL?! EW I DONT EVEN WANT TO BE YOUR GIRL OR BOY OR WHATEVER!" Hyukjae said and opened the drink Donghae bought from the convenient store.

"You evil bad brat. I had save you from that ert guy and you dont even say thanks to me?" Donghae said and munched his sandwich.

"Why would i?" Hyukjae shook his head. 

"Such a jerk. Dont be mad if i tell you to sleep outside my house later," Donghae said.

"I would not mind, though," Hyukjae replied and went silent.




"Yah, dont sleep. Later we miss our bus stop again," Donghae said.

"I did not," Hyukjae said. But 5 minutes later, he fell asleep.

With that, Donghae had to stay up and if not, they'd probably miss their stop and ended in the mountain again.




And they did.

"May i kill you?" Hyukjae said as he realized they were back at the mountain.

"You may kill me now because i dont feel i want to life again," Donghae said.

The clock showed 04.00 and they really need to take a rest. 

"OH! A HOTEL!" Donghae snapped as he saw a builting with a large "HOTEL" sign on it.

"A 'LOVE' HOTEL?" Hyukjae raised his eyebrow.

"Yes. Let's go there!" Donghae said.

"For the 's safe, i would not step my foot into that building," Hyukjae replied.

"Then? You perfer to sleep on the ground with tons of insects surrounding you? Come on Hyukjae. I knew that you hate insects the most," Donghae replied.

"Anywhere but please, not the Love Hotel," 

"So you'd perfer to sleep... There?" Donghae pointed to an old and terryfing house with an old Japanesse style. 


"Then, last choice is the Love Hotel! Come on. I'm sleepy," Donghae said and walked towards the Love Hotel with Hyukjae walked behind him. He had to follow Donghae's word. And if he did not, he had two choices. Sleep on ground with Insects surrounding around him, or an old japanesse house which Hyukjae knew perfectly that Sadako or Ju-on will came immediately when he stepped his foot on its living room. So, the Love Hotel was the best choice compared the two of them.

"Hello, sir, and ma'am. May i help you?" The front desk guy said.

"Yes. We want to rent two room for one night. For her and for me. Each one room," Donghae said. His words gotten worse because he had no strength to talk anymore. He was so sleepy so he could not process the words perfectly.

"Oh, sorry, sir. But we only have one room left, and it is a romantic room suite. Is that okay?" The front desk  guy replied.

"Are you ing kidding me?" Donghae opened his mout with eyes wide open.

"No, but you might the lady behind you," The front desk guy said with a smile.

What. The. . 

"Sir? You'd like to take the suite or not? Because i could hear someone come to this hotel,"

"I take it. Give me the room key. Quick," Donghae said.

"Be patient, sir. Calm your ," He said.

Donghae could not help but sent him a death glare and went straight to the elevator. Hyukjae who was following behind Donghae, got called by the front desk guy 

"Have fun. I know that both of you will be in love soon," He said. Hyukjae raised his eyebrow a bit and then he realized. It wasnt a young man's voice. IT WAS AN OLD MAN VOICE. An old man who made him transform into a girl.

" you," Hyukjae said and left him

"You may that guy," The front desk guy which is the old man replied.

Hyukjae widened his eyes and picked the flower vase on the table and threw it onto him but amazingly, the old guy catched it and stucked his tongue out to Hyukjae.

Both of Donghae and Hyukjae had arrived to their room. As their entered the room, both of them reached their goosebumps. Love-shaped-double-bed, dim lights, flower petals everywhere, and the most idiot thing ever, a condoms, even lube are wrappped beautifully on the table.

"I'd rather to sleep inside the bathroom," Hyukjae said as he took one pillow from the bed an went inside the bathroom. 


"Good morning," Mrs. Han said to Heechul, who has been wake up since 5 PM. He could not stop thinking about his best friend who went missing since yesterday

"Hi," Heechul replied.

"What are you doing in this early morning?" Mrs. Han asked.

"I dont know. I was just thinking about my friend's condition now," Heechul said.

"You were thingking about Hyukjae?" Mrs. Han asked.

Heechul nodded and exhaled his breath.

"Aint that ridiculous? He went missing all of sudden and he did not even left a footsteps or something," 

Mrs. Han smiled a bit. She went inside her tent and back with a can of chocolate milk.

"Here, drink this first. It may make you relax," Mrs. Han said and offered the can to Heechul which he accepted it gladly.


"Dont worry about him, okay? He'd be fine and we'll see him once we are back," Mrs. Han continued.

"I hope so," Heechul said.

"Have you pack your things? After morning excercise, we'll leave this mountain and back to our home," 

"I have not. I dont even have nice sleep last night. My mind was all filled with Hyukjae," Heechul sighed.

"I told you to not worry. Now, pack your things," Mrs. Han said as he patted Heechul's head and went inside her tent again. Heechul looked at the sun who had been rise since before. He gulped the chocolate milk and started to pack his things.


It has reached 10AM but the long haired who was sleeping inside the bathtub and the burnette who was curling himself up inside the fluffly blanket was still sleeping peacefully.

Hyukjae stirred a little bit before opened his eyes completely. 

Where. Am. I.

Why the am i even sleep inside the bath tub? He asked himself. Hyukjae could not think straight so he decides to go to the lobby to buy some drink from the vending machine. 

He was walking peacefully to the vending machine but then he saw someone... Really familiar for him.

OH ITS LEETEUK! He cursed to himself because he went down to the lobby. 

Wait. He would not recognize me, right? Hyukjae said to himself. Of course Leeteuk would not recognize him. Leeteuk know the "Hyukjae" not "Sungjae" 

With that, Hyukjae queued behind Leeteuk. When Leeteuk has took his drink, he turned his back and that's when he was facing "Sungjae"

"Oh, sorry," He bowed politely to Hyukjae which Hyukjae replied it with a nod.

"Are you staying here?" Leeteuk asked.

"I am," Hyukjae replied and pressed the strawberry milk button.

Leeteuk stares at "Sungjae" for a while before said

"You know what? You look so pretty, and you're my type. What's your name?" 


For those who was wondering how does Ta Sungjae looks like... Here she is ^^

Credit to @choco_404 on twitter! ^^








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IchigoELF #1
Chapter 18: Seriously, A very long time has passed and I'm still waiting for the last two chapters!! I love this fanfic TToTT
257471 #2
Chapter 18: “Listen to me. I think I’m in love with you,”
wondering what will happen next...please update soon
RingoJuice #3
Chapter 18: What happen with the hide and clap?! Oo god :( am reading at 1am in the morning. Don't scare me like this!!!! :( update soon!! I can't wait to know what donghae mean!
but anyway, did Hae confess his feelings or is saying his lines from Romeo?
sujuxexo #5
Chapter 18: i don't why i found the last sentences were funny...
oh donghae, if u would knew that it was heechul as the mastermind~
Chapter 18: is it a dream?!
because if i'm not wrong, i read donghae think that he is in love with sungjae,,
don't let me hanging,,,
update soon pleaseee,,,
Chapter 18: NO NO NOOO!! PLZ UPDATE!!! T^T
HyunSoulAhra #8
Chapter 18: i've just read through the story & it's super adorable & fun..can't help to know what sungjae's reaction.love luhan & his failed attempt too..thanks for update.
Ttalgi-Hyukjae #9
Chapter 18: what ?!?!?! XD heheheheheh confession XD