A Cabin in the Woods



“Wake up babe,” was the whispered words Taemin woke up to.  For a minute Taemin thought he was still in bed, and Key was saying goodbye before he would jump out his window, just like every other morning.

“Bye,” he whispered back, already drifting.

“No, wake up,” the voice insisted. “Wake up wake up wake up..”

Taemin felt something nuzzle him and it tickled, and then Key started to kiss his cheeks and continue to smush him, and he started giggling and trying to angle away.

“Wake up my aegi..”

“I’m not a baby,” pouted Taemin, eyes still closed.

“Wake up my kitty cat, my kitty kitty kitty,” said Key playfully, still nuzzling and tickling him.

“You’re a kitty,” giggled Taemin, and he opened his eyes.

A grey scenery lay before him, as they were stopped at the side of a road. He looked around, seeing only trees. Judging by the light, it was very early morning. He looked at the clock on Key’s car. Only 6am.

He saw that they were in a gas station and he let Key cuddle him as he woke up slowly, nestling into Key. He still was wearing his pyjamas and holding his blanket, and he did feel like a little kid as he curled up into Key in his seat. His back and neck ached from sleeping at a weird angle, and he still felt really groggy. It was a sick feeling, he wasn’t comfortable.

“Where are we?” he asked Key.

“At a gas station,” said Key.

“Duuh,” said Taemin.

Key laughed. “That’s so American babe. Proud of you!”

“Why are we here?’ asked Taemin.

“I need to fill up the tank just in case, and this might be the last toilet and food stop for a while.”

Taemin sat in his seat again after using the bathroom, his body protesting as he sat again in the same position.

“Here, some coffee and a donut,” said Key.

Key winced with disgust as Taemin opened 5 sugar packets repeatedly to dump into his coffee, and watched as Taemin only ate about a quarter of his donut before giving it to Key.

“I don’t like sweet things,” said Taemin.

“You just used 5 sugars in your coffee,” said Key as he ate Taemin’s donut, unable to resist.

“You just ate my drool,” said Taemin.

“Meh, we’re dating. That means we’re family. And if you have meningitis at least we’ll die together, am I right?”

“How long now hyung? How long are we going to drive for?” asked Taemin.

“Just 3 more hours and then we’ll get there Taemin, I promise,” said Key.


“Is it okay if I turn on some music?” asked Key.

Taemin nodded, his eyes still closed as they drove, trying to ignore the cramped space. He felt tired, even though all he had done was sleep. He was glad that he didn’t know how to drive, it would be horrible having to concentrate on the road like Key. He didn’t even have his phone to play with. He bet Taeyeon was sorry for taking his phone now.

His eyes burst open as he heard the song.

“You know this song?” he exclaimed at Key.

“I asked you if you liked kpop!” laughed Key, turning it up.

“What’s kpop?” Taemin asked.

“Korean pop music!” said Key, dancing in his seat.

“No! No! Turn it off! It’s heinous! STOP IT!” screamed Taemin, laughing.

“Juliette OH! yeonghoneul bachilkkeyo, Juliette! jebal nal bada jwoyo,” sang Key loudly to the chorus.

“STOP ITTT!!” screamed Taemin trying to drown out Key, laughing harder. “Oh my gosh, I hate this group!”

“You don’t like SHINee?” asked Key, in mock scandal.  “But they’re so goodlooking and such y dancers…”

“I can dance better,” said Taemin. “And I’m cuter.”

“And more humble too. Okay, I’ll change it to another song.”

Taemin screeched again when he heard the song change and Key sang along.

“Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone, I’ll be waiting all we have to do is run, you’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess-“

“Aaaaaarrrghhh I hate Taylor Swift!” said Taemin, pretending to throw up.


“maryeokeun Lucifer!” sang Taemin and Key, as Taemin did the infamous buffering bit of the dance.

“You look like you’re having a fit,” observed Key as he pulled into a carpark.

“It’s the meningitis.”

Taemin looked around.

“Are we here?” asked Taemin.

“Sort of,” said Key.


“Hello, how can I help you?” asked the bored man at the desk.

“Hi, I have a reservation for a cabin underneath the name of Key Kim please,” said Key in English. Taemin stood behind Key nervously, biting his lip.

The man sighed and clicked on the computer, and sighed again as he had to get up to get the Key off the board behind him.

“You’ve booked it for two weeks, still correct?” asked the man. “And the one roomer?”

Key nodded.

“Are you sure? You don’t mind sharing a bed with your little brother? But you’re brothers I guess,” said the man, answering his own question.

Key frowned at the assumption, but he wasn’t going to correct it.

Taemin put his hands on Key’s arm, not knowing what they were saying as he stared at the mounted deer heads on the wall.

Key put his arm around Taemin and Taemin leaned into him.

“You and your brother are very close,” remarked the man.

“He’s very shy,” said Key. “And he’s so cute. I have to look after him.”


Taemin stepped into the small cabin, which only had a small living room with a kitchen connected, which led on to the bedroom with a double bed. All the furnishings and furniture looked old and worn, like an old person’s house. It was out in the woods away from the reception, so it was very reclusive. Taemin was a little bit scared- he had never stayed in the forest before, and he had watched too many horror movies.

He sat on the little couch and tried not to think about whether there were cockroaches underneath it.

“I’m sorry,” apologised Key. “I know it’s not the best.”

“It’s fine,” shrugged Taemin. As long as he was with Key it was okay.


Taemin tried to put as much of his body on Key when they got into bed. He didn’t want to be obvious, but it was because he didn’t trust the sheets and didn’t want to touch them anymore than he had to.

Key hugged Taemin to him, feeling fat after eating a dinner of sausages and drinking soda.

“How did you find this place?” asked Taemin. He smiled when he said it, because he didn’t need to whisper. Because no one would catch them talking, and they would not be in trouble. It was strangely liberating.

“My family went here for vacation when we were little,” said Key, Taemin’s back.

“I wish I was as pretty as you,” spoke Key into the darkness. “You’re so pretty. If I didn’t love you, I would hate you for being so pretty.”

Taemin shook his head in Key’s chest, not liking what Key had said.

“You’re with me for my looks?” asked Taemin, a little bit put out. “So if I wasn’t as pretty, would you not even look at me?”

“I did like you at first because you were hot,” admitted Key. “And if you weren’t hot I probably wouldn’t have given you a second chance.”

Taemin frowned, a little bit hurt. Key didn’t even care about his personality at all?

“But I love you for you babe,” said Key, sensing that Taemin was upset.

“Well, I think you’re beautiful hyung,” announced Taemin.

“You’re so sweet.”

“I’m not being sweet. I think you’re beautiful.”

“You’re so young and innocent. Seventeen.. oh my gosh, I don’t know what you’re doing here with me…”

“You’re only nineteen.”

“Yeah, but you’re not legally an adult.”

“You don’t regret bringing me here do you?”

“It’s too late for that.”

“Hyyuuuunnnnggg,” whined  Taemin. He really was upset now. “I don’t want honesty, please. I want to hear reassurances. I want to hear it’s okay. I want to hear nice things.”

Key sighed, kissing Taemin.

“Gwenchana, gwenchana,” murmured Key in his deep voice, and Taemin closed his eyes, trying to believe it was true.

“Its okay?”

“it’s okay, we’re okay.”

Taemin tried to imagine himself in his own bed, not in some soft mattress in a dingy cabin that smelt like stale air with sheets that felt gross with probably dust and bugs everywhere. He shivered at the thought of bugs. Key hugged him tighter.

“We’re going to be fine, and we’re going to have fun, I promise. It’s me and you. Why wouldn’t we have fun? It’s going to be a great vacation and we’re going to be fully relaxed and happy when this ends. We’re just stressed because it’s the beginning. After having so much fun we’re going to go back home and it will be like before, only we’ll be happy and relaxed. I promise it will be fine, trust me.”

So Taemin did, pushing aside his worries because Key would deal with them, right? He snuggled into Key, letting Key kiss his face as he uncomfortably drifted off to sleep.

Only 13 more nights to go.




Taemin doesn't like SHINee and Taylor Swift? haha so different from his real self and his Lowdown self right? :D

II'm so sorry for the late update! I have been making the most of my 4 month school vacation :D :D  but i wont lie, sometimes i sit there and someones like 'wanna go for a drink?' and i'm thinking '-_- um i need to get home so i can write a story about homoual love between two members of my favourite Korean boyband and read other fanfiction' -_________________- haha

i don't even know where I am going with this story... you have no idea how close I am putting this on hiatus. The only reasons this and my other future stories never will be is because I get really sad when my fav stories go on haitus and I am going to force myself to write this goddammit!

i have so many ideas and i can't write them all and they all don't seem right omyggaah.

Remember my first story, the Lowdown? Well the lovely Kironstree was so cute to make me a trailer for it! Check it out on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3TB7boRiG4&feature=youtu.be haha it actually fits the story so well, i am so happy!


My, my, my, my, my give me love! Tell me what you think! And 98 subbies! hooray! and the stories just getting started!i'm slightly scared about how long this story might actually be and with no good ideas either -_-

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have been reading some of the later chapters and it literally disgusts me. rewriting soon, methinks [crash] i cant even read it.


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springmiya #1
rereading this again such a good story
Lock_et #2
Chapter 28: It's funny how much I can feel Taemin, rly, I felt like u were describing my problems. Omg it's like I'm personally offended that someone have put this in words D: love this ff and I just needed to tell u that the way u wrote that is actually the way that a person can feel, wow
loserjack #3
Chapter 14: I'm loving this so far, just had to comment saying how much I love all these ymas references!:)
Chapter 2: Oh my god.. i'm crying reading this.... i can feel him.really... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜ
Cephei #5
Chapter 11: holy the moment i left that comment about how i was scared what you were going to throw at us next, you went ahead and made taemin break kibum's heart. taemin you terrible horrible person!! that being said, i do like that you brought back that side of him. idk how to explain it ;-;
Cephei #6
Chapter 9: As much as I love it when Key and Taemin spend time together, the fact that Key is neglecting his friends and academics is really concerning... I hope things start to look up for him in those departments. The zoo date was just way too adorable! I couldn't stop smiling as I read it. I'm worried about what you have in store for us, considering I have another 30ish chapters to get through @ -@
Cephei #7
Chapter 3: Recently found this fic and I just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying it so far! Expect longer and more thoughtful comments from me soon <3
Chapter 37: I liked this story *-* i'm bad at writing if I am not inspired >_> and it's 6:47 in the morning...I did't sleep all night because of ansiety so i'm not really inspired right now... but seriously good story >_>
Chapter 37: Lol I love how the ending was like.. the TaeKey version of the Outsiders xD I loved this Spiro so much~!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing like all of your Spiros!!!!!!!! :D seriously, I've read like every single one of your Spiros. O.o I have no life v.v but either way, this story was amazing, you write so perfectly when it comes to Spiros. I love all of them <33333 as for an idea (this just randomly came to me like 5 seconds ago, k?) What if Key found a kitty one day and then the kitty turns into Taemin????? :D my mind is full of ideas right now, if I wasn't so lazy I would probably make what I just said a story... either way if you want any help with Spiro ideas then feel free to pm me and we could brain storm or something together ^^ anyways, love this Spiro~ and I'm just gonna tell you how much I lobe all of your Spiros, two nights ago I stayed up till four reading the Lowdown, the next night I stayed up till three reading Woodwork, and tonight I stayed up till two thirty reading Crash. <333