Wushu Master And The Angry Dragon

EXO Fairy Tales { VERY LONG Hiatus}

I walked through the forest. Rain drizzled slightly and I used my jacket to hang over me so I wouldnt get wet. I continued to walk looking franticly everywhere to see the exit only to find more trees. I felt tears prickle my eyes until I saw a huge mansion. I gulped and walked towards it.


I go on the steps hesitantly and walk up. I knock on the door but nobody comes; the door suddenly opens. I peek in and nobody's on the other side so I let myself in. 


"H-hello?" I called out.


There was not a response. I look down the hallway to my left side and theres no one. I step inside the mansion more feeling alittle bit curious about the place. I feel a hand on my shoulder.


"Excuse me-" I grabbed the person and flip them over.


The person on the floor groans, I stand there looking shocked.


"Yah! What do you think your doing?" A man said coming down the stairs infront of me.


"I-Im s-sorry!" I squeaked "I-I .... You shouldnt sneak up on me."


The man on the floor gets up slowly and flashes me a pained smile. I just then notice how big his eyes are. The man holds out a towel.


"Your wet ... you should dry off." The man said.


"O-Oh, thank you. Again im really sorry." I said and bowed.


"Its fine. I shouldnt have sneaked up on you." The man said. "Anyways im Kyungsoo and this is Jongin."


I took the towel and smiled.


"Here i'll do it for you." Kyungsoo said taking the towel and tiptoed to dry my hair.


"Th-thank you." I said softly.


When Kyungsoo was done he stepped back and smiled. Jongin glared at me, I ignored it. 


"Your so cute!" Another man said coming over to me.


I blinked at him and tilted my head.


"Im Luhan!" Luhan said smiling.


"I-Im .... Im Tao." I said.


"Cmon." Luhan said grabbing my hand. 


I look at my hand Luhan was holding. "Um ... Where?"


"You know, 'he' doesnt like strangers." Growled Jongin.


"So?" Luhan replied rolling his eyes and led me to a room. "Your lost right? You can stay here for awhile."


"Oh, thank you. But I have a wedding to go to." I said. "I just need directions."


"Nonsense! You can stay here!" Kyungsoo said and led me to the bed.


"Guys." Jongin said quietly.


Nobody paid attention to Jongin. 


"I cant." I said. "Its a royal wedding."


"Are you hungry? If your tired you can go to sleep." Kyungsoo ignored him.


"No, I-" I got cut off.


"Do you need to use the bathroom?" Luhan suggested. "Bathrooms down the hall."




I opened my eyes. What was all the noise? I got up and opened the door and peeked out.


"Oh! Master Wu Fan! Y-your awake!" Xiumin bowed.


"Whats all the noise?" I grumbled.


"O-oh, um theres a visitor." Chen said beside Xiumin.


I glared at them. They know the rules. I pushed past them and walked towards the noise. 


"Ah! M-master Wu Fan!" Jongin said and bowed. 


I caught the quick glance Jongin gave Kyungsoo. I narrowed my eyes but didnt say anything. I looked at the stranger and glared at him but it suddenly dissapeared. The man was adorable and I couldnt glare at him. I coughed and looked away.


"Wh-What is he doing here?" I said suddenly getting irritated.


Kyungsoo and Luhan bowed.


"We let him in." Kyungsoo said. "He was wet and hes lost."


I narrowed my eyes at Kyungsoo.


"And who gave permission?" I asked.


"N-no one." Luhan and Kyungsoo said together. "But he needed help and-"


"I have no need to hear this." I growled. "He can stay if he likes."


"Y-Yes, Master Wu fan." Kyungsoo said softly.


I looked at the man.


"Your name?" I asked.


The man didn't flinch under my stare.


"Tao." Tao answered. "Please, don't yell at them. They were only helping me and I should really be going."


I raised an eyebrow. Nobody usually talks to me like this.


"Don't go." Luhan said softly.


Kyungsoo nodded. I sighed.


"You can stay. The night. Its still raining outside and once it finishes It'll be night and you won't be able to travel." I said and walked out with a reply.


I sighed and walked back to my room, the Xiuchen couple both bowed as I entered my chamber.


"Make sure the visior is welcomed and has his needs fulfilled." I said.


"Yes, Master Wu Fan." The couple replied.


"You maybe leave me in peace." I say glaring at them.


They left immediantly.




I sat on the bed as the man left who I heard was called "Master Wu fan"


"Is that the man who owns this place?" I ask.


"Yes, it is." Jongin replied and left the room.


"Wow." I said softly.


"Were you scared of him?" Asks Luhan.


"No, well not really. But he seemed like a jerk. He should treat you guys more nicer. I can tell you guys work hard." I said not looking at either Luhan or Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo and Luhan looked at each other and started to laugh. I looked at them confused. Had I said something funny? I thought silently.


"Oh, sweetheart. He may seem like a jerk and sometimes even a spoiled brat; but he has a good heart and soul. It what counts on the inside not the outside." Kyungsoo explained softly.


I nodded. Then two more men entered the room


"Would you like something to eat?" The shorter one said.


"Would you like to take a bath?" The taller male said.


"Uh. No its alright, I'm not hungry right now. But um ..... is it alright if you could dry off my jacket?" I asked.


"Yes!" Luhan said grabbing my jacket from my hands.


"Here let's get you into new clothes! It'll only take two hours to make." Kyungsoo said taking a measuring tape out of nowhere. 


"Uh, You dont hav-" I cut off as Kyungsoo brings me to this mini stage thing.


"Stand still." Kyungsoo says measuring my body.


"Your done."


I get off the stage thing and look at myself in the mirror. Oh, man do I look that tired? I thought silently. Kyungsoo excuses himself from the room and leaves. I lay on the bed and close my eyes. I open my eyes to find Kyungsoo back in the room.


"Im done with your clothes! Try it on." Kyungsoo says smiling.


I get up and walk over to my clothes. The shirt is a dark blue and the pants are black. 


"Thank you." I said and grabbed the clothes.


I waited for Kyungsoo to leave so I could change but he stood there smiling.  I blinked at him so he could get the idea that I wanted him to leave.


"Do you need help with putting the clothes on?" Kyungsoo asked.


"Oh, no I dont. Im just waiting for you to leave." I replied. 


"O-oh! Right!" Kyungsoo stammered and left the room. "Im sorry."


"Its alright." I called.




I stepped out of the room and into the hall.


"You okay, Kyungsoo?" Jongin asks.


"Yeah, im fine." I say smiling. "I think hes a good match for Master Wu Fan."


"I dunno." Jongin replied leaning against the room. "Isnt he alittle too young?" 


"That doesnt matter!" I shouted.


I stood back shocked, I rubbed the back of my head. I usually never argue with someone.


"S-sorry. It just came out. I-I" I stuttered. 


"Its alright." Jongin said and hugged me.


"J-Jongin?" I asked.




I hugged him back, smiling.


"Why are you hugging me?" I said laughing alittle.


Jongin pulled away and rubbed his neck. I laughed.


"I guess ... I dunno why." Jongin said his cheeks turning pink.


"So cute~!" I said and pinched his cheek.


"Yah!" Jongin replied. "Are you calling me unmanly?"


"You dont need to be manly for me." I winked and laughed.


Jongin looked shocked and I left him like that and went into the room.


"Are you done?" I ask.


I gasped as I saw him. His hair was messy from sleep but he looked amazing with his natural hairstyle and his clothes colors  matched him.


"You look amazing!" I cried out and walked over to him. "Hes going to fall in love with you!" 


Tao looks at me confused and I back off for alittle.


"I-I mean anyone can fall in love with you." I say. 


"Uh, thank you." Tao said awkwardly.


I flash a smile and look around even though im familiar with the place.




"Um, I really got to get going." I say to Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo eyes widen.


"N-no, atleast stay here for a few days." Kyungsoo replied


"In a few days I have to be at the wedding." I sigh and run a hand through my hair.


"It cant be that important." Kyungsoo pouts.


"Well, it is." 


"Atleast say here for alittle bit."


I look at Kyungsoo confused. Why does he want me to stay so badly? I think sofftly.


"Fine. But I have to leave tomorrow." I say.


"Yay!" Kyungsoo jumps and grabs me and takes me out the room. "Lets go visit Master Wu Fan!"


"Wh-What!?" I exclaim.





I sat at the dining table across from 'Master Wu Fan'. I gulped and scratched my head, I could feel the awkwardness and it was making me fidgety. I didn't know what to call him, I wasn't one of his servants and I felt like it was disrespectful if I asked what to call him.


"You have a beautiful place." I said looking around.


"Thank you." Wu Fan mumbled.


It was awkwardly quiet again. I kept on looking around and the rose on the table infront of me caught my eyes, I took a gulp as I was swallowed in my own memories. 


"Do you know what this is?" My mother asked me.


"Yeah! Its a rose ... right?" I answered.


"Thats correct! Its beautiful isnt it?" 


My 5 year old self nodded. My mother smiled at me and ran her fingers through my hair. The scene switches and my younger self finds himself in the old hallway.


"Umma?" he called out softly as he walked through the semi dark hallway.


Nobody answered. He continued to walk the hallway, he made it to the end and peeked over. His eyes widened. A mysterious man stood infont of my mother and he couldnt see clearly because of the lighting but there was a slash sound and my mother fell and so did the heads of roses.


I gasped as someone grabbed me. It was one of my mothers maids and she took my hand and ran off with me.




I gasped loudly and I felt sweat run down the side of my face. I panted loudly and clutched the table for support. Wu Fan was up and at my side instantly. I could feel my body shaking as I remembered the blood pooling around my mothers neck. I shot out of my chair and walked off the fear in me.


I shook my head. This is the reason why you're an assassin, to take revenge for your motherYou need to get to that wedding .....




I snap out of my thoughts and turn around sharply to glare or snap at that person. But im speechless as I remember Im with Wu Fan. I put on a fake smile.


"Yeah?" I say normally.


Wu Fan looks at me for alittle bit and I see that he relaxes. Good, I didnt want him to think I was crazy or something.


"You were in a trance ..." Wu Fan said.


"Oh? Im sorry, were you talking?" I said.


"No." Wu Fan replied.


"Oh, alright. Well its getting late I should probably go to sleep early." I said smiling. 


"Alright, goodnight." 


I nod and go past the table but not before glancing at the red rose on the table one last time.




I looked at Tao as he left the room. I was confused for one of the first times. Did he have something against roses? I hoped not cause roses are my favorite flower. I go over to the rose. But if Tao doesnt like then .... I picked up the rose and threw it into the fire place.


I hated how Tao looked like he was in so much pain and I could clearly see the fear in his eyes, it made my protection side come out. I shook my head. Wu Fan! You just met this guy! You dont know anything about him! He could be a murderer or .. or an assassin! 


No ... thats absurd, Tao looks too innocent for any of that. Or he could be like Luhan. I shuddered. Luhan was cute on the outside but on the inside he was a complete monster. For example when I was still 18 I liked to be rebellious, I would mess around with people and I one day I got Luhan really ticked off, It did not end well.


I got up and also left the room. Why did we even meet? Kyungsoo and Tao just came over to my room and Kyungsoo said that we should get to know each other. I sighed. Kyungsoo is sometimes to eager to break the curse I'm under. The curse. It was a horrible thing, I got it when I was younger I had a witch as a stepmother.


My father was still young and handsome but he was selfish. Everytime he saw a beautiful women he would sleep with her if he got the chance to. My witch stepmother always got jealous but she couldn't do anything about it so she took her anger out wth me, she hit me, threw me around, even killed people infront of me.


Until she had enough and put a curse on me, I would live forever but I was bound to this house and if my one true love came around I wouldn't be able to say my feelings. I atleast still had my friends or servants. It been what? Atleast 50 painful long years.


The only way for me to break the curse was for my one true love to find me and confess to me first, but that would be hard since I always had some kind of face on and I couldn't express my feelings well because of the curse. I remember about probably 30 years ago I met the girl of my dreams.


She had long dark hair and was absoulutely beautiful, she was so cute at times she reminded me of a panda. I smiled at the memorie of her. She loved roses and I remember just to please her, I told Kyungsoo to plant roses with the help of Suho and Lay. I froze.


Tao did kinda looked like her, never mind just like her but a bit masculine and with shorter hair. I shook my head. I must be mixing the two of them together. I rushed to my room, threw the door open and went through my closet. I grabbed the picture and stared at it. It was her. The long hair was curled and her dress was perfect. I ran to Tao's room and slamned the door open.


Tao jumped up and hid something behind him. I held up the picture to Tao's face, exactly like her.


"What?" Tao said looking confused.


I didnt answer. I kept on looking between him and the picture.


"Who exactly are you?" I ask putting down the picture.


Tao widened his eyes.


"Im a person." Tao replies his eyes sharp.


"Well obviously." 


"Why are you being like this? Did something happen?" Tao asks.


"Nothing. Nothing happened. I just wanted to know, thats all." I say and turn around and leave.


There's definitely something about him. Something im not suppose to know. But hey, it makes it all the more funner. 





I couldnt fall asleep that night. Did Wu Fan find out about me? Was he going to do something about it? I curled into a ball. I just wanted to get the night over and travel to the wedding, kill who I wanted to kill and leave so I can live a new normal life. I sighed. I wasn't even scared of death anymore, so why am I worrying? I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I was sitting with my mother in the garden. We were talking and laughing together but I was a girl! Long hair fell to my waist and my dress was a dark purple. I then see someone with blonde hair come over to me, I could barely see his face no matter how much I stared at him.


Well its not like I can controll my self right now. I get up and go past him. I smile and go past dozens of roses in the garden. The next thing I know is rose garden is on fire, I start to run but the dress is slowing me down. I feel something sharp pierce my back. I woke up. That stupid dream! I've been having the same dream for the whole month and what's with me being a girl? I sit up slowly.


It doesn't feel like a dream though, it feels like a memory. Ugh! What's wrong with me? I've never been a girl! But I remember that my mom talked about your life before. Maybe? Naw that can't be! It can't, I can't believe my mothers supersition. I get up and instantly Kyungsoo is by my side.


"Good afternoon!" Kyungsoo said bowing.


I rubbed my eyes and look at Kyungsoo.


"Afternoon!?" I yell.


"Yes, afternoon." Kyungsoo smiles.


"Afternoon ...."






"Afternoon, Tao."


I whine and flop onto the bed.


"Why didn't you wake me up! Like at 6 or 7?" I asked.


"Because! You would have left!" Kyungsoo smiled. "And you seemed really tired, you must have not gotten enough sleep. Oh how was your date with Master Wu Fan yesterday?"


I couldn't stay mad at Kyungsoo. I sighed.


"It was really awkward." I replied and sat up.


"Oh? You both just need to get to know each other then you'll be more comfortable." Kyungsoo said.


"I don't have time for it. I need to get to that wedding." I said and got up.


I went to look in the mirror. There were slight bags under my eyes but atleast it wasn't that bad.


"Here your clothes from yesterday." Luhan pops out of nowhere.


I say thank you and grab my clothes from luhan. They both leave and I change my clothes. I fix my hair and go out the room. The couple last night is there.


"Hello." The shorter one says.


"Hi." I reply.


"I'm chen and this is xiumin." The tall one said.


"I'm Tao." I say.


The couple leads me to the dining area, Wu Fan isn't there but there is food waiting.


"Go ahead and sit down! Me and Lay made it."


Kyungsoo said coming through the door.


"Ah, thank you." I said and sat down at the nearest chair.


Then this angelic looking man came through the door.


"You must be Tao!" The man said smiling.


"Yes ... and you?" I ask.


"I'm Suho." Suho said still smiling.


I flashed a smile. Kyungsoo sets a plate gently infront of me and starts to load it with food.


"Ah, its alright. I can get it myself, I'm used to it." I said. Kyungsoo looked at me, he looked hurt. "Never mind, you can do whatever."


I can feel Suho staring at me, I turn and look at him.


"Yes?" I ask.


"Huh? Oh, nothing. I ... I was just thinking that you looked like someone, that's all." Suho said.


I nod slowly.


"I'm the one and only." I replie.


Suho flashes a smile and leaves. Another guy peeks behind the door Kyungsoo arrived from.


"Was that Su-Suho?" The man asked.


Luhan sighs and shakes his head.


"Yes it was but he's gone now." Luhan said helping kyungsoo set the table up.


"What's wrong?" I ask Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo smiles at me brightly.


"That's Lay, he has a huge crush on Suho. Its just that whenever Suho is around Lay just gets all gushy." Kyungsoo explained gently. "I heard Suho thinks its absolutely adorable."


"Sh-shut up Kyungsoo!" Lay says coming from behind the door.


He has short hair that goes to the left. I chuckle alittle bit. I see Lay turn red. Suddenly Suho comes back. Lay basicly melts.


"Good afternoon Lay! I haven't seen you all morning! I was beginning to get worried something happened to you." Suho said also smiling again.


"I-I-I-I" Lay stuttered.


Suho's laugh sounds melodic and his face softens at Lay.


"Its alright you don't have to say anything". Suho says.


"I just came back to get my notebook I left." Then Suho leaves.


Lay clutches the table for support.


"He has such a beautiful laugh...." Lay says fanboying. "Isn't he just so handsome!?"


I laugh again. Kyungsoo and Luhan finish and everything looks so fancy and professional. My eyeswide at everything.


"Wow." I exclaim.


Kyungsoo and Luhan both beam.


"Everything looks amazing" I say. "Can I?"


Kyungsoo nods, I immediantly dig in. It tastes delicious! It some how reminds me of how one of my old maids use to cook or was it one of my maids? I don't remember.


"It tastes really good!" I say.


"That's great to hear!" Kyungsoo replies.


Lay smiles and nods. When I'm finished I feel so full.


"Where's the sink?" I ask.


"Huh?" Luhan says. "Why would you want to know? The bathroom is down the hall"


"Its so I can put my plate away." I said as if it was nothing.


They all gasp at me. I look at all of them confused, I then remember that they probably aren't used to having people do chores except the servants. I almost laugh out loud.


"Never mind." I say.


"Tai was just like that too ...." Lay says softly.


Luhan elbows Lay in the stomach. I look at them confused.


"Nothing, nothing." Kyungsoo says and takes my plate. 


I shrug it off. 


"Can someone help me with directions? I need to get to that wedding." I say.


"Huh? Jongin can help you with that, hes the one who travels the most." Kyungsoo says.


"Thanks." I reply.


I go to the bathroom to wash my hands and im.on my journey to find Jongin. Kyungsoo comes with me. 


"Hm .... Jongin is most likely in the garden, he like to be there." Kyungsoo said.


Kyungsoo leads me to the garden. When I step out onto it, it fills me with nostalgia. I shake off the feeling and search around the garden to find Jongin.


"Jongin!" Kyungsoo called loudly.


Instantly Jongin appears behind a tall rose hedge.


"What?" Jongin calls.


"Can you help Tao with the directions!?" Kyungsoo says.


We make our way over to him, the garden is huge and filled with red roses, this place looks oddly familiar. Jongin meets us halfway.


"Where are you going?" Jongin asks straightening his clothes.


"I need to get to the Zi Castle." I spit the name out.


Jongin narrows his eyes but he doesn't say anything. Jongin tells both me and Kyungsoo to stay and he goes off somewhere, he comes back with a map. An old one. Jongin unravels it and I think its magical because once it was opened the places start to appear.


"Zi castle." Jongin says.


It suddenly appears on the map. I was going the right way but I just happened to stumble on Wu Fan's castl ekee. I ran a hand through my hair.


"You can take it when you go. Just have it back in two days." Jongin grumbles.


I looked at and nodded.


"Thanks, but why a time limit? Does the magic run out or something?" I ask.


"No, I just want it back by then." Jongin replies.


"Oh." I say "Again, thanks."


Jongin hands it to me and I take it.


"Your amazing, Jongin!" Kyungsoo finally said.


Jongin stared at Kyungsoo and blushed, Jongin stuttered out a thanks. This is the first time I saw Jongin like this.


"Your so nice to be doing this for him! Tao, I wish I could come with you but I can't" Kyungsoo said turning to me. "A wedding seems like fun and who would make sure you eat properly?"


Oh, it won't really be a happy ending for someone at the wedding.


"Why can't you come?" I ask confused.


Wu Fan probably won't let him.


"Oh, its complicated." Kyungsoo replies.


I nod. I then bow.


"I should get going, the wedding is in two days." I say.


"Already?"" Kyungsoo pouts softly. ".... You'll visit when your done right?"


"Yeah, of course!" I reply.


"Let me get some food for you, atleast." Kyungsoo says.


I was about to say something when Jongin cut me off.


"Just let him do it." Jongin said.


"Sure, alright." I say.


Kyungsoo claps his hands.


"Jongin, come with us! I can make you something for helping Tao!" Kyungsoo says.


Jongin beams and nods. Kyungsoo takes Jongin's hands and we go back into the mansion.






I turned around and smiled. It was Lay. 


"Yes?" I answer.


Lay stands infront of me quietly and then he looks at me.


"Do you think Tao is ...." Lay cuts off.


I blink alittle and I understand what hes saying.


"Theres a possibility, but its too early to tell. Just because he looks like her doesnt mean a thing." I say.


Speaking of Tao; Kyungsoo, Jongin, and Tao arrive inside. I smile and bow. They all return it and they leave. I sigh and run a hand down my hair. I catch Lay staring at me.


"Are you alright?" I ask.


Lay blinks and smiles, which makes my heart hammer softly.


"Im fine. Suho .... I need to tell you something important." Lay says.




Lay takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom. I furrow my brows in confusion.


"What are you-" I cut off as Lay kisses me.


Im first tense but I relax and kiss Lay back. Lay clutches my jacket tightly and brings me closer. I pull away.


"What was that?" I ask softly looking into Lay's eyes.


"I love you." Lay says.


My eyes widened. I didnt know Lay felt the same for me. I feel a smile tug onto my lips and it breaks into a bright smile.


"I ... I love you too." I reply.


Lay kisses me once more and tugs my jacket off.




"Goodluck on getting to the wedding!" Kyungsoo said waving a hand.


I wave back and turn around and leave. I feel alittle sad that I have to leave, but I need to do my mother a favor.




It takes just a day to get there because I traveled all day barely even stopping for a break even though sometimes I wish I did. As I arrive at the castle guards greet me at the opening door. I hold up a small golden shield that has a phoenix on it. Its the royal family sign, it means I've come for the wedding.


The guards let me in without a second glance. I let out a big breath and continue to go inside the castle. I see someone familiar.


"Baekhyun!" I call out.


Baekhyun sees me and waves me over.


"You came! I was starting to get worried that you weren't going to come!" Baekhyun says.


"I just kinda got lost on the way that's all." I explain.


"Ah, well make yourself at home!" Baekhyun breckons a maid over.


"Take Tao to the rose chamber." The maid bows and turns around and leads.


I say a goodbye before following the maid. We go up multiple stairs and hallways but we atlast arrive at my room. Before the mad leaves I tap her onto the shoulder.


"Where's Yung Hwang's room?" I whisper.


"Do you have business with him?" The maid asks.


I nod.


"He's in the room next door." The maid says.


"Ah, thank you." I said and bowed to the maid.


She returns it and leaves. I open the door to my room, and I'm hit with the smells of roses. I sighed. What's with roses these days? I walk inside the room but not before closing the door behind me and locking it. The room is littered with beautiful red roses.


The bed didn't escape the bombard of roses, Its pillows were made in the shape of roses and the beds blanket was filled with rose petas as if someone was waiting for me. I narrowed my eyes. I looked around but saw nothing that could mean danger maybe they did this for decoration.


I sighed and brushed all the rose petals away and lifted the blanket and found a tiny knife waiting for me. I rolled my eyes and picked it up, I heard something whirl and I ducked down in time as another knife when through the wall beside the bed. I got up cautiously.


He knows I'm hunting him. I nearly growl but I stay quiet. I check the whole room for any other ie traps but there aren't any. I then lay on the bed carefully just in case it did hide more 'surprises'.





I woke up the next morning. Today was the day I was going to get my revenge. I sat up and grabbed my outfit in a hidden bag and took it out. I quickly put the outfit on. There's a knock on my door and I tense up. I cautiously go to the door and grab the small knife that I took off my bed last night.


I open the door ready to slash but I relax as its just a maid with food. I feel a bit ridiculous and I hide the knife in up my sleeve and let the maid inside my room. She pulls out a small table and sets the food down, when she finishes she bows and steps off a little ways allowing me to the food.


"It has already been taste tested." The maid says softly.


I pick up the metal spoon and dip it into some kind of soup. I already miss Kyungsoo and Lay's cooking even though I only had it for one day. I eat all of my food and the maid takes it away. The wedding won't begin until the afternoon and its probably 8 o'l clock right now. I mine as well go see the bride.


I go out the room and try to find Baekhyun's room. I kinda got lost but a maid helped me find my way. I knocked on the door.


"W-who is it?" A voice calls from inside.


"Its me, Tao." I answer.


A maid comes and opens the door. I walk in and see Baekhyun in a white dress. I tried to hold my laughter inside.


"I know you want to laugh, go ahead." Baekhyun pouted.


I laughed. Loudly. After I stopped and went over to him.


"I wasn't the one who came up with this, the elders said it wouldn't look good if Chanyeol married a male but Chanyeol didn't want to marry anybody else so they came up with this" Baekhyun said gesturing to his body.


"Ah, you look pretty though." I replied smiling.


"How are you?" Baekhyun asked reaching out to touch my arm.


"I'm fine." I said.


"I hope you get what you want later on, just make sure its not so bloody." Baekhyun said quietly.


"Of course." I replied.


"You know you wouldn't look so bad in a dress either." Baekhyun said smiling.


I chuckled.


" I bet I will." I say almost sarcasticly.


Maids and others come inside the room to get Baekhyun ready.


"I should get going, congradulations Baekhyun." I said and left.


I walked around the hallways for alittle bit and I realize I still have the knife in my sleeve. I go back to my room and crept into my room. He could have setted more traps. Its clear and I walk in and was about to take the knife out of my sleeves when somebody hitted my head.





I woke up in a dark room. My head is aching and throbbing, I let out a small groan. There's ropes that bind my hands together but its loose. Somebody doesn't know how to tie a knot. I hear foot steps come closer to me, I look up and see the man I'm suppose to kill. He smiles at me.


"Hello, I'm here for one thing and one thing only." He says. "The pendant."


Pendant? The one my mother gave me? Why would he need that? I put on a pokerface face.


"And why is that? Do you really think I woul give it to you?" I asked almost feeling a eye roll come on.


"For special reasons." He replied.


"Not until you tell me something and then I'll give I to you." I said.


"Its not that simple, but what do you want to know?"


"Why'd you kill my mother?" I growled out.


"She was hiding something important, she needed to be delt with." He replied.


I furrowed my eyebrows.


"There's no sense in lying to you, I'm also going to kill you afterward. The pendant you have can travel time or space to different dimensions. Your mother had a daughter who possessed this power too and have you guessed who it is? Its you."


I stared at him shocked. I wasn't a female!


"I know what your mother did. I was her partner in crime, we were friends. You had your prissy little Wu Fan who you wouldn't leave alone until he died and you couldn't live with yourself since it was all your fault he died. You jumped into a different time-loop and guess what? You arrived here, but your mother also knew that we were looking for you and your mother combined this time-loop with your original one. This is why your little WuFan still remembers the old you."


What!? No! I never knew WuFan before this, I've always been in this time.


"Your lying! Why should I believe you!?" I shouted.


"Well you don't have to believe me but its the truth."


I broke out of the loose ropes and he jumped startled. I tackled him to the ground and started to punch him until he was a bloody pulp. I raised my knife above but somehow I couldn't bring myself to murder him. What was wrong with me? He was unconsious already and I got up.


I dragged his body carefully outside the room which was the basement of the castle. Should I toss him into the ocean? I looked down and then around. I picked up his body and threw him over the edge. I felt a small pinch in my back but I ignored it. I walked into the castle and went to the closet bathroom to wash my bloody hands.


What if he was telling the truth? Wouldn't I remember though? I shook my head. My mission is done, I've basically killed my mothers killer. I wiped my hands down and walked out. I should leave now but I need to see the happy new couple first. I walked outside the castle once again and go to the back of the castle, behind is the big wedding.


I see the couple dancing and I smile. I felt a shock go through my head and somehow I'm someplace else.


I was in the garden like last time, also in a dress again. I touched the necklace at my neck, it was the pendant my mother gave me. I looked up into the night sky 


"Dont you worry Wu Fan ... I'll come back for you." I whispered into the night. "I'll come back to you .... I promise ... remember we promised to be together forever? Even if you wont be able to remember in the next time loop i'll be able to." 


I bent over and tears started to fall down my cheeks. A promise. Somebody touched my shoulder gently and I turned around to see my mother.


"Im not so sure this is a good idea." My mother said. "Messing with time is a dangerous thing. You could destroy your own time line." 


"I-I ... I dont care! I dont care if I no longer exsist in that time-loop or rather in this one. I .... I just want to be with him." I say rather in a pathetic way. 


"You dont get it .... once your gone in one time-loop .... you'll cease to exsist in all of them, an exception if you die."  My mother said sternly.


"I promised him!" I yelled. "...... I just want to be with him .... mother ..... what should I do? Without Wu Fan I have no reason to live ..... no reason to love anymore." 


My mother grabbed me in an embrace.


"If this is what you desire, I shall make it happen." 


I gasp and I'm back to my regular body. I'm still at the wedding and I look around to see if anybody noticed I was different but nobody did, suddenly a tear falls out of the corner of my eye and I wipe it quickly. I see Baekhyun come over to me.


"Hi." Baekhyun says smiling.


"I .... I finally finished it." I said.


"That's .... that's wonderful, I suppose you'll be going now." Replied Baekhyun.


"Yes." I bowed. "I hope you and Chanyeol have a long nice married life together."


"Thank you and goodluck on your way back." Baekhyun smiles.


I smiled and turned away. I couldn't stop thinking of the flashbacks or memories or whatever they're called. I felt weak and sick, I went to my room, grabbed my stuff and left with my room door wide open.




I sat on my bed, staring blankly at the opposite wall. Somebody knocked on my door. "Master Wu Fan?" Called Chen outside the door.


"Yes?" I called.


"Tao .... he's come back."


I perked up and walked to the door opening it.





"Why is he back?" I asked.


"Well actually we found him on the front steps. He must have fainted." Chen replied.


"Ah ... make sure he is alright." I said.


Chen bowed and walked away. I walked out into the hallway; Xiumin bowed to me.




A girl version of me stood infront of me. She looked so sad, then she whispered something. I angled my head to hear her better.


"Wu ... Fan." She whispered and a lone tear leaked out of her eye.


I looked at her confused.


"Remember .... A promise." She reached out to me.


I took a step back.


"A promise we made." 


She touched my cheek softly.


"Tao ..." 


"Tao! ....." 


A last tear fell down and she shattered like glass. 


I gasped and woke up. Kyungsoo's cold hand was on my cheek. I looked around wildly, panting slightly. 


"Its alright. Your at Master Wu Fan's mansion." Kyungsoo said soothingly.


I control my breathing and I look at Kyungsoo.


"How'd I get here?" I asked. 


"I dont know .... we found you on the front steps." Kyungsoo replied. 


"My head hurts ...." I said once again closing my eyes.


"You have a slight fever." Kyungsoo explained. "You should get some more sleep."


"No! ... I mean ... I cant .... I-I dont want to." 


I didnt want to see that one girl .... or other me. It all was too confusing, too complicated. 


"Alright then, what do you want to do?" Kyungsoo asked.


"Can I just be alone?" I said.


Kyungsoo looked at me and nodded, he got up and left. So let me get this straight, I fell in love with Wu Fan in a different time loop but he dies because of me? and so I come to this time-loop .... but why dont I remember anything? Also my mother combined the two time-loops together.


I let out a loud sigh and I put a hand on my pounding head. What the hell was I thinking? Also .... what promise? The promise to be together forever? I broke the curse in my last time-loop right? I have so many questions and the only person who could answer my questions is me and my mom, but shes gone.


Why must this all be so confusing? I need more information and maybe later i'll get more flash backs and I can figure out what happened. Wait didnt I have powers? My mothers killer said I had powers like my pendant. I reached into my pocket and pulled the pendant out. 


It was a flat hour glass shape. I could see letters engraved into the pendant, it was too small to read any of it, but I could definitely feel the power of it. How do I activate it? I closed my eyes and I searched deep inside of me. I opened my eyes but nothing felt like it changed, I sighed. 


"Kyungsoo!" I called.


But nobody came inside. Werid? 


"Kyungsoo!" I called again.


Still nobody came. Did something happen? I got up quietly and went over to the door.  


"Kyungsoo?" I said softly opening the door.


I see Kyungsoo beside the door but hes not moving. Did he not hear me? I shake him but Kyungsoo still doesnt move nor look at me. I gasp as I suddenly realize I froze time! I take a vase and throw it into the air but it stays in the air not falling down at all.


I take the vase and I sat it back down. Now how did I unfreeze time? I closed my eyes again and I felt the deepest inside me. I hear Kyungsoo let out a loud yelp.


"Tao! When did you get infront of me?" Kyungsoo said.


"I was here for awhile, you didnt see me?" I replied.


"Ah! Im sorry. You should get back to bed, did you need anything?" Kyungsoo asked.


"No ... I'll get going." I say and go back into the bedroom.


I lay onto the bed and immediately fall asleep. When I wake back up  I see Wu Fan infront off me, I yelp and jump back.


"Wh-what the?" I say startled.


Wu Fan laughs gently which sounds melodic. I blush slightly.


"Really?" I grumbled


"How was your sleep?" Wu Fan asks.


"I-I-It was fine." I stuttered suddenly.


"Hey .... I was wondering if you know this one girl, like if you guys are related or something ..." Wu Fan says looking at his hands.


"Who? Describe her." I reply.


Wu Fan reaches out a picture or more like a small portrait he has, I think it was the same one he had when he barged into the room last time. I reach out to the picture and grab it and im into another memory.


"Do I really have to do this?" I pouted.


"Yes, yes you do." Wu Fan answered.


"But you know how much I hate staying still for so long." I whined.


"Yes, I know but please? Do it for me." Wu Fan said.


I let out a huff and I smiled for the painter. When the painter was finally done after what seemed like hours, I couldn't really move so I fell over onto the ground.


"Tai, that's not very lady-like." My mother said coming over to me.


"I don't care, I've been sitting for hours!" I replied.


Kyungsoo chuckled softly and helped me up. I walked over to the nearest couch and just laid onto it.


"Its all your fault Wu Fan." I say with a playful tone.


I just hear Wu Fan laugh in response.




I looked up at Wu Fan.


"Huh?" I asked.


"You spaced out."


"O-o-oh?" I stuttered.


I looked back at the picture of my past self.


"I know nothing of her." I said softly. "Are you looking for her?"


"I guess you could say ... but the ...." Wu Fan replied.




"Yeah, but ... how did you know? I never told you, did Kyungsoo or anyone tell you?" Wu Fan asked suspiciously.


"I heard about it in the hallways, please tell me more about it." I said.


Wu Fan told me about his stepmother and how the curse had fallen on him, it was rather kinda depressing.


"I'm sure you'll find someone to help you break the curse." I said as Wu Fan finished his story.


Wu Fan just nodded without a reply. It was suddenly so quiet in the room.


"What do you do if you can't leave the mansion?" I asked.


"I usually walk the hallways or be in my bedroom." Wu Fan replied. "I wish I could go out to the garden though but even I can't do that."


"That's a shame. The garden is very well kept and the roses are healthy." I replied.


"Yes, Kyungsoo takes very good care of them with Jongin." Wu Fan said. "How was the wedding?"


"It was ..... it was nice. I got one of the best rooms and my neighbors were very friendly" Not I thought. "The wedding was beautiful and it was nice to see the couple get married."


"Ah, that's good. I also wanted to marry someone ...." Wu Fan said almost sadly.


"The girl in the picture?" I asked softly.




I once again look back at the picture I realized I was still holding. I hand the picture back to Wu Fan to which he takes. Should I tell him? He'll be so confused about what happened .... I probably shouldn't , I mean his one true love doesn't remember him (Atleast I don't) and he'll act super weird since I'm a male also. I'll have to wait for the perfect time to tell him what happened to the old me.





I walked through the hallway bored out of my mind. I explored more places than I thought I would in a whole day, I then saw a room that had a door open. Should I look inside? I walked over to it and peeked inside the room. It looked like any other womens room. 


Whose room was this? I thought silently. I walked inside hoping to get some kind of memory but nothing happened. I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary until I saw something brown under the bed, I bent down and grabbed the brown thing and it appeared to be a old journal. 


I flipped through the pages and the journal had tons of written things and pictures.


I sat in a room looking out the window. I heard someone walk inside my room but I didnt bother to look back to see who it was, when I finally turned around it was my mother and she had something in her hand. 


"You look bored out of your mind, here I bought this for you." My mother said handing me a brown bag.


"Th-Thank you." I said and opened the brown bag.


I saw that it was a journal.


"What is this suppose to be for?" I asked opening the journal.


"Its a diary."


I let out a "ah" and thanked my mother again. My mother smiled and patted my shoulder gently and left the room. I grabbed a pen and started to write my first words in.


I was then out of the memory. But this isnt my room, I would have known and had gotten a memory. I dont think anybody would know that I took this, its basically mine anyways.




I walked into my room and flopped onto my bed. I pulled the journal from under me and opened it to the first page. It talked about how my life was so boring and how I was confined into the house for how my mother thought I was fragile and soft. Seems like Wu Fan wasn't the only person who had to stay home.


I flipped through more of the pages until it had Wu Fan's name into it.


I walked through the small forest that was behind my house until I soon found myself at a beautiful big garden, but the thing was that there were no flowers. I knew I shouldn't have tresspassed but something made me walk into the garden as if it were pulling me forward.


I shook my head and turned around to leave but realized I didn't know where to go. I was lost, I turned around back to the garden. Maybe I could go to the mansion and get help for directions. I picked up my dress and ran towards the house. I knocked onto the door and waited for an answer but the door opened with no one behind it.


"Hello?" I asked nervously.


Nobody had answered, I knocked again. I didn't walk inside though, it was imcrediably rude to do so. Maybe no one was home? I turn to leave until I saw someone coming down the stairs.


"Excuse me, but could I get some directions?" I asked.


The man had golden brown hair and he had very pretty eyes.


"Hello!" He chirped.


"Ah .... hello." I replied. "C-could I get some directions?"


"Sure but you'll have to meet my master first." The man said. "I'm Luhan."


I'm suddenly jerked out of my memory and I quickly look around myself. There's no one. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and my head started to hurt again. I hid my journal and decided to fall back asleep. When I woke up it was dawn. I must have slept through the night. I yawned and got into a sitting position.


I suddenly heard a loud scream somewhere and I jerk out of bed and into the hallway. Luhan is on the ground bleeding with Kyungsoo shaking infront of him.


"L-Lu-Luhan!?" I stuttered.


I quickly run over to him and check his pulse but its too late he's dead. Kyungsoo has his hands covering his mouth to keep his sobs quiet but its no use. I see Jongin running over here and he grabs Kyungsoo into an embracing hug so he wouldn't have to look at Luhan's dead body.


I clasp my hands together and I wish Luhan a safe journey. When I open my eyes I see a small rose that's inprinted into his wrist. That wasn't there before. I traced my fingers onto it and I'm thrown into a memory but its my own. I wipe my eyes as I looked at my mothers dead body.


I grabbed her cold hand and brought it to my face, I stopped though as I saw a small rose on her wrist. Was that there before? I thought. I rub my eyes and I'm back to reality. I haven't noticed that Kyungsoo and Jongin left but it doesn't matter. The same small rose is on Luhan, does that mean that my mothers killer also did this? But .... I killed him, didn't I?




They bury Luhan and I get to see a servant I haven't seen before. I think his name was Sehun or something like that. Him and Luhan look almost identical but Sehun has a cold face and Luhan is always cheery. I found out they were lovers though. Wu Fan came to see Luhan before we had to take Luhan's body outside.


It was sad, Luhan was one of the first people I met here at the mansion and now he was gone but I barely knew Luhan so it wasn't truly deeply sad. I see Jongin wrap his arms around a sad Kyungsoo and I suspect they have something going on but I pay no attention, its none of my business.


I shiver as a wind blows right past me and I excuse myself and walk back to the mansion. As I open the door I'm suddenly face to face with Wu Fan. He has an unreadable expression on and I think that maybe he doesn't want to show any weakness. I'm about to say something when Wu Fan turns and walks away from the door.


"Wu Fan!" I call out.


Wu Fan turns around to look at me and I suddenly don't know what to say.


"D-do you want to talk? Or-or be in each others company?" I say stuff that are just ontop of my head.


"I ... I don't know." Wu Fan replies.


I walk over to him and grab his arm.


"I think it'll be better if we talked for alittle or atleast to be around each other." I said.


Wu Fan nods and leads us to a inside greenhouse. There's plants and different colored roses growing and in the center of them all is a deep red rose. This place gives me a feeling of nostalgia but there's no kind of memory that comes to me. I sit on a fancy stone bench that's infront of the red rose and Wu Fan sits next to me.


"How'd you meet Luhan?" I asked not looking at Wu Fan but staring intensely at the rose infront of me. "If you don't mind me asking."


"We met when we were younger. Luhan was probably twelve then." Wu Fan replies.


"You must have a good memory." I say almost sadly.


"Not really .... sometimes I can't tell weither a memory is fake or real." Wu Fan said. "Like .... I sometimes have these flashes of me dying with ... with her right above me crying, but I'm not dead."


"Her?" I asked.


"Yeah, her name was Tai kinda sounds like your name doesn't it?" Here Wu Fan chuckles sadly. "Coincidently you look like her too."


I don't know what to say because Tai is me.


"Tell me more about her." I say gently.


Wu Fan goes into full detail about my last life but it doesn't bother me. I want to learn about the life I could barely remember. The moments we had were sweet and loving and at times I'll get small flash backs. To tell you the truth the more Wu Fan told me about my previous life I actually found myself falling for him. In the end I decided to tell Wu Fan the truth of who I really was.








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{EXO Fairy Tales} Going Hiatus for alittle while! Sorry! I'll try to be back soon though! Love you all!


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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 10: GYAAAAAA!!!! SO CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!
kpopper_rae5 #2
please do a little mermaid parody involving taoris....it's my favorite fairytale with my otp...thank you
Chapter 21: hehe crossovers haha ;D new reader loving how you use the exo members in fairy tails
Chapter 21: Everyone's going crossover!!
Crossover! Crossover!
It makes me laugh at how similar the readers think XD
But don't worry we didn't forget. We're just in wait!
Chapter 21: Omigosh~ Crossover XD
Chapter 20: Chenchens gonna be mad!!!
EXO-Lover91 #7
Chapter 20: Omo is that Xiumin. Oh no Chen is going to be mad XD