Sorry But That's Not My Shoe

EXO Fairy Tales { VERY LONG Hiatus}

Baekyun is not a typo! It is Baekhyuns female name (Im sorry I couldnt think of anything else)



I sat in my sisters room listening to her talk about the up coming ball; where the prince will be choosing a wife. I yawned and looked at my sister and all I could hear from her was: blah, blah, blah, blah. She had been talking about it ever since the news was delivered to our door.


"Kyungsoo! Did you hear what I just said!?" My sister said.


"What? I wasn't listening." I said looking out the window.


"I said for you to come to the ball with me, since im too nervous to go alone." 


I shot up.


"What!? You do know only girls are aloud." I replied.


My sister gave one of her evil smiles and walked over to me. My eyes widened and I got up and ran for the door to escape but my sister got there first and closed it.


"Yah! Let me out! I don't want to do this." I said franticly.


"You have no choice! You are coming." My sister practically growled.


"Baekyun! Let me out! You only want to go because of the prince's friend who has a deep voice." I begged. "And how do you run so fast in those heels?"


Baekyun led me to her bed and sat me down.


"Its called practice and I don't care! I want to see him. He has the face of a baby but the voice of a man." Baekyun swooned.


I rolled my eyes and pouted.


"You do know that theres a possibility you might be chosen to marry the prince?" I grumble.


"I'll just reject him and marry his friend instead and he wont get anywhere near me cause I'll have you to distract him." Baekyun shrugged.


"I thought I was suppose to go because you were nervous to go alone!" I cried.


"But I am nervous." Baekyun replied. "Please? Do it for Noona."


I looked at Baekyun and sighed.


"Sure, whatever." I said defeated.


Baekyun jumped and hugged me. Im going to regret this I thought.


"Just wait till me and the prince's friend get married and have kids! They're going to be so cute!" 


"yah! why are you already thinking about kids?" I asked.


"You worry to much, Umma." Baekyun replied.


I rolled my eyes and got up to leave the room.


"You cant leave yet." Baekyun said.


"Why not?" I ask.


Baekyun took off her heels, my mouth opened and my eyes widened.


"No, no, no, no~!" I cried and ran for the door again.




Its been two days since my sister; Baekyun asked me to go to the ball with her and its already hell. Baekyun has been making me practice wearing heels and making me put on dresses and not to mention wigs.


"Am I done yet?" I ask bored.


"You know your really good at wearing heels." Baekyun says.


"Be quiet! Its because of you that I have to wear this." I grumble.


"You should be glad im the one teaching you, instead of mom." Baekyun replies.


We both shudder at the thought.


"Yeah, sorry." I say.


"Its alright." Baekyun replies. "Now lets do some dancing." 


I groan and walk over to my sister. By the end of the day my feet ache and my sides hurt.




"Wake up!" 


I shoot from my bed and see Baekyun at the side of my bed.


"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Baekyun says almost sarcastically.


"Why are you waking me up?" I ask rubbing my eyes.


"Oops! Did I say morning? I meant afternoon." Baekyun glares at me.


"What!?" I say "Your not lying right?"


"Why would your beloved sister lie?"


I roll my eyes and go over to my windows and open my shades. I cover my eyes as the sun shines through. Baekyun was right; the sun was high up in the sky.


"How did this happen!?" I say.


"I don't care how it happened, just hurry up and come with me to my bedroom." Baekyun says.


I follow grudgingly. Baekyun helps me get into the dress first and puts a wig on me. Baekyun carefully puts make up on me

and when shes done; she makes me close my eyes and she carefully leads me to a mirror.


"You can open your eyes now." Baekyun says.


I open my eyes and gasp at my reflection. The girl has dark brown hair that curls all the way to her waist and the straight bangs were gently pushed to the side. The make up was light, enhancing my lashes and lips; also making me look naive and innocent. 


The dress was a silvery white and every turn he made the dress shimmered and gracefully floated.


"Oh, my gosh" I said about to touch my face.


"DON'T!" Baekyun startled me. "Don't, touch your perfect angel face."


I nodded and made my hands drop to my sides.


"Im really surprised! You made me look like a real girl and you did a good job." I said to my sister.


"I know right!? Im just tooo gooood." Baekyun boasted.


"Yes, you are." I said in my female voice.


Baekyun gasped.


"You'll catch the prince's eye in no time. Cause if I were a guy and not related; I wouldn't mind some of that." Baekyun says.


"Gross!" I replied. "Go put your stuff on."


"Oh, right."


I kept on staring at myself in the mirror and I twirled a bit. I then gasped at my body; the dress made me look so skinny and curvy and Baekyun stuffed tissue in my dress to make me look like I had . I looked like a true girl and to make it worse Baekyun was just a tiny bit taller even though im a guy.


"Im done~!" Baekyun says.


I turn around and see my sister in a red dress with orange, yellow, and white gems on it. Baekyun has lots of eyeliner on which makes her eyes look bigger and she also has red lipstick. Baekyun's hair is pinned in a bun by a red flower.


"Whats with the red?" I say.


Baekyun twirls and it looks like her dress is on fire. I let out a "wow."


"Its suppose to look like fire. I heard he likes taking risks." Baekyun says.


"Bold." I say.


"I know right!?" Baekyun replies.


Baekyun checks the time and gasps.


"We need to go!" 




"Hey Jongin!" Chanyeol, my friend comes and joins me.


"Why do I have to greet each guest?" I groaned.


"Its so you could see what girl you like." Chanyeol explains.


"I know that."


I could have swore I already greeted thousands by now. Right when I think the line is going to end, two more people line up. I sigh inside my head and continue to greet ladies until I stare into big wide eyes. I blink and I swear I see a angel infront of me. Everything goes slow and I feel like theres only the two of us.


But it gets broken as Chanyeol clears his throat. I l blink a couple times more timess and I clear my own throat.


"He-hello." I stammer "Welcome to the palace."


"Thank you." The women says softly.


I grab her hand and kiss her knuckles.


"Your name?" I say and wink.


The women blushes and looks down. I want to jump and squeal at how cute the girl is. She looks back at me. I nearly growl as more people line up. The women follows my gaze then looks at me again.


"Oh, im sorry I must be holding up the line." She says and pulls her hand away form my grasp.


"N-no-" I start.


The women bows and leaves my presence only leaving the scent of lilies. The women next is in red but she doesn't greet me, she greets Chanyeol but im too busy to care; Im trying to find the angel that left me.




"You should have seen the look on his face when you left!" Baekyun said laughing.


"R-really?" I replied. "W-why?"


"He looked so surprised and mad." Baekyun said.


"O-oh." I said not really knowing what to say.


"But guess what?"




"I got to greet his friend! His name is Chanyeol. Isnt that the most manliest name ever?"


I laugh alittle for my sisters fangirling. As the opening ceremony begins I look around the palace. It was a beautiful place with lots of windows to see outside and there were tons of stairs. I felt a elbow jab at my side.


"Pay attention, will you? The opening ceremony is done. Go do some stuff, talk to people, im going to go find Chanyeol." Baekyun said.


"Have fun and be careful." I said.


"Yes, Umma! Oh and meet me by the front stairs at midnight. We have to get home before one and you know how umma is." baekyun says.


"Yes, yes. Good luck on finding your prince charming!" I called.


Now what to do? I sighed and continued to look around more. I smiled as I saw the garden doors open, I immediantly went through them. The garden was so beautiful especially with the sunset in the background. I went around the garden smelling different kinds of flowers and they all smelled really good.


I then came in view with a fancy water fountain. I went over to it and sat in front of the fountain, watching different colored flower petals float lightly on the water. I started to hum my favorite song.




"I need to get out, Its too stuffy in here." I complained to Chanyeol.


"Sure, go outside for a bit. You might find your soul mate out in the garden." Chanyeol joked.


I rolled my eyes and walked out into the garden. I let out a breath and decided to walk through the garden. I stopped as I got deeper into the garden and as I heard a beautiful humming voice. I followed it and it led me to the fountain with a girl sitting infront of it. I-Its her! I realize as I see the similar hair and dress.


The girl picks up a pink carnation from the fountain and looks at it. If only time could freeze for just alittle bit so he could paint the beautiful scene infront of him. I then decided to approach the women. The women looks at him startled; she gets up and drops the carnation.


"'o-oh .... my." She says softly.


I smile and go over to her. I pick the carnation from the ground and tuck it into the girls hair.


"Um ..... Whats your name?" I ask suddenly nervous.


"K .... Kyung ... Kyungna." Kyungna says.


"thats a beautiful name." I reply


"O-oh. Thank you." 


"Do you dance?" I ask.


"I do, but i'll rather sing." Kyungna replys passionately. 


"Ah. Do you like carnations?"


"Yes, I do. They're pretty arent they?" Kyungna delicately touched the flower on her head.


"They are." I reply.


Its suddenly quiet in the garden and all you could hear was the fountain.


"Im sorry. I must be taking up your time." Kyungna says.


Suddenly im scared that shes going to leave again and I grab her hand and twirl her.


"Im not busy at all." I say.


Kyungna's eyes are wide but she smiles; which makes my heart stop beating. I stay out in the garden with Kyungna for the whole time forgetting completely that he was suppose to go back inside the palace. They both laughed and got to know each other.


Then the clock tower strikes midnight. Kyungna suddenly jumps up.


"Im sorry, did it scare you?" I ask almost protectively.


"N-no, not at all. But I have to go." Kyungna said suddenly.


"Where?" I question.


"Home. My moms very strict and I have to be back before one. I have to meet my sister at the front stairs." Kyungna explains.


"W-wait." I call.


Kyungna crouches down and plucks a red tulip and comes to me. She tucks it into my shirt with the head of the flower sticking out.


"Its for good luck. I hope you find your eternal love." Kyungna says softly. (A/N: Tulips stand for eternal love.)


I think I already found her I think sliently.


"Wait, will you come for the other two days?" I ask.


"Yes." Kyungna replies.


Kyungna waves at me and leaves first. Chanyeol doesn not know how right he was.




"Sorry, im alittle late." I apologize.


"Its alright. Lets just hurry and go back." Baekyun replied.


we both walk down the stairs to our carriage. As im in the carriage I think of how handsome the prince looked and I feel my heartbeat quicken. I frown. Im not faliin for the prince am I? I cant! Im a male! I shake my head mentally.


"Are you okay?" Baekyun asks.


"Yes, im fine." I reply not looking at my sister.


When we get home, I quickly take off the clothes, make up, and wig. I take off the carnation and press it into one of my books. I fall into my bed. I wake up this time by myself and im happy to know I didnt sleep till the afternoon. I eat breakfast and go to Baekyun's room.


I knock on the door.


"Come in!" A cheerful voice calls inside.


"Ah! Kyungsoo you woke up by yourself this time." Baekyun says.


"Yeah." I say.


"Are you okay?" 


"Oh, im just worried." I reply.


"What are you worried about?" Baekyun asks me gently.


I look at Baekyun.


"Im worried that ... your going to get your heart-broken." I say though its not trully a lie.


baekyun looks unconvince but accepts it.


"Dont worry about me, you just have fun alright?" Baekyun replys "Lets go in town and buy you a dress." 


Baekyun doesnt wait for a reply and drags me to the town with her.




I stare at my younger brother worried. I try to ignore the look on Kyungsoo's face and consentrate my senses on finding a perfect dress for him.


"Did you see the prince when he came back from the garden?" A girl in the store says to another girl


"yeah! he had that love stuck expression while holding a tulip."


"I hope he hasnt already made a decision to marry some one."


I see Kyungsoo's expression and hes looks so pale and scared. I put my hand on his shoulder.


"It was me who gave the tulip to him." Kyungsoo said softly.


My eyes widened.


"What!? Really?" I smile. "Oh em gee! My brothers going to marry the prince! When me and Chanyeol get married; we can both live in the castle together."


"Shhhh!" Kyungsoo snaps "You dont understand! Im a male, Baekyun."


"So? you could always adopt." I say shrugging. "Did you hear about the neighboring Kingdoms? The Prince's got married and adopted a son named Chris! I heard the child even looks like them!"


"You still dont get it! The prince likes girls, theres a reason he has a ball for only girls." Kyungsoo says making bunnie ears when he says girls.


"Your cute enough to pass as a girl. You can cook, clean, and even sing. Thats umma material." I reply.


Kyungsoo shrugs and continues looking for a dress. I roll my eyes and continue looking at the dresses. I see a blue dress and I grab it. 




Im looking at my reflection again. Im in a blue and white dress that glitters every turn I take and my wig is up and pinned to the side of my head, leaving the curls in the air.The make up is alittle darker but the motive is still to make me look innocent. Baekyun is tucking blue flowers into my hair.


"Why do you look so beautifully sad?" Baekyun asked.


"No .... im not sad." I reply.


"You look better smiling, but your also very pretty looking sad too." 


I look at my sister and shake my head.


"I told the prince my name was Kyungna; so call me that whenever were at the ball." I said.


"Thats such a cute name!" Baekyun says putting the last flower in my hair.


"I guess." I reply "D-do you think the prince likes me?"


"Are you kidding? Who wouldnt fall for you?" Baekyun replies.


"I-I mean its not like I care if he likes me or not but ....... I was just asking." I said quickly.




"Its t-true!" I felt my face burn.


"Your so cute!"


"Yeah, yeah. Go get ready."


Baekyun went to her closet to get her dress. I then felt like someone was watching me and I look outside the window but there was no one out there. Its just probably my head playing with me I think silently; but the feeling never really shakes off as I get into the carriage with Baekyun.


Baekyun is in a purple dress and her hair is down and loose. Only when im in the carriage the feeling goes away. As I get off the carriage the stalked feeling comes back. I ignore it and walk into the castle. People are on the dance foor and and some people are eating and walking around.


I go over to the dance floor to watch people dance, just then a bouquet of pink carnations are threw into my face. I blink at them and grab them from the person, I look up and see the prince smiling.


"Th-thank you." I say blushing.


I feel my hearting beating fast and I couldnt help but smile back. I bring the flowers up to my nose and smell them; it has a bittersweet smell.


"Your welcome." The prince said. "W-would you like to dance?"


I looked at the outstretched hand and I put my bouquet down and took the prince's hand. The prince whisked me away to the dance floor. We both gently swayed with the music.


"You look very beautiful." The prince said.


"O-oh, thank you." I felt my face heat up. "But prince there is surely more beautiful girls out there for you to dance with."


"Call me, Jongin" The prince chuckled. "And I dont think the others can match you."


"J-Jongin?" I said. "Well your flattery ."


Jongin looked at me shocked. I laughed and another man came and took my hand as the dance made us switch partners. I was trying to hold my laughter as I see Jongin surprised. I then noticed the man who took my hand was my sisters 'future husband' Chanyeol.


"You like teasing the prince?" Chanyeol says laughing.


"It is enjoyable." I reply also laughing.


"I like you. I hope you marry the prince. We can do all kinds of pranks together." Chanyeol said.


"I-I'll like that." I smile. 


Then we switch to our original dance partners. 


"Is it true?" Jongin asked. 


"I was only kidding with you." I said. "You give the best compliments."


I see Jongin blush and I couldnt help but laugh alittle.




I sigh lovingly as I look at Kyungna across the room sitting on a chair looking at her bouquet of carnations.


"Chanyeol." I say.


"Yes?" Chanyeol answers.


"I think im in love. Kyungna treats me like a regular person and shes so funny and so cute! I think shes the one." I said dreamily.


"Yeah. I like her too." Chanyeol says.


I turn around and look at him with a glare. Chanyeol just laughs.


"Not in that way. As a sister-in-law. I told her if you and her gets married we can do pranks together. It'll be so much fun!" Chanyeol says.


I just nod and continue looking at Kyungna. Just then Kyungna looks up at my direction and when she sees me, she smiles and waves at me. I feel like i've been caught trying to sneak out of the castle and I shyly wave back. Chanyeol cracks up behind me.


Later on we meet each other in the garden. 




"I think i've already chosen who I want to get married to." Jongin says softly beside me.


I look at Jongin; my eyes big. I force myself to smile.


"Wh-who is it?" I choke out.


Jongin looks at me and smiles. I suddenly feel like I have to puke and I nod for him to continue.


"You." Jongin says softly.


I stare at him and I gulp feeling tears rise in my eyes. I look away


"I .... Im sorry but .... I .... I cant." I reply.


"Wh-why not?" Jongin asks.


I suddenly feel my tears fall. Oh, how I want to marry him I think silently. I get up and start to walk away. Jongin grabs me and yanks me toward him. 


"Why not? Why wont you marry me?" Jongin asks again.


"Im not who you think I am!" I try to say fiercely but it comes out as a sob. "You wont want to marry me."


Jongin looks into my eyes. I pull myself away from him and rush out of the castle. I sit on the steps infront of the palace; crying. I want to go home but I cant since I have to wait for Baekyun. Somebody appears infront of me. I look up and see a man.


"Arent you going to marry the prince?" The man asked.


"No I-" I cut off as the man grabs me. 


The man shoves me into a carriage. Im on the floor of the carriage as it starts to move. 


"Yah! I think you got the wrong person!" I cry out. 


The carriage doesnt stop. I then realize im still holding my bouquet Jongin gave me, I know they're not going to take me anywhere pleasant. I tear at the petals and I throw them out the carriage window, praying someone would follow the trail and hope that the petals wont be blown away.


When the carriage finally stops I hide the bouquet and sit on the seat. I could feel myself shaking. I never signed up for this when I told my sister I was going to go to the ball with her. The carriage door swings open, its the man who kidnapped him.  He grabs him roughtly and pulls him out of the carriage.


"Wh-what do you want with me?" I asked.


"Be quiet." The man replied sharply.


I immediantly shut my mouth. The man brought me to a room and forced me to sit on a chair, he tied me to that chair. Then man left me in the room alone. I let out shaky breath and looked for a escape route but there was only one way to get out and it was a tiny small rectangle window or the door.


I wanted to cry at how bad my luck was today. I closed my eyes tightly and prayed that somebody was going to come and save me. Soon a group of people came inside the room.


"Well, arent you a pretty thing?" A man said in the shadows.


I looked at him in disgust.


"Now, dont look like that." The man said "Its such a shame I have to kill such a beautiful thing."


I felt my breath leave my body as I heard those words. Why? Why me? I didnt do anything wrong I thought.


"Wh-why?" I said softly.


"Let me tell you a story." The man said. "I used to be the prince long time ago. I was prince until I fell in love with a commoner, he almost looked like you but a male. I would sneak out of the castle for him and we would meet in the park every Thursday. I fell in love with him and one day when I was going to ask him to marry me, he wasnt there. I couldnt find him anywhere no matter how hard I tried. You know the saying? Love makes you do crazy things? Thats what happened I became obsessed with finding him and the others no longer thought I was fit to be prince anymore and they kicked me out of the castle and made my younger twin brother prince."


I looked at the shadow of the man, shocked. 


"If I killed the person he was going to marry he wouldnt be able to find a new wife soon and I'll be able to take his place. I'll find him .... Kyungsoo." The man said the name softly.


I gasped. The man came out of the shadows. It was Jongin! ...... no .....not Jongin .... it was.


"Kai." I whispered softly.


The memories came back into my head. I was sitting next to Kai laughing on a bench. I remember kissing him. I remembered loving him. I remembered everything. I was panting when I finished remembering. I had only forgot because Baekyun accidently pushed me down the stairs and I hitted my head on the floor.


"So, you've heard of me?" Kai said.


I could feel tears falling down my face. Kai came over and wiped them off my face.


"Your so beautiful and you remind me of my Kyungsoo. Maybe i'll let you live for alitte while." Kai whispered.





I stared at him. Not knowing what to say. Should I tell him im really Kyungsoo? I bit my bottom lip.


"Please, spare me. I wasnt planning on marrying the prince." I said softly.


"Really? You didnt seem like that when you were with him." Kai said turning around. 


I need to tell him I think softly. I look up at Kai.


"Yah, I am Kyungsoo." I say.


"What!?" Kai said turning back to me sharply. "Stop playing."


"Its true!" I replied. "You remember Baekyun? she made me go with her to the ball!" 


I shook off the wig. Kai looked at me in shock. Kai went away for alittle bit and came over to me and started to wipe away makeup, I blinked alittle when he was wiping it away. When Kai was finished he stepped back. He was breathing heavily and was crying. I wanted to wipe them away but I couldnt since I was tied up.


"D-dont cry." I whispered. 


Kai untied me and grabbed me into a hug. 


"I-I missed you s-so much!" Kai whispered. "Dont leave me again. Promise me you wont leave me."


I hugged him back.


"I promise, I wont leave you." I said softly.




Just then the door slammed open. We looked and it was Jongin. 


"Jon-Jongin." I said.


"Kyungna?" Jongin said almost confused.


"No, thats not me. Im a male. My sister made me go to the ball with her, im sorry I wasnt able to tell you sooner. Im Kyungsoo." I replied.


"Ky-Kyungsoo? ...... Kai?" Jongin says softly. "I see what your doing." 


Jongin them barges towards us and pushes Kai away from me and grabs Kai's shirt, then punches him.


"No! Dont fight!" I cried.


The fire alarm started to go off. I coughed as I could already smell the smoke. The battle got heated very quickly.


"Stop!" I said. "We need to get out, right now!" 


I was scared. I wanted to pry them apart but I would get into their fight. The other people in the room already left. I grabbed Jongin off of Kai.


"Stop! Lets just all get out of here!" I cried.


Flames the wall and the ceilling. The cielling started to give away and fall down. Kai got up and was about to grab me when a part of the cielling fell onto him.


"Kai!" I said about to go over to him.


Jongin pulled at my hand and led me away and too the door.


"No! No! No! Jongin! Let me go! I have to go to Kai!" I said frantically.


Jongin looked at me, I could see the hurt in his eyes. 


"Im sorry. I made a promise. I promised I wouldnt leave him again." I said tears running down my face.


"Again?" Jongin said tears also falling down his face. "But .... dont you want to be with me? Live with me in the castle?"


"Im so sorry. I love your brother." I replied.


"I .... I understand. I love you." 


Jongin let go of my hand and ran out of the burning place. I ran back to Kai.


"Y-you came back." Kai said.


"I promised you I wouldnt leave." I whispered to him.


I put both of my hands on his face and kissed him. The things around us falling by the flames.


                                                                           Epilogue: 4 years later


Jongin sat on his chair at the dining table and Chanyeol sat next to him. Jongin didnt get married and was miserable. He hadnt seen or heard anything from Kai or Kyungsoo. 


"Oh cmon. Cheer up! Well atleast for this event." Chanyeol said.


Chanyeol, he got married to Baekyun and shes currently pregant with his child. Atleast he got his happy ending I thought bitterly.


"Excuse me? Is this the dining area?" A voice called at the door. 


"Yeah." I called from my spot not looking up.


He heard foot steps come over to him but he didnt bother looking up. 


"Are you Prince Jongin?" A voice said.


"Yeah and?" I asked and looked up.


My mouth opened and I stared. The girl ... she .... she looked like Kyungna, scatch that she looked exactly like her. She smiled at me.


"I finally get seen by the prince." She said.


Thats exactly what Kyungna would have said. I couldnt put words into my mouth. 


"Hello." Chanyeol said for me. "Sorry for his rudeness."


She looked at Chanyeol and smiled. 


"Its fine. Anyways im here for the meeting." She said. "Oh, im sorry I didnt introduce myself. Im Princess Kyungseoun."


"Prince Jongin." I said.




Two men sat together in the park watching twin boys run around. 


"Yah! You better play nice with your brother" The taller man called.


"Kai." The other man whined. "You have to be nicer, see watch. Dont play too rough with each other and be nice to other people!"


"Okay, Umma!" The twins called back.


Kai smiled.


"Be good!" Kai called. 


"Yes, Appa!" The twins said and ran off to play with other children.


"See?" The smaller man said.


"Your right Kyungsoo." Kai said softly and kissed him. "Life is good."


The couple looked at their twins and smiled.


The End.



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{EXO Fairy Tales} Going Hiatus for alittle while! Sorry! I'll try to be back soon though! Love you all!


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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 10: GYAAAAAA!!!! SO CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!
kpopper_rae5 #2
please do a little mermaid parody involving's my favorite fairytale with my otp...thank you
Chapter 21: hehe crossovers haha ;D new reader loving how you use the exo members in fairy tails
Chapter 21: Everyone's going crossover!!
Crossover! Crossover!
It makes me laugh at how similar the readers think XD
But don't worry we didn't forget. We're just in wait!
Chapter 21: Omigosh~ Crossover XD
Chapter 20: Chenchens gonna be mad!!!
EXO-Lover91 #7
Chapter 20: Omo is that Xiumin. Oh no Chen is going to be mad XD