Snow Bacon

EXO Fairy Tales { VERY LONG Hiatus}

"You little brat!" My stepmother growled. I stood there and took the insult.


Ever since my heart's been gone I've barely felt any kind of feeling.


"You are dissmissed to your room."


I bet you want to know how I'm still alive after my heart has been stolen. My stepmother is actually a witch and she has very powerful magic to make me live even without a beating heart. I turned around and walked to my room without a word. I could show emotions but they felt like they were randomly generated.


I past a mirror in the big hallways and I go back to look at myself. I'm very pale only my eyes and hair give me color, I really did look better with my heart. I always try to put light makeup on so it makes me look more humanly but I don't have it on today.


I knew I couldn't keep living like this, I needed my heart back or I'll live eternally like this. I sighed and walked to my bedroom. It wasn't my old room but what would it matter? Maybe I could sneek outside and into the village. I locked my door and went over to a small vanity table and started to lightly put some makeup on. I couldn't believe I had to do something so girly as to this.


I grab a pile of rope under my bed, I stole this from the hallway when they were fixing something. I dragged it over to the window and secured it to my locked door and threw it outside the window. I looked behind me and slid down the rope, I only slightly got rope burn but I didn't care all that much.


I looked around to see if there were any guards here but there were none. I smirked and quickly walked to the village. The village was a nice rich place but I just couldn't feel contempt here especially without my heart. I felt the place where my heart is suppose to be and there was a beat but it felt so artificial. I quickly found the nearest pub and sat down at a seat. A girl came over to me.


"Would you like anything sir?" The girl asked.


"No thanks." I replied.


Why was I in here the first place? I sighed and looked around, and my eyes caught a man. His back was towards me but I could see that he had brown hair. Was that my mothers huntsman? It kinda looked like his clothes. If it is him must know where my heart is! But if it isn't it'll be alittle awkward.


Oh well, I'm going to take that chance. I got up slowly and approached the man. I tapped his shoulder.


"Chanyeol?" I said.


"Hum?" Chanyeol turned to me and I was instantly hit with the burning smell of alchohol.


Chanyeol was drunk. I wanted to laugh at myself for my luck but I realized drunks are the best people for the truth.


"Chanyeol, do you know where my heart is?" I asked quietly.


"Ah! Baekhyun! I was going to take you to your heart secretly but .... but .... but ... but."


"But what?" I said slightly getting irritated with the drunk.


Chanyeol gives me a huge creepy smile and it makes me back up alittle. Is he going to puke? Instead he suddenly slumps against my shoulder and I push him off of me. I didn't want him getting stuff on my shirt. I look at Chanyeol out cold on the floor and I couldn't help but feel bad, he was probably going to have a bruise on his face later.


I got up and started to drag him out of the pub until a lady comes and says that he has to pay for the alchohol he drank. I check Chanyeol's pocket and give her the money he owes. I finally drag him out of the pub but people are looking at me. I drag Chanyeol to a field and by the time I'm gasping for breath since Chanyeol is way heavier than I thought.


I sat down beside Chanyeol and started to poke his cheeks to wake him, he stirred but he didn't wake up. I groaned and finally lost my patience and I resorted to slapping his face. When Chanyeol opened his eyes I still slapped his face.


"Y-yah." Chanyeol said I didn't answer and continued to slap.


"S-stop." Chanyeol tried again.


Chanyeol grabbed my wrist and I pulled away harshly.


"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol says.


I see that Chanyeol's cheek is super red but I didn't care he deserved it.


"I need you to get my heart." I say.


"I can't." Chanyeol replies not looking at me.


"Why not!?" I shout. "Your my mothers huntsman, you were there when she took it. You must know where it is."


"I do know but ...."


"But what!?"


"Its on its way across the country." Chanyeol said.


My mouth stopped from a reply and my veins froze.


"Wh-what?" I said.

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{EXO Fairy Tales} Going Hiatus for alittle while! Sorry! I'll try to be back soon though! Love you all!


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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 10: GYAAAAAA!!!! SO CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!
kpopper_rae5 #2
please do a little mermaid parody involving's my favorite fairytale with my otp...thank you
Chapter 21: hehe crossovers haha ;D new reader loving how you use the exo members in fairy tails
Chapter 21: Everyone's going crossover!!
Crossover! Crossover!
It makes me laugh at how similar the readers think XD
But don't worry we didn't forget. We're just in wait!
Chapter 21: Omigosh~ Crossover XD
Chapter 20: Chenchens gonna be mad!!!
EXO-Lover91 #7
Chapter 20: Omo is that Xiumin. Oh no Chen is going to be mad XD