Just Because Im Sleeping Doesn't Mean You Can Kiss Me

EXO Fairy Tales { VERY LONG Hiatus}


Once upon a time there were two kingdoms the Han and the Oh, who lived next door to each other. The two kingdoms had a very strong bond and they were thinking of having their first borns marry one another for an even stronger bond between them, but there was a problem. Both of their first borns were both boys. 


The Kings and Queens argued alot but came to one conclusion (Their first borns were to either adopt or have a legitimate child). Until the King of the Han kingdom decided not to let his first son marry a male and wait until the Oh King and Queen had a daughter. The King stuck to that idea until his kingdom was almost going bankrupt. The King then agreed to have them married.


But only if the prince of the Oh kingdom was worthy to marry his son. Even though his kingdom was in mid crisis the King still wanted to know if the other prince was right for his son. So the King and Queen locked their own son in a far away castle. The prince that belonged to the Oh kingdom was to go when he turns sixteen of age.




"Are you going to go yet?" The Queen of the Oh kingdom asked her son, Sehun.


"Yeah, tomorrow." Sehun answered not really paying attention to his mother.


"You've been saying that for the past two years, Sehun. Your eighteen now." His mother replied worried.


"Seriously, I'll go tomorrow." Sehun says pausing at what hes doing and looks at him mother.


The Queen smiled and kissed her son's forehead.


"Thats my boy."


When his mother left Sehun lets out the sigh hes been holding in. Truthfully he didnt want to go to a mysterious castle, kiss the person, then marry the person. Yes thats right, Sehun was told that he was suppose to kiss this prince so he could wake up from his deep slumber and marry the poor bastard.


Sehun watched the maids pack his bag for the four day journey in dread, wishing he didnt have to go. Sehun wasnt aware he had fallen asleep but he wakes up dressed in armor and in the stables with the smell of breakfast. 


"So your awake." Suho the stables master says.


"Why am I here and not in my bed?" Sehun asks irritated.


"Your here because of the lovely journey you are going on and your parents wanted to make sure you were actually going." Suho replied smiling.


"Of course I was really going to go." Sehun snaps sharply.


Sehun eats his breakfast and gets up on his white horse, Wind. Sehun couldnt believe he was actually going on the damn journey and he could feel his legs shaking. Suho gave him pointers and his parents came to wish him luck and to say goodbye.


And soon Sehun was off and out of the castle. The days Sehun spent out in the wilderness was long and tiring but it was alright, he didnt get into any kind of trouble only that it was alittle difficult for his horse to climb a mountain. The sun was shining down on him and it was almost already afternoon when he saw the castle.


It was a gray color and Sehun could tell it was old by how worn it looked even some of the blocks were missing and on the ground, but what caught his eye was the tower. It was tall almost new looking. As he got closer to the castle he sees a worn old bridge infront of it. Sehun got off his horse and went over to the bridge.


Under the bridge was a rushing river that separated the piece of the land he was on and the land the castle was on. If anybody fell into the rushing river would die from the impact. he looked back at the bridge. 


"Aish! Why does it have to be me?" Sehun whines softly and ran a hand through his hair.


"Stay here." Sehun told Wind as he crept onto the wobbly bridge.


Some of the steps were missing on the bridge and Sehun wouldnt lie that he wasnt scared like hell right now, his heart felt like it was going to burst and his hands and legs shook violently. Sehun calmed down as he finished crossing the bridge and went into the castle. The inside was almost empty with only a few plain looking dust covered tables and vases.


Sehun's steps echoed in the empty hallways as he walked through to get to the tower.There were cobwebs basicly everywhere and it signalled nobody has been there for years, maybe he should just tell his parents he found no prince at this old waisted castle, but Sehun didnt turn around and walk out of the dusty place instead he kept on going.


Sehun opened the door to the tower to see flights of stairs leading up. Sehun was athletic so he walked up without thinking twice but maybe he should have because he got tired soon and had to take several breaks before making it to the top. Sehun stood gasping for breath infront of a wooden door too tired to open the door.


When Sehun finally opened the door the first thing that caught his eyes were ... books? Sehun opened the door wide open and found a room. There were books scattered around the room but the bed in the middle stood out more to him. It was a canopy bed with white sheets to cover up the person inside. 


Sehun walked up and pulled away the sheets to find a pretty girl, no boy. The boy laid on the bed sleeping straight with a arm on his stomach and his head turned to the side, the messy golden brown locks stood out from everything since the sheets, blankets, and pillow were white. Sehun leaned slowly downward without thinking but was interrupted with a yawn from his own lips.


Sehun thought that he could sleep for alittle, the boy wasnt going anywhere since he was in a deep slumber. Sehun laid beside the unknown boy and closed his eyes




Luhan woke up and tried to stretch but stopped mid strecth when he noticed a man beside him. Luhan's eyes widened and nearly let out a shriek but instead let out a small squeak. Luhan fell off the other side of the bed. Luhan stayed on the floor for alittle then slowly looked up on the bed.


Was this the man he was supposed to marry? Well if it is then that was the most unromantic thing ever but if he kissed me I probably would have punched him. Luhan got up and went back onto the bed and prodded the mans cheek. The man stirred alittle but didnt wake up, Luhan pouted.


The man had brown hair and it looked so soft Luhan almost wanted to touch it. No! Luhan shouted in his head Stay mad and focused. The man stirred and finally opened his eyes then the man shot right up.


"What are you doing up?" The man asked.


"What are you doing asleep?" Luhan replied back. "Also who are you? Are you the man I need to marry?"


"Im prince of the Oh kingdom, Sehun. I am the person as you can tell." Sehun said fixing his hair "Anyways what are you doing up? I thought you were supposed to be in a deep slumber."


"What!? Do you think this is some fairy tale? I was never in a deep sleep." Luhan replied back making a face.


"How do you eat then?" Sehun asked confused.


"I have a servant here with me." Luhan answered getting bored already. "Im Luhan by the way."


"Oh?" Sehun said still looking confused.


"You look like a confused puppy." Luhan said secretly smiling inside.


"Hey! Who you calling puppy?" Sehun snapped back.


"You." Luhan retorted.


Was this the man who i've been waiting for the extra two years for? Tch. Luhan thought. Luhan got up ad knocked on the wall on the right.


"Yes?" The wall opened to reveal a person behind it. 


It was Luhan's best friend Kyungsoo. Luhan pointed behind himself. Kyungsoo peeked behind Luhan and then smiled.


"Is it him?" Kyungsoo said his eyes wide.


"The one and only." Luhan sighed.


Kyungsoo shot forward and went to Sehun bowing. 


"Im DO Kyungsoo and I am Luhan's servant. It is a pleasure to meet the man my masters going to marry." Kyungsoo said introducing himself.


"When are we going?" Luhan said when Kyungsoo finished.


"When your done getting your stuff." Sehun replied.


Kyungsoo helped me pack up my stuff and helped me look presentable.




"We should get going now." Sehun said at the bottom of the tower with Luhan and Kyungsoo.


Both of them nodded in agreement. Sehun led the way out of the castle, as Sehun  walked out of the place he heard a soft gasp behind him. Sehun turned around and saw Luhan and raised a eyebrow. Luhan shot a glare at him. 


"What? I just havent been outside in a long time." Luhan snapped.


"Figures, your so pale." Sehun retorted back.


"Sehun did you take something here?" Kyungsoo asked.


"Yeah, Wh-." Sehun cut off as he looked across the river.


There was nothing but the rocky terrain and the forest was about a mile away. Sehun's horse was no longer there, he looked around quickly beofre growling and going over to the old bridge. If I didnt have to save Luhan's I wouldnt be here and Wind wouldnt be gone, Sehun thought harshly. 


Sehun stepped over the bridge without fear since he was to mad to care if he was going to fall to his death over the rushing river. Sehun stopped a few feet away from the bridge, shaking from anger.


"Are you okay? Were you scared?" Luhan said to him.


"Im not scared, im pissed!" Sehun lashed out. "Because of you, I had to come all the way out here in the midde of nowhere abd lose my damn horse with all my stuff on it and I didnt hear a peep of thank you from you! Its a damn shame I have to marry an ungrateful brat, like you.”


Luhan looked taken back and Sehun almost felt bad for lashing out at him.


“You know what!? I feel bad for myself! Do you know how long I’ve stayed in that horrid castle!? And now I have to marry a rude self-centered prince!” Luhan snapped back and started to walk forward.


Sehun didn’t want to follow Luhan but he had to if he wanted to go back home. Sehun calmed down and the guilt started to settle in him. But he couldn’t apologize his pride wouldn’t let him.


A white figure appeared alittle ways from them.


“W-Wind!” Sehun whistled.


The horse came trotting as fast as it could, the weight of all the stuff the horse was carrying. Sehun patted the horse’s neck.


“This is my horse; Wind.” Sehun said patting the horse still.


“He’s pretty.” Kyungsoo said.


“Do you want to go on first?” Sehun asked feeling guilty that he had yelled at Luhan because Wind left.


Luhan looked at him surprised then nodded. Sehun tried to the Luhan get up on the horse but Luhan pushed away his hand.


“I know how to get on the horse.” Luhan said.


Luhan got on the horse perfectly as if he’s been riding horses ever since he was born. Sehun grabbed Winds reins and pulled him ahead. Soon they were at the forest and it was almost dark. Sehun suggested that they camp somewhere and Kyungsoo agreed; he looked up at Luhan but he was asleep.


Sehun built the tent he had and put the blankets and pillows inside. He then gently grabbed Luhan and set him in the tent. When he was finished making sure Luhan wouldn’t get cold, he stood back and watched the smaller male sleep.


Sehun blushed at what he was doing and then left the tent. When he went out there was a fire already going and Kyungsoo was cooking the food he brought.


“Do you need help?” Sehun asked.


“No, It is alright.” Kyungsoo replied.


Sehun sat on a log and stared into the fire.


“I wonder why you and Luhan don’t get along.” Kyungsoo said out of nowhere.


Sehun shrugged and continued to stare into the fire.


“I think you two would be great with each other, if you guys didn’t argue so much.”


Sehun looked at Kyungsoo confused at what trying he’s to get at.


“O-oh.” Was all Sehun could get out.


“Luhan’s a sweet guy, he doesn’t like it when you blame him a lot and Luhan just argues back. I don’t like him arguing; he never usually talks back.” Kyungsoo says not even looking at Sehun.


“No offense, but I kind of find that hard to believe.” Sehun replied bluntly.


“It’s because you tick him off. I’m sorry for the informal speech but it’s true.” Kyungsoo said probably losing his patience.


“Its fine, you don’t have to talk formal to me.” Sehun replies.


“I wish I hadn’t told him those stories.” Kyungsoo says aloud quietly.


“What stories?” Sehun asks curiously.


“D-did I say that aloud?”


Sehun nods and waits for Kyungsoo to continue; Kyungsoo blushes a little and nods back.


“Um …. When Luhan and I were younger I used to tell him, when a handsome prince finally turned sixteen he would ride his noble steed over mountains, forests, and the middle of nowhere to just come and rescue him from the horrid castle and marry him. The prince would love him no matter what came between them and he would take Luhan back to his homeland, and save the kingdom.” Kyungsoo said softly. “I also told Luhan lots of fairy tales I heard from my parents.”


So Luhan thinks that Sehun had to be some fairy talk prince?


“But that prince didn’t come until two years later.” A voice said behind Sehun.


Sehun looked behind him and saw a bedraggled Luhan; but he looked innocently adorable. Sehun didn’t know what to say, was he supposed to say he was sorry? Sehun chose not to say anything.


Then the food was done and Kyungsoo gave everyone an equal amount. Surprisingly it was very good and Sehun took his time to eat it. Kyungsoo washed the dishes and it was time to sleep.


Sehun went to the tent and went in. Then something came to his head. He had only brought two blanket and pillows, he was going to either have to share or go without.


Luhan and Kyungsoo were already inside the tent.


“I can go without a blanket and pillow. You two can sleep with one.” Sehun offered.


“Are you sure? Cause-“ Sehun cut off Kyungsoo.


“It’s alright.”


Sehun lay down next to Luhan. He stared at the tents ceiling not able to sleep cause of the cold. Sehun felt a light warm layer on his body, the blanket was on top of him and so was an arm.


Luhan snuggled up to his side.


“You cold? You were shivering.” Luhan said softly.




“Thank you.” Luhan whispered. “For taking me away from the castle.”


Luhan closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Sehun and tightened his arm around him. Sehun was shocked and touched; Sehun couldn’t help but smile.


If only Luhan could always be sweet like this maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Sehun closed his eyes and secretly brought his arms around Luhan.




Sehun woke up with the sun in his eyes. Sehuns arms were still around Luhans warm body and he pulled away quickly. Sehun got up and looked around the tent.


Kyungsoo was gone from his spot. Sehun got up quickly but carefully so the cold morning air wouldn’t get under the covers; He didn’t know why but Luhan gave off an “I’m delicate” aura.


Sehun looked at Luhan, his messy golden brown hair was in his face and his pale pink lips were slightly parted, Luhan’s eyelashes were dark and long against his pale milky skin.


Sehun looked away quickly and got out of the tent. Kyungsoo stood in front of the fire again.


“If you don’t mind me asking but why do you look like you were caught doing something naughty?” Kyungsoo asks.


“I-I wasn’t doing anything.” Sehun said embarrassed.


Kyungsoo just nodded and went back to cooking. Soon Luhan joined them with the blanket wrapped around him. Luhan went over to Kyungsoo.


“What are you making?” Luhan said in his morning voice.


“It’s just stew.” Kyungsoo said laughing a little.


“Can I taste?”


Kyungsoo grabbed a spoon and dipped it into the stew and gave it to Luhan; Luhan sipped it and smiled.


“Wah! It’s so good!” Luhan exclaimed.


Luhan dipped it into the stew again and pointed it into my direction.


“Want to taste?” Luhan offered.


Sehun shrugged and Luhan came over to him with the spoon. Sehun automatically opened his mouth and Luhan blew on it and dropped it into his mouth.


“How is it?” Kyungsoo asked.


“It’s good.” Sehun replied wiping his mouth.


Kyungsoo beamed and went back to cooking. When they finished eating that set the stuff back up and went back to traveling. During the traveling Sehun and Luhan used the time to get to know each other more.


Sehun started to like Luhan more and more and the more Sehun realized he could get used to the baby-faced Luhan. The trio stopped in a decent looking village and stayed in an inn.


It was not dark out yet so they decided to explore the village a little. Just then somebody grabbed Sehun and put a knife onto his neck and the same happened to the others.


“Yah! You better let go of my master and his husband!” Innocent Kyungsoo said.


“Or what?” A tanned man said holding Luhan.


The man had dark brown hair with a matching set of eyes to go with.


“You don’t want to know.” Kyungsoo growled.


“Oh, but I think I do.” The man said.


The man then snapped his fingers and all Sehun saw was black.




When Sehun woke up he was in the inn, on his bed he was supposed to share with Luhan. Kyungsoo was in the other bed but Luhan wasn’t here anywhere.


Sehun got up and shook Kyungsoo.


“Kyungsoo! Wake up.” Sehun called.


Kyungsoo opened his big eyes and rubbed his head.


“Once I get my hands on that man, he’s a goner.” Kyungsoo said with a dark aura.


Sehun gulped and looked away; he saw a note and went over to it.


Bring money to the edge of the forest to save the little deer by midnight or the deer gets it.

                                       Jongin :)


Sehun made a face when he saw the smiley face next to the name “Jongin”.


“Okay he’s seriously going to get it.” Kyungsoo growled “Nobody messes with my baby.”


Then Kyungsoo remembered who he was talking to and apologized for his language.


“I don’t have a lot of money on me.” Sehun says.


“I don’t either.” Kyungsoo pouts.


“I’m the prince; m-maybe I can offer him something else in exchange for Luhan.” Sehun said.


Kyungsoo gasps and shakes his head.


“Let’s just go and get Luhan and run away.” Kyungsoo offers.


“We can’t! We can’t take on three people or more!” Sehun exclaims.


“I’m a bodyguard too and I can take 15 royal guards who are elite.” Kyungsoo says so naturally.


Sehuns mouth drops and Kyungsoo closes his mouth for him.


“I’m going to call you Umma D.O.” Sehun says suddenly.


“Why?” Kyungsoo asks.


“Because you can cook and clean and if someone messes with your kids … well let’s just say it won’t be pretty.” Sehun explains.


Kyungsoo nods and agrees to be called Umma D.O. As they each say they’re plan, Sehun then decides he doesn’t want to be the late prince Luhan knows; Sehun wants to be the prince who will save, cherish, and love Luhan.


The feelings hit Sehun on the head and he realizes that …  he’s in love with Luhan. It took what? A day for him to fall in love with the prince. If only he wasn’t such a spoiled brat and argues with Luhan.


He would have realized that he would be able to fall in love with him. When they were done with their plans Sehun grabbed his money and left with Kyungsoo.




"Dont be scared, okay?" Jongin said. "Your parents hired me to do this, so Sehun can prove himself."


"Im not scared for myself, im actually scared for you guys." Luhan replied truthfully. "You do not know what Kyungsoo can do."


Jongin started to laugh.


"Really? It looks like he can only clean and cook." Jongin said wiping tears from his eyes.


Your going to eat those words Luhan thought silently.


"Okay, when they come just act natural, alright?" Jongin asks. "Oh and thats Chen and Xiumin. They were also hired." 


The couple waved at Luhan.


"Hi." Luhan said since he couldnt wave back since he was tied up.


Luhan talked to the other until midnight and Xiumin gave the signal that they have came. Sehun came out of the shadows looking very serious. Luhan has to bit his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing out loud. Luhan couldnt wait for the action to start. 


All of them went to go talk to Sehun but Luhan wasnt able to hear any of their conversation. Luhan looked into the shadows to see if Kyungsoo were there but he couldnt see anybody. He then looked back to the group talking until he saw Chen being flipped over by Kyungsoo.


Luhan swore he was dying to laugh. Xiumin then went over to Kyungsoo but that resulted with Xiumin being slammed into a table. Luhan saw Jongin's eyes widen but they didnt let out any emotion. Go! Go! Kyungsoo! Luhan thought. When Jongin and Kyungsoo were locked in battle, Sehun ran over to me and started to cut the ropes around me.


"Move! move! I cant see them fighting!" Luhan said excitedly.


"What!?" Sehun said.



Sehun blocked the fight and cutted off the rope; when Sehun finally moved Jongin and Kyungsoo were on the ground. Kyungsoo was ontop of Jongin, Jongin had his arm twisted around. Luhan couldnt hold back anymore and let out his laughter.


"K-K-Kyungsoo ... Let him go." Luhan stuggled to say as he still laughed.


"What!?" Sehun and Kyungsoo said together.


"Seriously." Luhan gasped for breath. "Let him go, m-my parents hired him."


Kyungsoo immediantly got off of Jongin.


"Oh! I-im so sorry!" Kyungsoo said bowing.


Jongin got up slowly and the others got up too groaning. Luhan's laugh still echoed through the forest; when Luhan finished he wiped the tears that formed around his eyes from laughing to much.


"God damn." Jongin said clutching his arm. "That was .... y! I think im in love."


Luhan burst out into another laugh as Kyungsoo looked horrified.




Sehun road the carriage with Luhan.


"How was the wedding?" Sehun asked. "Did you like it?"


"I didnt like it." Luhan said rather bluntly.


Sehun's eyes widened and looked at Luhan; Luhan looked back at him and smiled.


"I loved it." Luhan said.


Sehun smiled and pulled Luhan closer to him.


"Was it like your fairy tales?" Sehun replied softly.


Luhan kissed him.


"It was even better." Luhan said.


"Oh! Sehun I was thinking; if we ever have a son lets name him Chris." 

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{EXO Fairy Tales} Going Hiatus for alittle while! Sorry! I'll try to be back soon though! Love you all!


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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 10: GYAAAAAA!!!! SO CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!
kpopper_rae5 #2
please do a little mermaid parody involving taoris....it's my favorite fairytale with my otp...thank you
Chapter 21: hehe crossovers haha ;D new reader loving how you use the exo members in fairy tails
Chapter 21: Everyone's going crossover!!
Crossover! Crossover!
It makes me laugh at how similar the readers think XD
But don't worry we didn't forget. We're just in wait!
Chapter 21: Omigosh~ Crossover XD
Chapter 20: Chenchens gonna be mad!!!
EXO-Lover91 #7
Chapter 20: Omo is that Xiumin. Oh no Chen is going to be mad XD