Little Red Riding Baozi~

EXO Fairy Tales { VERY LONG Hiatus}

I sat in the back of the group. There's been rumors of a wolf terrorizing homes, animals, and even killing people. I stared at my lap and looked out into the group. Most of them had the look of fear and pure hatred, I never felt more afraid. I noticed a new person, I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was new.


I clutched my red cloak around me tighter and looked out the window. When the gathering was done I wanted to sought out the stranger but I knew Suho wouldn't like it. I just sighed and stood side by side to Suho as we walked back.


"Whose that new person?" I ask Suho softly.


"I heard he's a mercenary, the towns people hired him to kill the wolf." Suho whispered back softly.


I shivered and wrapped the cloak around me tighter, that has always been a habit when I was scared. I bit my bottom lip.


"What are we having for dinner?" I ask.


"I don't know but Yixin didn't come to the gathering for a reason." Suho said.


I stayed silent, I pulled the red cloaks hood over my head. I stopped and turned around sharply. There he was the stranger I was curious about.


"Are you following us?" I nearly growl.


The man puts his hands up in the air to surrender.


"Its nothing personal, I just wanted to ask a question." The man said.


"Well go ahead and ask." I say.


He was about to answer but Suho cut him off.


"Xiumin that's rude, why don't you come with us to the house so you won't get a cold and you could ask how many questions you want." Suho said smiling.


I look at Suho alittle surprised. What is he doing bringing a mercenary to our doors? I tugged the red cloak around me and turned around and continued to walk to the house. The snow covered floor barely did any cold to me and I went through it like nothing. I could already smell the delicious soup Yixing was making and I opened the door.


"Welcome back!" Yixing calls infont of the fire.


I walk inside and go over to my room. The house was a small cottage with only two rooms. I take off my boots and set them by the door of my bedroom.


"You guys brought a guest." Yixing smiles. "Hi, I'm Yixing."


"Chen." Chen replied.


"I'm Suho and that's Xiumin." Suho said to Chen. "Sit down and we'll get on with the question."


I came over and sat at the table, so did Chen.


"What is it?" I ask curiously.


He looked at me for alittle and he suddenly looked away.


"What's the real problem with the wolf? Why can't you guys just get rid of it?l Chen asked.


"Its bigger than any other wolf you've seen and its stronger than an average one." Suho answered.


I clutched my cloak tightly in the balls of my fists. Chen saw me do that.


"Why do you seem so nervous?" Chen asked.


"Xiumin doesn't like talking about the wolf, his father died by it." Yixing said quietly.


"Oh, I'm sor-" I cut Chen off.


"Its fine, I'm over it .... alitte." I say looking on the table. "I want to learn more about you." 



Chen gives me a blank look.


"What do you want to know?" Chen says.


"Um ... where'd you come from?"


"The village next door."


"Not specific enought but its fine. How do you plan on killing the wolf? What will you use?" I ask looking at Chen.


"Well, there's this place in the forest that has a large stone wall and I plan to trap his there with no way out and I plan to shoot it with my silver crossbow." Chen answered truthfully.


I let the red threads out of my hand.


"I wonder if it'll kill it." I said quietly.


"It probably will if I get its head and heart."


I shivered slightly thinking of the blood and organs.


"I understand how you feel, my dad also died but it wasn't by the wolf." Chen said.


I look up to his face and weakly smiled. I got up.


"I'm feeling alittle tired, wake me up when the foods done." I said and left for my small room.




I stared at his back as Xiumin left the table. I didn't follow them because I wanted a question, I just wanted to know more about Xiumin. He looked mysterious at the gathering, he was just probably thinking of his father though. Xiumin's very cute too, I'm surprised that the wolf haven't gotten him yet. I sit awkwardly at the table.


"I'm sorry, Xiumin doesn't really like guest over." Suho said rubbing the back of his head.


"Its fine." I replied.


"I got the information I wanted, I'll be going now."


I got up and was about to leave when I was struck with an actual question, I turn to Suho.


"Why does Xiumin wear red?" I asked.


Suho looked at me surprised and not to mention the bit of fear in his eyes.


"I mean, wouldn't the wolf be attracted to the bright color?" I say digging into it more.


"Well, we got it from a wizard, its suppose to repel the wolf." Suho answered.


I nodded still alittle confused.


"Well I'll be going now." I said.


Suho walked me to the door and as I walked out I noticed red also peeking from inside his shirt. I didn't pay any attention to it. I walked away from the house and decided I needed to explore the village a bit more. In the corner of my eyes I see a flash of brown and I fully look but there's nothing there. I shrug it off and continue to walk back.


I felt like I needed to get to know Xiumin more, I can't deny the attraction I feel but its not a romantic kind more like curiousity.




I hear Chen leave and I open the blinds and see him walking towards the heart of the village. I unlock the window and climb out, I was curious about him and wanted to find out who he was and what he'll do with the wolf. I followed him a few lengths away, he looked my way and I froze. Did he see me? Stupid bright red cloak.


I wish I could tug it off but Suho forbids me from doing so. Chen continues to walk to the village and I follow. Chen just walked around the village as I followed him, I sighed loudly. Chen was just exploring the village, I turned to leave the boring mercenary but I was caught.


"Hey! What are you doing here?" Chen called behind me.


I turned around looking surprised.


"Oh me? I went out walking." I replied faking a innocent tone.


"Does Suho know?" Chen said coming over to me.


"Maybe ..." I said smiling.


Chen gave me a unreadable look and then smiled.


"You were following me weren't you?"


I gave Chen a wounded look and held my hand at my heart.


"That hurts, of course I would never." I said with an almost sarcastic tone.


Chen laughs at me.


"Okay, yeah I was; just don't kill me now." I confessed.


"I'm not going to kill you." Chen replied. "But maybe for punishment you can show me around the town."


"Alright then." I nodded.


I showed Chen the small village and it was almost night, the others were probably wondering where I was but I actually didn't care, I was having so much fun joking around with Chen. I suddenly took Chen's hand and lead him in a direction.


"Where are you taking me?" Chen asked.


"To the wolf." I said scarcasticly. "I'm taking you to my secret place."


I lead him near the forest and Chen stopped.


"We shouldn't go out into the woods, the wolf might be there." Chen said cautiously.


I rolled my eyes and tugged on his hand.


"Scared? I thought you were a mercenary." I said jokingly.


Chen was not amused.


"What? Its not going to hurt, if your scared I'll protect you." I said gently.


Chen sighed and nodded, I smiled brightly and continued to walk with my hand holding Chen's. I walked into the forest.


"Don't tell anybody, people don't like going into the woods. They only do it to hunt animals and trade." I said.


"I'm not surprised people don't like the forest, they aren't exactly peoples friends." Chen said.


"I love the forest. It gives me the feeling of freedom since I've always been here and in that tiny thing you call a cottage." I replied.


Chen looked at me and nodded.


"You must be fearless to be coming out here at night, the wolf could be anywhere." Chen said slowly.


"Oh, don't get me wrong I am scared of the wolf, but if I die then I die." I said. "Its my fault that I was out here."


I push through some bushes and were at a beautiful clearing. The snow on the ground looked almost sliver in the moonlight and if you looked up you were met with starts and the bright moon, I breathed in the cold bittersweet aroma.


"Wow this place is beautiful." Chen said softly.


"It is isn't it? I always come here when I want peace or just to calm myself down. I don't always come here at night though, its also very pretty in the sunlight." I laid down onto the snow.


"I bet it is, but I don't think we should stay out any longer."


I looked up at Chen and stuck my tongue out.


"Your no fun." I said.


"Its for safety." Chen replied.


"Your too over caustious the wolf isn't going to get us. Just relax." I say sitting up.


"Fine just for awhile though." Chen said and sat down beside me.


I smiled.


"I never showed anyone this place before so you better feel special and remember to not tell anyone or you won't be able to come here anymore." I teased.


Chen laughed gently.


"I know I know, I won't tell anybody." Chen promised.




I woke up with my clothes wet. I shot up. We slept here! Xiumin was still sleeping beside me. I shook him.


"Yixing, what do you want?" Xiumin murmured.


"Its not Yixing! Its Chen." I said still shaking Xiumin.


Xiumin shot right up and our heads colided. We both pulled away from each other and rubbed out foreheads.


"Since when did we fall asleep?" Xiumin said getting up.


"I don't know, I told you were should have went." I said grumpily. "Were lucky the wolf didn't get us."


"I guess we are." Xiumin replied getting up.


I just slept with him. A male I met just yesterday, but I already felt so close to him.


"Your still wearing your red cloak." I noted.


"It gets cold at night." Xiumin murmured.


"Were you cold?"


"Actually no I wasn't." I replied truthfully.


Xiumin blushed and turned away.


"What?" I ask.


"Its just that ...." Xiumin started.


"I curled up against you since I got cold."


I couldn't believe how childish and adorable he was! I mean sure I barely knew the guy but he's just too adorable to resist.


"Oh, alright." I said as if it was nothing.


"Your okay with it?" Xiumin asked softly.


"I guess I am." I am totally alright with it, I thought.


"Still, I'm sorry."


"Its fine. Now let's get going I'm hungry because somebody didn't let me go to the inn so I could eat." I said rubbing my stomach.


Xiumin had a really guilty expression on.


"I was kidding, it was nice and I feel special because you actually trust me to keep your secret hiding spot."


"Its not just a hiding spot." Xiumin pouted which made him look so cute.


"Aright alright, let's go." I said. Xiumin lead the way back to the village.


In the morning the forest looked enchanted and exotic. As we got out the forest Suho was waiting for us. Xiumin gasped softly.


"Where did you go yesterday?" Suho said angrily or atleast trying to sound angry.


"I just showed the village to Chen and right now I just showed him the forest." Xiumin lied.


Suho raised his eyebrows. Xiumin stood his ground but I could see the fear in his eyes.


"Alright! We accidently slept in the forest together, I don't know-" Xiumin was cut off by Suho.


"Y-you WHAT!?" Suho exclaimed.


Xiumin cowered behind me.


"I-I didn't mean it in a dirty way, I meant we slept slept in the forest." Xiumin murmured.


"We didn't do anything. We accidently fell asleep." I butted in.


Suho sighed heavily.


"Let's go home, Xiumin." Suho said gently.


I turned to Xiumin as he stepped forward.


"Alright, see you Chen." Xiumin waved.


I waved back and walked towards the village.





I open my eyes as somebody frantically knocked on my door. I groggily got up and opened the door.


"Yes?" I ask rubbing my eyes.


"You have to come!" A frantic stranger said.


"Uh .... alright? Let me get ready." I replied.




I closed the door and changed my clothes, I grabbed my crossbow and opened the door. The stranger lead the way outside.


"Where are we going?" I ask confused.


"The edge of the forest." The stranger replied.


As we neared the forest I could already sense something horrible. The stranger gasped. The scene infront of us unfolded. There were torn bodys everywhere and blood matted the white snow, weapons were scattered and broken. I never saw anything so gorey in my whole life. I clutched my crossbow tightly.


"There were a few people alive before ...." The stranger said weakly.


"Wh-what did this?" I stuttered out.


"The wolf, I saw it with my own eyes." The stranger replied.


I checked around the bloodied place to see if the wolf was here still or atleast near but the coast was clear. the wolfs tracks were covered by blood and many foot prints and it was hard to see the prints. I wouldn't lie if I said I was scared right now. A bush shook and I aimed my crossbow, Xiumin popped out of the bush.


Xiumin gasped as he saw my crossbow and he looked onto the ground. I lowered my crossbow down.


"What .... oh my...." Xiumin looked like he was close to tears.


I walked over to him and pulled him into my arms.


"Oh my gosh." Xiumin said in a shaky voice. "Wh-wha-what did this?"


"The wolf." I replied.


I felt Xiumin tense up. I hoped I didn't scare him by saying this.


"Are you alright?" I asked looking down at him.


"I'm fine." Xiumin said his voice still shaky and he pulled away from my grasp. "I-I-I ... I have to go."


Xiumin ran off, his red cloak flying behind him. I stared after him and looked away to the lifeless bodys.


"What are you going to do with them?" I asked the stranger.


"Were atleast going to try to burry them but if we can't dig in the ground then we'll burn them." The stranger said.


"I'm Luhan by the way."


"Oh, im-"


"I know who you are, you're Chen. Xiumin told me about you." Luhan said.


"O-o-oh? He talked about me?" I replied.


"Yes, anyways let's get the bodies."




I threw the cottage door open.


"Are you alright?" Yixing asks.


"Where's Suho?" I say fantically.


"Uh, he went to the village." Yixing replied.


I paced around the cottage.




I stop and look at Yixing.


"There's been another wolf attack, a big one near the edge of the forest." I replied.


Yixing gasped and stood up from his chair.


"Where's Suho!?" Yixing exclaimed. "What if he's hurt? What if he's dead? What if-"


"Calm down. I'm sure he's fine." I said putting a hand on Yixing's shoulder.


"Yes, he's smart. He won't get into any kind of trouble." Yixing said probably to convince his self.


I bit my bottom lip and went to my bedroom. Where was he? I think silently. I look out the window trying to see any kind of sign of Suho, but I couldn't see any. I curl the red cloak around me. Should I .... should I do it? I look outside again and take a gulp.


A cold wind flies through the window and I shiver, I hesitantly reach out to the window but I pull back as I hear a wolf howl. I close the window at almost in relief and I lay on my bed, I pull the warm blanket over me.




"Ah, were done-" Luhan was cut off by a loud howl.


I tensed up and grabbed my crossbow.


"Its alright, the wolf usually just howls after a kill." Luhan growled.


I step my crossbow down hesitantly. The dead men were burried and their familys were being notifide. I felt sad that so many people lost their loved ones because of the wolf. I vowed that I would kill the wolf not only because of the reward but because of the village, they already suffered so much. I thought of Xiumin, his own father was killed by the wolf.


After I went back to the inn and laid down tiredly. Somebody knocked on my door. What now? I thought as I got up. I opened the door and found Xiumin across from me.


"What are you doing here?" I asked.


"I have nothing to do." Xiumin replied.


"That doesn't mean you could be here." I said a bit more harshly then I intended.


Xiumin shrugged and turned to walk away.


"Wait, I never said you couldn't come in." I said rubbing the back of my head.


Xiumin smiled and let himself in.


"So why'd you come to me? Why not someone else?" I asked.


"Eh .... your new, I want to get to know you better." Xiumin answered sitting on the bed.


"Am I really that interesting?" I say going over to him.


"Interesting enough." Xiumin replied.


"You seem like a trouble maker to me, why dont you take off your cloak?" I sit next to him.


"Lets just say its a secret." Xiumin murmurs.


I shrugged and laid on the bed.


"What do you want to know? Ask me any question." I say.


We spent the half of the whole day like that, asking each other questions and laying side by side on the bed.


"We just met yesterday but I already feel so close to you." Xiumin whispered.


"I know." I replied. "It feels like i've known you for years."


"Exactly." Xiumin says and smiles.


Okay, I seriously cant be falling in love with him already its only been two days if you count today. I smile back and stare at the ceilling, I suddenly feel Xiumin turn sharply. I look at him and sit up quickly as I see him holding his side. 


"Are you alright?" I ask.


Xiumin gasps for air and he doesnt answer me, he gets up quickly and runs out the room leaving the door right open. I follow just as fast and as I exit the inn I see infront of me the red cloak on the ground. And Xiumin is no where to be found.





I run through the forest, I could barely contain everything. Flashes of pictures flew by of my evening, of Chen, of Suho. I heard shouts and I felt a growl erupt in my throat as I saw my prey and I jumped at it.




"Suho!" I called loudly outside the cottage.


He comes out looking very confused but he looks shocked as he sees me holding Xiumin's red cloak.


"Where's Xiumin!?" Suho exclaimed.


"I don't know, I wondered if he ran all the way over here." I said.


"What happened?"


"We were just talking to each other at the inn when Xiumin clutched his side and ran out." I explained.


"Grab your crossbow." Suho said suddenly.


"What?" I said confused.


"Just grab it!" I ran all the way back to the inn and grabbed my crossbow and came back gasping for air.


"Wh-what do you need this for?" I asked still panting slightly.


"Something, you can come if you really want to know." Suho offered.


"Alright then." I answered.


I followed as Suho took the lead hold the crossbow, he grabbed the cloak that I dropped to the ground to get my crossbow. A bell rang loudly.


"What's that suppose to mean?" I ask.


"There's been another wolf attack and they're hunting it." Suho explained to me.


Were we going to hunt the wolf or Xiumin? I shrugged mentally and decided to just go with Suho. He lead the way into the forest. By this time it was almost night time. Suho looked at every angle and every shadow.


"Who are we looking for?" I whispered.




I helped to look too. It had started to snow. It looked like Suho knew exactly where to go, I looked on the ground to see if there were tracks but there were none. How exactly was he finding him? then suddenly Suho turned to me and made a signal to stay quiet. Infront of us was a large brown wolf surrounded by people, they slashed at it and taunted the beast.


The wolf growled and launched itself on one of the bigger men and ripped his head off with one swip of his claws, blood squirting out and splashing the wolf with a dark red. It growled at the others and the people started to back away and they turned to run and the wolf bounded after them until Suho shot the wolf with the silver crossbow, he ran up quickly and covered it with the red cloak.


By this time everybody was gone an there was only us left.


"What are you doing?" I asked bewildered.


"You can leave now." Suho said tossing the crossbow at me.


I catch it in my arms.


"What are you going to do?" I asked once again.


"Something." Suho replied.


I turned and left but I kept on looking at Suho, did that mean he caught the wolf? What was he doing putting Xiumin's red cloak onto the wolf? I walked back to the village, everyone was scared; people that survived the wolf attack were telling of how the wolf ripped off that man's head with one strong swipe.


I shivered as I remembered the blood spurting out. I went back to my room in the inn and laid onto the bed. Where was Xiumin? C-could he be the wolf? No. But all the facts pointed to him, he loved the forest and wasn't afraid of it, he appeared near the wolf attack just earlier today. No, I'm over thinking myself. He can't. I covered myself with the blanket and closed my eyes.




I woke up with my red cloak covering my body.


"S-S-Suho?" I said with my voice hoarse.


"Yeah, I'm here." Suho said softly.


I tried to sit up but Suho wouldn't let me.


"Don't get up, Xiumin." Suho says.


"What did I do this time? I-I." I don't finish my sentence.


I remember everything, after I ran out the inn I ripped off the cloak and I turned. I ran around in the forest for awhile and the people saw me and attacked me. I shivered as I felt the cold finally getting to me.


"Suho, I need to get up." I said softly.


I got up and Suho let me, I wrapped the cloak around me and looked around. I was surrounded by dead bodies and one was even headless, I finally noticed all the blood on me. I felt the tears prickle my face.


"D-did I really do this?" I whispered.


"You can't control it yet, I used to be like that too." Suho said. "You'll gain control over it over time."


"I cant do this." I said quietly.



Suho grabbed me into a hug and lead me towards the village.


"Lets get you cleaned up." Suho replied gently.


I nodded and followed Suho to the cottage. I shivered and wrappped the cold cloak around my body.


"Let me go in first." Suho said.


I stood outside bloody and cold. It took a few minutes but Suho came back outside, i followed into the warm cottage and I sighed as the heat was going to my body.


"I'll get the bath ready." Suho said. "Also be quiet, Yixing is sleeping."


I nodded and sat near the fire as Suho boiled water. I wish I was Suho right now, he was able to control his wolf but exceptions when there is a full moon, he usually didn't need to wear the red cloak he has.




I woke up with the sunlight shining through my window and I turned around to block the light from my eyes. Somebody poked my cheeks and I opened one eye, it was Xiumin. I shot up and looked at him. I had a ton of questions to ask him.


"W-where were you no where'd you go?" I asked.


"I had a cramp in my side and felt like puking, when I puked my guts outside I was embarressed to come back so I went to my secret place." Xiumin said looking at his fingers.


I should have checked the secret place! I want smack myself on the head but I refrain from doing so or I'll look like an idiot infront of him.


"Alright, then I'm glad your safe." I said ruffling his hair.


"You should have seen Suho when I came back, he was so mad at me." Xiumin chuckled.


I smiled, but I remembered about the wolf yesterday. What was he doing with it?


"I heard he tried to catch the wolf but it ran off." Xiumin said as if he was reading his mind.


"Ah? I was kinda there." I replied.


Xiumin looked at me shocked and almost afraid.


"You weren't hurt right?" Xiumin asked me.


I shook my head and Xiumin let out a sigh.


"So, why are you here?" I ask.


"Uh .... well .... I don't know really, I guess I kinda came here without realizing it and your door was unlocked so I let myself through." Xiumin answered.


"Scary." I joked.


Xiumin pouted and gently smacked me on my arm.


"I was joking." I say laughing softly.


"You better be." Xiumin said smiling.


"Why don't I take you out today? It can be an apology for running out." Xiumin said.


"Sure." I replied.


Xiumin grabs my hand and leads me outside the inn. We walk around the village and he buys me food, they're all very good but I especially love the food called Baozi.


"Hey, you look like one." I say holding one up to Xiumin's face.


"A very cute one though." Xiumin pouts.


"I do not, I mean sure my cheeks are pretty meaty but not that much." Xiumin says.


"I'm going to call you that from now on." I said smiling.


"Yah! Fine .... I'll call you chenchen." Xiumin replied also smiling.


"That's fine with me." I say taking a bite out of the baozi.


The whole day was great as I hanged out with Xiumin, we laughed, joked, and played around a lot. It actually felt like Xiumin was my missing puzzle, somebody I can be with if I didn't know anything or anyone. We ended up at the secret place and I looked at Xiumin smiling gently as he told me storys of when he was younger.


Xiumin suddenly turned to look at me and he flashed a beautiful cheeky smile. I felt my heart speed up its pace and I couldn't help but smile back.


I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air as I felt my body ripping apart, I turned to my side trying to contain the wolf inside me. I grit my teeth together as I held back a scream. I ripped the red cloak off my body and I soon shifted in a wolf. I felt a growl erupt my throat and I clawed at the door to get out.


I backed up and rammed myself into the door breaking it and parts of the wall. I pushed through the front door and ran into the cold night. I ran into the woods unaware of where I was going but just wanting to get away. Soon my wolf sense flooded me and I ran as quiet as the night. 


I stopped and looked up into the sky, it was a full moon tonight. I heard a steps behind me and found a big black wolf, I lowered my ears and he walked over to me, he my ear and nudged me. I pulled my head back and let out a long howl into the air, the black wolf joined me.


I stopped as I see lights flare up in the distance. I growled and crept forward towards the light but the black wolf whined and nudged me away. The lights are coming closer to us and I jump forward and let out a loud rough growl out of my throat. The black wolf grabs me by my scuff and drags me away.


I twist trying to get out of the grip but its like iron and the black wolf drags me away successfully. What are you doing? I asked.


Trying to have you not get into trouble! The black wolf growled as he continued to drag me.


They're a threat! 


No, they are not! Don't let your wolf senses cloud your human thoughts or you wont be able to control the wolf inside. 


I let out a wolfy sigh and finally twist out of the black wolfs grip. Fine, I wont do anything. A silver arrow flys just right past my ear, I turn and look. Its Chen, armed with weapons. I step back startled, I lose my footing in the snow and slightly trip. Chen aims again. I let out a soft whine. 


The black wolf comes infront of me blocking me from the silver arrows, the wolf growls loudly. Chen shoots the arrow and it quickly lands itself into the black wolfs shoulder. The wolf steps back. 


No .... I cant lose to the wolf .... I'll hurt him ... I tell myself. The black wolf launches himself at Chen but does nothing else than growl into his face. I creep up and grab Chen's crossbow and throw it into a tree.


"Damnit!" Chen swears aloud as he trys to free himself from the black wolf.


I let out a whine for the black wolf to let Chen go but he doesn't. I take a gulp and ram myself into the black wolf. Thats enough, your the one telling me to control the wolf inside. The black wolf shakes his pelt and looks at me.


Im sorry, even I cant even control it sometimes. 


The black wolf runs into a couple of bushes and vanishes. I follow but stop and look at Chen, he looks right back at me. I break the gaze and run through the bushes following the black wolf.



I stood there on the ground, shocked as I realized I wasn't dead or eaten alive. How'd did I survive and not the others? I got up and ran to retrieve my crossbow, it was of course broken. I sighed and walked back to the Inn. I was on a peaceful walk outside and I managed to see the wolf or should I say wolves?


The brown wolf's eyes looked so familiar though. I remembered how the eyes stared at me like it was human, like it recognized me. The chocolate brown eyes of the wolfs oddly reflected the light that were always in Xiumin's. I shook my head and continued to the inn but stopped.


I wanted to check where Xiumin was, was he home? I started to walk to the cottage. I could feel fear bubbling in my stomach. I should turn back right now, hes probably asleep and he'll be mad at me if I- I broke out of my thoughts as I saw the cottage door broken.


I ran forward to the cottage, as I arrived I saw a confused Yixing. 


"What happened?" I asked frantically. "Is anybody hurt?"


"No .... Its just me." Yixing said looking around.


I walked inside and looked at Xiumin's door, which was on the floor broken. I walked into Xiumin's room and found his red cloak on the ground. I picked it up and looked around. Then it clicked into my head. He is the wolf, I cant stop denying it, I need to stop denying it. 


I dropped the red cloak onto the ground and turned to Yixing.


"D-do you know?" I asked him.


"Know what? That maybe my house was broken into and stole Suho and Xiumin?" Yixing replies.


He doesnt know. I shake my head.


"You should probably stay in the inn tonight." I say and walk out the cottage.


I run all the way to the inn.  What should I do? Should I report them? No, I would never do that to Xiumin even if hes the wolf.  I should get some sleep and confront him later on in the morning. I lay on my bed not being able to sleep at all. I've fallen for the wolf I think to myself softly. 


Even though its only been a few days, im already in so deep in love. I turn to my side and sigh. I must seem desperate. I shake my head and cover my face with my hands.




When I wake up, I sit right up. When did I fall asleep? I get up and change into my regular clothes since I forgot to change out of my hunting clothes. I need to go talk to Xiumin. I grab my non-broken cross bow and walk out of the Inn and over to the small cottage, I check the house but find no one inside.


Im baffled but I suddenly get the idea to check the secret hidden place and I find Xiumin on his knee. I point the crossbow at Xiumin's head.


"Who are you?" I ask.


"Im the wolf." Xiumin replies his voice almost hollow.


"Im not actually surprised." 


Xiumin stands up and turns around to face me.


"I wont tell anyone." I say putting the crossbow down. 


Xiumin has a shocked facial expression on his face and I wanted to make a joke to make the tense atmostsphere go away but I couldnt being myself to do so. 


"Thank you." Xiumin said.


"You shouldnt thank me." I replied. "You've killed so many people, was the thing about your dad true or fake?" 


"You think I dont know that?" Xiumin suddenly snaps. "I cry everytime I lose control of my human feelings and kill. The thing about my father was partially true but he died because I killed him."


I stared at Xiumin surprised to see him so emotional for the first time.


"I was born into a shifting family, all my cousins, all my aunts, uncles, we were all alike but in a cursed way." Xiumin said. "I didnt choose to be born into this family. My dad he couldnt take it anymore and he took avantage of me being a new wolf and not being able to control the wolf and he attacked me, I killed him."


A small tear ran down Xiumin's face, I sigh and bring him into a hug. I feel him stiffen but he soon relaxes and sobs into me.


"I can still remember how blood was everywhere and the taste of my own fathers blood in my mouth." Xiumin cried.


I clutched him tightly. 


"Its not your fault." I said softly.


"But it is!" Xiumin replied.


"Look!" I said grabbing his face. "he threatened you, you had to do what you had to to survive."


I suddenly kissed Xiumin softly. I heard Xiumin whimper but he didnt pull away. I pull away just few inches though.


"It wasn't your fault." I whisper.


Xiumin looks at me with teary eyes then he looks at the ground. He wraps his arms around me and I hug him back.


"Why are you doing this?" Xiumin asked.


"Don't you have to kill me?"


"I just realized that a few hours ago I fell for a certain wolf." I answered almost shyly.


Xiumin looked up at me with wide eyes and I smiled. I lean down and kiss Xiumin again and he kisses back. Suho then bursts through a couple of bushes and we pull apart holding ech other.


"S-Suho." Xiumin says.


"Xiumin, don't start this." Suho said.


"Don't start what?" Xiumin asks.


Suho takes a glance at me.


"It will only end in heart break." Suho says sadly.


"How do you know? It could be perfect." Xiumin replied.


"Maybe I should go." I said but nobody paid attention to me.


"It won't, why do you think I can never be with Yixing? Because it'll only lead to disaster, I don't that to happen to you." Suho says so fatherly.


"But this is my life, if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out."


I backed away from the mini argument and left. It wasn't any of my business.




"Don't you understand!? You'll never be able to be loved!" Suho shouted.


I stepped back taken aback.


"What?" I said quietly.


"I-I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. Let's go-" I cut Suho off.


"No, I don't want to go home. I don't even know where that is anymore." I say and turn away.


I follow Chen's trail which leads me to the inn. I knock on his door and wait. Chen comes and open's the door.


"Can I stay here for alittle while?" I asked.


"Huh? Sure of course." Chen answered.


I walked inside and plopped myself onto a seat.


"Do you want to talk?" Chen asked.


I just shook my head and brought up my knees to my chest even though I still had my shoes on. This is the first time me and Suho actually had an argument, sure we would dissagree when were wolfs but this one was different in so many ways. I sighed softly and laid my forehead on my knees. My body suddenly jerked as I felt my inner wolf.


No! I am not going to change! I bit my bottom lip. Chen hasn't noticed anything yet since his back was towards me, I think he was fixing something. I took a deep breath but as I exhaled a small growl escaped my lips. I gulped and tried to distract myself, I looked all around the inn.


My stomach clenched and my hands were shaking. Do. Not. Take. The. Cloak. Off. I went and burried myself into the bed of blankets, Chen turned to me but kept on doing his work. I could feel my breaths becoming fast and shallow. No, I imagine the whole village when it was summer, it was beautiful; the sunlight making the grass glow green, the village alive with laughter and chatter.


It wasn't enough though.


"C-C-Chen!" I gasped out.


Chen finally turned to me.


"Xiumin? Are you about to turn?" He asked.


I couldn't say anything as I clawed the red cloak off, I felt my body tearing itself apart I threw it off and I immediantly shifted into a wolf. I was left gasping for air on the bed, I tiredly got up and went onto the floor, I felt so weak. Trying to fight the wolf was exhausting.


I went and pressed my side into the wall opposite from Chen, I let out a soft whine.


"Xiumin." Chen said softly.


Chen got up and slowly walked over to me but I growled as he got anywhere close to me, but he ignored it and softly touched my head. I couldn't help but whimper. Chen sat onto he floor and he brought me into a gentle embrace.




I petted Xiumin's head softly and I hummed a song. He was almost like a dog, but he'll probably get mad at me if I told him. Suddenly Xiumin's head shot up and he growled at the door, I looked and got up. Xiumin shoved me behind him and he crept towards the door.


I gasped and grabbed him and pushed him away, they'll certainly kill him if he was found in the inn. I opened the door slightly.


"Yes?" I asked.


I recongized the person it was Luhan.


"I need you to do something for me." Luhan said.


"Yeah?" I replied.


"Tomorrow were finally going to hunt down the wolf and kill it. Please come and join us." Luhan said.


I felt my blood freeze. I couldn't let them kill Xiumin! I turned around to look at Xiumin, he was frozen in a battle stance.


"Uh, sure." I answered.


"Thank you." Luhan answered ad bowed.


"Yes, have a goodnight." I said and closed the door.


Xiumin growled.


"Don't worry, I'll go and lead them away." I said crouching to Xiumin's height.


Xiumin still growled in answer.


"Sorry, can't understand wolf language." I answered back.


Xiumin turns and jumps onto the bed. I sighed and sat on the bed. What am I going to do? I shake my head mentally. I grabbed Xiumin's red cloak and pulled it over Xiumin, he pulled out of it looking at me.


"What?" I say confused.


Xiumin shakes his head and lays his head on my lap. I put my hand on his head. 






I woke up, feeling so stiff. I pulled the red cloak off of me, I sit up yawning. Chen was beside me asleep, I smiled and laid beside him looking at his face. I poked his cheek, Chen stirred but didnt open his eyes. I laughed gently. I kept on poking his cheeks.


Chen suddenly opened his eyes and I jumped back surprised, Chen laughs. He kisses me full on the lips and I kissed him back.


"Who said you could kiss me?" I said pulling alittle away.


"No one." Chen said pecking me on my lips.


I smiled and I got out of the bed.


"Where are you going?" Chen asked.


"I .... I heard something outside." I said and grabbed my cloak.


Chen also got up, he changed as I went out the room. I touched a maids shoulder.


"What happened outside?" I asked.


"They caught the wolf!" The maid said happily.


I gaped at her. What?  Then it clicked. I ran out of the inn to see infront a big black wolf on the ground bleeding. I gasp and push through the growing crowd of people. 


"No, no, no, no." I whispered. 


I dropped down onto the floor beside Suho. He looked at me, I felt tears prickle my eyes.


"Dont leave me." I say tears falling down my face.


Im so sorry, I wish I could stay longer.


"No, I'll get Yixing to help." I said grabbing onto his paw.


Hes already gone, I told him the truth of who I really am and he left. 


I closed my eyes as tears leaked out. I didnt know Yixing would really do that.


B-Beware of Luhan, he has a compass that is enchanted to find shifters. I apologize for having that argument with you, I was so scared you'll turn out hurt like how Yixing rejected me, rejected my true form. 


"Your the only family I have left, Of course I forgive you." I said softly. "Have a safe trip to paradise." 


I could feel people staring at me but I could careless. I held back a sob as Suho's eyes lost their light. I felt someone put their  hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Chen. He helped me up and took me back to the inn. As we arrived in Chen's room I let out a loud sob. 


I fell to the ground, my body shaking and I wrapped my arms around my torso.


"Im so sorry." Chen whispered.


I sobbed louder and I started to punch the hard wooden floor, When I stopped my knuckles were bloody and I was gasping for air. I felt lost, like I no longer knew where I stood. Chen grabbed my hand and I pulled out of it. I got up and staggered to the bed. 


I fell onto the bed feeling drained. It was still morning and I was already tired, I snuggled into the blankets.


"Please, save his body. Don't let them burn him." I said quietly my voice shaking.


I knew Chen heard me and he ran outside. A tear fell down my eye and I closed them losing myself in darkness.




It was so painful to watch Xiumin cry his heart out and not being to comfort him, this was something I could do. I ran out the inn and found Luhan about to burn the black wolf.


"No!" I cried out. "Lets not burn it!" 


Luhan turned to me with a raised eyebrow.


"And why is that?" Luhan asks almost coldly.


"Because I heard that if you burn wolf's their spirit will stay here forever and never leave." I said quickly.


I convinced them to not burn the wolf and to bury it instead. I led them to Xiumin's secret place and they buried the wolf there. I stayed as everyone left. The wolf must have been Suho, they were very close cousins after all. I fell to my knees and prayed, that Suho will have a good after life.





I sniffed and sat up from the bed. My head was pounding and it ached from crying so much. Chen walked in looking so exhausted.


"Where'd you bury him?" I asked softly.


"In your secret place." Chen replied walking towards me.


"Thank you .... thank you so much." I said and I wiped my eyes as the tears were coming again.


"You don't need to thank me." Chen says hugging me.


I hug back and don't say a thing. I need to leave this place I think softly.


"I want to leave." I say pulling away from the hug and looking at Chen.


"Are you sure?" Chen asked. I nodded.


"There's nothing left for me here, only Suho's grave." I said.


"Alright, you can stay at my village. You can meet my older brother and mom." Chen says smiling.


I looked at him shocked then I also gave a smile.


"I'm already meeting your family? What do you plan on doing? Marrying me?" I joked.


"Its still early but that could happen if you liked." Chen said seriously.


"Stupid, I was only playing around." I replied still smiling.


Chen smiled and kissed me.


"I must look horrible right now." I said rubbing my eyes.


"Your eyes are alittle puffy but I think you still look as beautiful as ever." I looked at him and rolled my eyes.


"Its the truth."




"When do you want to leave?" Chen asked


. "Hmm .... let's go two days from now." I answer.


"I want to get my stuff and see Suho before I leave."


Chen nodded.


"There's still a full day ahead of us but it feels like its been a whole day." Chen says.


"I know ...." I reply.


"I need to stay away from Luhan."


"Why is that?" Chen asked.


"He's the one who found Suho, Suho said that he had some kind of magical compass that could show him who's a shifter." I say.


"How'd he get it? .... that's werid."


I shruggedIt was suddenly quiet but in a nice boring way.


"What's paradise?" Chen asks suddenly.


I turn to look at him.


"Why?" I answer.


"I heard you say it to Suho b-before he .... he died." Chen said looking onto the wooden ground.


"Paradise is a place where shifters go when they die, letting our painfilled minds to be released from the dreadful curse that was upon us when we were born." I say as if I reharsed it. "My grandfather always told stories of Paradise, so I know it pretty well. Suho was always so curious when we were younger if Paradise did exsist."


"I'm sorry, I hope I didn't bring back bad memories." Chen said.


"No, its fine. Those were the good days when the curse was still hidden from me and Suho, us shifters don't shift until our tenth birthday." I replied.


"How old are you anyways?" Chen asked suddenly.




Chen gaped at me and I looked at him confused.


"I know .... how could I not control the wolf by now but ..... its hard." I say pouting.


"No .... it not that." Chen said. "Its just that ..... your kinda immature and so childish looking I thought you were younger than me."


I frowned and pouted even more.


"Yah! Just because I'm shorter than you doesn't mean I'm younger, and I'm not immature nor childish looking." I answered back.


"Sure, you aren't. I'm only twenty." Chen replied.


"I'm just two years older." I said.


"I know."


Its suddenly quiet again. Chen orders food and a maid brings it to us, I finish it quickly and take a look at Chen's crossbow.


"You know ... silver stuns us but if you hit in all the right places you could kill a shifter." I say and run my pointer finger on the head of the silver arrow.


"I thought it just killed shifters." Chen said still eating.


I shook my head and hiss slightly as I cut my finger, the blood runs down my finger and hand.


"I hate Full Moon Week." I said almost angerly.


"Why is that?" Chen asks behind me.


"I lose control of the wolf inside me and I could shift at any moment when on other regular days I only shift at night." I explained putting the crossbow down and covering my wound. "I want to go outside but ..... I'm afraid, I'm afraid I'll be on my way to paradise."


Chen finishes his food and pulls me into a hug.


"Its going to be alright, if you shift then you could stay in here like yesterday." Chen said.


"I ... I won't be as calm as yesterday ... I don't know how I know ... I have a feeling." I said quietly.


"Your going to be fine."


My body suddenly jerks and a burning sensation starts in my stomach.


"Speaking of shifting." Chen say.


I double over, I could tell the wolf inside of me smells the blood from in the room and outside. It was more painful than usual. Chen crouched beside me.


"Try to fight it, don't let yourself lose." Chen says wiping the gathering sweat at my forehead.


I grit my teeth, I can't .... not tonight. My shakey hands reach up for the cloak but I bring it right down onto the floor. I'm gasping for air as I feel my insides churn, a few tears escape me eyes.




I looked at the almost shifting Xiumin, I could tell he was trying to fight it. I wipe the tears from Xiumin's eyes. Suddenly the cloak falls off of Xiumin's shoulders and he shifts so fast I could barely see it. Then infront of me is a big brown growling wolf.


"X-Xiumin." I stutter out and back away alittle.


The wolf growls and jumps out the window breaking it to pieces. Oh,  I think.


"Xiumin!" I cry out going to the window.


I never noticed but it was already dark outside, I grab my crossbow and Xiumin's cloak and jump out the window. Landing on my feet I search for Xiumin, I looked around frantically but he was nowhere to be seen. He must have left the village, I look on the ground for Xiumin's tracks and I follow it without stepping on the tracks.


It leads me to the edge of the forest, I walk through the forest quietly. The moon is up high and its easy to see the path infront of me. I go to Xiumin's hiding place and I see him infront of someone. It was one of the people that helped me bury Suho, Xiumin growled and was about to launch hiself at the man until I shot the silver arrow at Xiumin, it landed on his side and he jerked back and turned to growl at me which he did.


I could tell then Xiumin lost all his human feelings. The big wolf growled louder his shackles raising and it made him look about two times bigger than his regular size, I reloaded and shot at him again careful not to kill him. Xiumin staggered back and he fell to the ground. I ran over and covered him with his own cloak.


"Th-thank you for saving me." The person said.


"No problem, you should get out of here." I replied.


The person nodded and left. Xiumin coughed from under the cloak.


"Xiumin?" I asked.


"Y-yeah?" Xiumin asked his voice hoarse.


"Are you okay?" I say lifting the cloak.


"No ...." Xiumin sat up and ripped the silver arrows from his side. I winced as I saw the blood spill out onto the snow.


"Why does silver always hurt like a ?" Xiumin said as he flopped onto the ground.


"Hey, no cussing." I scolded.


"Not even when I'm in so much pain?" Xiumin asked.


"Nope." I picked up the bloody arrows.


"I'm sorry I shot you."


Xiumin looked at me.


"You had to do what you had to do." Xiumin replied softly.


"Still .... I feel guilty ... atleast let me clean your-"


"You don't need to, one of the better aspects of being a wolf is being able to heal on your own." Xiumin said lifting his bloodied shirt.


He was right, there was no wound only dried blood and pale skin.


"Woah ..." I said and reached out to touch the skin.


Xiumin didn't pull away he just stood there still.


"The man .... he was here before me ..." Xiumin said quietly. "Ugh! I can smell the blood in the air, they must have killed Suho near here."


I looked a him confused.


"I can smell my own kins blood." Xiumin explained. "I won't be surprised if my own blood attracts other shifters."


I help Xiumin up from the cold snowy ground.


"I lost myself again." Xiumin whispered. "I could have killed you."


"But you didn't." I said leading the way back to the inn.


Xiumin groaned.


"I broke the window, I'm so sorry. I'll pay for it." Xiumin offered.


"Nah, its fine. I shouldn't have forced yourself to hold the wolf inside."


"Are you really going to make this into a argument?" Xiumin pouted.


I sighed and grabbed him.


"Let me go to the cottage." Xiumin said.


We left for the cottage and Xiumin went to grabbed his things. I waited outside the small house and looked at the dark blood on the silver arrows, just then Xiumin walks out of the broken cottage with a bag of his stuff in his hands. I put an arm around his shoulder and we go back to the inn.




I get up earlier in the morning, Chen is still asleep. I decided to take a bath and get dressed, I sneek quietly out into the hallway and walk out. I wrap the cloak around me tightly from the morning cold. I take breath and a puff of air comes out as I exhale. I walk over to the edge of the forest and stop, do I really want to go in?


I shivered and take a hesitant step in. I gulp and walk inside, I no longer feel comfortable or safe in the forest; the thought shattered as Suho died. I arrived at my no longer secret place, it was still beautiful in a messed up way, Suho was buried here but there was still dried blood in the ground. I walked in the middle of the clearing and said some words to Suho, I feel tears prickle my eyes and I wipe at it; Suho wouldn't want me to cry any longer.


I hope he's doing well in Paradise. I hear a small crack behind me and I turned around sharply, looking for any kind of threat but there was none. My attention goes back to Suho's grave and the next thing I know is the sun is high in the sky and I'm so exhausted.


I drag myself and over to the edge of the clearing and I look back at the grave, this will be the last time I come here; maybe I'll visit in the future. I turn and leave. I walk tiredly back to the inn, Chen wasn't there but I didn't mind I wanted to be alone but also wanted his pressence; I laid onto the bed and pulled the covers over me but the thing was even though I was exhausted I couldn't fall asleep.


I rubbed my face and sighed loudly, I wanted Chen to be asleep beside me. I pouted and sat up.


"Chen~ what are you doing to me?" I whined softly.


I stared into my hands, there was nothing special about it or unique. I noticed I haven't eaten all day but I didn't feel like eating at all, I wasn't depressed or anything or atleast I didn't think so. I laid back onto the bed and looked at the cielling as I waited for Chen, I soon got bored and started to count sheep; it didn't help one bit.


I turned to my side and closed my eyes as they grew heavy, i heard the door click open; my wolf senses were alert but I was too tired to do anything.


"Chen?" I murmured softly.


"Yeah?" Chen asked back quietly.


I opened my eyes and outstretched my arms for Chen to go into, which he did. I closed my arms around him and snuggled into the embrace.


"Your so warm." I cooed.


Chen laughed and hugged me tighter.


"Of course!" Chen answered.


"I'm so tired but can't fall asleep." I told Chen.


Chen laid down beside me still in the hug.


"That's a bummer." Chen replied. "I can help."


Did he just say that suggestively? I must be hearing things. I looked at him confused.


"What are you talking about?" I asked.


Chen chuckled and kissed me softly.


"Sometimes you are just so innocent." Chen said.


This time I kissed Chen.


"Did you know you give the sweetest kisses?" Chen says inbetween kisses.


"I didn't know at all, I mean your really the first person I've kissed." I replied.


"I'm glad I'm your first."


Chen applies more pressure to the kiss which I gladly return, Chen's hand start to roam around and I could feel my cheeks heating up. He tugs my clothes off and the afternoon is full of moans and sweat.




I pull out of Xiumin gently, and I lay the blanket ontop of him. Yeah, Xiumin was already asleep. I smile and lay beside him, I observe his face and I couldn't help but I softly too; I can't help but think how lucky I am. I go under the blanket with Xiumin and cuddle with him and soon I'm also asleep.


When I wake up its night and Xiumin is still asleep beside me, I didn't know I did it that hard. I'm still so I put my clothes back on, I lay back on the bed next to Xiumin and I start to poke his cheeks reminding me of how he woke me up a few days ago; Xiumin stirrs but doesn't open his eyes.


Maybe he won't wake up till its morning. I get up and decided to take a short stroll just in case Xiumin woke up. Its cold at night and I wonder what time it was. I felt my cheeks heat up as I thought of Xiumin , he was so beautiful. I slapped my cheek and tried not to smile, it was my first time and I felt like Xiumin was the one I wanted to be with forever.


I bet you if I told him that he'll run away and probably never come back. It was oblivious it was his first time. I visit Suho's grave and say a few words of how I'm going to take care of Xiumin now and how he didn't need to worry.


I walk back to the inn and I see someone familiar at the entrance. Who was that again? I touched the man's shoulder and he turned around and looked at me.


"Ah! Yixing!" I said remembering his name.





Yixing looked at me and bowed.


"Ah, hello .... C-Chen?" Yixing says.


I nod and smiled.


"Do you know where Suho is?" Yixing asks.


"What? You didnt know ... about ..." I dont finish my sentence.


"Dont know what?" 


I rubbed the back of my neck.


"Suho's dead." 


We both look behind us and see Xiumin, I see Yixing flinch.


"What?" Yixing says confused.


"He was hunted down. I heard from him you found out about our secret." Xiumin said quietly.


Yixing nodded and suddenly Xiumin pushes him onto the inn wall.


"Why!? Why'd you leave!?" Xiumin suddenly shouts loudly.


"I-I." Yixing stutters out.


"He loved you, you left him! Why!?" Xiumin cried.


"Xiumin ..." I grabbed Xiumin and pulled him away.


Xiumin fell to the ground of his knees infront of me and he cried. Yixing crouched beside him and hugged Xiumin, Yixing also had started to cry.


"I didnt think he would die, I left only because I was stupid and scared but once I realized I did really love Suho too ... I came back here." Yixing said pulling away and clutching Xiumin's face softly. "He would probably still be here if it wasnt for me."


"You cant blame yourself." I said softly.


But they paid no attention to me. Xiumin clutched Yixing in a tight hug, to tell you the truth I did kinda feel jealous for a stupid reason.


"Where are you staying?" Yixing asked.


"Im staying with Chen." Xiumin replied.


"Do you want to stay with me? Im the closest you have to family." Yixing asks.


"No, its fine. I want to stay with Chen, were together now." 


I walk over to them.


"I'll take good care of him." I say.


Yixing nodded.


"I guess I should go now." Yixing said. "You both take care of yourselves. Xiumin you can come back to the cottage if you want." 


Xiumin nodded and they both got up and said their goodbyes. Xiumin turns and weakly smiles at me, I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and lead him in the inn. 




In the morning Xiumin woke up and smiled as he poked Chen's sleeping figure.


"Chen ... lets leave." I whispered lovingly.


Chen opens an eye and he smiles. 


"I would love to." Chen said getting up.


We both get ready for the day. I sigh and close the door behind me as we leave, Chen pays for the room and were on our way to Chen's home.


1 year later:


Xiumin sits in the garden. I creep up to him but of course he hears me, he always hears me even though im so silent. 


"You know I can always hear you." Xiumin said smiling. "My wolf senses."


It was like he could read my mind. I sit beside him. 


"Guess what today is?" I asked looking at the sunny sky.


"Hm .... The first day we met?" Xiumin answered.


"Yup." I said. 


Xiumin smiles. It felt like I could remember everything that happened to us like it happened yesterday. I take a nervous gulp and I get up and grab Xiumin's hand, I kneel down and I take a deep breath.


"Xiumin ... Will you marry me?" I ask gently.


Xiumin looks at me and he suddenly smiles brightly.


"I've been waiting for you to ask me for a year." Xiumin said. "Yes, I will."


The breath in my lungs leaves me and I reach for the ring in my pocket but .... its not there. 


"The ring isnt in my pocket ...." I say.


Xiumin lets out a melodic laugh and I search everywhere. I see the small black box in the snow and I go over to grab it but my dog Shelby gets to it first and Shelby runs away with it.


"Yah!" I call out.


Xiumin doubles over and laughs even harder when Xiumin is done he gets up from the snowy ground and he calls out to Shelby. Shelby comes over still holding the box, Xiumin holds out his hand and raises an eyebrow. Xiumin stares into her eyes intensely and then Shelby drops the box and runs away.


"She always listens to you." I say pouting.


"Im cool like that." Xiumin said.


I take the box from Xiumin's hand and put the ring on his finger.


'Its my Umma's, my Appa gave it to her when they got married." I said.


"I guess i'll have to thank her when we go back to the house." said Xiumin.


I nodded and took his hand.


"I hope Suho is seeing this from Paradise." Xiumin said softly.


"Im pretty sure he is. Lets go back to the house and tell Umma how much her ring looks good on you, she also has this pendant where it'll tell us what gender our future child will be." I said.


Xiumin blushed and it was my turn to laugh.


The End.





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{EXO Fairy Tales} Going Hiatus for alittle while! Sorry! I'll try to be back soon though! Love you all!


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abbieyen16 #1
Chapter 10: GYAAAAAA!!!! SO CUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!
kpopper_rae5 #2
please do a little mermaid parody involving's my favorite fairytale with my otp...thank you
Chapter 21: hehe crossovers haha ;D new reader loving how you use the exo members in fairy tails
Chapter 21: Everyone's going crossover!!
Crossover! Crossover!
It makes me laugh at how similar the readers think XD
But don't worry we didn't forget. We're just in wait!
Chapter 21: Omigosh~ Crossover XD
Chapter 20: Chenchens gonna be mad!!!
EXO-Lover91 #7
Chapter 20: Omo is that Xiumin. Oh no Chen is going to be mad XD