when minseok and youngbae have their first kiss

K-pop Scenario Shop (Applies Closed!)

For: K-P0PG1rL

A/N: Hope you like it! YALL, BAOZI IS THE CUTEST. I love him. 


When Minseok groans for the eighth time since lunch period started, Jongdae throws up his hands in exasperation while Zitao bites his lip and looks over at his hyung, concerned. Yixing absentmindedly pats Minseok's puffed-out cheeks in an attempt to soothe him. 

"Dude, seriously, what the is wrong with you?" Jongdae finally asks, letting his arms drop back onto the table. 

"Language!" Luhan tsks at Jongdae from where he's just sliding into an empty spot opposite him, Wufan following suit and gently clasping both hands around Zitao's ears at Jongdae's outburst. 

"What's going on?" Wufan tips his head in Minseok's direction and begins to dig into his lunch. 

"He hasn't stopped groaning since he sat down. And trust me, he sat down a long time ago," Jongdae rolls his eyes. 

Zitao gently taps Minseok's hand that's laid out on the table. "Ge, what's wrong?" 

Minseok groans again (Jongdae looks just about ready to throttle him, but Luhan sends him a warning look and he lets his hands fall uselessly to his sides) before mumbling something incoherent. This draws out a confused "what?" from Zitao, who sends Wufan a questioning look. Wufan just shrugs and rolls his eyes fondly as Luhan starts stabbing his penne pasta repeatedly and eventually, he just pushes his tray towards Luhan, who beams and rests his head against Wufan's arm contentedly, chewing on a penne. 

"It's been two months and I havn't kissed Youngbae yet," Minseok mumbles out again when Jongdae finally forces it out of him. 

Everyone stares for a moment, a little slack-jawed, before Jongdae bursts into laughter. Yixing just looks a little dazed, Zitao's gnawing on his bottom lip and glancing between Jongdae and Minseok worriedly, whereas Wufan's trying to hide a smile behind his hand and Luhan's got his face buried in Wufan's shoulder, most probably laughing into Wufan's shirt. 

Minseok's face goes impossibly red and he punches Jongdae in the arm. "Shut up, you brat."

Jongdae wheezes and the corners of his lips pull up in a smirk. "Sorry, saint Minseok," and proceeds to guffaw to himself all over again. 

Minseok wonders why he's friends with Jongdae. 

"Just kiss her today, then," Wufan suggests after he's got his silent laughter under control. "Isn't it your two month anniversary or something?" 

Minseok nods slowly, considering, but then grasps wildly at his hair as he lets out another moan. "But how am I going to do it? I can't just- "

Luhan chooses that moment to grab the front of Wufan's shirt and yank the younger boy to him, slamming his lips onto his. Jongdae whistles whereas Minseok just sputters nonsensically. 

"You do it like that," Luhan tells Minseok when he pulls back, cheeks flushed. "Youngbae won't have the time to object." 

As the rest of the table sounds their agreement, Minseok is indefinitely certain he's screwed for his date with Youngbae tonight. 


"Um, Minseok oppa?" 

Minseok blinks dazedly and looks over at his girlfriend. "Huh?" 

Youngbae chuckles and slows down a little to peer closely at Minseok's face. "You seem pretty pre-occupied with whatever's going on inside your head," she lightly taps at his temple. "A penny for your thoughts?" 

Minseok tries to reign in control of his head as he recounts the past few hours of their date. Everything has been going pretty okay- Minseok picked Youngbae up at six to travel downtown for dinner, and after an enjoyable meal they've just been walking around aimlessly like what they usually do, with fingers loosely entwined and arms bumping against each other's occasionally. 

But Minseok keeps thinking about that kiss, and he wants so badly to have it but doesn't have the slightest idea how he's supposed to just crash his lips onto Youngbae's like what Luhan had done to Wufan. And there's always that question on whether Youngbae actually wants to have her first kiss with him. 

Minseok feels like crying. Why does everything have to be so damn complicated? 

Youngbae's laughing now, and she purses her lips to get her giggling under control as she looks at the way Minseok's face keeps twisting and contorting, almost as if he's in pain. 

"Okay," Youngbae finally stops walking as they make a right around the corner of the street, standing underneath the dim glow of a streetlamp as the bustling night streets of Myeongdong lie ahead of them. "What's up with you?" 

Minseok squirms and avoids looking at Youngbae's pretty pink lips as she stares directly into his eyes. He can't help but to remember the time when he first saw her, script in hand as she delivered lines flawlessly on the auditorium stage from where he was hunched over a set piece, paintbrush in hand and absolutely captivated by the confidence she exuded. 

"I- uh- this might kill the mood but I- um- yeah," Minseok scratches the back of his neck as he his lips nervously, looking away immediately when he finds himself staring at Youngbae's lips again. 

Youngbae pauses for a moment before she sets her lips into a thin line. "Are you trying to break up with me?" 

Minseok's eyes go so wide he's afraid they'll fall out of their sockets. "What? What? No! What? I- "

But then Youngbae's laughing- loud and uninhibited- and her eyes are clouded with mirth as she brings one hand up to rest around Minseok's shoulders. "You're the funniest." 

As the words leave her lips, Youngbae stretches up sightly to press her lips softly against Minseok's, other hand reaching up to lock around Minseok's neck. 

Minseok feels his head spin with wonder and the word finally is the only thing his mind is able to conjure before he loses himself in the feeling of Youngbae's lips soft and sweet against his. Minseok smiles into this kiss, looping both arms around Youngbae's waist as they kiss- for the very first time- on a warm Friday night underneath a rusty streetlamp in the heart of Myeongdong. 

So while it isn't really anything like what all the Korean dramas like to portray- pretty snowflakes suddenly falling from the sky or an explosion of fireworks behind his eyes- Minseok's still going to brag about this to his five stupid friends when he gets home. 

(Also, he's going to remember this moment forever.) 


A/N: Back to taking requests for boy/boy fics and boy/girl fics; all information can be found in the foreword :) just drop a comment and hope to write for more of you soon! 

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Hi readers! Sorry for the delay in updates- AFF's autosave failed on me, so everything was lost :( thanks for your patience!


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Chapter 11: THIS. IS. AMAZING.
I read all the scenarios and i must say that they are amazing. I like your writing style, author - nim! :)
nanie92 #3
Band: Infinite

Pairing : Sunggyu/Nanie

Scenario: Sunggyu was not in a good mood and his wife brought him for a late night walk.
Band: EXO-K

Pairing: D. O. Kyungsoo/ Ax

Scenario: It's movie night and they watch a scary movie with their friends. Ax is very amused, but Kyungsoo is scared to death.
Band : SHINee
Pairing : Jonghyun/SaYeong
Scenario: You both have been best friends for as long as you both remember even when now both of you are idols of separate group. Never did you know that your best friend actually has a crush on you even since high school and without you even noticing it, he got frustrated and decide to tell you since he has been very jealous of you hanging around s too much.
Band: Exo-K
Pairing: Suho/Sanghee
Scenario: when you injure yourself during pregnancy, which danger the baby and you, and he gets extremely worried and gets mad at you
_-Sumin #7
Again :)
Band: Teen Top
Pairing: L. Joe/Park Jiyeon
Scenario: When the Kingka, L. Joe cheats on you for a queenka and you get a makeover. Later, he regrets dumping you but you already got a new caring boyfriend, Yong Junhyung.
_-Sumin #8
Band: Infinite

Pairing: Myungsoo/Baek Sumin

Scenerio: When Myungsoo gets jealous when you hang out with your friend, JB or Im Jaebum
--peperokiss #9
Requesting again~~~

Band: EXO
Pairing: Kim Jongdae;Chen / Jo EunMin
Scenario: Troller Chen wants a girl but doesn't know how to get her.
--peperokiss #10
Chapter 8: Askdgkfi!! ;0; I loved it!!! Im dying right now!

Keke Kris x Luhan