when yixing sees other boyband members talking to yujin

K-pop Scenario Shop (Applies Closed!)

For: PeanutButterOreos

A/N: I'm so sorry for the delay, finals have just ended so I hope you like this! I'm going to cry like sometimes I write and halfway through I wonder what I'm even writing but anyway-


EXO piles back into the dressing room after their full performances of both History and MAMA. The loud voices and boisterous laughter of all twelve boys ring in the air as they slap each other hi-fives or drape themselves over each other. Jongin slings an arm around Wufan's shoulder and Wufan turns his head to laugh at whatever joke Jongin is sharing with him, Minseok bounds up to Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Zitao and the four share a round of loud conversation, and Junmyeon smiles warmly and wraps an arm around Jongdae's waist as the latter sticks close to his side. 

Yixing smiles and settles onto one of the small couches in their dressing room, letting out a laughing oof as Sehun plops onto his lap. Kyungsoo and Luhan sit on the couch opposite them, and the four exchange funny stories and happy moments, treasuring this time as a rare opportunity wherein all twelve of them are together as one- for real. 

Suddenly, Jongin flops back onto the couch next to Yixing and waggles his eyebrows at him. Yixing rolls his eyes before looking up to see that Wufan has now joined the little circle with Minseok, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Zitao, letting Zitao lean against him as they laugh at some stupid impression Chanyeol is doing. 

"What?" Yixing finally asks, returning his attention back to Jongin.

Jongin smirks, "Isn't your girlfriend here today?" 

Yixing nods slowly. Is Jongin just stupid or simply forgetful? They all just saw Yixing's girlfriend- Yujin- before they went on for their performance. 

Jongin leans in to whisper in Yixing's ear, and Sehun shifts in Yixing's lap, unhappy that he's being left out of (what he thinks is) some great big secret. Yixing stills him with an arm around his waist. "I think you should watch your girl more. I don't see her in this room anymore. And you do know who's in the room next to us, right?"

Yixing stiffens as he glances around the room, realising that Yujin is truly nowhere to be seen. And in the dressing room to their left is-

Yixing stands abruptly and Sehun yelps as he topples forward, but Luhan's arms reach out automatically to grip onto his waist. Yixing makes for the door, but Luhan gestures after him and jerks his head in Wufan's direction: tell duizhang first you idiot!

"Um, duizhang," Yixing tugs awkwardly at Wufan's jacket. Wufan looks over at him, concern the first emotion Yixing sees flicker in his eyes. Yixing softens because this is so Wufan- tough and cool on camera but he loves us more than he probably should anyway, this er. "Can I go, um, look for my girlfriend?" 

Wufan's eyes widen a little at the weird request but he nods anyway, and Yixing knows that Luhan wanted him to tell Wufan first because Luhan has this strange, soft little spot for their fearless duizhang, and Wufan would surely freak should he do headcount and realise that Yixing- easily distracted and constantly spaced-out Yixing- was missing. 

Yixing pushes open the door to their dressing room and steps into the hall, immediately bowing when he sees the Infinite-sunbaes coming down the hallway. The seven boys greet him cheerily before heading off for their performance, and Yixing takes three more steps and bows again when he sees 2NE1 hurry past, and the girls smile at him in response. The life of a rookie, Yixing thinks dryly as he stops in front of the dressing room next to EXO's- Super Junior's dressing room. 

Yixing knocks several times and he hears a happy voice- Ryeowook hyung?- telling him to come in. Yixing pokes his head in tentatively and nearly yelps as Donghae flings an arm around his neck and ruffles his hair affectionately. Yixing lets out a small dimpled smile at his hyung's open affections before Donghae lets his arm drop and bounds back to Hyukjae, falling into the latter's lap as though it's what he does all the time and Hyukjae doesn't even bat an eyelash (so Yixing thinks this is probably normal for them), just winds both arms around Donghae to continue playing whatever game it is on his phone. 

But then Yixing hears girlish laughter coming from the other side of the room and he moves towards it, and a frown etches upon his face when he sees Jungsoo, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun chatting with his girlfriend. Yujin is smiling and laughing happily, and her braid swishes about as she chuckles at something Jungsoo and Kyuhyun are bickering about. Jungsoo lands a casual hand on Yujin's shoulder and Yixing's frown deepens even further. This is exactly why he had his doubts about letting Yujin follow them for Music Bank today. He just knew something like this would happen. 

Yixing steps up and wraps an arm around Yujin's waist, and he greets his hyungs as lightly as possible, subtly trying to bring an end to whatever conversation the four were previously sharing. Yujin furrows her brows as his grip around her waist tightens, but very soon a backstage attendant is calling for Super Junior and Youngwoon calls for them to head out.

Jungsoo claps Yixing on the shoulder and ruffles Yujin's hair before leaving to chase the kids, and Kyuhyun nods to Yixing before giving Yujin a devious wink and slinking away. Yixing feels the hair on his neck rise, and Ryeowook only makes it worse by cooing affectionately to Yujin before Jongwoon calls for him from the door, and he takes off with a final smile.

The door shuts, and Yujin laughs as she turns in Yixing's hold to face him, "Okay, what's up?" 

Yixing frowns unhappily and Yujin laughs even harder as she starts to figure things out, and she tsks disapprovingly under her tongue, "What are we going to do with a jealous, grumpy Zhang Yixing?" 

Yixing furrows his brows, not amused in the slightest, "Yah- "

But Yujin just chuckles and reaches up to press a reassuring kiss to Yixing's cheek, letting her head fall onto her boyfriend's sturdy chest after. "Relax, oppa. I was just wandering about and then Jungsoo oppa offered to introduce me to s. It's not my fault I'm so lovely and charming that- "

"Okay, okay, I get it, thank you, no need for egoism," Yixing interrupts, and Yujin grins devilishly while Yixing sighs, snaking both arms around Yujin's waist. "Could you, just, not call anyone oppa other than me? You could call them ahjussi. Like, Jongin ahjussi, or whatever."

Yujin rolls her eyes but laughs anyway, because this is so Yixing- sweet and adorable, but so stupid and overprotective anyway. 


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Hi readers! Sorry for the delay in updates- AFF's autosave failed on me, so everything was lost :( thanks for your patience!


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Chapter 11: THIS. IS. AMAZING.
I read all the scenarios and i must say that they are amazing. I like your writing style, author - nim! :)
nanie92 #3
Band: Infinite

Pairing : Sunggyu/Nanie

Scenario: Sunggyu was not in a good mood and his wife brought him for a late night walk.
Band: EXO-K

Pairing: D. O. Kyungsoo/ Ax

Scenario: It's movie night and they watch a scary movie with their friends. Ax is very amused, but Kyungsoo is scared to death.
Band : SHINee
Pairing : Jonghyun/SaYeong
Scenario: You both have been best friends for as long as you both remember even when now both of you are idols of separate group. Never did you know that your best friend actually has a crush on you even since high school and without you even noticing it, he got frustrated and decide to tell you since he has been very jealous of you hanging around s too much.
Band: Exo-K
Pairing: Suho/Sanghee
Scenario: when you injure yourself during pregnancy, which danger the baby and you, and he gets extremely worried and gets mad at you
_-Sumin #7
Again :)
Band: Teen Top
Pairing: L. Joe/Park Jiyeon
Scenario: When the Kingka, L. Joe cheats on you for a queenka and you get a makeover. Later, he regrets dumping you but you already got a new caring boyfriend, Yong Junhyung.
_-Sumin #8
Band: Infinite

Pairing: Myungsoo/Baek Sumin

Scenerio: When Myungsoo gets jealous when you hang out with your friend, JB or Im Jaebum
--peperokiss #9
Requesting again~~~

Band: EXO
Pairing: Kim Jongdae;Chen / Jo EunMin
Scenario: Troller Chen wants a girl but doesn't know how to get her.
--peperokiss #10
Chapter 8: Askdgkfi!! ;0; I loved it!!! Im dying right now!

Keke Kris x Luhan