when hyerae is about to give birth to their first child

K-pop Scenario Shop (Applies Closed!)

For: eyka_afzan

A/N: Hope you like it! Sorry for the delay, school's been a pain in the :( I'm not very familiar with um pregnancies but I hope it works! On a side note, I prefer addressing the members by their real names, so Lay will be Yixing :) 


Jongin collapses onto the floor in a messy, sweaty heap of tangled limbs and heavy pants just as the last student leaves the dance studio for the day. Yixing looks over at his fellow instructor and clucks his tongue in disappointment, flinging his wet towel onto Jongin's body. 

Needless to say, Jongin groans and tosses the smelly piece of cloth away. 

"I hate you," the younger whines, flinging a hand dramatically over his forehead. 

Yixing rolls his eyes, "Yes, and that's why you decided to teach dance with me," he states sarcastically. 

Yixing and Jongin are college buddies. Their friendship kindled when they first discovered the other's love for dancing, and they've been attached at the hip ever since, eventually deciding to start a little dance school of their own, too.

Yixing's just about finished stuffing his water bottle into his bag when his phone chirps noisily. His eyebrows furrow as he rummages through the mess until his fingers curl around the rectangular-shaped object. He struggles to zip his bag with one hand while answering the phone.


There's silence for a few moments, and then Jongin shrieks and sits up when Yixing yells a thunderous what?! into the phone. 

Yixing looks pale when he cuts the call a few seconds later. His eyes are blank and vacant and he looks more than a little petrified, so Jongin approaches him and waves a tentative hand, shrieking again when Yixing suddenly slaps him across the cheek and picks up his bag in a rush, tossing Jongin his half-zipped backpack as well. 

"Ow, hyung, what the fu- "

"Her water broke!" Yixing blurts without thinking. 

Jongin takes too long to process this and when he finally opens his mouth to reply, it's not the brightest thing to say. 

"And you slapped me because- hyung!"

Yixing slams the door to the studio in his face.


"Um, oppa?" 

Kyungsoo is gripping on tightly to his phone and pacing about maniacally in the operation room, eyes wide and round and panicked, chewing his plump bottom lip worriedly. 

Hyerae hisses in pain as she feels another contraction roll through her body. She grips the side of the hospital bed tightly, and Kyungsoo's fingers wrap around his sister's in the next second. 

"Are you okay? Oh god, oh god, does it hurt? It looks like it hurts. I'm sorry. Oh god where is that good-for-nothing Zhang Yixing I am going to end him if he doesn't get his here- "

"Kyungsoo oppa! Just- !" Hyerae's face contorts again in pain and Kyungsoo's panic meter explodes. Just as he's about to start cursing at Yixing again, the double doors to the operation room swing open and Yixing tumbles in, panting and wheezing, followed by Jongin, who slams straight into Yixing and causes the older boy to topple forwards, nearly knocking heads with the cool tiled floor of the room. 

"You ! Where the were you? I called you fifteen minutes ago, damn it! My sister- who also happens to be your wife, your pregnant wife- is going through some painful right now- "

"It's called labour?" Jongin supplies helpfully, and proceeds to get whacked on the head by a raging Kyungsoo. 

Hyerae stares incredulously at the three bickering boys until she gets another contraction, and her sharp hiss of pain causes them to dart over to her side. Yixing takes her hand in his and rubs soothing circles onto her palm, reaching up the other hand to brush her matted fringe away from her sweaty forehead. Kyungsoo worries his lip off to the other side, and sends Jongin a deadly glare when the latter opens his mouth and blurts out a highly inappropriate comment about how your lips are really pretty, hyung.

The pain subsides after a few moments and Yixing leans in closer as Hyerae beckons him nearer, watching Kyungsoo reprimand Jongin harshly. "Does Jongin oppa have a crush on my brother?" She asks bluntly. 

Yixing looks on the helpless Jongin with no ounce of pity, "Yes, he's whipped." 

Hyerae laughs weakly, "Figures. Even when my brother's screaming at him, Jongin oppa just keeps staring at him like a lovesick puppy." 

Yixing smiles affectionately. Hyerae's sweet innocence was one of the things that made him fall for her in the first place. He presses a tender kiss to her forehead, and she smiles. 

The doctor and nurses come rushing in a few moments later and they start to chase the boys out of the room, and the three of them start another frivolous quarrel about who gets to stay (none of them know why Jongin even bothers, honestly), and eventually Jongin blurts another highly inappropriate comment about how Yixing hyung should stay since he's seen that part of Hyerae before, and how it'd just be plain disgusting if Kyungsoo hyung stayed instead, causing Kyungsoo to shriek in anger and kick Jongin out, in turn getting himself chased out as well by one of the nurses in the room who had had just about enough of their bickering. 

Hyerae shoots her an apologetic look before the contractions are back, and she loses herself to the instructions from the doctor and Yixing's soothing voice and gentle hold on her hand. 

Once the baby's head appears, Yixing takes one look at it, sees the mess of red and proceeds to faint.


The first thing Yixing sees when he regains consciousness is a pair of wide (and furious) eyes before someone (it's probably Kyungsoo, no one has eyes that big) grabs the front of his shirt and shakes him, followed by a string of words that sound a lot to Yixing like a bunch of profanities. 

Then everything comes back to him. The call at the dance studio, the contractions, Hyerae's pained expression, the baby's head, the blood-

"My baby!" Yixing suddenly stands and Kyungsoo stumbles backwards into Jongin, who giggles and snuggles into Kyungsoo happily. Kyungsoo flails, but Yixing's already rushed into the hospital ward and the happiest of expressions appear on his face when he sees his beautiful wife and their beautiful newborn baby boy wrapped up together on the hospital bed. 

"Hey," Hyerae calls him softly, and she looks tired but happy, so so happy.

"Hey," Yixing calls back, walking over to the bed. He looks down at the life in his wife's arms and a burst of pride and love and affection and everything beautiful explodes in his chest. 

Hyerae giggles at his expression and gingely holds out their child to him, "Hold him, Yixing oppa." 

So Yixing does, and he touches a gentle finger to the soft skin of his son's- his son's- cheek, and grins so wide it hurts. He leans down carefully and kisses Hyerae lovingly on the lips, and she touches the nape of his neck, smiling. 

"I can't believe you fainted. Kyungsoo oppa was so pissed off." 

Yixing groans in embarrassment. "Hyerae!"

She laughs, and Yixing smiles. Everything he's ever going to need is right here with him now, in this room, in his arms. 

(And although he'll never admit, he loves the two es outside this room to death, too.)

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Hi readers! Sorry for the delay in updates- AFF's autosave failed on me, so everything was lost :( thanks for your patience!


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Chapter 11: THIS. IS. AMAZING.
I read all the scenarios and i must say that they are amazing. I like your writing style, author - nim! :)
nanie92 #3
Band: Infinite

Pairing : Sunggyu/Nanie

Scenario: Sunggyu was not in a good mood and his wife brought him for a late night walk.
Band: EXO-K

Pairing: D. O. Kyungsoo/ Ax

Scenario: It's movie night and they watch a scary movie with their friends. Ax is very amused, but Kyungsoo is scared to death.
Band : SHINee
Pairing : Jonghyun/SaYeong
Scenario: You both have been best friends for as long as you both remember even when now both of you are idols of separate group. Never did you know that your best friend actually has a crush on you even since high school and without you even noticing it, he got frustrated and decide to tell you since he has been very jealous of you hanging around s too much.
Band: Exo-K
Pairing: Suho/Sanghee
Scenario: when you injure yourself during pregnancy, which danger the baby and you, and he gets extremely worried and gets mad at you
_-Sumin #7
Again :)
Band: Teen Top
Pairing: L. Joe/Park Jiyeon
Scenario: When the Kingka, L. Joe cheats on you for a queenka and you get a makeover. Later, he regrets dumping you but you already got a new caring boyfriend, Yong Junhyung.
_-Sumin #8
Band: Infinite

Pairing: Myungsoo/Baek Sumin

Scenerio: When Myungsoo gets jealous when you hang out with your friend, JB or Im Jaebum
--peperokiss #9
Requesting again~~~

Band: EXO
Pairing: Kim Jongdae;Chen / Jo EunMin
Scenario: Troller Chen wants a girl but doesn't know how to get her.
--peperokiss #10
Chapter 8: Askdgkfi!! ;0; I loved it!!! Im dying right now!

Keke Kris x Luhan