D.O - If You Come into My Heart

EXO-K Scenarios

requested by RaNonymous

I wrap my arm around you, holding you close to me as you dissolve into tears again. That no-good bastard who dumped you has no idea what he's missing out on.

"What did I do wrong?" you whisper, burying your face in my sweater, and I want to tell you that you're not doing anything wrong, that you're perfect in every way.

But I remain silent, rubbing your back and letting you cry into my shirt, even though it's a brand new one and it cost me a small fortune to buy.

(But for you, I'd do anything.)

I've loved you for so long, but you've never noticed, not once.

I don't want to tell you, because I'd rather be your best friend than nothing at all to you.

I know you wouldn't want to be with me, because in every situation I imagine it, it ends in a disaster.

We're too different, but I still love you just the same.

It hurts, it hurts so much, because I know you'd get bored of me, I know you'd turn me away, but I want to be near you so badly that I'll take anything I can get.

But I'd never turn you away, if you came into my heart.

I'd love you forever, until the Earth stopped spinning and the heavens called for us.

I'd hold your hand until I had to let go.

I'd move the world to be by your side, if you needed me to be there.

I'd do anything for you, if you came into my heart.

But you already have.

So I'll sit by your side as long as you need me to, I'll hold your hand as you cry, and I'll do anything to be by your side.

Because that's what love is, isn't it?

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Totororo #1
Wheres a scenario for Sehun?
Chapter 11: Awww cute!!!!
Chapter 7: Waaaaah so cute!!!
IHeartEXOPink #4
Chapter 9: yeah what a funny ending LOL
Chapter 4: Oh, there should be a kissing scene! ^_^ But still, it was too cute and sweet! Well done!!
Chapter 6: Why... So sweet... Yet simple...

WHY.... is my heart currently beating fast...? ;~;
hellojazzii #7
Chapter 1: these are all so cute and well written! can't wait to read more!
Chapter 4: Can we have one for Xiumin please? :) Like when Xiumin takes you to eat good food and seduces you with his expressions or something :)
I love it!
shimmergleam #10
Awwwww I love all of them!!!