D.O - First Snow

EXO-K Scenarios

requested by RaNonymous (tumblr)

“I can’t believe this,” Kyungsoo sighs as the two of you drag your suitcases inside the ski lodge, “we come all the way to a freaking mountain, to ski, presumably, but no snow!”

“It’s fine,” you reply. “It’ll snow later, right?”

“Hopefully.” Kyungsoo pouts slightly as he stares outside, where the ground is conspicuously non-white. “Because we’re only here for a couple of days. The manager wouldn’t let me havethatmuch time off.”

“That, and Jongin would probably blow up the kitchen.”

“That too.”

“Come on. Let’s go get settled in.”

The two of you walk to your room, unlock the door, and walk inside. It’s a pretty spacious room, especially considering only two of you were staying there, equipped with two beds, a small kitchenette, a bathroom, and a fireplace.

“Dibs!” Kyungsoo yells, running to the bed nearest to small kitchenette. You watch him, a small amused smile on your lips.

“What?” he asks, once he realizes that you’ve been staring at him, “I never get first pick on the beds when we stay at hotels.”

“Nothing,” you chuckle, amused at your boyfriend’s sudden burst of childish glee. “I’m going to shower. Don’t walk in on me, I won’t be dancing.”

“That wasone time!” Kyungsoo wails into his pillow, “can I never live this down?”



You awake first the next morning, yawning loudly as you stretch. You climb out of bed and make your way over to one of the windows, pushing the curtains aside to peek outside, but to your dismay, the ground is still bare.

Slightly disheartened, you walk to the kitchen and decide to heat up some water so you can have a morning cup of tea.

A few moments later, Kyungsoo walks into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“I wondered where you were, ‘cause I usually wake up before you. Did you eat already?” he asks, walking to the fridge before he remembers that you actually don’t have any food in there since you just arrived last night.

“Nope, not yet. I was just going to make some tea, do you want some?”

“That would be nice,” Kyungsoo replies, opening up cabinets until he finds the one that holds the mugs. He pulls out two and sets them on the counter, then runs off to his suitcase to get the tea that he’d brought.

When the water boils, you pour the water into the mugs, then dunk the tea bags in. While you wait for the water to cool down and the tea to steep, the two of you go to the bathroom to freshen up, playfully nudging each other while you brush your teeth.

“Wow,” you remark, staring at Kyungsoo’s small battalion of skincare products, “did Yifan get to you?”

“Him and the coordis,” Kyungsoo says, his tone grave. “I was threatened that if I came back with any zits or anything on my face, I would have to buy food for the members. And you know how much some of them can eat.”

“That sounds awful.”

“It is.”

The two of you return to the kitchen and drink your tea in a companionable silence, until your stomach starts growling embarrassingly loudly. You sneak a glance at Kyungsoo, who appears to be stifling laughter, his shoulders shaking so much that he has to put his cup back down on the table.

“Let’s go buy some food, okay?”


The two of you fool around at the market, buying milk, vegetables, marshmallows, and other things that you might need for the weekend.

“Do you want to have spaghetti for dinner?” Kyungsoo asks, holding up a box of dried noodles.

“Sure, that sounds good.”

He nods, placing the box in the cart and searching for the jars of sauce. “I don’t think they have kimchi here, though…”

“S’okay,” you reply, grabbing some chocolate and putting it in the cart, ignoring Kyungsoo’s sighs of ‘more candy? Really?’

“Well, I think that’s everything,” Kyungsoo says. “Is there anything else you want to get?”

“Nah, I think we’re good. Let’s get back to the lodge, we’ve already been here for a while and I still haven’t eaten anything yet.”

You pay for your groceries and hail a taxi to get back to the lodge.

“Wow, it’s really cold.” Kyungsoo shivers slightly, pulling his jacket tighter around him.

“Yep,” you reply, peering out the window. It still isn’t snowing, and that makes you slightly sad, since you kind of wanted to have a white Christmas.

“There’s still time, don’t worry.”


Kyungsoo fixes the two of you a quick brunch of scrambled eggs and toast while you make hot chocolate (your favorite cold-weather drink.)

“Do you want me to start a fire?” Kyungsoo asks, nodding in the direction of the fireplace. “It’s still kind of chilly.”

You nod in reply and help him start it, lighting a match and holding it up to some newspaper that someone had left inside.

“I kind of wish Chanyeol were here,” Kyungsoo jokes, placing some logs inside and poking the fire around.

“No you don’t.”

“…good point.”

The two of you sit down in the sofa and wrap yourselves in blankets, sipping your hot chocolate and eating your eggs. Kyungsoo turns the radio on, and Christmas music begins to play.

“I’m probably going to completely destroy the mood,” Kyungsoo says, munching on his toast, “but this is really, really cheesy.”

“It’s kind of true,” you laugh, swallowing a bite of egg.

By chance, you happen to look out the window, and you can see small white flakes drifting down.

“Kyungsoo,” you whisper, “look, it’s snowing!”

Kyungsoo turns to look as well, and he smiles.

“Well, now this is really cheesy. We even have a white Christmas.”

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Totororo #1
Wheres a scenario for Sehun?
Chapter 11: Awww cute!!!!
Chapter 7: Waaaaah so cute!!!
IHeartEXOPink #4
Chapter 9: yeah what a funny ending LOL
Chapter 4: Oh, there should be a kissing scene! ^_^ But still, it was too cute and sweet! Well done!!
Chapter 6: Why... So sweet... Yet simple...

WHY.... is my heart currently beating fast...? ;~;
hellojazzii #7
Chapter 1: these are all so cute and well written! can't wait to read more!
Chapter 4: Can we have one for Xiumin please? :) Like when Xiumin takes you to eat good food and seduces you with his expressions or something :)
I love it!
shimmergleam #10
Awwwww I love all of them!!!