Chapter 8

I'm A Man, Too
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                 HyoSun shut her dorm door, wheeling her suitcase behind her. She slowly walked down the halls, making the wheels shake and make noises. She stopped as she got to the entrance, looking back at Exotic High. Annyeong…LuHan. She began to tear up on her way to the cab waiting for her. She puts her suitcase in the trunk and opened the back door. HyoSun went in. She pulled the door close, but it won’t budge. She suddenly got dragged out and couldn’t see clearly because of her tears. “LuHan?” He ignored her, taking out her suitcase, and pulled her into the building. “Yah! What are you doing?!” LuHan continued to ignore her and let go when they got to the school’s field. “Are you insane?!” She cried turning her head so he won’t see.

                 “Yes, I’m insane!” LuHan embraced her and locked his lips with her. HyoSun’s eyes widen as his warm, soft, perfect lips turns with his head. He tilted his head back, parting their lips, and whispered, “don’t go, HyoSun.” She didn’t say anything. “I…I like you so don’t go and stay with me.”

                 “But you like m-” He cut her off with another kiss. She forgets whatever she was thinking and kissed him back.

                 HyoSun’s suitcase sat on LuHan’s chair while he holds her in his arms. His dorm room was dark with just the lamp on, facing them. He explained everything to her and she hides her face in his chest, feeling stupid. “So, I don’t like men. I like only HyoSun.” He lift her head up with his fingers under her chin. “Don’t be assuming things anymore.” He kissed her forehead.

                 LuHan leans over to turn off the lamp, but HyoSun suddenly hold him still. “What are you doing?”

                 “Turning off the lights,” he stares at her.

                 “Leave them on,” he continued to stare at her. “I have nyctophobia.”

                 He got back to his position, “I guess there’s more to you than I thought.” LuHan leaned in and kissed her lips again. “Good night.”

                 “Night,” they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

                 The next day, LuHan and HyoSun walked into class in hand. The girls all gasped in shock and mumbled to each other. They ignored them and sat down. SeHun ran in, sitting down, and turned around to them. “Yah love birds! I’m keeping an eye on you two.”

                 Class started and HyoSun drift off daydreaming. LuHan can cook, knit, clean while I’m lacking at those things. He’s so different from SeHun. Aish! LuHan plays soccer, that’s manly, right? I’ll just wait for him to show his manly side.

                 LuHan walked HyoSun to her dorm aft

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waniey951215 #1
aigooo so cute! xD good job!
WAH T~T! its done already!
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!
Author-nim FIGHTING!~<3
I'll be waiting on more great stories!!
luhannn!! help her!!!
Thanks for all the nice comments & sorry about putting Kris as the bad guy. I love him too, but he just have that bad-guy look. Miahn subscribers!! Glad you're loving the story thought^^
Holy.mother.of.gawd. Kris,you handsome angry bird ____-face idiot!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU! THEY JUST GOT TOGETHER!
Luhan,deary kick his acne free- would ya?
Love this story so much tho!
Update soon~<3
P.S. sorry for my crude language!and children don't repeat what I
go get her~
Go Luhan,Go get your girl!!^^
Hyosun,please wait for him! pwease??0~0
Update soon~<3
Thank you for loving my fanfic^^
Author-nim..T^T they both like each other already!!!! It's too cute!! I'm having a overload!!!
Author nim is truly Daebak!
Update soon~<3
Soo cute!!Love this story!poor Luhan and the list fails! Haha it's funny she thinks he's gay....BUWHAHAHAHAHAH!
Hunhan huh?
Update soon Author-nim~<3