Chapter 8

Where the sun rise


I'm really really sorry for not updating for this long, but you know school can be really tiring :(Anyway I have a very long chapter for you guys ^^ 



 JeJoon Pov


I heard some people talking beside me. 

“Why are they in my bedroom?” I thought and tried to open my eyes. But they were too heavy, so I gave up and slept some more.

Suddenly I felt someone shaking me. I tried to ignore it, but it only get stronger and I also heard someone calling me.

-JeJoon unni! Irona!

Then I opened my eyes and saw my sister worried face before me.


Noone Pov

*Before JeJoon woke up*

JeJoon was laying unconscious on sofa in Exo place.HeYoo was beside her with Exo

They were waiting for her to wake up, but it was 10 minutes and she was still not reacting.Chanyeol stood at door and was looking at her from afar. Exo decided to not waist time and ask Chanyeol for explains.

-Chanyeol-hyung who are this two?- Asked Sehun looking at Chanyeol. Rest also looked at him.

-Well, the one on sofa is JeJoon and this is HeYoo her younger sister. -He said pointing at girls. HeYoo bowed at them.

-And why are they with you?- Asked Baekhyun while smiling at HeYoo.

-Uhm, with their family they are staying with us for rest of summer. And you know my mom, she wanted me to bring them to show them around- He glanced at guys, and they all nodded in understanding. Suho then, walked up to HeYoo.

-Annyong, I'm Suho and I'm 22- He smiled

-Uhm, Annyonghaseyo I'm HeYoo and I'm 17, and JeJoon is 18. It's nice to meet you all- She bowed to all of them.

-Oh! Someone younger than me! Yuhuu! HeYoo-ah you have to call me oppa because I;m 18 , ok??- SeHun excitedly hopped near her with big grin, but was stopped by D.O.

-Calm down maknae! You'll scare her!- He then turned to her- but it's true you are younger than all of us,but if you don't want you don't have to call-us that.Btw I'm D.O- He smiled friendly.

-It's ok, I'll call you oppas- She smiled.

Just then Chanyeol saw that JeJoon are stirring awake. He quickly walked up to her and started shaking her arms.

-Chanyeol what are you doing?!- Shouted Suho and with rest of Exo and HeYoo they walked up to you too.

-She is waking up- He said calmly still doing what he was doing.HeYoo also walked to JeJoon and started calling her.

After what seemed like ages JeJoon woke up. Everyone looked at her when she was standing up and looking around, when she spotted Exo she stopped.

-Who are you guys?- She asked still looking at them.

-Hello, we are Exo! - they shouted in usion.Then they introduced themselves.

-I'm Suho, the oldest

-I'm Baekhyun, nice to meet you!

-Hi I'm D.O

-Annyong, I'm Sehun. I'm sorry noona for barging at you sooner- Said Sehun bowing at her with apologizing eyes.

-And you know Chanyeol-Suho pointed at him- There are one other person but he said he'll be late.

-Oh nice to meet you all, and Sehun, right?, don't worry I'm not mad- JeJoon bowed at them and smiled.

Chanyeol glanced at her it was the first time he saw her smiling naturally, and he had to say that she looked really cute now

wtf man? “ he thought making faces.  

They decided to sit at table in living room.

This is how they sat:

JeJoon   Baekhyun   D.O


Chanyeol  HeYoo  Sehun

Girls were chatting happily with boys. 

Chanyeol was very alert whenever JeJoon would be talking with any of them. He doesn't knew why but he just didn't want her to talk with his friends.

Suddenly the front door opened and boy came in. He removed his shoes, took the shopping bags and walked to living room.

-I'm here! And I bought some snacks! -He shouted from corridor. In living room JeJoon was stiff like rock



- Kai-hyung! What made you so late?- Shouted Sehun and sprinted to help with bags.

It can't be him, right?” She thought and turned her head to look at boy who just now walked in.

-Hello everyone- Smiled Kai and putted bags away. He then spotted HeYoo who was sitting before him.

( He couldn't saw JeJoon because she was behind Chanyeol)

-Oh I see someone new here. Who are you?

-I'm HeYoo and I'm 17. We are staying with Chanyeol in his house.-Smiled Heyoo and bowed.

-We? - Asked confused Kai. Just at that moment Chanyeol decided to stand up and showed JeJoon, who was looking at Kai with wide open eyes. When he saw her he was also really surprised to see her here.

-Oh JeJoon! Nice to see you again!- Said Kai with smile after he woke up from this surprise.

-Uhu nice to see you too, Kai-oppa- Said JeJoon waving a little. She was still awkward with him.

-What?! You guys know each other?!- Asked surprised D.O. His big eyes become even bigger,that he looked really funny but cute.

-Well, we met in airplane to Korea.And if not for coffee we wouldn't have met- Said Kai looking at JeJoon who's face become red.

-Aish! It was an accident ok?- She said glaring at Kai.

- Haha I know- He smiled.

-Umm guys maybe we can sit down first and you can tell us all this story?- Suggested Suho.

Everyone sat again. Kai sat between JeJoon and Chanyeol, and they told the airplane accident.

They were smiling and joking. Through the story Chanyeol was glancing at Kai and JeJoon, and he wasn't pleased at how close they seems to be.





Jelly Chanyeol is here ^^ Sooo how was this chapter? Don't forget to subscribe and please leave comment to let me know what you think about my story :)

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sechmet0728 #1
yeah! nareszcie zaczyna się fabuła spoza zarysu ^^
jestem ciekawa, pozmieniałaś trochę, ale wyszło supcio ^^
a... i na początku masz dwa razy tried. W tym zdaniu z próbą otworzenia oczu ^^"