Chapter 7

Where the sun rise


Narrator POV

- JeJoon! HeYoo! Can you please come here?- shouted Mrs.Park from living room.

Girls were unpacking last things in their rooms. When they heard Mrs.Park calling them they went quickly to meet her.

- What is it Mrs.Park? -Asked JeJoon when they were sitting in living room.

- Oh girls I was thinking you want to...- Said Mrs.Park but was interrupted by deep voice.

- Mum! Why you want to to meet me here? You knew I was planning to meet with guys now- Said Chanyeol standing at door with crossed arms and looked at his mother for explanations.

Mrs.Park only smiled.

- It's good you are here Chanyeol, I was thinking you can take JeJoon and HeYoo with you, so they can see our town.

- What?! Mum! You know...-Chanyeol started complain but one look at Mrs.Park eyes stopped him. His mum was really nice and all, but if she decided something none could make her change her mind.

- Ok mum- He pointed at girls- get ready and be here within 20 minutes, I will not wait for you if you are late- Chanyeol sighted and glared at JeJoon.JeJoon also glared at him. She turned to Mrs.Park with smile.

- Mrs.Park I don't think it's necessary for Chanyeol to show us around. We can do it ourselves

- No way! What if you'll lose your way? No,no and Chanyeol will be happy to take you two with him, right?- said Mrs.Park looking at her son.

- Yeah mum, I'll just change and we can go. I'll be going now, so excuse me.- He said, glaring at JeJoon. He wasn't pleased that he have to spend this day with her. He left after that to get ready.

- You too girls go get ready!- Said Mrs.Park pushing them to their rooms.

After 20 minutes the 3 of them left from Park family house. Chanyeol was driving and girls were sitting on a back seats. It was silence, until Chanyeol haven't started to instruct girls.

- When you meet my friends you can't embarrass me, you have to be nice to them, don't flirt and especially don't fall in love with them- He said glancing at them. JeJoon scoffed and rolled her eyes.HeYoo only nodded her head.

- Don't worry if they look and behave like you, you don't have to worry about me falling in love with them- Said JeJoon still looking out of the window. Chanyeol glared at her.

- Little !

- Stupid giant!

They were sending draggers at each other. HeYoo couldn't take it any more and shouted.

- Unni!Oppa! Can you two please stop?! Concentrate on driving! And don't worry about us oppa.

- Ok HeYoo-ah- Chanyeol smiled at her in back mirror. JeJoon looked between them with big eyes.

“ when they become so close?!”

- HeYoo why are you calling him oppa?!- She asked her younger sister.

- Because he is older than me! - She said like it was the most normal thing in word.

- But he is also stupid!- JeJoon pointed at Chanyeol. His eyes were glaring at her from mirror.

- What have you said?!

- She said nothing oppa, don't worry. And you Unni can you please don't argue with him once?- Said HeYoo before another war could happen.

- Yeah yeah, ok- Said JeJoon.

Rest of ride was silence. When they reached their destination, Chanyeol opened his door first and after him girls went out also.


___ 20 minutes later____


- Where are we?- Asked JeJoon when they stood before door.

- It's our meeting place. Guys should be here already- Said Chanyeol opening the door.When they stepped in and removed their shoes, they heard some shouting.


After that JeJoon felt something heavy fell on her and everything become black. Last thing she heard was:

- Look what have you done!! SeHun you idiot!!

And strong arms lifted her from nothingness.

 Hello everyone!! My school just started so I won't be updating much, but I'll still try to add new chapter no longer than 3-4 days after the last update :) So please remember to subscribe and comment^^ 

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sechmet0728 #1
yeah! nareszcie zaczyna się fabuła spoza zarysu ^^
jestem ciekawa, pozmieniałaś trochę, ale wyszło supcio ^^
a... i na początku masz dwa razy tried. W tym zdaniu z próbą otworzenia oczu ^^"