Chapter 10

Where the sun rise



Chapter 10 is here! ^^ please listen to it while reading :)  I really love this song!


After Chanyeol realized his feelings for Jejoon, he couldn't behave normally beside her. He would say mean and stupid things and regret it after. So he tried to avoid her how much as he could, but his mother had other plans. She called all Park and Han family to living room.

-What do you think about going to beach for 3 days? The weather is good, and we don't have much to do.- She said smiling to everyone. 

Mrs,Mr Han and Mr.Park was really happy about it, On the other side JeJoonHeYoo and Chanyeol was full of mixed feelings.

-Yes!It's a great idea! But where we'll be living?- Asked Mr.Han.

-We have a beach house so we can stay there. - Smiled Mr.Park.

All of them were talking happily about the trip. Only the kids were strangely quiet.

-So... We'll leave tomorrow- Announced Mrs.Park and everyone nodded.


Next day


Chanyeol packed his bag and went out of room.When he was walking down the stairs he saw JeJoon struggling with her big bag

What have she packed we are only leaving for 3 days!” He thought while shaking his head.

He walked past her and stopped.

After moment of hestitation he walked back to her and without saying anything, he tooke her bag.

Jejoon looked surprised at Chanyeol. It was first nice thing he had done for her, and she wasn't expecting any help from him.

-Umm Chanyeol, I can take care of my bag you know?- Said Jejoon.She tried to snach her bag but he ignored her and quicklz walked down.

-Hey!- She shouted irritated, but also a little happy that he wasn't avoiding her.

She sprinted the rest of stairs and was now next to Chanyeol.

-Thanks, but what's wrong with you? It was completely not like you- She said looking him in eyes. He also looked at her. He was a little hurt that she was thinking about him like that. She saw it and regretted her words.

-Umm... Chanyeol...

-Maybe you just don't know the REAL me?- He said looking away.

-What?- She stared at him dumbfounded. She didn't expected him to say something like that, more like to shout at her or to avoid her again.

-You heard. But don't worry, I'll show you who Park Chanyeol really is- He said looking up at her. When she saw his face she opened her eyes big. He was smirking. Chanyeol was SMIRKING EVILLY!

-E-eh what do you mean?- She asked feeling a little strange. Just now Mrs.Park shouted at them to hurry up.

-You'll see. I have 3 days to show you- Said Chanyeol not loosing his smirk. He took his and her bags and walked away.

JeJoon eyed him when he was dissapiering with her bag. When she woke up from shock, she walked quickly to car.

What have gotten into him?!” Thought JeJoon while sitting as far as she could from Chanyeol.

He only smiled.

Wait and see JeJoon.” Chanyeol thought looking out of the window.


Soooo here is the new chapter! Yey! ^^ Please remember to subscribe and comment :)  

Also I'll try to update more but I'm not sure If I'll be able to. You know school and exams :/  Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading it^^

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sechmet0728 #1
yeah! nareszcie zaczyna się fabuła spoza zarysu ^^
jestem ciekawa, pozmieniałaś trochę, ale wyszło supcio ^^
a... i na początku masz dwa razy tried. W tym zdaniu z próbą otworzenia oczu ^^"