Chapter 1

Where the sun rise


'What has she said?!' thought JeJoon. She was enjoying her holiday with friends, when suddenly her mother called her. When she came back home her younger sister was there.

-What's going on?- She whispered to HeYoo. Second one only shacked her shoulders, because she also didn't known. Sisters faces their parent who were sitting across from them.

- Girls, with your father we were planning to visit our old friends- Their mother, Mrs.Han, announces with smile.

-Well ok, but what does it have to do with us?-Asked JeJoon.HeYoo nodded.

Mr.Han looked at Mrs.Han and then at their daughters.

-Why are you asking 'what'? You two are coming with us!- Said Mr.Han excited.

JeJoon and HeYoo looked at their parents with big eyes. Then they shouted.


- I can't I have plans with girls!- JeJoon started to complain.

-Me too! TeoHun Have a b'day party this week and I have to be there!- HeYoo also doesn't liked the idea about spending her holidays with parents and their friends.

Calm expression on Mrs.Han face said, that their decision is final.

JeJoon didn't want to argue, and took some breaths in and out.

-So... when and where are we going?

HeYoo looked at her sister in disablef, she pouted angrily and with crossed arms sat on sofa.

Parents looked at her for a second and back at JeJoon.

-We are going in 3 days and about where are we staying...we are going to live in my friend house in Korea.They are really nice people and they have son in your age- Smiled Mrs.Han

Something in what she said caught older sister attention.

-Wait a minute! You said we are flying to Korea?! To other part of planet!!!?

-Well in a matter of fact yes- Smiled Mr.Han.

-What??!!- Now sisters were just blankly starring at couple before them.

-Yes! No go pack your things- Said Mrs.Han and with her husband she went to their bedroom to pack.

JeJoon and HeYoo looked at each other with wide open eyes.

-Do you think we have any choice here?- asked HeYoo.

-Unfortunately I think we don't. Come on, we better start packing- sighted JeJoon and went to her room.




Sorry that this chapter is short >.< I'll try to make them longer ^^

But for now, please comment how was it :)


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sechmet0728 #1
yeah! nareszcie zaczyna się fabuła spoza zarysu ^^
jestem ciekawa, pozmieniałaś trochę, ale wyszło supcio ^^
a... i na początku masz dwa razy tried. W tym zdaniu z próbą otworzenia oczu ^^"