Key Master

Too Good To Be True



JaeHwa drops down on the nearest bench, too tired to walk. "How far is this place?" She complained.
"Not that far! And you only walked half a block! I can still see our condo!" TaeMin hissed (as a cat).
"Well sorry for not getting used to walking! I always have a broom with me!" She stuck her tongue out at TaeMin. JaeHwa grabbed the chest from the bag and tried to peek in the key hole. "What's in here?" She shakes the box to find that nothing was making a sound. "Is there even something in here?!"
TaeMin slowly shakes his head with his eyes closed. "You ppabo. There's nothing in there, until you open it." 
"Do you know what's in here?" She places the chest on her lap.
"No, they change ever time." TaeMin yawned.
"Awww!" JaeHwa tries to pet him.
"Don't." He stopped her.
She pouts. "Fine! Let's go!"
"Great, walk that way." He pointed with his tail. 
JaeHwa did what he said and walked to the end of the block.
"Good, turn left."
JaeHwa turns left. 
"And walk in that door."
"Alri-- Wait what?! This darn place was at the end of the block the whole time?!" JaeHwa stomped her foot. "Why didn't you say so?!"
"You never asked where it was." TaeMin smirked.
JaeHwa rolled her eyes and walked in the shop. When she stepped in, TaeMin quickly jumped out of her bag and turned into a human.
"Yah! This place is public!" JaeHwa's eyes widened. *Won't someone see??*
TaeMin ignores her and walk to the counter to ring the bell. In a few seconds, a man in glasses walked out with a book in his hands. 
His expression looked calm, but when he looked at TaeMin, he had a poker face. 
"What do you need?" He placed his book on the counter and his glasses disappeared in midair.
JaeHwa raised her eyebrow. *A wizard? Warlock?*
TaeMin turned to look at the dumbfounded JaeHwa. "JaeHwa, the box please." He held out his hand.
JaeHwa snaps out of it and hands him the chest from her bag.
TaeMin places it on the counter.
"We need you to open this." He handed it over to the key master.
The key master takes the chest and studies it's structure.
"Does the witch have a wand?"
JaeHwa straightened her back and handed her wand to him.
He looks at the wand closely and places it in the key hole, having the chest unlocked. TaeMin and JaeHwa stare in shock.
"That's it?" TaeMin grabbed the box and looked under, over and behind it. "Is this some sort of trick?" 
The key master shakes his head. "No trick, just a simple guess."
"...." TaeMin's jaw dropped. JaeHwa stands there in confusion.
"Well TaeMin, you see, wands are capable of anything." The key master explained. 
While the key master explains to TaeMin, JaeHwa walked over to look at what's inside the chest and sees that there are words engraved under the hood.
>Mission 2<
In the next morning, go out and find a job where
you can interact with humans and gain information. 

- ChinMae

JaeHwa places the chest in her bag and pokes TaeMin. "Let's go."
TaeMin turns around, "Huh? What was in the chest?"
"Another mission, I'll explain later." JaeHwa turned to the key master and bows. "Thank you, Key master-sshi."
He chuckles. "Please, call me Key." 
JaeHwa smiles and opens the door. TaeMin walks out forgetting to turn into a cat again. (He's not used to it) 
And JaeHwa doesn't notice until the girls stare again. 
JaeHwa sighs and ignores it.
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Chapter 10: I really love this story!Update soon!
Chapter 10: Don't worry! I'm willing to wait however long it takes. :)
Really interesting :) hope you update soon!
Using her magic in public again…tsk, tsk. Who is "he"? I wanna know!!! Update soon please!

I was planning to have him casted too, but Lee SooMan is the CEO. He doesn't really cast anyone. But when he saw JaeHwa, he knew she was the one. Just wait for a few more chapters and you'll see what happens ;)
I love it! Although why couldn't Taemin be casted too? Would have been cool. Wow, I wish I could meet Lee Soo Man one day and he'll do the same to me but I don't think that's even anywhere close to becoming reality.

Update soon!
LOL...I have nothing else ;P