Fill Out Forms

Too Good To Be True


TaeMin flipped the map upside down, vertically, and horizontally.
*Oh crap.* TaeMin scratched his head. *We can't be lost, the house isn't even that far, are we lost already?*
"Are we lost?" JaeHwa took a sip from her vanilla ice coffee [With extra sugar 8D]
"Nooo.. We're almost there." TaeMin scoffed.
"You said that 20 minutes ago." JaeHwa grinned, finding it funny.
"No I didn't." TaeMin avoided looking at her.
"Yes you did." JaeHwa smirked.
"Yes you did~"
"No I didn't~" TaeMin turned around. "It's right there." He pointed at the large white condo.
JaeHwa almost chocked on her coffee. "That?! That's where we will be living?"
"Not yet, you need to fill out some papers."
"Me? Why me?" JaeHwa protested.
"I'm the cat~" TaeMin smirked.
"So evil.." JaeHwa pouted. "Fine! How hard can it be to fill out a paper?"
TaeMin then looks around and ran to the alley. JaeHwa follows until a black cat jumped at her. "Uwah!!" She almost falls back. JaeHwa held the cat away from her face. "TaeMin?" She notices their eyes are alike.
"Nyaahhh~" The familiar cat yawns.
"Yeah. It's you." JaeHwa places him in her bag. And walked through the door.
"Hello." A stranger waved at her from behind the counter. "Would you like a room?"
"Uh.. E-Ermm. Yes please." 
"Please fill out this form." he slid the paper towards JaeHwa on the table.
JaeHwa grabs the pen and sat down at the nearest table.
Welcome to SEOUL Hotel, please fill out this form if you wish to stay at SEOUL Hotel.
Name: Lee JaeHwa
Age: 17
Occupation (job): None 
*Wow, this is kinda easy*
::10 minutes later::
"Need help miss?--"
"No! I got this!" JaeHwa clicked the pen 50 times a second. 
"Don't break the pen~" TaeMin purred.
"Quiet, cat." JaeHwa placed the pen down. She looked around and pulled out her wand. She whispers a short spell and flicked the wand, in a second the whole paper is filled out.
"I filled out the paper!" JaeHwa ran to the front desk.
TaeMin face-pawed himself.
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Chapter 10: I really love this story!Update soon!
Chapter 10: Don't worry! I'm willing to wait however long it takes. :)
Really interesting :) hope you update soon!
Using her magic in public again…tsk, tsk. Who is "he"? I wanna know!!! Update soon please!

I was planning to have him casted too, but Lee SooMan is the CEO. He doesn't really cast anyone. But when he saw JaeHwa, he knew she was the one. Just wait for a few more chapters and you'll see what happens ;)
I love it! Although why couldn't Taemin be casted too? Would have been cool. Wow, I wish I could meet Lee Soo Man one day and he'll do the same to me but I don't think that's even anywhere close to becoming reality.

Update soon!
LOL...I have nothing else ;P