Mission 1: Unlocking the Chest. With What?

Too Good To Be True


"Here are the keys to your room, if you need anything else, please inform the front desk." 
The man in green handed her the keys to the door. He cleared his troat and held out his hand.
JaeHwa is unaware of his doings and thought he was crazy, so she just walked into the room and shut the door on him.
He scoffs. "Rude?"
TaeMin jumps out of her bag and morphs back into his "human" form.
"Red tagged." He pulled out his notebook.
"What?! Why?" JaeHwa's jaw dropped.
"Using magic in a public place." He puts the notebook back into his pocket.
"But-- But the place was clear! No one saw!" JaeHwa pouted.
"Magic must be only used in a private area where no human can reach." TaeMin jumps on the clean white couch.
JaeHwa stutters, "T-that's--"
*beep beep beep* TaeMin's phone rang.
TaeMin picked it up and read a text from ChinMae.
>Mission 1< 
In JaeHWa's bag is a chest with a small locket, but no Key. 
Find someone who can unlock it to get the item in the inside. 
"Aish! Really?!" TaeMin tossed his phone on the couch and went to the fridge to get the complimentary banana milk.
"What? What happened?" JaeHwa grabbed his phone and read the message.
He finishes 2 banana milks in 5 seconds. "I have to see him again! I think this is our, I don't know, our 100th time meeting?"
"Who is him? Is there something bad about him?"
"No, I just don't like him. He was my former classmate until he graduated early. Let's go, I know where he hangs out." TaeMin grabbed JaeHwa's arm and dragged her out.
"W-wait! Is it far?" She pulled away from him.
He scoffs. "Not that far."
JaeHwa raised her eyebrow. "How far are we talking about here?"
TaeMin checks his watch. "We'll make it in no time!" He smirks.
JaeHwa didn't like what he was thinking, but knew she had to go along with it. 
On the other side, human girls were pointing at TaeMin, whispering and smiling.
JaeHwa glares at them and they back away in fear. *What is up with me?*
"Are you going looking like that?" She pointed at him.
TaeMin suddenly realizes his mistake and runs behind a tree, coming out as a black cat.
JaeHwa smiles."Arasso! Let's go!"
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Chapter 10: I really love this story!Update soon!
Chapter 10: Don't worry! I'm willing to wait however long it takes. :)
Really interesting :) hope you update soon!
Using her magic in public again…tsk, tsk. Who is "he"? I wanna know!!! Update soon please!

I was planning to have him casted too, but Lee SooMan is the CEO. He doesn't really cast anyone. But when he saw JaeHwa, he knew she was the one. Just wait for a few more chapters and you'll see what happens ;)
I love it! Although why couldn't Taemin be casted too? Would have been cool. Wow, I wish I could meet Lee Soo Man one day and he'll do the same to me but I don't think that's even anywhere close to becoming reality.

Update soon!
LOL...I have nothing else ;P