Getting read for the interview.

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Kris picks up the phone, ‘Hello Daddy.’

‘Come to my company now.’ Mr Wu said over the phone.

‘Arraso.’ Kris said and hangs the phone.

Byul look at Kris, and then she asked, ‘it’s everything okay?’

‘Yup, just wait for me at home alright?’ Kris said and gave her a weak smile.

He got his car and went to his daddy’s company. When he reached, he saw tons of reporters, they rushed over to Kris when he reached. Kris had a hard time entering to company, reporters taking photos of him, flashing in his face and crowding around him. Finally he got into the company, his heart felt heavy, as he enters the lift, he could picture what is going to happened. He took up his courage and press the level ‘24’. Even though the trip up should be slow, it felt like seconds to Kris. He walk out the lift with his heavy steps, he pulled his hand up and knock on the office door. ‘Come in.’ a voice came behind the door. He pushed opened the door; he can see his father was not very happy with that article.

‘Take a sit.’ Mr Wu said.

Kris pulled the chair out and seat down, then the look up to his dad.

‘Now explain to me, what is this.’ His dad said and turns the PC around showing the article.

Kris was out of words; he kept quiet and look down on the ground.

His dad flame up and shout, ‘EXPLAIN.’

Kris finally replied, ‘Dad, this is crap, Angel and me are just friends which didn’t see each other for a very long time, hugging is normal. Luhan and Byul are close friends so they get same tee is not because they are couples.’

‘I see, you will have an interview tomorrow together with Byul, you guys are going clear this up. I will arrange for you guys, go tell byul and get ready. You can go now.’ He said and then called the secretary to arrange for the interview.

Kris left and head back to his car, reporters are still crowding around. He drove away fast, when he is home, Byul was waiting for him in the living room.

‘Is everything alright?’ Byul asked him.

‘Let’s go up firs alright?’ He walks back to the bedroom.

‘So what’s wrong?’ Byul ask anxiously.

‘Dad asks us to do an interview tomorrow to clear things up.’ He said and throws himself on the bed.

Byul seat down next to Kris, ‘interview? I’m afraid I would ruin it.’ She said in a worried tone.

Kris looks up at her, ‘It’s going to be okay. Don’t worried alright.’ He said softly.

Byul nodded, but her face still looks anxious.

Kris seat up and hug Byul, ‘don’t worry, I would handle everything well. And ..’ he said.

Byul hug him back, ‘and?’ she asked.

‘I’m sorry.’ Kris whispers into her ear.

A smile forms on Byul’s lips, she didn’t replied she just buried her face in Kris’s embrace, his sc

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Chapter 44: i really enjoyed this story! and i'll be more happy if you make the bonus chapter again! great job author-nim! hehe><
Chapter 22: I really loved this story, really enjoyed it. thank you author-nim, fighting^^
dhiya_arisa #3
Chapter 44: nice story
Chapter 44: Unnie~ Can i ask for PDF file of this fics?? kamsahamnida~ >.<
YouDunnoMe #5
♥ awww this fic !!!
syiqintomim #6
Chapter 42: Hye ! Can I ask you .. How the MEHRONG face like ?
stefiwalker #7
Chapter 7: 哦哦哦哦,你是中国人,
stefiwalker #8
Chapter 4: Its upset isn't it instead of up sad?
ImNotUlgyImExotic #9
Chapter 4: Loving the gif time~