Oh My Gosh

Stop it!!!! I don't like you

Hara POV

Yukwon kissed me, and told me he loved me. I was shocked and didn't respond at first, but after a few seconds I did. 

*cough cough* 

I pushed Yukwon a little to see who it was, and I saw everyone standing their. *OH MY GOOOOSSSSHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* I was freaking out.

"W-w-w-what are y-y-you guys d-d-doing?!?!?!"

"Nothing much, just watching you guys make out" Hana said. I glared at her, and she hid behind Myungsoo. 


"It's P.O.'s fault" and everyone started pointing at him. 


After that a whole bunch of yelling came.

As everyone was yelling I noticed someone missing. 

I went to check where he went. 

I found him standing on the balcony.

"Zico, what are you doing?"

"Just thinking"

"What about?"


Zico's POV 

I've liked her. I've always liked her. But I knew she was Yukwon's from the beginning. I can't help it though. She's never cared about the obvious things. She cares about personality. But, I can't help but be greasy though. I didn't know how to make her mine, she's just so different from other girls. 

I snuck away from the group and went somewhere to think. 

When I thought I was alone, she found me.  "Zico, what are you doing?" 

What do I tell her? 

"Just thinking"

"What about?" 

Do I lie or just tell her the truth? before I could even decide I said, "You"

I turned and she looked dunbfounded. 

"Mianhe, I didn't mean to say that"

Hara's POV


It was so blunt. I coudn't even comprend what he just said. Why was he thinking of me? Does he like me? Why me?

*Say something!!!!*



"It's ok you don't need to say anything, I shouldn't have said that, I'll just go back inside"

"NO.... wait...." what should I say?

"I'm sorry" 

Now he was the confused one.

"I don't know anything any more" 

He started walking back towards me. He cupped my face and kissed me. 

I'm totally confused now. Was I with Yukwon? Did I feel the same way as Zico? I know that I love Yukwon, my feelings for him for the last how many years never changed. But, this kiss, it feels right, but still wrong because I feel like I'm cheating on Yukwon. 

We heard a gasp and we pulled apart. 

I looked and saw Hana and Myungsoo, P.O., and the one person I didn't want to see this, Yukwon. 


Probably not what you expected, I wasn't actually planning on doing this either, but it just happened :O

I guess you could say double update, I felt bad for not updating yesterday :(

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Chapter 9: Yah! Who dared to hit my Daehyunnie!? You're dead meat, mister!
Chapter 8: Update soon! >.<
Chapter 8: Hmmm so Zico is up to no good...sad sad *sigh*
Please update soon! I love this fanfic!! i can't wait to find out what happens next!! =DD
Chapter 1: update soon ^^ i like your story