
Stop it!!!! I don't like you

We were walking to my house and they kept bombarding me with questions, 

"What's your favorite color?"

"What's your favorite food?"

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Tell us everything about you!!!!"

I stopped and gave them all a dirty look, that made all of them stop with the nonsense questions.  

"okay, I will tell you stuff about me when we get to my house, arraseo?"




When we got to my house I invited them all inside and told Hana to bathe before it gets late. She went without complains and left me with Block B. 

"So, one question at a time, lets go in a circle arraseo?"


"Who's going to start?"


"ok go ahead"

"Ok, what's something really weird that has happened to you?" 

"You guys coming into "Infinity"  and saying you want to be my friend after how many years of knowing each other"

They all shrugged and looked down. 

"Okay, anyways, what else"

We went around the circle and everyone asked a question and I answered honestly.

It was Yukwon's turn and he asked, "Who was you first crush?" I didn't want to answer that question, but I knew I had to. I looked away from him and said, "It's someone that used to be my best friend. We did everything together and he was someone that helped me when I had a problem. He used to be the person I cried to, but when I was going to confess to him, he became cold to me and I have no idea what happened" by then I was staring at Yukwon, and he knew who I was taking about.

"Unni, can you come help me!" I heard Hana yelling.

"I'll be back" I told them.


Yukwon's POV

I'm sorry Hara, but I had to. 


I was walking past her house, looking at her window. I can't believe this. I love her, but this crazy b**** blackmailed me. HOW DARE SHE?!?!?! I HATE HER. I have to protect Hara though, I can't let that psychotic b**** hurt her. 

Hara walked outside waving at me but I just ignored her. She ran to me and grabbed my arm and said, "Oppa, I have to tell you something, but first, what's wrong?"

I can't tell her I'm being blackmailed by Sohee to stay away from her. Instead, I told her, "Hara, I can't befriends with you. Your nothing but trouble for me." and walked away. 

She stood there, crying.

End Flashback

*Now I know what you had to tell me that day*. I'm going to make it up to you, I promise. Sohee's gone now, and I can make you mine, just like I intended to do from the day I met you. 

Your POV

"Yes Hana"

"Myungsoo's coming over, and I wanted to one, ask if he can, and two, what I should wear" She had her puppy face on, and she knows I can never resist it, so I said, "Yes he can come over, but don't do anything naughty, and don't be too loud, and you know if he's just coming over here, you don't need to be all dolled up, just put on pj's, you know he loves you no matter what" 

"Mehrong, Unni, but thank you, you can go back down now"

When I went down stairs, the guys were all falling asleep. "YAH, GUYS!! Wake up" they all jumped. I giggled at their reaction.

"Do you want to spend the night here."

"Yes, please, but wait is it ok if we do?"

"Yeah, Hana's boyfriend is spending the night too, so you guys can stay, you look to tired to walk home" 

Right when I said that, they all fell and I went to grab some blankets for them. when I finished giving them blankets, Myungsoo was already heading to Hana's room. 


"I KNOW,  I KNOW, I don't feel like dying from you and Woohyun hyung anytime soon" I giggled.

When I was heading for my room I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Yukwon.....



Okay, here it is, I updated, on Sunday..... I hope it's good to you guys. I'll try to update Tuesday, but I think it'll be on Sunday next week too... Mianhae for grammar mistakes.

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Chapter 9: Yah! Who dared to hit my Daehyunnie!? You're dead meat, mister!
Chapter 8: Update soon! >.<
Chapter 8: Hmmm so Zico is up to no good...sad sad *sigh*
Please update soon! I love this fanfic!! i can't wait to find out what happens next!! =DD
Chapter 1: update soon ^^ i like your story