All Better now

Stop it!!!! I don't like you

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around and saw Yukwon

I stared at him wondering what he wanted. My heart was pounding loudly as he kept looking at me. * I hope he can't hear it*

Yukwon POV

When I tapped her shoulder, she turned and just looked at me. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to explain everything, but as soon as she looked at me with her big eyes I just couldn't. She was my best friend and I blew her off. I had a reason, and I wanted to explain everything, but right now, at this point, I don't think it will change anything. 

*No, Yukwon, just tell her. She'll understand (I hope)*

Hara POV

"Hara, I'm so sorry" Yukwon said. I looked at him is surprise. I didn't expect that. 

"For what?"

"For blowing you off. That day I was being cold to you, Sohee threatened me that if I didn't stop being your friend, she would hurt you. I loved you too much to let that evil girl hurt you."

I was in tears. I never knew that. Me, Sohee, and Yukwon used to be friends. We were neighbors when we moved with Haraboji. We would always go to the park and play. Me, Sohee, and Yukwon. She once told me that she had a crush on Yukwon, that was a few days before I was about to confess to him too. When I told her that I liked him and was going to confess to him she slapped me and said to stay away from him. That day was when I decided that she was a crazy bully and wasn't going to hang out with her anymore. I never told Yukwon or anyone about what happened that day though, well except for Hana. Right after Yukwon started being cold to me. 

*The world makes sense again. Yukwon would never intentionally hurt me and I already knew Sohee was crazy and would do something like that.* 

I started hugging him and told him that I forgive him.

Yukwon POV

She started hugging me and I was in shock. I didn't think she would take it so well. But, I was happy. 

I broke the hug and told her, "I have something else to tell you".

She looked at me in confusion., "What?"

I leaned her against the wall and said, "I love you" and kissed her. 

She was in shocked at first, but responded. 

"cough cough*


Mianhe I felt sick yesterday, and kinda forgot to update......



this was a rushed chapter though, (I'm multitasking of homework and writing *kekekeke*) 


(I don't own these pictures .-----.)

(this chapter took so long, but in reality it's so short -_-' *face-palm*)

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Chapter 9: Yah! Who dared to hit my Daehyunnie!? You're dead meat, mister!
Chapter 8: Update soon! >.<
Chapter 8: Hmmm so Zico is up to no good...sad sad *sigh*
Please update soon! I love this fanfic!! i can't wait to find out what happens next!! =DD
Chapter 1: update soon ^^ i like your story