Vacation in Jeju Island



“My pabo Minah!!” Jihae squealed over the phone.

“Yah unnie! My ear hurts! Hehe. Yea what?” You replied.

“Guess what~~~”

“What??? =__=”

“WE ARE GOING FOR A VACATION~~!!!” Jihae went excited over the phone.

You joined her too. “YAHHHH CHEONGMALLL??!! KYAAAAA”

Your excited squeal made everyone hurried to your room. You could hear knocking on your door. As you got off from your bed, still on the phone, your door bang opened. 

“W-What happen???!” Kris was gasping for air. Everyone breathe heavily.

You looked at every one of them and started laughing. 

Their facial expression went confused. “Minah-yahh.. Did you just trolled us?” Luhan made a disappoint face.

“No dummy. Yah, you all are dummies! Hahahah! I was just excited.” You replied playfully.

They glared at you and pouted. “So, wae you were excited?” Lay asked.

You squealed a bit more and started talking. “WE ARE GOING TO KOREA~!!”

EXO’s eyes were widen and their mouth turned ‘O’ shape. 

You continued. “Jihae’s appa, planned this vacation! We are going to the beach~!! I think we’re going to Jeju Island!! Oppas, come with me~~~~ You guys need some rests!”

“Awh uri Minah-ya. We can’t confirm yet if we can have an holiday. It’s nice though.” Chen told you in disappoint. Others just shrugged.

You shook. “Ani. I’ll handle Lee Soo Man. You guys go pack your toothbrush.” You dialed uncle Soo Man’s number. 

“Anneyonghaseiyo?” He answered.

“Ajusshi~~~~~~~~~~~” There you go making your cute voice that will just melt almost everyone. 

When the boys came out from their room, you gave them a signal of confirm that they could rest off. They all jumped happily and all were just so dorky and derp.

While EXO were being small children, you contacted Suzy and Sooyoung about the vacation. 


Finally the 10 of you arrived at Jeju Island. It was magnificently beautiful. You all filled with awe everywhere you visit. 

2 chalet used. One for girls and one for boys. Complete with jacuzzi bath tub, swimming pools, and it was the nearest one with the shore.

As time passed. You 10 decided to play games.

The suggested were bridal game, hide and seek, who hold’s the longest breath in water, and true or dare.

It’s 4:30 p.m. and you all started with bridal game where you must have a groom and a bride. EXO’s name were written on a stick and you girls must draw one.

Sooyounggie’s the first. She excitedly moved her hand around the jar where the names were put in it.

She drew one out and it’s Xiu Min! 

Jihae got Chen while Suzy got Luhan!

It’s your turn. You happily drew one out and you got YOUR ULTIMATE BIAS, TAO!

Kris and Lay was in charge of being the MC and they fit it perfectly. You all LOL at their mc-ings.

Kris clears his throat. “Okay pay attention grooms and brides! The first mission you have to succeed to become the best couple is~~~~” You all were excited as ever.

Lay continued. “You have to take picture together in the love shape we prepared for you! Both of you MUST be in the love shape!”

Kris sets the camera to ready as you all greed for the perfect shot. “3, 2, 1!”

The game began.

“Okay stopppppp!” Lay yelled excitedly. Everyone gathered the camera to see who passed.

NON. ‘AISH’ was the word most of you let out from your mouth. 

The first mission went again and this time a couple succeeded! It’s Luhan and Suzy!

“Okayyy now hurry to the swimming pool!!” Lay said out loud cheerfully. “Kris is waiting!”

Seconds later, Suzy and Luhan cannot be seen. The game continued.

The second was Jihae and Chen. They held their hands and ran off to next mission’s scene.

You and Tao, with Sooyoung and Xiu Min succeed it together and both raced each other to the swimming pool.

When you four arrived, you saw the early ones were in the water. 

“Did you just mixed two games in one??” Tao asked Kris. The MC chuckled while he nodded.

“Oooohhh no! Minah’s really good in this game!!” Sooyoung releaved it to everyone.

You just smirked and jumped into the pool. “Palli oppa!” You demanded Tao.

With your ability, you and Tao were in the lead. 

Kris giggled along. “Okay! Okay! Go find Lay by our chalet!!”

Your hands were locked with Tao. You guys giggled together as you ran towards the chalet.

“D-Damn it!!” Jihae, Suzy and Sooyoung shrieked watching you were in the lead.

You both spotted Lay and he handed out a name tag. 

“Running Man?!” You got excited. Lay gave you a wink and a grin.

“This is going to be fun~~” Tao added. Lay paste the name tags on you backs and you both scatter to find a nice place to charge others.

As time passed, one by one the couple arrived and Lay gave out the same instruction he told you and Tao. “SURVIVE.”

It was fun catching everyone and pulled each other. Lay and Kris joined in too. Some fell, some yelled, some laughed so hard until their tummy hurts, some screamed, some hid, some caught, some ran, some just stay still as they were trapped, some worked together and some tricked each other.

The time on your watch stated 6:30 p.m.. You and Tao got 2nd place while Lay and Kris won??? WHAT THE HELL XDDD

You all cleaned up and gathered back at the shore around a campfire. 

The girls cook and the boys.. just relaxed?

Dinner was delicious as always. Later Lay took out his guitar and EXO sang all their songs to you girls. Suzy brought a CD player and you brought EXO-M’s album.

When Into Your World(Angel) were played, Kris got up and offered you a hand. “Cutie pie, would you like to dance?”

You grinned and got up to dance with him. As you were dancing with Kris, the rest of the girls were also asked to dance. Later you all were dancing around the campfire. You girls were being passed to each EXO members. 


You woke up before dawn and you woke everyone up. “Let’s watch the sunrise!!”

They all agreed. You all brushed your teeth and went to the beach. The 10 of you lay down on the sand facing the sea. Minutes later, the run rises.

“American style for uri tummies in this early morning~!” The boys said cheerfully to you girls. Yeap, the boys cooked breakfast for you. 

You guys were like their children demanding for food cutely. Everyone used their own charms to stole EXO’s heart.

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After breakfast, you all got ready for soaking yourselves in the sea.

The boys took off their shirts and put on their short pants that were extend to their knees.

They all waited for you girls outside. And the moment you all stepped out, their eyes glued on you.

You girls were stunningly hot. Each in your own outfit.

As soon as you girls saw them, you all could feel the hotness each of them have. Exposed chest and abs… Gosh. You, your girls and EXO were in own fantasies.

You all raced to the beach and jumped with your own style into the sea. Yes there were hugs and pecked cheeks. You girls were blushing all the time. And you girls revenged too. Teases the boys with y poses. The move, the curve, and the look on your faces. They sure were . 

It’s hide and seek time! Chen and Xiu Min were the seekers. 

As you were searching for a place to hide, a hand grabbed you and you fell on your . Before you shrieked, your mouth were covered by the other hand. It’s Tao.

He placed his finger on his lips and hushed you. Suddenly, Chen’s voice could be heard. 

When you’re about to panic, Tao lay himself on top of you. Because of Chen, you both had no choice but to stay in that position until Chen leave the scene.

Both of you were panting hard. Then you noticed Tao’s nervous face. What? But then your face went red thinking that your bias is on top of you.

You both gazed at each other’s eyes.

Tao started. “My aegyo princess.”

Your eyes just widen and you went mute.

He continued. “Minah. I.. have feelings for you..”

You were speechless. “I-I-“

“Wo ai ni.” He attacked you. And before you could say something, he crashed his lips on yours.

At the same time, the seekers already found Sooyoung, Kris, and Jihae.

Back to you and Tao, after a moment he lifted up his lips and pulled you up. “He’s gone now.”


You blushed so hard and you could feel Tao grinned watching you. “Later, I’ll dare. I’ll kiss you longer. And better.” He smirked and left.

As you were standing obviously. Xiu Min hugged you from behind. “Found~ you~~” He chuckled and brought you back to others.

The last game. True or dare. 

Xiu Min was the first. He chooses true. “Umm okay okay. Do you truly have feelings in any of these lovely princess in front of us?” Lay asked.

Confidently he nodded. “Yes I do.” Everyone went crazy. We girls were the most one.

“Can you point her out? And confess?” Luhan told him.

Xiu Min stood up and pointed. “Choi. Soo. Young.”

The rest of you went fangirling and fanboying. Girls go “KYAAA~!!” and boys go “WOOOOOOOOT!!”

Sooyoung blushed as bright as tomato. Xiu Min shyly smiled. “I like you. A lot.” 

Couldn’t Sooyoung be brighter than tomato? She covered her face while Xiu Min took her other hand and she stood up.

“I-I like you too..” Sooyoung blushed extremely. Xiu Min gave a relieved sigh and hugged her. Sooyoung then hugged him back.

The rest of you awed.

As time passes, it’s almost 10 p.m.. And it’s Tao’s turn.

“I’ll dare.” He stated.

The rest of EXO members grinned to each other. “Then do what you what to do.”


Tao turned to you and said the same lines and words just like he told you before when you both were hiding. 

Your heart pounded. Your heart raced. Your heart throbbed. And your heart beats loud. You both have mutual feelings for each other.

In front of everyone, Tao kissed you.

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Chapter 12: I LOVE THIS
AIraSakura #2
thank you fireworkrainbow >/./< it's really my FIRST FANFICTION XDDD
this story was really cutte :3 <3 i liked iit alot!