Suzy | Sooyoung



Dear Diary,

   I can’t believe that I met him after years we haven’t seen each other.. Yes.. Wufan.. I met him back. I was lost finding my way to Minah’s place.. Then one of s Luhan, approached me. He’s quite a catch. No kidding. Back to my ex, it was really unexpected. I didn’t know that Minah and him live in the same building. I’m very jealous.. and I’m hurt. But it’s not Minah’s fault that he hugged her. I knew my ex well. Duhh. I was always determined getting him back to my side all these years.. but.. when I met him now.. that feeling mixed in with a new one. Like a new hope. Is it..? A new hope for me and Kris? Kris, our past were sad. Really sad. I’m sorry you must went through it with me.. But.. Can we start again?

Suzy closed her diary and hid it in a safe place. So that no one could find it. I better get going to school now..

As soon as she got up from her chair, a tear fell on an old picture.

“Oppas! Breakfast on the table! I’ve got to go now! Me late!” You shouted from the door, about to went out.

Shoot! Shoot! How could I overslept! I have never been late before! God! Shoot anonymous! You nagged yourself while cycling to school.

Yeap. You were riding YOUR bicycle. The bicycle was since your childhood and it’s a vintage one. You plead uncle Soo Man to help you bring it here. 

Thanks to your bike, you made it to school on time. You raced yourself to class afterwards.

You slide the door wide open. You breathe heavily as you were catching your breath.

Suzy greeted you with a sunny smile. “Morning Minah-WOAH. What happen?” She watches you as you made your way to your seat.

“N-Nothing.. I was in a hurry..” You talk as you catches your breath. 

Suzy handed you a drink she brought along today. “Satisfy your throat, chingu.”

“Thanks.” You gulped the water.

A minute later the teacher walked in and learning session began.

The bell has rang. It’s recess time. 

Sooyoung barged into the class and greeted both of you. “Guys~~ I brought CUPCAKES!!”

You and Suzy smiled to ears hearing that. The three of you went to the cafeteria and enjoyed the delicious cupcakes. But that delicious moment ended when G.Na showed up.

She walk as ily as she could passing the three of you. She rolled her eyes and scoffed off when she saw you girls. 

That made you girls lost your appetite. Sheesh. 

When the bell rang showing recess were over, the three of you made your way back to your classes.

The school session ended. You hugged your friends and you went home. And you spent the whole day with naughty, dorky, cheesy, flirty, dirty, cutie, pretty, bad, nice, playful, derp, and handsome EXO.


The next day at a bookstore. Sooyoung was searching for a new book that interests her.

Sooyoung was browsing through the books when she discovered an interesting one.

As she place her hand on the book, another hand, bigger than hers, were placed on the book too.

Sooyoung stared at the hand and traveled to it’s person. Surprisingly, it’s Kris.

“Kris oppa?” Sooyoung widen her eyes.

“Sooyounggie?” Kris was surprised too.

Suddenly a hand was on Sooyoung’s shoulder and she squealed while shrugging her shoulder.

It’s Xiu Min! “E-Eyy Sooyounggie?! Bianhae. Did I startled you??”

“Y-You both did.” Sooyoung stuttered.

“Manager just gave me a call. He wants to meet me, I’ll leave first kay? Bye Sooyounggie~ ^-^” Kris left the scene.

Sooyoung and Xiu Min were now at Starbucks Coffee. They just got their drinks and took their seats.

“Kris and you wanted the same book? Lol.” Xiu Min chuckled and slurped his drink.

Sooyoung nodded. “U-huh. I didn’t know that we have the same interests on books!” She giggled.

As time passed, both of them became more comfortable with each other. Sooyoung even did an aegyo to Xiu Min.


He watched her, smiling. “You’re cute you know that?”


Sooyoung’s face went red and she mute for a second.

“Really..? Thank you.” Sooyoung shyly smiled.

He grinned and took a sip on his drink. 


Should I interrupt them? Kris chuckled to himself after he’s done meeting the manager. 

As he was walking, he bumped into Suzy.

“Oops. I’m sorry-” Kris stopped.

“A-Aniya. I’m the one who’s suppose to-” She stopped too.

“How are you now, Suzy?”

“I’m fine. I guess you are more fine than me..” Suzy chuckled a little and then stop.

Kris scoffed a bit. “It was unexpected right? We met again. Thanks to Minah.”

“And Luhan…” She added.

They both went silent after that.

Kris looked at Suzy. “Listen. What’s past is past. We can’t change it. And yes I was as sad as you but.. I moved on.”

Suzy just stared at Kris. Seconds later, tears flowed out. She cried.

Kris just nodded and breathe out. He leaned her on his shoulder and let her cry. 

Suzy hugged Kris afterwards.

I miss this scent… Your scent… Can’t we… go back?

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Chapter 12: I LOVE THIS
AIraSakura #2
thank you fireworkrainbow >/./< it's really my FIRST FANFICTION XDDD
this story was really cutte :3 <3 i liked iit alot!