Chapter Three

Silence is Everything

Sehun POV

The vocal coach words really hurt me. Maybe I wasn’t meant for this. I looked at the coach and walked out. I went in the bathroom. I went in the stall and sat on the toilet and suddenly cry. I didn’t know what to  do. I felt a throb of sadness and anger at myself. The pain and anger at the fact that I will get drop. The pain and anger is that I let people comments bring my confidence level to the point that I feel like I don’t belong in this world. But mostly, my heart his full of sorrow.  No one cares about me. I was crying until I heard someone walk in. I got scared. Who is that?

“Sehun ah? Is that you?” It’s that doll like guy. What’s his name? Luhan. I didn’t want him to see me like this so I didn’t move. But he got closer.

“Sehun can you tell me why you’re crying? I’m willing to listen.” That was an unexpected statement. Why would he want to listen to my pain? This kid is weird. I didn’t say anything.

“Sehun why do you hate me?” I felt guilty. I made him think that I hate him. I looked in my book  bag and grab some blank paper and a purple pen and wrote:

I don't hate Beautiful stranger. I just don't talk a lot

I slid the paper under the stall to let him read. He made a sound which was adorable to me..

“Sehun can you give me the answer to why you don’t talk at all?” I felt tears rolling down my cheek. I can’t tell him it hurts just to talk about it. I wrote 

I remain silent because my voice isn't worth listen to. People cause me pain so I don't say anything and kept distant.

I slid the paper under the stall again. I heard the beautiful stranger sigh. He walked to the stall I was at. I froze. Is he gonna do something to me? He open the door and hugged me tight. I was shocked of his sudden action..

“Sehun, I want to be your friend so you’re not lonely anymore. You don’t have to bear the pain on your own. If you need someone to lean on, come to me because I’m Sehun’s friend.” I burst out in to tears. Not in sadness but happiness. I finally had someone who cares about me. Even if I been mean to him. I hugged him tight not wanting him to vanish from my sight. He looked at me and smile.

"Sehun ah. You like bubble tea?" I nodded and stood up letting go of the hug.

"You want to get some bubble tea with me? I know a place." I nodded my head and he smiled. He took my hand into his and walked out of the bathroom and headed for the bubble tea shop.

I finally have a friend a real one.

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Chapter 18: I really liked this story. Hunhan was especially too cute.
Soo Cute~!!!
love the inocent luhan^^
Oh my god this story is so perfect!!
OMG /sobs/

this story was ended perfectly!
#5 sweet. finally hunhan confess to each other and kai with kyungsoo
puppy name was so cute, bambi... kekeke
Update soon~ HunHan HunHan~
Raz3338 #7
Update soon! Like, really soon. I need an update!
Poor sehunnie. The picture of Sehun in chapter 2 is so pretty.No wonder he got casted.
thank u for fast update..
errrr oh no so.. luhan still have boyfriend~ kinda sad.. aw feel bad for sehunnie ㅠ.ㅠ