
You Were Once Mine
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Chapter 7


Sulli left the hotel and wandered off the streets. She was not hearing anything, not seeing anyone or anything; she had a blurry vision that time. She didn’t know where she was going, but she didn’t care. She kept on asking herself what she did wrong to be in this kind of situation. She felt weakness in herself, not knowing what to do, how to find Krystal.


“Unnie! You gotta get back to the hotel! Sulli’s missing and she left her phone.” Jiyoung told Jessica over the phone.

“Ne? Oh. Okay, we’ll be on our way.” She hangs up.


Mr. & Mrs. Jung flew back to Korea to ask for some help from their friend who’s a detective, while Jessica, Amber and Jiyoung split up to look for Sulli. Jiyoung finally finds Sulli and rans immediately to her.

“Yah!” She grabbed Sulli’s hand while panting. “What’s with you? Why are you making things too complicated when they already are?!” She got mad.

“Don’t be weak Ssul! You’re not the Sulli that I’ve known before, the Sulli I know is strong and determined to find something or someone… especially someone she really loves.”

Sulli slowly turned to look at Jiyoung. “I… just miss her.”

Jiyoung sighed. “We all miss her, Ssul. But being weak will not make her appear.”

“I know.” Sulli looked away.

“You miss her, but she misses you more… You want to see her so badly… but she wants to see you even badly… Sulli, it’s not that you can’t find her. But it’s her who can’t find you.” Jiyoung paused. “She’s lost, and trying to look for her way back. She’s looking for a way, to get back to your arms once again.”


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The sunset is setting, and only the stars and moon can be seen. Krystal is watching the sun as it disappears.

“Hey there. How’d you get up here?” Kai slowly sat down. “Is this yours?” Kai showed her a ring. “I found it near your car where you had the accident… You were a bit confused that time, so I decided not to give it to you yet. But here, do you remember having this? I mean, we were the only persons present during that time. This must be yours.”

Krystal glanced at it, but ignored it immediately.

“O well, guess this isn’t yours? Or maybe it’s yours… I’m just going to keep it for awhile until you get back your memory.” He hid it in his pocket and looked at the sky.

“That’s my star over there!” He pointed at the only bright star, and Krystal looked at it. “Know why that’s my star?”

Krystal slowly turned her head to Kai’s direction. “When I feel lonely… I just look at that star, and all my loneliness fade. And one time I got lost in the forest… that star helped me find my way back.” He smiled. “I call it, Kaistar.” He giggled.

“Hey there Kaistar!” Kai shouted and waved his hand. “You’re very lucky. Kaistar doesn’t always appear. It’s a bit shy, you know.” He giggled.

“Sometimes, when I wait for it then it doesn’t come… I’d wait for it for the next night, and then when it doesn’t appear again, I’d wait again. I have learned patience from that. Waiting is sort of a discovery; I re-discover the things which passed by me, but… I never took notice of. To think, that I’ve missed so many beautiful things in life.” He faced Krystal.


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i want to continue updating this story but i dont seem to know how :(((( busy college person T___T i think i'm going to need to change some things here


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Chapter 27: Please updateee! ;(
miyukitiff #2
Chapter 27: Awwwwww
Pleasee update...
Miss this story ! XD
Chapter 27: please update soon... I need more jungli... I need know that will happen
please don't let my JungLi got separated again.. Jiyoung was so heartless here.. Jinri-ah, you can gain back Soojung's heart!! she was meant for you only.. Sulli hwaiting!! please update soon author-nim.. and thanks a lot for posting this fic.. :)
snsd_t-ara #5
Chapter 27: Kai better don't ruin this okay -.- I'm pissed enough at Jiyoung. What's her problem anyway geez. No feelings for kai please jjung~
mildkisser22 #6
Chapter 27: omg wait wait.. still gonna be Jungli right?? i just cant if they're not.. T_T feel sorry for Sulli..
Chapter 27: Double update please
Uppdaaattteee ssoooonnn!!! XD
Chapter 26: ooohh ohhh ohhh~~~~ jungli's going to be reunited again!!!! but not the same? I guess?
update soooooooon~~ \*.*/
Chapter 26: Yup, Jiyoung if you try to split up my Jungli couple... Sulli is gonna hate chuuuu. Have fun in lonely land *waves*
Yes!!! Jungli!!!! Tomorrow shall be my light! 0_0 right?